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Fantasy Lakoria High School

'Oh yes, there is no one better to put it on!'

'I will kill all of you.'

Pluto looked in the bag and laughed "that will be perfect!"

'Wow Apep must make you feel like your at home now doesn't it?'

Apep lashed out and bit xiuhcoatl. 'Bite me and I'll bit you!' So he did and they just hung on to each other.

@Lotusy @GingerBread
Jay laughed a bit as he watched the snake Apep struggle at the sight of the makeup. "It'll be perfect! Oh, Apep, you'll look gor-geous when you're all dolled up!" He did a fake girly scream. "And think of the clothes we could get! Do you think snakes can wear tutus?" Before there was any retaliation, Jay ran off to the butcher shop with Nyx in tow. "This is the best!"

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
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'Oh yeah! A tutu! Just get him a pink hair scrunchie!'

Apep let go of Xiuhcoatl and glared at Jay. 'You will regret this!!'

Pluto thought it was a funny idea, "I don't think snakes can wear tutus, but we can try!" He followed after them, chuckling at how Apep was just yelling at everyone.

@Lotusy @GingerBread
Nyx followed Jay to the butcher shop when they entered Nyx walked up to the counter, gently rapping his fingers on the side of it "Do you have any buffalo meat?" Nyx just stared at the man as he walked into the back of the shop and returned with a slab of meat "That's $10" Nyx watched the man wrap up the meat before handing him the money and walking out the shop "So that's everything" Nyx leaned closer to Jay and whispering in his ear "We could always get you a cheerleading outfit"

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai
"Goddammit Nyx!" Jay pushed Nyx with the intent of toppling him. "I told you I wouldn't do it! Besides, they wouldn't sell it at an open air market!" Of course, just then, a clothing shop caught Jay's eye, with a large label saying, "Now selling cheerleader outfits!*" With a sharp glare, the shop was suddenly doused in bird crap after a small squadron of pigeons did a fly-by. "Anyways, no. It's getting late, though. Do you think classes are still happening?"

*For all perverts out there.

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai (What do you think? Should we end the day?)
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Nyx started laughing as he was pushed to the ground, the buffalo meat still in his hands "I doubt classes are still happening, though i never picker up a timetable, i just follow you to your lessons" Nyx got up and handed the meat to Pluto before slinging his arm around Jay "For all i know i could be in different classes to you, I am a vampire after all"

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai (Yeah, no one seems to be too active to complain right now anyways :P )
"Aw, thanks, guys." Jay did a little magician's bow, before stepping to the side and gracefully falling a fruit cart. "Oof. My bad." He got up, rubbing his head. "Well, I guess it's time to head back. No sense moseying around here when we could be grabbing some chow or sleeping." He started the short trek back to the school. "What do you think they have for dinner today?"

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai (Alright. Of course, protocol is that we get three admins' approval, and I don't want to breach protocol too much. I'll try and contact Dragon.)
(Alrighty then. So Ocean gave us the thumbs-up, timeskip inbound!)

The sun set on Lakoria. A day full of fights, secret santas, more fights, and an especially estatic Dr. Schmetterling came to a close. The students all returned to their dorms, cozy in their little beds. The bedbugs only got a few of them.

In the morning, Dr. Schmetterling sat on the roof of the dorm, inhaling deeply.


The day began, as the sun rose and students ears began ringing with the dreadful noise.
Yesterday: After leaving Raven and Jackal, Willow went back to where she had hid her present for Lars. Picking up the package she wandered over to the library to look up his dorm room. She sent Miyuki to leave the package outside his door while she set up their house for the night.



Waking up to the very much not a rooster crowing, Willow parted the vines Secluding her and Miyuki from the rest of the school. "What is that noise?" She asked sleepily, looking around for the source. 'I don't know, but please make it stop.' Miyuki placed her paws over her ears, trying to block the skreeching out.
Columbus stayed in his room with no intention of going to clasd, though he wasn't exactly somber anymore. Mainly due to the 'happy potion' he had gotten from the raggedy old 'witch' in the city. He took another sip of said potion and continued to screech out verses to a song he had at full blast, "EVERYBODIES SOMEBODIES EVERYTHING! NOBODIES NOTHING AT ALL! YEAH, I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH! I LOVE IT MORE THAN JAY LOVES NYX! I LOVE IT MORE THAN... I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE!"

He attempted to take another drink, but slipped on a banana peel and fell out the window. He lay on the floor and laughed,"Guess you could say Im going bananas..." he then passed oout
Jay woke up to a raging storm of noise. "Grr. I hate Dr. Schmetterling." His grumbles only got louder as somebody on the floor above him shouted that he loved Nyx. "Man, life sucks the biggest balls today." He stretched and got up, slipping into his pajamas. He picked up his toothbrush and started brushing, looking out the window to admire the scenery. Scenery that included beautiful trees, crystal-clear river, a screaming, falling Columbus, and a great- wait what? "Holy sh-" Jay stumbled back, throwing his toothbrush aside. He opened his window, looking down. Columbus was muttering something about going bananas, and Jay instantly sprang to a certain conclusion about how he ended up in this state. "Godammit Pluto!" He yelled to the outside. A shirt and pants were hastily put on, and Jay rushed downstairs. "Holy crap, Columbus! What drugs did Pluto sell you now?"

@LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai
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Columbus smiled and touched Jay's nose, "I got you *hic* n-nose... Some witch gave me a happy potion, tasted really bad, but it WORKED so good!"

Leo awoke from his pain coma in the imfirmary like he usually woke up. Groaning and complaining. "God I hate mondays... or whatever today is..." He pushed himself up and stumbled to his dorm, while spearing his foot on the trail of sporks. Once he arrived, he saw a gift sitting at his doorstep. "Wonder what's in it..." He muttered as he flung the door open and walked inside. "Oooooo. Meat." At the sight of meat and bbq sauce he started to drool uncontrolably. "Don't do it, your gonna have serious stomach issues..." Archie was, sadly, too late, as Leo had already dug in. Oh well... Leo thought a few minutes later, when he was on the toilet unleashing unspeakable things into the porcelain throne, which was already scratched by metal.
Nyx woke up to the sound of some sort of horrible noise and Columbus shouting "I'm going to have a lay in, School won't care, they'll probably celebrate" Nyx muttered before rolling over and going back to sleep.

Pluto had fallen asleep at his desk. He let Coatl and Chua eat their snacks while the other snakes were tied up, unable to reach any of the food. It was a wonder Pluto even got any sleep with all the yelling. Chua only ate two pieces of the chocolate, Coatl had eaten all of the meat.

Pluto was woken up by the screeching of....whatever that was. He looked out the window in time to see Colombo fall out of it....again.

'Plutoooooooo! Please feed meeee!'

'Plutoooooooo! Let us out!'

No you are staying like that."

He got dressed in his super large tee-shirt and pants. He made sure to pack and extra pair of clothes in his backpack. He looked at himself in the mirror and grimaced. "Oh my gosh. I look fine with my hair up but...Jason, you look so weird!"

'Sorry, geez! Blame the snake!'

Pluto just sighed and kept his 'hair' tied up. He heard Jay yell something about him.

'Gasp! It's my true love!! He calls for me!'

He calls for Pluto.'

He calls for me!'

Gah! Shut up about that kid!'

You shut up! We should go get you your makeup!'

Apep stayed silent. Pluto made his way down the hall, he didn't really know where he was going but he kept walking anyway. Maybe he would go the library.
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"Shh, shh. It's gonna be alright, buddy." Jay talked to Columbus like he was an injured patient. "It's ok. I'll tear out that druggie's lungs! Gah!" He picked up columbus to the best of his ability, which was to say, not very much. "Oof!" While walking, he nodded to Willow. "Yeah. He's, urk... fine. Took some kind of 'happy potion'. I'm pretty sure it was from a guy I know, too."

@LokiofSP @OceanBunny
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"I see. You okay there?" Willow asked, seeing Jay struggle with Columbus' body. "Miyuki can carry him." She said with a small smile. 'Was I just volunteered as a gurney?' Miyuki asked, pressing her head into Willow's palm. 'Well you can support him and Jay looks like he's having difficulty.' Willow replied, scratching Miyu's ears

@Lotusy @LokiofSP
Columbus kicked Jay's back, "Faster! Your master commands it! Oh hai Willow! Iz me, we met at the zoo and then never talked again!... Good times... Anyways, I have happy potion left, you want some?"

@Lotusy @OceanBunny
"Oh, gosh. Thanks, Willow!" Jay deposited the spazzy Columbus on Miyuki's back. "And thanks, Miyuki," he said, giving her a pat on the back. "Geez. Don't just go ingesting everything, Columbus." As Columbus offered Willow the "happy potion" Jay decided to grab some wrap, and bound his hands together. "Oh my. Don't take whatever he offers you, guys."

@OceanBunny @LokiofSP
"Probably the infirmary. I'm just hoping that they have some kind of head-clearer. If not, though..." He opened his hand, grinning evilly while healing light swirled in his palm, "We could always do the work ourselves. What do you think, Columbro?"

@OceanBunny @LokiofSP
Nyx woke up again and rolled out of bed and flopped onto the floor I should go find Pluto, and see if he'll let me put makeup on Apep Nyx thought trying to find something to do today. Nyx walked over to his wardrobe and pulled out his normal attire and put it on before walking out the door before picking a random direction to walk in

@Magical Squid Senpai

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