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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"I don't know. I'm pretty sure a gorgon we know got him into drugs though..." Jay flipped Columbus onto his back, peeling open one of his eyelids. "Yea, c'mon Columbro, wake up." He sat back and looked up to Nyx. "So you feel ok now? You know, this was exactly what I was worried about. You were seriously hurt, and I think you really hurt him."

"Oh, thank you!" Pluto took one brownie out and ate it. "Mmm, it taste good!"

Jason slithered over and grabbed one from the bag, swallowing two.


'I like brownies because they look like poop.'

'Its like chocolate but...less hard?

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"So i did get stabbed. I feel like i fought a train and lost though and everything feels like death. But who did i hurt?" Nyx motioned towards Columbus "Did i hurt him? or Ladyboy?" Nyx motioned towards Kat before shrugging, not too bothered if he hurt him "Because i didn't do anything to either of them, I just got stabbed, in the heart, with silver. I'm actually surprised i'm not dead"

@Lotusy @LokiofSP
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Kat begain snoring until lady willows voice echoed through his mind, he sat up half asleep "I am fine my lady." He yawned out, Kat sat up too forwards and his head just landed by his feet. A loud crack could be heard and Kat woke up in pain "God damnit! My back!" He informally shouted, then noticed lady willow by his side he spun to face her and bowed "My lady. I must apologize for my rude manner. Please forgive me." He asked, pain still trailing up and down his back.

"I'm fine my lady, don't dirty your hands with me." Kat told lady willow, his voice was not convincing as he struggled to breathe slightly. Kat left his bow and took a step back. "Is there anything you wish for me to do my lady?" Kat asked, still struggling to breathe slightly.

Willow frowned slightly as Kat claimed to be fine. "I would like you to sit down and rest." She said sweetly as vines began to grow from the ground, weaving themselves into a chair. Chamomile and lavender sprouted along the vines as Willow tried to get Kat to sit down.

"As you wish my lady, I shall do anything." Kat say back in the chair of vines, his back creaking slightly causing slight pain. Kat raised his leg and placed it other his other, he connected his hands together and looked slightly evil in the chair. "Do I have permission to smoke in this chair? My lady." Kat asked gently with a sweet smile.

"Of course." Willow said with a smile. "Just don't catch it on fire.. wouldn't want you getting burnt." She giggled lightly and ate some of the berries on her wrist.

@metalcity (I have to get ready for work so I'll prolly be disappearing again :\)
Sean looked at Amy "I can understand if you can build a suit that's impervious to everything but flying through the center of the sun is something that cannot be done, doesn't matter how much shielding or protection it has, it's shields will be destroyed in mere seconds by even getting halfway to it from Mercury and even if it lasts that long the solar radiation and heat will over power anything that comes within a couple thousand miles, while its good to have goals flying a suit in the middle of our sun is 100% impossible. Everything else though is possible."

@Ami the breadling
Archdemon said:
Sean looked at Amy "I can understand if you can build a suit that's impervious to everything but flying through the center of the sun is something that cannot be done, doesn't matter how much shielding or protection it has, it's shields will be destroyed in mere seconds by even getting halfway to it from Mercury and even if it lasts that long the solar radiation and heat will over power anything that comes within a couple thousand miles, while its good to have goals flying a suit in the middle of our sun is 100% impossible. Everything else though is possible."
@Ami the breadling
Ami tilted her head and made big eyes. " Impossible and unimaginable are two different things. I will be able to do it. And you will see. Everyone will.", she said. @Archdemon
Sean just shook his head "Whatever floats your boat lass, anyways continue on with the magical tour we so are enjoying with all our uranium and robots."

He spoke obviously with sarcasm but hey it's a certainly interesting tour, much better than anything he's gone through in the last hundred years or so.

@Ami the breadling
Ami blew up her cheeks, pouting. She did not feel taken serious. She closed the wardrobe and pulled out a small box from under her bed and opened it. It was full with small machines. " A bunch of machines. I like that one.", she said, taking a machine. She activated it and it started patting her shoulder.

LokiofSP said:
Columbus slowly got up and yawned, he looked around and smiled lazily, "Hi guys...What happened?"

"You took some drugs and then started foaming at the mouth, then you tried to stop my fight and caused me to get stabbed and come close to death" Nyx didn't sound angry at the fact that Columbus almost caused him to get killed. Nyx just sounded indifferent about it.

@Lotusy @LokiofSP
"You have my gratitude, my lady." Kat rolled his wrist around as he gave a slight bow in the chair, he then moved his hand into his pocket and pulled out the components to make his cigarette. He placed one tip in his mouth and then lit the other side, he took in the fumes then blow them out away from lady willow. "Is there anything you wish me to do now my lady?" Kat asked gently, not sure if lady willow just want him sat down being lazy.

The rest of that day had been a blur.

I am referring to the day we conducted a rescue mission inside of a musty bunker, which happened two months ago in real time

What was I doing back there anyway? Corvus thought. He sat in silence as he looked around the room. It was the infirmary; somehow he had been transported there though he didn't remember ever going back from... where was it? He couldn't remember.

Looking to his left, he noticed a familiar nightstand with a lamp shining its light. There appeared to be some sort of object on the nightstand next to the base of the lamp, and when Corvus sat up onto the bedside he noticed what it was. It was a note.

Corvus picked up the note and held it against the nearby light.

Never too late to wake up, right?
—A friend
The elf raised a brow at the strange message, and even more strangely he decided to keep it. He folded up the piece of paper and put it on an inside breastpocket of his cloak. With a heave, Corvus pushed down on the bedside and forced himself to get up. A searing headache plagued him at the moment, but it left as quickly as it came. With that, Corvus exited the infirmary and looked around in the hallway in disorientation.

@Anyone who wants to interact

[[Yay, first post after two months!]]
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"Nyx! Don't make him feel bad about it!" Jay inspected Columbus like somesort of artifact, checking for bruising and the like. "Geez, Columbus. I didn't know Pluto had that much of an influence on you. When I get to him next, I'mma wring his neck so hard-" He pantomimed chocking a person, violently shaking his hands like a maniac. "Eh. Anyways, where did thhe girl run off to? Surely she wouldn't just leave you like this." He looked around, scanning the area. "Hmm. How irresponsible."

@GingerBread @LokiofSP
Columbus shrugged and stood up, dusting himself off, "She goes to class with us right? So she'll show up...Then I'll get back at her by hugging her harder than someone's ever been hugged before!"

@Lotusy @GingerBread
"I tried to stop her from leaving before, and i recall all of you taking her side, even you Jay" Nyx shook his head in disappointment before turning to Columbus "Your plan is to hug her? That's a bit creepy and that Kat arse, might attack you for even touching her. But if he hurts you i got your back" Nyx gave Columbus a small smile before taking on a more serious expression "Anyway Columbus, if you take anymore drugs, we won't be friends any longer.... Unless you share them with me"

@Lotusy @LokiofSP
"Nyx!" Jay gave Nyx a light smack upside the head, standing up and putting his hands on his hips like a mother would. "Don't be like that! Be an upstanding murder machine member of society! Drugs are below you!" However, at the same time, he did agree with Nyx. "Are you sure you want to do that? Aren't you worried that you'll come off as a little bit creepy?"

@GingerBread @LokiofSP
Nyx rubbed the back of his head "Why did you hit me? Drugs don't affect me, remember? I'm doing it so i can keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't kill himself" Nyx crossed his arms and pouted "You didn't have to hit me anyway"

@Lotusy @LokiofSP
Sean looked at all the machines especially the one patting Ami's shoulder "Well isn't that an interesting machine, I'll make a note of it when I'm feeling depressed, I'll just come here and it'll pat me on the back!"

Hopefully the joke wasn't too terrible but Sean feared it was. Oh well terrible jokes will soon rule the world and memes will rule the universe!!!

@Ami the breadling
"Mhm. Say what you will, mister. I am not gonna let Pluto get to you." Jay nodded to himself, then flicked Nyx's forehead. "And yes I did. You won't be going into whatever drug ring that boy has planned, no siree." Though he was about to keep up his rant to Nyx, Jay was instantly reminded of Columbus's current state. "But that aside, are you good enough to go to class, Columbro?"

@GingerBread @LokiofSP

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