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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Detention, schmetention. Detention isn't that bad, unless it's with Dr. Schmetterling." Jay threw his arms out, gesturing to the wild sky as his pigeons whirled around his head. "By raid, I mean do something! Pull some pranks! Take out your aggression in a less-lethal way!" He shrugged. "Besides, you were about to kill that guy back there. Here, no worries. You don't know them, they don't know you."

Willow followed Kat to the door, holding tight to Miyuki's hand. With a sweet smile she she passed him, pulling Miyu through the door as well. "What class is next?" She asked, a light sparkle strting in her eyes as she thought of learning more about the world.

@metalcity (Sadly I have to get up at 4am for work so I shall be going to bed in a few minutes :/ )
"I'm pretty sure everyone knows of me, i mean i have gone on murderous rampages and been in a lot of fights. If people didn't know of me, i'd be slightly offended" Nyx smiled happily at Jay, enjoying Jay not pestering him to study "So, did you have any pranks in mind? Because I've never pranked anyone before"

Kat followed lady willow out of the room "I shall check, my lady." He pulled out a time table and studied it "it appears to by history, my lady." Kat started to feel the need to puff, he remembered how the teacher took one of his packs of cigarettes "sorry to be a inconviniance madam, but I must go back and retrieve my tools from the teacher." Kat politely bowed as he walked back into the class room and walked over to the teachers desk "can I have my cigarrets now?" Kat asked with a miserable tone.

@GingerBread @OceanBunny (I'm probably going to go to bed in a minute, once Kat has his cigarettes back hopefully.)
Mr wolfsfeld looked up when he heard Kat ask for his cigarettes "It's May i have my cigarettes please Sir" Mr wolfsfeld glared at Kat before unlocking his drawer and taking the cigarettes out "If I catch you with these again, You won't be getting them back" Mr wolfsfeld was waiting for Kat to ask for the cigarettes properly before he would give them back to him

Willow smiled at the word history, thinking of all she could learn in a class about the worlds past. "It's alright, I'll wait." As Kat went back into the class she pondered what might happen in the coming class, letting her mind wander through different possibilities of what the past might have been like.

Columbus wrote furiously on the page, smiling as he did so, "A little bit of this, then some of that, aaaaaand done!" He stood up and handed in his work for the day with a smile (Which was just a blank page with: Why is this class relevant at all?) And picked up his bag an headed to his next period...
Kat rolled his eyes "I apologize for my poor behaviour, May I please have my cigarettes back now sir?" He politely asked, hoping the teacher wouldn't bullshit his cigarettes away if he was kinder than expected. He started to realize this was a waste of time.

@GingerBread @OceanBunny
Mr wolfsfeld threw the cigarettes at kat "Now get out of my class, and learn some respect before you come back" He glared at Kat briefly before going back to his paperwork.

"Will do sir." Kat responded as he left the room and approached lady willow. "I apologize for the wait." He bowed before lady willow. "Would it be disrespectful to smoke in your presence?" Kat kindly asked, hoping he could have a puff but prepared to not be permitted.

@OceanBunny (this will be my last post tonight. Bye)
Pluto was surprised at Jackal. He blushed and smiled.

'They just booped noses.' Jason, the expert look out, whispered to the others in their supper secret snake language! Which was just Italian.


'Are sure it wasn't a kiss?'

'Yeah I'm sure.'

'Gah, we will talk to him later!'

Pluto touched his nose as he giggled a little, "what was that for?"

"Heh. Looks like I'll have to show you! Darn, I wish you knew me when I was ten, I could really pull a prank back then. Let's see..." Jay rummaged around in his backpack before pulling out a book messily labeled, "Book of Pranks". He ruffled through the pages of his own handwriting, muttering to himself, "Hm. Something nonviolent, noninflammatory, damn. That really cuts my options. How about this one?" He opened up the book, showing Nyx a badly-torn page that said "Ghost prank". A diagram drawn by a ten year-old Jay showed pigeons with sheets tied to their legs, throwing tomatoes, and an especially dark bathroom. "It seems pretty fun!"

Jackal looked up with a small smile blushing. " as a cat for me it has multiple meanings which are: I trust you, I love you, or that I simply feel comfortable with you...take your pick." He said with slight blush and chuckled looking at him making eye contact. "But if you wanted I could've just kissed you but that is your choice, I'm not going to unless you really want me to..." he added being super polite.
"Maybe if i did know you when you were ten i'd have been less violent" Nyx smiled at Jay "But i'm not too sure about this Ghost prank, i mean this school" Nyx moved his arms to motion all around him "isn't exactly normal. So i don't think a ghost would work. The school also seems to be cracking down on rules, so we might be put into some sensitivity training as the ghost thing could be seen as offensive" Nyx shrugged, not wanting to shoot down Jay's idea but also not wanting to be called supernatural racist or something

"Nah, man. Any ghost at this school isn't your average white-sheeter. This is just to scare the pansies in Community Service Club. They think they're all high and mighty, y'know?" Jay made a gesture to the pigeons, watching them flutter away. "Besides, this isn't racist, it's fun!" He showed Nyx the diagram one more time, outlining a detailed plan involving water, losing lights, and pigeon poop. "Eventually they'll wisen up that it's not a ghots, but it'll be so dark they won't have a clue where to go!"

Emma Emma stared at Tyrrell when he tried to wipe the blood away. "No, no Tyrrell. It's not ok. what happened? You're bleeding a lot!" She said, checking all around him for cuts. "Seriously, you look like you got in a bad scrap!" She said.

"K-kiss?" He stuttered, he wasn't really ready for kisses yet! Pluto could literally feel the snakes anger, tell him no. 'Slow. Down.'

Coatl threatened, Pluto didn't know why he was suddenly acting like this. He blushed and fidgeted with the hem of his shirt. "No, I think we should wait...for kissing...I mean I would like to kiss you, cause your hot and stuff." He babbled to himself.

"Okay, you've convinced me, Let's do it" Nyx smiled at Jay, he was mainly going along with it to make Jay happy as he seemed to have put a lot of thought into this "So where are we setting this up? Also if you want, i can do a little bit of illusion magic, so we could use that if you want to" Nyx offered, Kind of enjoying the idea of this prank more If we do get caught though, I'll take all the blame Nyx thought, preferring himself to get into trouble rather than Jay

"It's nothing, I hit my head or something" He smiled "don't you worry about me......while also losing my orbs" He whispered the last part hoping she wouldn't hear it.

(Darn, I wish Jay could hear Nyx's thoughts now! It would be super useful xD )

Jay smiled devilishly. "Ah, yes. Illusion magic would wok. Now, it's time!" With a thunderous shout, Jay threw his arms to the sky, and the pigeons descended from the sky, two of them holding a white sheet. "Tadaa!" Wrapped in the blanket was a bucket, rubber gloves, a wire-cutter, and seven rotten tomatoes. "This will do perfectly. Follow me!"

After ten minutes of walking, Jay and Nyx were in the senior lounge, with Jay admiring his equipment. "Hah! Beautiful!" He quickly got to setting up, snipping some wires. "Alright, so here's the plan. See those chairs? Hide behind me, use your bat-man vision or whatever vampires get and spot me, alright? Illusions are a go, too. I'll use a light under this sheet to spook them while throwing tomatoes. These wires that I'm clipping are the switch ones, so all we have to do is hit the switch and the darkness will come... forever! Muahahaha! Alright, places!"


(So, I was thinking that the CS Club could have an actual ghost who has a spook-battle with Nyx over Jay and the CS crowd. Thoughts?)
"Bat-man vision? And what do you want me to create an illusion of?" Nyx was finding hard to follow what Jay was doing, considering Jay had most likely done this before and Nyx had never done anything like it.

@Lotusy (Sounds cool, took me a second to work out what you meant by CS club :P )
"I have no idea what I meant! I mean, vampires are nocturnal, right? Just use that night vision." Jay thought a bit before continuing. "Oh, and make an illusion of giant hairy gnomes. In speedos. That should work." He suddenly ran over to the wall in his ghost sheet as he heard noises down the hall. "Get ready! They're coming!"

Nyx had to imagine the giant hairy gnomes in speedos to create an illusion of them This had better be worth it Nyx went and hid himself behind Jay where no one would be able to notice him unless he moved. Nyx looked over to where Jay was, making sure he could see him

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