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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Well..." Jay looked down at the kitten in his hands. "He's having some thoughts about me dying, death, and killing me in general. I mean, I know you probably don't want to bring up you past, but could you give some advice, or something, to Nyx?"

@GingerBread @LokiofSP
Nyxen was annoyed when he heard Jay asking That zombie Scum, columbus to give him advice I don't need advice, especially from him. I'm fine honestly, don't worry about me Nyxen thought, though he wasn't fine, but he didn't want Jay to worry. Even if i wasn't fine, i would sort it out on my own, I don't need help

@Lotusy @LokiofSP
"Fine? You are so not fine, Nyx. I can really feel whatever anger you've got inside of you, and it's not good. Unless you can think of anyone else who can give good advice, or who doesn't want you to die painfully, just hope Columbus is nice enough." Jay looked up at Columbus. "You're a boy out of your time, right? I know he's stubborn, but is there anything you could say to him?"

@LokiofSP @GingerBread
Columbus tapped his chin, "Let me think..." He sat for a few moments and crossed his legs, puffed out his cheeks, and punched his head, and closed his eyes, searching through what little past he remembered for something to say. Eventually he opened his eyes and he was a little boy. He sniffled and looked down to see red on his clothes, he felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see an elderly man with a withered face. He smiled at him and said this, "Give me your hand Ashkii..."

Columbus sniffled and gave over his hand to the man, who placed it over the young boy's own heart. He felt the beat in his chest as the man spoke, "You feel that? That soft thumping and beating in your chest? That is called purpose. You were put here for a reason, so no matter how bad things get, never forget that..."

Columbus blinked a few times and finished speaking the saying to Nyx. He blinked a few times and his eyes lost a blue tint they had held while he spoke, he sat bat down, "That's all I got."

@Lotusy @GingerBread
Yeah..... no, i'm a vampire, i'm dead inside, i don't have a heart beat. So i appreciate the idea but it doesn't work Nyxen thought, looking at columbus as if he was an idiot But you do have a purpose, don't you? Your purpose is to kill everyone, not caring if they're a child or a full grown man. But it's not really a purpose is it? But it is what you will End up doing, and your boyfriend will be the first The voice tormented, making Nyx feel worse as he started hissing at the voice again I'm not going to kill Jay!

@LokiofSP @Lotusy
Jay sighed sadly as Columbus's advice seemed to have no effect on Nyx. Nyx kept being afraid of killing him, and at this point, Jay was sure neither of them could stand it anymore. "Thank you for the help, Columbus," he said, "But I think we need to have a talk in private." With that, he picked up Nyx and brought him into the hallway. Jay looked around, almost sadly, before he started talking. "Listen, Nyx. I've tried my best to reassure you, and I'm sure you've tried your best too, but... those thoughts are still popping up." He paused a bit before he kept going. "And if it's going to be that bad... if you're so worried about killing me, well, I think our relationship might be toxic." As he spoke, his eyes started watering. "Basically, if you can't control these thoughts, then... we should take some time off from this relationship. It's polluting you, Nyx! I don't want that to happen!"

Emma Emma let her little metal man run free in the field around her dorm, sucking the life out of more grass. After a while, she soon got bored of watching him. He had absorbed all of the grass in the area, but was still only the size of her hand. She decided to take him somewhere else instead.

Emma walked into the science classroom and flattened herself against the wall as a crazy teacher ran past her. She walked into the classroom and let her little metal man run free to absorb the other specimens. After putting him down, she looked around for any other students in the classroom.

@Anyone in the classroom who wants to interact
(sorry, I didn't get any notification. My family tried to keep me with them, I snuck away to 'make' a computer.)

Enki nodded while listening, every thing was understandable. "So Butchers, A moon charm and a pup pal. Ok, I think I can manage that...somehow." he stated. "I think that is all I will need. Thank you Willow, I'll be on my way now." Enki sincerely said with a smile, then he started to leave the school.

he hissed suprised and glared at the teacher whom ran off. "well,if you were normal..."he muttered as jackal figured out how to get out with his claws. "i was hoping to scare him...no fun." he stood shaking his head and turned into a cat, climbing onto raven's shoulder almost falling off but managed to get up there without doing so. "raven..."he nuzzled his head with a meow worried
Nyxen stayed silent throughout what Jay said, getting more worried until Jay said implied if Nyx couldn't control the thoughts he was having it would best if they broke up. Not knowing how to respond Nyxen Didn't even look up at Jay, his gaze firmly fixed on the ground So you're going to break up with me because of something i can't control? Something i'm desperately trying to control? Nyxen asked, feeling himself getting angrier Fine Then! Let's break up, I was always better off on my own, but consider this a warning if i see you again, I. Will. Kill. You Nyxen threatened before running off as he started to regret his decision stopping at the stairs leading out of the dungeon looking hallway before going to the side of them and curling up, feeling depressed that he and Jay just broke up. Well done, no doubt you will see him again, and then you'll kill him. I told you that you would, and now it's just a matter of time. Upon hearing this Nyxen felt worse about everything he just said to Jay, already wanting to get back together with him.

@Lotusy (I changed it, i didn't really like the first one i made :/ )
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Jay became sad as Nyx suddenly turned on him, but he knew it was to be expected. "Listen, Nyx. This doesn't have to be for long. Once you've gotten your feelings under control, then we can go back to normal. That should only take a day or two. I just think that we need a break from each other, that's all." However, as Nyx got continually angrier, so did Jay. "Listen, Nyx! This is for your own good, not mine! I'm not just doing this because you can't handle your problem, I'm doing this so we can fix it!" He only stared Nyx down as the kitten made a threat on his life and walked away. Though he was sad that Nyx took what he said the wrong way, he knew it was the best option, since Nyx had almost become overprotective of him. He decided to head back into the classroom.

"Yo, Columbus." Jay walked over to the boy, sitting down next to him. "Have you... ever been in a relationship before? Sorry for being out of the blue, but... things got screwed up."

@GingerBread @LokiofSP
Nyxen wasn't sure what to do right now, normally Nyx would go looking for a fight, but one thing was stopping him right now, the fact that he's a cat. Nyxen decided to go to his dorm and sleep for the rest of time, or until he ends up going feral.

Once he got outside Nyxen started walking across the grass field to get to his dorm before deciding that he couldn't be bothered; all his energy was gone after that argument with Jay. Nyx decided that here would be fine to relax. Nyxen started laying on his side a forlorn look on his face.

Columbus raised a brow, "Um...A relationship? I dunno, maybe? The closest thing I've had that I can remember was a crush on a girl, but that's it. Why do you ask?"

@GingerBread Emma will interact with Nyx! Hopefully I got all the details right.

Emma Emma was soon getting bored with watching her metal man absorb the life of the science room's specimens. She decided that a breath of fresh air would be nice, and picked up the metal man. After eating the specimens, he was three hands tall and two hands wide, larger than before. Though she struggled with lifting him, Emma eventually brought him to the outside. When she got outside, Emma spotted a kitten laying on its side. She ran over excitedly to the kitten, letting her metal man roam free. "Hey, Kitty? Aren't you the most precious thing? Where's your owner?" She asked, not expecting a response. When the metal man tried to drain the kitten, she pushed it away, saying, "No! Not this one!"

Nyxen was 'relaxing' in the grass when a girl came over to him with a metal man whom she pushed away saying "No! Not this one!" Nyxen just tilted his head slightly to get a better look at the girl "Meow" Nyx mewed, trying to tell the girl to leave him alone.

@Mango (Yeah :D )
"Ah, darn." Jay put his head on his arms. "That's a shame. I just had to break up with Nyx. Sorry for going to you looking for sage advice or something." He sighed. "It's just, you know, breakups usually end badly, and i have a feeling that Nyx is going to kill someone when he turns back. Any suggestions? I mean, this is tricky territory."

"Not a problem. Just give me flowers if I die." Jay groaned and stretched before heading off to his dorm. He took care to avoid Nyx's dorm, and headed off to his own. Once he got there, he flopped onto his bed. Though it was still the afternoon, he was too emotionally drained to do anything.
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"You're welcome Enki. I'll se you later." Willow said, waving as Enki moved to leave. 'I think ive missed science class..' She thought, looking back at the school.

@metalcity @Anyone
Emma Emma didn't understand cat-speak, so she thought the kitten was ok. "Oh. Mygod. You are so cute!" She shouted. Without any warning, she swept the kitten up in a hug, poking at his fur. Then, she lifted the kitten up from her grasp, inspecting it. "I wonder, are you magical?" She asked, pulling his tail. "Do you breathe fire?"

Nyxen let out a small screech as his tail got pulled by the girl No, i don't breath fire, anymore at least. Now leave me alone Nyx thought before realizing that the girl couldn't hear his thoughts "Meow, meow meow" Nyx mewed, once again trying to get the girl to leave him alone.

@Mango (Emma is a witch right? don't witches have familiars? xD )
@Magical Squid Senpai @mewbot5408 @OceanBunny

"Stop that." Raven told Jackal as he rubbed up against him, whispering his name. He turned back to Pluto and responded to him. "Certainly gives you closure though." He told Pluto. With that, he walked out of the classroom... bored out his ever loving mind. How was this even different from detention with Dr. Schmetterling if we had to endure him in class anyways? He walked into the hallways with Jackal on his shoulder. He made his way out of the school and saw Willow looking into it. There's that little fairy girl again.

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