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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Jackal sighed."I'm a senior too...what a shame." He then giggled, and jumped down with a poof and was human again with a smirk behind him leaning in. "Okay, your cute too,raven."


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Willow tipped her head curiously as she noticed the boys whispering to each other. 'I wonder what that's about.' She thought, glancing out the widow to see if Miyuki and Jay were close yet. Turning back she smiled at the boys and grew a strawberry vine along her wrist.

@Sicarius @mewbot5408
Jackal shook his head with a purr. "Well, I think so. But would you rather be called pretty then?" He asked amused with raven's reaction and looked to willow. "Hey,willow. You said Jay was coming right? He's not gonna pick a fight with raven,right? If he does I might bite him."


"I don't know if he's gonna pick a fight. Jay's not much of a fighter. He's probably just concerned about Nyx." Willow said, starting to worry again about a fight happening between the two. "I really don't think he'd try to fight an injured man.. maybe yell at but not fight."

@Sicarius @mewbot5408
Nyx heard knocking at the door, a small part of him wanted to believe that it was Jay knocking at the door even though he knew he'd killed him I'm never going to see him again...... I just don't know- Nyx was broken out of his thoughts when he heard a voice he barely recognized ask if this was his room "Yes, now Go away" Nyx demanded, trying to sound angry and intimidating but only sounding full of grief and sadness

@SovietBear (Sorry for taking so long to reply, i fell asleep D: )
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Jay stormed into the music building, searching around until he found Willow, Jackal... and Nyx, who seemed to be perfeftly fine. He turned to Miyuki. "What happened? I thought you said that Nyx ran off..."

Reaching the music room Miyuki bounded over to Willow and laid down at her feet. Willow pet her head and looked up at Jay. "Nyx did run away, he's not in this room." She stated simply. Miyuki placed her head on her paws and watched the nyx-a-like curiously, happy to let Willow do the talking.

@Sicarius @mewbot5408 @Lotusy @Lynx1996
Columbus smiled and nodded, "I'd like that thanks." He sat silent for a few moments and began to twiddle his thumbs, after a few moments he spoke again, "So...How'd you get in the school? You a vampire? Can you use swords well or something?"

"Zombie..." Columbus replied as if it was nothing. He looked at Enki for a few moments before snapping his fingers and smiling, "Wait right here! I have to go do something!" He ran off before Enki could respond...

"The who is he?" Jay walked into the music room, taking a defensive stance next to Willow and Miyuki. "And where's the real Nyx?" He slowly took a seat nearby, then drew his orange light out of his palm. "Would he be considered a danger?"

"That all depends on what you do in this very moment." Raven answered to Jay. He turned to him, smiling while still donning Nyx's form. As he began to walk toward him, his body shifted back as the illusion went away. Once again, Raven was back to his normal self.

@OceanBunny @mewbot5408 @Lotusy
(Is Raven still injured?)

Jay's feelings only became angrier. "You." He stood up, eye-to-eye with Raven. "I would hope you hadn't hurt my boyfriend that much, have you?" He clenched his hand, dissipating the orange light. "That wouldn't be the nicest thing to do."

@Sicarius @OceanBunny
"I don't know where Nyx went.. He was freaking out and yelling about bandaging up a dead man and then he left." Willow explained. "He didn't give any indication of where he was going. I thought you'd have a better idea and that you might be able to calm him down."

@Lotusy he's bandaged but still hurt unless he has speedy healing powers.. @Sicarius @mewbot5408 @Lynx1996
(No healing powers lol. Just pain tolerance.)

"Well your boyfriend isn't exactly the nicest of people." Raven said with a grin. He coughed as some blood escaped his mouth, and then proceeded to wipe it off with his sleeve. He stepped closer to Jay. "What are you gonna do about it pigeon boy? Or are you a chicken boy? Seems like you prefer them since you're dating that pale boy." He laughed. After this he turned and walked back to the window, staring through it. He stood there in silence for a long while before talking to himself. "What compels people to make the unyielding effort to understand others?" He mused.

@Lotusy @OceanBunny @mewbot5408
Emma "Eurgh," Emma said as Kaine smiled, showing off yellow teeth and all. "Oh my. I've got a toothbrush, if you want it," she said. "But, a deal's a deal." She walked up to the lunchline, buying him some chicken, while getting herself a salad and apple juice. She sat down at a table and beckoned for Kaine. "Come and sit, Smiley," she said.

@GreenEyedStranger Sorry about before. I forgot to look at your post. =(
Jay shrugged as Raven got all up in his face, then gave the other boy a weird look as Raven just randomly decided to sit down at a window and contemplate the mysteries of life. "Well, yea, I'm a pigeon boy. What about it?" In response to Raven's non-pointed question, he just shrugged again. "I'm not sure, angst-boy. People like to understand others for different reasons. Work, love, leadership. I'm sure some interaction would do you some good, too."

After that, he turned back to Willow. "So, no indication whatsoever?" Jay sighed. "Last time he killed an illusion of me, he went on a rampage and tried to kill the real me. I really hate situations like this."

@Sicarius @OceanBunny
Angst-boy... Raven thought to himself, reflecting on what Jay had called him. That's what I am, dreadful... miserable... broken. He sat there quietly as he stared out the window, but listened in on the others' conversation. Apparently this Nyx whom Raven had fought dealt with the anger as well. Hmph... maybe it was fate that made us fight. Seems like we had more in common than anyone else at this wretched school. And now, he feels the same pain and agony of heartbreak I felt when I was younger. Raven laughed to himself, and more blood came out from his throat. He held his chest and tumbled over, crashing against the window leaving it cracked. He got back up, wobbled a bit, then regained his balance.

@Lotusy @OceanBunny @mewbot5408
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"No he didn't give any indication. He didn't seem like he was gonna rampage either. Just walked out, refusing to take his gaze from the ground. I don't think he wanted anyone to see his face." Willow sighed and looked out the window. "I hope he's okay.. I think Lars went looking for him with his secret santa gift."

@Lotusy @Sicarius @mewbot5408 @Lynx1996
Enki stood there, confused by the boys sudden actions. Enki simply tilted his head slightly then found a bench to sit at, he walked over and sat down and closed his eyes. Waiting for the boy to return.

"He did?" Jay stared at his hands, relieved but slightly ashamed at doubting Nyx's resolve. "Well, thank you Willow. I'll try my best to talk some sense into him," he said, nodding at the fairy girl.

When Raven fell, Jay's instincts powered on. "Whoa! Watch it!" He rushed over to Raven, watching the boy cough up blood. "Are you ok?"

@Sicarius @willow

(Would you like Jay to heal Raven? He's healed some questionable people before, like Nyx after Nyx tried to kill him, and a giant fire-breathing peacock who tried to devour him in the zoo raid. I'm sure he wouldn't care about healing Raven.)

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