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Fantasy Lakoria High School

'No kissing!!'

'Yeah, I don't want any of that.'

'Are you like turned on by poison and colds?'

'Pluto! Your supposed to be dating Nyx so I can date Jay! You are ruining the plan!'

Pluto rolled his eyes, "I'm not going to date Nyx." He sighed, " so I guess I am forbidden from kissing you until further notice. We can just....keep doing the nose thing."


(Yes Jason is a little loser)
Columbus waved at Ami, "I mean, I get that I LOOK normal, but I'm a zombie! That counts for something right?! Please? Come on! Using human test subjects is just wrong unless they deserve it!"

@Ami the breadling
Ami just looked at Columbus the cutest way she could and didn`t say anything. She was stubborn and she hated people dumber than her trying to understand and tell her what to do.

Columbus stared at her for a few moments, the silence growing odd. He looked around and notices she is staring at him, so he stares harder. A few agonizing moments go on before he says, "Can I hug you please? You're just so cute! With your eyes, and your ears and your everything! And OH MMY GOSH I JUST WANT TO HUG YOU RIGHT NOW!"

@Ami the breadling
Columbus hugged the girl with glee, 'I shall name her squishy! And she shall be my squishy!' He stopped when she said her name and put her down, "Oh! Hello Ami, my name is Columbus! I'm kinda the coolest person in school, everybody wants to hang with me...Yeah..."

@Ami the breadling
"Hi. Ok. I never cared about coolness, but if it helps you to feel good, keep that up. Do you enjoy hugging me? You squeezed me a little hard, it hurt a bit...", Ami said and a tear ran down her cheek. It was fake but nobody could tell, she was a great actress when it came to that. She wanted that guy to stop interfering with her research and was willing to use anything.

Columbus began to panic a bit, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I just wanted to hug you because you're so cute and stuff! Argh! I'M NOT A MONSTER I SWEAR!....Well I guess technically I am...I am a zombie...Huh, guess I am a monster then...I STILL FEEL BAD!"

@Ami the breadling
Ami wiggled her ears. "Your no monster. Your ok. It´s ok. I am new at school can you show me around and stuff and maybe introduce me to more sub... friends?", she asked with the most innocent tone she had.

'We don't want your attention! Baka!'

'We are perfectly fine. Just pay attention to Pluto. I only have eyes for Jay.'

We sometimes feel what Pluto feels, so I guess we are feeling excited, happy, tummy butterflys, blushy. Pluto stop this madness!'

'I could use some attention.'

'I wanna kill something.'

"If you pet them then they will stop being annoying. It's their favorite thing besides eating....and killing." Pluto used to do it alot but he only does it when he needs to, like now.

Columbus smiled and nodded, "Sure! I have like...Three friends! So you I can introduce you to like, three people after school!"

@Ami the breadling
Ami smiled. "Three? THAT much? I mean you mentioned you were popular but that...", she said. He seemed to fall for her. Good. She could test what her BSD did to zombies then. Also it was rather cute how he acted. She quickly banished that thought again.

Sean just shook his head, he knew people like this, innocent and sweet but dark and calculating though she didn't look too bad. Sean was kinda of getting annoyed at the zombie boy now, he just wouldn't shut up and he knew she wanted him to go away.

"Um, if you're done there Mr. Columbus I think she would really appreciate getting her work done, as do I."

Sean sort of waited for Columbus to go away.

@Ami the breadling
(Okay I know which one apep and which one is Jason,can you tell me who is what color snakewise)

Jackal petted the snakes gently on the heads and necks. While the snakes were occupied by being petted jackal snuck in a little kiss on Pluto still petting the snakes when he pulled back with a smirk having gotten away with it without them noticing.
Columbus looked at Sean and nodded, "Oh! So sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything you two were doing...I-I'll just go back to doing my work...Alone..." He walked off kinda awkwardly and sat down.

@Ami the breadling @Archdemon
'Where it took place..' She thought as she read, biting her lip lightly. She smiled as she looked up from the book. "Couple states of fame." She stated happily before going back to reading about the events.

GingerBread said:
Nyx made a mental note of what Jay said, in case he wanted to use it at some point to surprise him "So, what do you like about me?" He asked as he warmly smiled at Jay "Like, why did you start going out with me? surely there were better choices than me" Nyx picked up his drink and took another sip "I'm not complaining, I value your life above mine, But i want to know what it is you like about me"

"What do I like about you? Well, that's a pretty hard question to answer." Jay went silent for a while, before taking a drink from his milkshake. "I'm not quite sure what made me like you in the first place. However, I think it happened that one day... when I asked you about why you never made friends. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't pity, but I felt like I had tapped into some brilliant new emotional resource, something nobody else had. I felt like I'd met a person, a side of someone that nobody else has ever seen. You get what I mean?" After he took another long drink, he put the shake down. "After that, falling in love was super easy. The danger, the little moments, the fights and blood, even between the two of us. I mean, everything since then just brought us closer!" He folded his hand together, smiling at Nyx. "Now what about me? What did you find interesting about me?"

"The fact that you healed me even after i tried to kill you, twice. You healed me with no means of defending yourself if i did attack you. So your courage. Even Enki was scared of me when he first saw me." Nyx chuckled before finishing off his blood drink "And the fact that you're not completely.....sane all the time, you're quite extravagant when you want to be, It's a nice change of pace from people being gritty and serious most of the time, and you're actually fun to be around when you're like that and not annoying like everyone else" Nyx placed his glass back down onto the table "And you're good looking, But that's just a bonus"

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'oh wow, that feels fantastic!'

'hmmm this feels awfulllll' Coatl fell asleep, he just laid there snoring softly. Pluto chuckled before quickly kissing jackals cheek.

'oooooh! Coatl is gonna kill you when he wakes up!'

'i'm gonna tell him!'

' buy our silence with more petting everyday.'

Ami giggled slightly, but stopped quickly as she gave her usual serious expression. After Columbus had left, she tilted her head." Hey, what made you so annoyed? He seemed pretty dumb, sure, but... No reason to be rude. Of you are rude, people dislike you, which means they won't do anything for you.", she said seriously.

Pluto kissed him back softly. When he sat back he was blushing.

'Ugh! Plutoooooooo! Calm your emotions!'

'Alright, thats all you get! Coatl will wake up in like 1 minute, so no kissing when he is awake!'

'This guy is a master at petting!'

"Well, you certainly are flattering," Jay said, smiling at Nyx's answer. "I guess, even though a crazy, I've still got that healer nature in me, you know?" So he thinks, I'm courageous, huh? Geez, I didn't really think of it that way. "And that's true. Most of the people at Lakoria are always so grim, you know? Sucks the life out of everything! I'm the joker Lakoria needs, but not the one it deserves... wait what?" He shook his head, as if coming out of a trance. "Well then." His shake was finally finished, and he clacked the empty cup against the table. "Should we head back to the school?"


(Hey, are the rest of you ready for 2nd period to end?

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