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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"I have a problem with everyone." Kat angrily stated as he yanked his bag out of the boys arms "Except women, majestic and beautiful. With no flews what so ever, however you men are swimming in problems." kat started kindly but as he finished what he was saying he went back to being aggressive. Kat sat down again, hoping the boy would leave him alone.

@LokiofSP @OceanBunny @Lotusy @Archdemon
Emma Emma gave Tyrrell a long and disapproving stare. "Fine. Be stubborn, Tyrrell. I was just trying to help." She said with a cold tone. "I want to help you, but if you're going to push me away that's your descision." She said. "I'm not your mother, and I'm doing this of my own free will. Don't act tough or say tough things, because you're bleeding. Can I help you?" She asked.

Ami entered school without even giving it a look. she kept staring and typing at her tablet as she entered class and say down at the first free place. her tablet clearly showed the lines.

"Find powerful being to test BSD Alpha."
"Then how about the cafe?" Jay pointed at the map, to a specific green dot with a fork-and-knife symbol. "I mean, it looks promising. 'Animal Servers,' they say. It can't be that bad!" He grabbed Nyx arm again and began pulling him towards the cafe.

When they got there, Jay was thoroughly surprised. "Um, hello, sir? You've been staring past me for ten minutes now." The voice came from a talking moose in a suit, who was speaking to a dumbfounded Jay. "Oh, yeah. Um, well, we can get seated." After they took a seat, a cow trotted up to them, with a notepad between its ears. "Hello, and welcome to the animal restaurant! What would you like today? A shake? Chicken? Hamburgers?" The cow leaned in, putting a hoof to her mouth to whisper something. "I suggest you eat the chicken. No hamburgers, please." It eyed a chicken who was serving another table. "Damn you, Jessica. You'll pay for murdering my family, you feathered liar!" Jay was completely freaked out at this point, so he laughed awkwardly. "Oh, we're not here for much food. I'll take a shake." After he ordered, the talking cow turned expectantly to Nyx.

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Columbus sat down in an unatural silence... For about two seconds before getting right back in Kat's face, he smiled, this one was less dumb and a bit more bright and youthful, "Hey, I know you don't like guys, but just hanging with just girls might give some,Emma might get the wrong idea, so what do you say? Freinds?"

God damn weird people, what sort of place is this meant to be Nyx was just glaring at all the people in the cafe until he noticed the cow looking at him "Um, some sort of soup? and could you just like pour some blood in a cup for me? Human blood if you have it, in not animal will do"

@Lotusy (Are these people in suits? or are they anthropomorphic animals? Cause i'm not sure which is weirder xD )
"Ok, your orders will be out soon! And I'm sorry sir, but animal blood is all we've got. I'll go shank Jessica for you." The cow trotted away, pulling the chicken into the kitchen with it. While they waited, Jay sat quitely. It was kinda awkward between the two of them. They've been going out for a while, but on their first dat, Jay just felt paralyzed. He looked down at the table, slowly twirling his finger around a sugar packet. "So... how's Richard doing?"

"Richard is an artificial construct made of my own blood that has no free will" Nyx just looked at Jay, deciding not to question why he was acting kinda awkward "So, How did you acquire your pigeons? Did you just find them?" Nyx was trying to get Jay to talk about something he was interested in, In an attempt to clear away the awkward feeling atmosphere

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Sean took his seat near the front, and did whatever he was suppose too until all the madness and anger began. He sighed, turned around in his chair, and spoke with an Irish accent.

"If you lovers back there are done arguing back there, I'd like to do my work please!"

He then saw a girl sitting next to him, not really paying attention to anything with a tablet out, didn't even look like she had her books.

Hey Lass? I see you don't have a textbook for history, you can share mine if you want."

He spoke to Amy and then saw what was on her tablet, if he was a conspiracy theorist he'd say a bunch of things but he isn't so he ain't.

@Ami the breadling




Kat looked at Columbus with a concerned look, "Are you saying I upset lady Emma? What could I have possibly done!? I must apologise at once." Kat was about to rush off but then turned to look at lady willow, he walked over and bowed before her "Can I be excused to go to lady Emma, my lady?" He asked with a worried tone as he bowed.

@Ami the breadling
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Pluto smiled as he took Jackals hand, pulling himself up. "Uh, I can't really think of anywhere else to go....do you usually hang out anywhere else?"

'Hey, go get me a black rose. I need it.'

I want a pink rose!'

Still holding Jackals hand, Pluto picked some roses. "I hope I'm not doing anything bad..." He held onto them. "Ok, let's go...somewhere!"

Jason snatched the pink rose from Pluto and held it in his mouth.

Mrs. Winters glared at Kat over her glasses, but relented. "Sure, sure, go ahead," she growled angrily. "It's not like we were going to get any work done anyways." The old lady sighed and angrily leaned back in her chair, thinking back to the days when she could whip her students into shape. Alas, thos days were gone.


"Oh, it's a long story." Jay was glad that Nyx offered an alternative conversation. "Well, it all started when I was really young. You see, I was a really up and get'em boy. So when I saw ten pigeons on a telephone wire, I threw a rock at them, and it kinda snapped the wire. Since I only had one heal at the time, I got to care for them all individually. It was really fun."

Jackal noticed Jason took the pink rose looking at him with a smile,gently taking it from the snake for a moment. "Let's make this a little easier for you." He said and with that made the pink rose shorter stemed then weaved it with a soft ribbon before placing it on Jason's neck him now having a little bowtie with the rose in the middle. "There. Pretty good looking if I say so myself,what do you think?" He asked then shook his head to Pluto. "Nah, you're not doing anything wrong. Also I guess we could go to my dorm room... I mean honestly I don't think my roommate is there,last I checked he went somewhere..Ah I could make lunch."
"Yeah, it was fun the first time i met them as well" Nyx shook his head slightly "They can be vicious, I'm just glad you didn't get them to poop on me" Nyx smiled warmly at Jay, happy to be learning more about him "So i'm assuming you really care about them, cause when Raven almost killed one of them you actually let me try to kill him"

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Kat looked at the teacher "I apologise, but if I have damaged the heart of a lady. I must fix the pain, even if it costs me my life. I must go at once, as long as I have permission from my lady." kat turned back to willow "May I leave my lady?" Kat desperately asked lady willow, wondering what he could have possibly done to upset lady emma.

@Ami the breadling
'Wow! Thanks! I probably look great!'

'So handsome.'


'Yeah and now that that spell wore off, you don't look like such an ugly idiot!'

'That's some nice colored lipstick there Apep.'

'Shut up.'

Pluto nodded, "I guess we could hang out in your dorm room. Hey wait, you have a roommate? I never got one! Not that I'm complaining."

'I think we should go to the park! A nice park in the middle of the city!'

'Oh chill out, how are they going to do the nasty if we are here?'

'Better not try anything.' Coatl said to Jackal.

Columbus's eye gave a slight twitch in annoyance. He had to admit that for the first time in a long time, somebody was genuinely pissing him off. He shook his head, 'Is he stupid? Is this what it's like for Nyx when he talks to me? God I hate me if this is how I sound...' He cleared his throat and attempted to keep his smile, "Um...Emma isn't mad at you... I think. Do you even know Emma? I was saying she MIGHT get the wrong idea if you keep on going how you're going. I mean, she beat me up for going in the girl's dorms when trying to give a friend hugs, can you believe her? She's kinda cray..."

The shapeshifter led him to his dorm and Sat on the couch watching him.

"Hmmm...if I were your roommate I'd probably already have tried climbing in your bed to snuggle up next to you,ah what a shame though. Ah but then again it's probably best I'm not cause I can be a bad kitty at times but then again I'm not always this nice to people, hmmm but you're definitely a exception for me to play nicely that is because of simply the fact I like you enough to treat you better..." He said softly and looked off sighing letting himself show Pluto more of his personality. He wanted to be fully honest with the other. "...I'm not exactly the nicest person,Pluto...would you hate me if I said I did a lot of bad things...that I was someone's pawn at one point? And let alone that same person is why I call myself jackal instead of my birth name... Honestly, I want to ask before I say something I wanted to, I wanna be fully honest.."
Coatl glared at Jackal from the moment he started talking, especially about snuggling with Pluto. "Well...what kind of bad things?" Pluto asked as he stood infront of Jackal. " like how bad are they?" He was certainly used to people doing bad things, saying bad things, it wasn't new to him. But he was starting to like Jackal and if he had done something terrible then...Pluto was very curious now. He was happy that Jackal was telling him this now.

"Yea, I do care about them a lot. On the other hand, though, Raven was just being a dick that day." As Jay finished speaking, the cos came over to them with a milkshake and a suspiciously cloudy glass of blood. She muttered something about Jessica before heading back to the kitchen. "Well, I guess drinks are here!" Jay grabbed a hold of his milkshake, setting it down in front of him. "So, what do you consider to be... romantic? This date, or something like a volcano-light dinner?"

"Just being with you is romantic enough. We could be sitting on a bench in a park and i'd still consider it romantic because i'm doing it with you" Nyx just shrugged as he took a sip from the glass of blood "What do you consider to be romantic?"

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"When I was a kid I made a contract with a demon named xren, I begged him to save konai's life. My brother why dying of a illness not even the village goddess could heal, then I met xren. He made me a deal, I become his loyal pet in exchange he cures my brother...He said sit,I Sat. He said steal,I steal. He said roll over, I roll over. He said kill this man, I killed him....I killed countless of lives,I have hurt many people to the point where they died afterwards the next day.....I telling you this because I need to, I want you to know the truth of things before you start regretting having met me.....if you still like me then please understand that I'm a bit broken but as long as you want me I will be loyal to you always and that loyalty is not to taken lightly..."
'Wow, interesting...'

Pluto didn't know what to think at first, " well....you did what you had to." He sat down next to him on the couch, "so I'm glad you told me this. I would still like to stay with you and get to know you more."


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