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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Emma Emma looked up from her daze to see the vampire that "flashed his exhibits" at her earlier. "Omgerd! It's you! Naked vampire cat dagger guy!" She said angrily. "I need my revenge for what you've done! Or actually," she muttered She leaned into his ear as Pluto hugged him. "I still think you'd be good in a potion, Naked Caper ," she said, holding up the old cat collar and jingling it.

@LokiofSP, @Magical Squid Senpai, and @GingerBread

Did I get the details right? Like doesn't the collar cattify him?
Emma Emma laughed like Dr. frankenstein when Nyx dared her to. "You know what? I think I will. I'm curious what a fat potion would do," she said evilly. The collar ended up around Nyx's neck, and she stepped back. "Look out, Snakey! He's a cat now!" She shouted.

@LokiofSP, @Magical Squid Senpai, and @GingerBread
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Nyx smirked as he heard the collar click around his neck before he started becoming a kitten. Once Nyx had fully became a kitten he felt that Pluto's grip wasn't as tight anymore and used Pluto's tail to launch himself at Emma's face, digging his claws into it. the only thing left on Pluto's tail were Nyx's clothes.

@Mango @Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP
Emma Emma yelled as Nyx attacked her. "What the h-e-double Bobette's high heels? Seriously, it's just a potion! I don't evenneed to chop off your legs!" She shouted, and she pried off Nyx, throwing him to Columbus. She yelled, "Look out! Hot potato!"

@LokiofSP, @Magical Squid Senpai, and @GingerBread

Returning the favor Loki! =D
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'Hahahahahha! Look at them throw him!'

This is so entertaining!'

Pluto screeched as Nyx was thrown at him! He covered his face to protect himself from the cat of terror. "No! I don't want him!" He yelled. 'Oooh! A free cat!'

Jason lunged forward and caught Nyx in his mouth, being careful not to pioson him.

@LokiofSP @GingerBread @Mango
Jay woke up with a yawn. "Ah. Good nap. Probably need to find Nyx now and..." His talking trailed off as he opened up his dorm window to see Columbus and another girl fly out the window. They started yelling about death and perverts, and Nyx was being thrown around like a beanbag. "Huh." Jay plopped back down in bed. "So this is what it's like to be high."

(Filler, filler, filler!)
"Aaah!! Jason spit him out!!" Pluto grabbed Jason and shook him, trying to break Nyx free.

'No! You haven't fed us! Now this is your fault! REBELLION!!!'

'EAT HIM! Poison him then eat him!'

'No Jason don't do it!!'

'Oh! This is such a hard decision!'

If you eat Nyx then I shall never speak to you again.'

Jason spit Nyx out, then going to rest his head on Pluto's shoulder. 'I never get any fun...' He mumbled.

@GingerBread @LokiofSP @Mango and at @Lotusy if Jay is watching!
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(Urk. Come back to life, thread! Necromancy powers activate!)

Jay sat in bed, wondering how in the hell he'd gotten drugged. Was there a party? A shady dealer? He gasped in surprise. What if I got kidnapped, and- oh wait, this is my room. Nevermind. A lot of hissing and meowing was coming from outside, and Jay decided to check it out again. This tine, though, he caught sight of Pluto in the mix. Oh my god. This explains everything! Jay growled, throwing on a shirt before running downstairs. "It all makes sense! He's making them try drugs, too! Explains everything! Hoo boy, when I get my hands on that little druggie he is gonna squeal-" He trailed off as he got outside, realizing he was shouting to himself. He caught Pluto by the collar, turning him around. "What is the meaning of this?" he whispered. "Argh, Pluto. This is why you don't do drugs!"

@Magical Squid Senpai
Nyx open's his eye's when he hears Pluto saying something about drugs I'm trying to sleep so would you kindly shut the hell up Nyx thought before he saw Pluto was talking to Jay. Nyx walked over to Jay and started purring and walking through Jay's legs "Meow"

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai
"Really now?" Jay eyed up Pluto with a suspicious stare, like he was trying his best to stare into Pluto's soul. Well, he was really just looking for signs of drugs on Pluto. "Alright, druggie. How can you explain," he gestured to the chaos unfolding, "all of this?"

Jay also stopped when a cat nudged his leg. "Oh, hey, Nyx." He picked up the cat, all traces of anger from before gone. "I thought you said you weren't going to be a cat."

@Magical Squid Senpai @GingerBread
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Nyx didn't bother telling Jay that this whole cat thing wasn't by choice, but when he heard what Jason said he turned to look at him with a glare that could make even the toughest man shake in fear Who are you on about Jason?

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy
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Jason ignored Nyx's glare, 'who else would I be talking about? It's my one true love, Jay! We are going to get married, own a house and have two kids!' He smirked at him(or atleast as much as a snake could) 'you can be our pet kitten. Billy and Sally will love a cat!'

@Lotusy @GingerBread

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