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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Jay opened his eyes with an unsteady groan. He didn't know how long he'd been out, just that it was dark... and refreshing. Stretching his arms, he checked around the room, but saw no signs of Nyx. For a moment, he was afraid that Nyx went seeking revenge, but then he remembered that Nyx became a kitten again. Guess he just left. He stood up and rubbed his temples before going leaving Nyx's room.

(Situating post, I'll need to get a grasp of what I've missed.)
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mewbot5408 said:
Jackal sudden burst into laughter at his response. "What the....since when.. what does that have to do with my tastes? You sure do have a strange imagination,raven." He said with a sigh calming down after cracking up. He patted him on the shoulder."if anything I'm more for having a master to put me on leash despite my being a wild animal...it may be a bit complicated but it's what I like." Jackal explained as he walked with raven then smirked staring at him twitching his ears and gave a amused look. "Is that so,well if you want to kill me I'll let you try but I can't say I will hate you if you do..."
"Whatever." Raven muttered as they walked outside the school. It was beginning to turn into the afternoon as the sun shone brightly. "As long as you can feed yourself, maybe I'll consider it." He told Jackal in reference to him wanting a master. "So where are we going exactly?"
Nyxen was broken out of his peaceful tranquility when he heard people yelling out him, looking around he saw Pluto and his snakes Great, i'm not really in the mood to argue right now Nyx noticed that there were 2 new snakes on plutos head Did pluto get some new snakes?

@Magical Squid Senpai
Jackal continued to walk and stopped when they were under a tree. He climbed up the tree and perched there,he had a mouse in hand by the tail then ate it with a purr. " I can hunt just fine." He said looking down to raven and held out a hand his cat tail swinging side to side. " afternoon is the best."
'Nope! Just a new look!' Jason wiggled a little. Showing off how long he was. 'Me and Coatl look so much better than these losers!'

'Shut up! I should be the one with the new body!'

'You ugly shit.'

There was a new voice that Nyx hadn't heard yet. The white snake looked at Nyx and said with a calming voice, 'Hello.'

'That's Coatl, he doesn't talk much. You killed him first.'

If you want a new body that badly i can just as easily kill you, now shut it i was talking to Jason and Coatl. the rest of you should shut the hell up unless i give you permission to talk Nyxen thought, aggressively glaring at all the snakes bar jason and coatl See you can't do anything besides being violent, look how quickly you threatened to kill someone Nyxen let out a low hiss at the voice in his head

Shut the hell up, I can be peaceful Nyxen argued back Oh of course you can, that's why you're threatening to kill some defenceless snakes Nyxen tried to slam his head into the ground to shut the voice up but ended up just rolling over,exposing his stomach, looking as if he wanted belly rubs.

@Magical Squid Senpai
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'Rude!' 'We were only expressing our feelings!' They all scoffed. Until Nyx rolled over. They all have him a strange look. '...what, is submitting to us?' 'Maybe he passed out?'

Pluto covered his mouth and turned away. He didn't want to let Nyx see him giggling at him, "Nyx...what are you doing?" He tried to stop himself from picking him up. He failed horribly! Before Nyx could react, Pluto picked him up.

Nyxen was confused by what the snakes were saying but ignored them as they were probably just insulting him like normal. But when pluto asked what he was doing Nyxen looked up and noticed that he was lying on his back. Before he could stand back up he found himself being picked up by Pluto

Aw is the wittle vicious vampire trying to act cute? are you really that desperate to prove me wrong? Nyxen tried to ignore the voice in his head as it was the thing that caused this. He didn't even try to struggle out of Pluto's grip and allowed Pluto to hold him. he was trying to be as peaceful as possible. You will all forget you saw that, and tell pluto to forget he saw it as well

@Magical Squid Senpai
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"Hmmph. Very well, I suppose I could use a roommate... but only because my room needs fixing, which I'm sure you'll be more than happy to assist with." He said, staring back at Jackal as he climbed back down from the tree.
"Fine by me.lead the way" Jackal said with a smile,nodding before turning in a crow and flying over landing on his head with a caw. The crow hopped onto the ground becoming human and jackal walked off to go look for his bags and violen case where he left them in the dorm hall hoping raven followed.
Wondering what Jackal was doing, Raven followed him. "What happened to leading the way?" He asked sarcastically as they made their way to the dorm hall.

"Whatever." Raven said grumpily as they then began to head back to his dorm. He took out a key and unlocked the door before letting them inside. It was exactly how he left it. A few clothes scattered on the floor, the bed unmade, schoolbooks off in the corner collecting dust, while his desk neatly organized with a guitar laying next to the office chair in front of the desk.

Pluto just sat Nyx on his lap, softly petting his back. "You know, back at home we don't really see many cats. They are kind of a delicacy. I never get to pet them!"

Jason layed his head on Pluto's arm, looking at Nyx. "Where we come from, everyone eats cats! They taste good!'

'But of course Pluto doesn't like to eat them.'

'He cried when he ate his first cat.'

Pluto frowned, " that's because I was only five!"

Nyxen started involuntarily purring as Pluto started petting him I wouldn't recommend eating me, unless you want to die or have the chance of me taking over your entire body Nyxen thought, not even making a move to get off of pluto's lap. He was kind of enjoying the calming feeling the petting gave him, although he would never admit it. it was also helping block out the thoughts he was having.

@Magical Squid Senpai
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Jay yawned, eyes scanning the hall for any sign of Nyx. His eyes caught a small set of pawprints leading out of he building. Before he forgot, he grabbed the present from the apartment and followed thhe set of kitten tracks.

Jay started walking along the pat the prints made, only looking up to not bump into anything. When he finally took his gaze off of the prints, he realized that they led into the library. When he walked inside, he saw Nyx in the lap of Pluto. The gorgon boy had two new, larger snakes on his head, almost resembling lopsided pigtails. Jay waved over to them and walked over, setting the present on the table. "Yo!"

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
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Jackal sighed."So dirty....yeah,your definitely stuck with me." With that jackal started cleaning up the room like crazy before he finally started getting settled in.
"You and your fabulous self can sleep on the floor, while I of course will remain in my own bed." He told Jackal before grabbing his guitar. "And Sheva is off limits." He said referencing the instrument.

"Don't worry, nobody will eat you." Pluto looked up at Jay, he continued to pet Nyx. "Hey!"

Jason looked at Jay and glared at him. He glared at him so hard that his eyes were just closed now. He slithered back to Plutos shoulder and faced away from Jay. 'Pluto, please tell Jay that I will not be speaking to him.' Pluto was confused at first. "Uh...Jay, Jason says he will not be talking to you. For some reason."

@GingerBread @Lotusy
Jackal put his stuff in a spot then looked at him with a amused snicker."I'm no where close, if anything I'm devious,catty,and filthy." Jackal said sitting on the desk with a smirk,licking his lips. "What if I'm a cat? Will you let me on the bed?"
As soon as Nyxen saw Jay he leaped off of Pluto's lap and walked over to him, purring as he got closer to Jay. Nyxen then noticed that Jay had put down a present on a nearby table. Leaping up onto the table Nyxen saw that the present was addressed to him from someone called Lars Do i still have to get tyrell a present if i'm a cat? Cause i don't think i'll be able to Nyxen though before he turned towards Jay "Meow meow meow" Nyx mewed, trying to gets Jay's attention I want to know what this 'Lars' got me

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy
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Though the blood from yesterday was wearing off, Jay could faintly hear what Nyx was thinking. He smiled as Nyx mentally spoke to him, happy that his thoughts were on something else. "No, I don't think you'll need to buy anyone a present, but there still is that detention possibility. And here." He grabbed the present and put it within Nyx's reach before looking at Pluto. "So, Pluto, how's you Secret Santa going along?"

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
"Well I have one idea what to get someone. But I haven't gotten a present yet, I wonder who my secret Santa will be!" Pluto thought for a moment, what if he didn't get a present! "Can you guys tell me a little more about Christmas? I don't fully know what people do."

@GingerBread @Lotusy
"Well, Pluto, when an elf and a reindeer love each other very much... wait that's not how it goes." Jay cleared his throat and tried again. "Christmas happens every December, a celebration which carries different meanings to different people. Some do it for their family, some do it for their religion, some even do it for the gifts. Right now, this is just a classic gift exchange, getting something to make someone's Christmas a good time."

@Magical Squid Senpai @GingerBread
Nyxen carefully and precisely ripped open the present and noticed that inside was 4 small flowery pink booties that looked like they would fit a.... Kitten. As the realization dawned on him Nyxen started getting angry "MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW. MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW" Nyxen mewed angrily, wanting to literally take this 'Lars' Eyes out with a rusty spoon And look at that, back to wanting to kill people. That whole peaceful thing lasted so long didn't it

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai (Would be great if Nyxen's meows of anger get misinterpreted as him want to wear the booties xD )

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