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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Pluto froze, he looked at the strange loud man. When he started touching Pluto and smelling at him, he almost screamed. "...uh...hello.." He tried to take his hand back from the frothing butterfly man. The snakes just hissed at him.

@Lotusy @GingerBread
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Hello Willow, We're in science right now, in what looks like a dungeon Nyxen thought, completely avoid the question of how he was. When Nyxen saw the scene in front of him with Dr. Schmetterling and Pluto Nyx let out a laugh, which sounded more like he was coughing up a hairball.

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai @OceanBunny
As Enki was about to walk out side the school he found Willow and the leopard. Enki smiled politely and walked over "Hello. Do you know anyone called Kaine? If so, could you tell me what they might want for Christmas." He asked, hoping he remembered correctly to where the leopard was friendly.

@OceanBunny (I think I remember them getting along well, not sure.) (shhhh)
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'Science.. I think I know where that is.. See you soon.' Willow said before disconnecting and looking over at Miyuki. Spotting Enki she gave him a bright smile. "Hey Enki. No I don't believe I know a Kaine.. Maybe he'll be in class though. Science?" She offered. Miyuki pressed close to Willow's leg and watched Enki, purring lightly.

(Yes you and the frost leopard got along
xD @metalcity)
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"Oh, YES!!!" Schmetterling yelled as Pluto said hello. "Oh, but you must take your seat, take your seat. Todays lesson is very important, yes." Suddenly, he whirled around, kicking the mushroom on the floor out of the window. "JEROME!!! WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT INTERRUPTING THE STUDENTSSS???!!" His mouth started frothing over, but suddenly, he was still. The crazy teacher seemed to be normal, and he took his stand at the podium, reciting the usual teacher blabs in a monotone voice. "Now, please take a seat. Our lesson today will be about the Kreb's Cycle, blah, blah, blah."

Jay flinched at first as Schmetterling decided to smell Pluto, letting a nervous laugh at the other boy's discomfort. He took a seat and opened his books, placing Nyx down on the table to see it. "You better study today," he whispered.

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @SovietBear
Enki quickly pondered about going to class "Don't think I'll go to class, sorry. I feel like getting this present thing out of the way first. And I can't really ask him as it is a secret. Do you have any gift idea's? I really have no clue." Enki scratched the back of his head, holding a smile.

Columbus ran down the hall and burst through the door, his chest rising and falling as he shifted a bit uncomfortably after realizing he was late. He turned to the teacher and waved, "Hi...I'm here...I'll just go sit down now..."

Why? what's he going to do to a harmless kitten? Do experiments on it, no....... You wouldn't let that happen anyway would you Jay? Nyx thought as he curled up on the table intending to just relax and take it easy, and not annoy the teacher as he looked to be 'mentally unstable'.

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai
"There was an announcement about classes though.." Willow started and then paused shaking her head. "I asked mine what he wanted.. Pretended I was just making conversation.. Told him what I'd want and asked what he would. I don't think he realized." Willow said with a smile. "Do you know anything about him? Like his species or age. I've never done Christmas before so I'm not sure how much help I'll be."

"Neither have I, I looked at the a register he was on and he looked like some kind of wolf thing. I'm not sure though. And I'm not a very good liar, I think he would understand quickly what I was trying to do. I guess I could get him meat or something along those lines, any ideas with that?" Enki asked, slipping his hand into his pocket, still giving off a smile.

@OceanBunny (well that was convenient xD )
Schmetterling stared normally at Columbus as the zombie walked into the class, though the students could have sworn he was drooling. "Such a fine specimen..." He muttered under his breath. "Anyways, students, open your textbooks to page 107, yes, Krebs Cycle. Young man!" He said, pointing towards Pluto. "Can you explain the Krebs Cycle? In your own words, please."

Jay gave Nyx an evil smile. "Of course I wouldn't, Nyx. At least, not to a good, studious student, but you're good and studious, right?" He let out a low-key evil laugh. "Finally, a way to make Nyx study! This is the best day of my life!"

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @SovietBear

(@LokiofSP Are you ok with Schmetterling being a weirdo towards Columbus?)
Pluto found his seat and sat in it, whipping his hand on his pants. 'Jeeez! What is this guy on!?'

'He scares me!'

They all stopped talking when the teacher called on Pluto. "Uuuuhhhhhhmmm, it's...."

He didn't know the answer! They never taught him this kind of stuff!

'Psst! Pluto, fake an injury!'

"Uh, it's something with...I don't know!"

@Lotusy @GingerBread
Dr. Schmetterling looked at Pluto with disdain, but otherwise remained calm around the situation. "Don't worry, Mr. Gorgon. Not many students know on their first try." He grabbed a slate and chalk and walked over to Pluto. "Now, you see, after glycolysis, we start with acetyl CoA..." He started drawing little carbons, oxygens, and ATP molecules on the board. "And... SKREEE!!!" All of a sudden, he hurled the slate like a boomerang, barreling into and smashing a group of glass jars. "JEROOOOMEE!!!" He then calmly walked over and picked up the clipboard before continuing with his presentation. "And that is the Krebs Cycle. Any questions?"

Jay's evil grin turned into a small giggle as Nyx called his bluff. "Fine, you're right. I would never give you as experiment material to Dr. Schmetterling. Who do you think I am, some kind of-" At this moment, the teacher decided to scream and hurl a board across the room. "Geez. That was loud." He turned back to Nyx. "Do you think he's going to go nuts and do something weird?"

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP @SovietBear

(How much longer would you guys like this class to last?)
"There's a shop in town. Bob's Butcher & Barbecue. That's where I got Lars' present. He had been talking about food items like steak so i thought meat and barbecue sauce might be a good idea." Willow told Enki, her wings flexed behind her sending a kaleidoscope of color across the ground as she talked. "I know wolves like bones and their really close with pack members. A pup might make him happy if he's alone here." She was happy she could help in some way, forest animals being something she knew well. "A moon charm could do too. Since hes not a full wolf, probably a shifter of some sort."

(@metalcity sorry it took so long.. family stuff..)
Pluto shrunk back when the teacher yelled and threw the board across the room. He wished he could just curl up in the corner of the room! Although that might not be a good idea, the teacher could throw something at him. He gulped, "I-I don't have any questions."

'No! Ask him what he's smoking!'

I'll have what he's having.'

Are all the teachers like this?!'


(I don't care how long it is. But I really like the teacher tho.)
Columbus sat down and tried to take notes but gave up after a few moments. He sat still before raising his hand, "Um...Question, are you really a teacher or did you escape a mental facility?" He sat still waiting patiently for the teacher to answer.

If he does go nuts and tries to attacks you, just run Nyxen thought, carefully watching Dr. Schmetterling, even though he seemed almost unpredictable I'll claw his goddamn eyes out He thought as he glared at the teacher Already wanting to resort to violence? Is it because you can justify it as protecting your boyfriend? Are you really that desperate for an excuse?

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai
"I don't know, but one's things for sure; if I break the one rule of skipping class, I'd be breaking two rules at once. Because I would kill Mr. Schmetterling before he gets a chance to get his sweaty hands on me again. Let's go." He said to Jackal, motioning him to follow him out his dorm room.

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Raven eyed Jackal for a bit before exiting his room. He headed into the classroom. Shocked to see Jay with some cat also, as well as some boy he never seen before, Raven sat in one of the desks in the back with Jackal still on his shoulder.

jackal noticed jay and nyx,his ears twitching and he tilted his head with a meow. he blinked then looked to the front purring,his tail swishing side to side as he climbed onto the desk and laid down with a purr.
@Lotusy @GingerBread @LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai @mewbot5408

Raven kept staring at Jay and this cat, wondering why there was such a coincidence going on. He saw some zombie kid he vaguely remembered seeing, and never recalled seeing this gorgon boy before at all. The teacher seemed to be frothing at the mouth ever since he came in. "I don't follow many rules professor, so help me God you touch me, I will slit your throat." He said plainly before kicking up his feet.
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@Lotusy@GingerBread@LokiofSP@Magical Squid Senpai @Sicarius

the fluffy black cat giggled and tilted his head. "hmmm...and trust me,sir. i'm not as kind as my master..."he said before changing into a black moth fluttering onto the teacher's desk before taking a human form and crossed his legs with a smirk. "ah,but don't worry...i'll make sure it hurts alot.. "he joked then became a cat again jumping down and trotting back to raven hopping onto his shoulder again and curled around his neck with a amused meow.

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