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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Don't worry about it Pluto" Nyx said as he winked at Jay before he started to make his way towards the town "Do you want me to get you anything Jay? Chocolate or some sort of sweet?" Nyx asked, wanting to do something nice for Jay to make up for his constant teasing about the cheerleading outfit.

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai
"Sweets? You don't need to buy my affection, Nyx. I'm not that shallow..." He turned around to make sure nobody was looking, then slid up to Nyx and passed him a ten dollar bill. "Chocolate. 75%. Dark," he whispered, then slipped back into place.

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
Pluto turned back to his human form before following them. He had no idea what they were talking about. 'Oooooh! He wants Jay to wear the thing.'

The snakes all went 'oooooh!' As they realized what Nyx wanted. 'That might not look so bad...' The snakes all nodded. "All of you stop it!" Pluto whispered to them. He didn't really want that image in his head.

'Hey maybe you can buy us sweets too!'

@Lotusy @GingerBread
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The man sat on the roof, annoyed that the vampire didn't even care. He knew it wouldn't work but due to his profile he expected some sort of reaction, he sighed, he looked around the school more.
Nyx chuckled as Jay handed him the money for some chocolate. After a while of walking they arrived at the butchers, walking in Nyx asked the butcher for a small barrel of blood, ignoring the strange look he was given Nyx handed the butcher a $20 note.

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy

@GreenEyedStranger I'm assuming you're at the butchers still but Nyx isn't going to really notice you so you'll have to start the interaction or Nyx will end up just walking away :) )
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[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Maria was exited. One of her favourite books, read out by her favourite person. She held onto Enki tightly, enjoying every second.

She really likes this book. He thought while she hugged him, he continued reading. While doing so he saw what he thought to be a shadow, he turned around to see himself looking at himself on top of another building. Enki looked down at Maria, he quickly pulled himself and her behind a book case looking back at the Enki on the roof.

As the man jumped roof to roof, he looked into the library. He looked at his ammo and decided that it was best to save the 3 shots he had left instead of shooting at the boy and girl. Instead he placed a decoy of what the boy looked like on the roof and went invisible to watch the reaction of the two. He recorded it on paper, interested in what people were to see them selves motionless.

@Ami the breadling
'Oh my gosh!! It smells so heavenly in hear!'

'Hurry up and buy some meat!!'

I'm starving!!'

Pluto rolled his eyes and waited behind Nyx to order. He guessed he could use some food too. He still had his headache, but the funny thing was that his head hurt in the places where Jason and Chua used to be. He turned to Jay, "Jay, are you sure you don't have anything to make my head feel better? Any pills?"

@Lotusy @GingerBread
"Oh my," Emma said, noticing Tyrell's missing arm. "It's fine, there's no need for a handshake." She looked around, dusting herself off in the process. "Well, Tyrrell, it's been swell hanging out with you, but I've got plans. Actually, I don't have plans, but this is getting kinda awkward," she said, nervously smiling.

(@DragonStorm Any plans?)
Tyrrell nodded, agreeing to the awkwardness "I agree, I was going to head over to a cafe'. Since I can't write, I just decided to skip some of my classes. Would you like to tag along?" He asked curiously.

@Mango (Yeah the Cafe' xD )
Jay whipped around, his eyes on fire. "Pills? PILLSSSSSS!??" His breathing became heavy, and he was slowly going insane. "Drugs are bad for you, Pluto! They- you know what, nevermind. I know what game you're playing, mister. Come back here." He grabbed pluto by the shirt before pulling him into a side alley. "If you've got the money, I've got the goods. Don't tell anyone about this, kiddo." He pulled out a bag of pills, really just aspirin. "These babies don't come cheap. C'mon kid, fork 'em over."

@Magical Squid Senpai
"A café? I didn't know we had a cafe," Emma said. Nevertheless, she was still curious. What's a café like on a school campus, I wonder? She quickly responded. "Yea! I'd love to go to the café!" She said excitedly.

'I knew he was a drug dealer!! It's always the cute ones!!'

Pluto gave Jay a wierd look. "Uh, how much would they be?" Pluto looked through his pockets, "I don't have any money, I have some chocolate though!" He held it up to Jay and tried to keep from laughing.


(I'll assume control of the butcher if no one else will :P )

As the butcher turns to see it his face goes pale white. He looks at Nyx and backs up.

"Wh-What the hell is that?!"

He screams while pointing at the beast. Kaine hears the commotion and turns around, looking up. His face is covered in blood and his eyes meld with its color. Kaine suddenly grabs the body and tries dragging it deeper into the shop frantically
"Oi mutt, You shouldn't steal" Nyx said sounding bored with the situation, Turning to the Butcher "So am i going to get my blood any time soon?" Nyx asked, not really wanting to deal with anything of this.

"Chocolate should do just fine." While Jay looked calm on the outside, he was filled with an inner turmoil. Oh my god. I'm selling medicine. My mama told me not to, but... I just can't stop! Heflung the bag of apsirin at Pluto before opening up his hand. "Man. This dealer thing is really rewarding. Now fork over the chocolate."

@Magical Squid Senpai
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The butcher looks at you wide eyed

"It's back there! The bloods back there!... With that thing!"

He flings his hands up and shakes his head

"I'm not getting paid enough to deal with this sort of stuff. I'm done."

He sprints away. The beast disappears behind the plastic drapes, you hear the sound of glass shattering and blood squirting
"If you want something done, you gotta do it yourself i guess" Nyx sighed as he began to walk around the counter "Missing a god damn leg and i have to get the stuff myself because the butcher is scared of some Mutt" Nyx grumbled as he walked through the plastic drapers, intent on getting his blood and leaving "Oi you stupid worthless mutt" Nyx said, annoyance clear in his tone

Emma held a confused look for a while. "I mean, if you want me to. Are you sure it's ok to do this when you're hurt this badly?" She asked, and she stepped up and grabbed his hand. "Also, what does heights have to do with this café?"

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Pluto laughed at Jay, he handed him the chocolate bar. "Thanks for the goods!" He liked how Jay reacted, he leaned towards Jay and smirked. "I knew you had that on you. I could smell it! I just love the smell of drugs!"

He chuckled at her, and then the orbs reappeared as they start to build a hoverboard. Tyrrell then stepped on "This is why, cause we are going to fly their on this" He said pulling her up, "and I'm not really hurt, they are just scars. but my right arm doesn't work so yeah."

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