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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"What? No! What have I dooone?!?!" Jay fell to his knees, screaming in agony. "Oh, forgive me! I've set Pluto down a dangerous path!" He sighed, suddenly returning to normal without any more drug-drama. "So, uh, where did Nyx go?"

@Magical Squid Senpai
Nyx became slightly annoyed that the Mutt had just ignored him "I am talking to you Mutt, And when i talk to you, you listen" Nyx said in a commanding voice as he jabbed the Mutt with one of his crutches.


Kaine groaned and tilted his head. As he saw someone he jumped and turned around. The expression on his feral face seemed shocked though still pumped with adrenaline. He hasn't been in a blood frenzy this bad since many years. The only time he injured someone was when he was a pup. But now, his spirit was cocky.

Kaine growled and started to circle around Nyx, slowly approaching
As Tyrrell pulled her up, Emma took a tenative step onto the orb hoverboard. Her foot met the material and she found that it was quite sturdy. She pulled herself up, ready to fly. "I'm ready whenever you are," she said.

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Pluto shrugged, "he shouldn't be that hard to find. We only left him in the shop."

'Can we pleeeeeease get something to eat!?'

'I'm so close to the meat, yet so far away!'

He rolled his eyes. He looked at the bag of aspirin. "I need to take these with water though."

Nyx saw the Mutt had began to circle him I'm not going to break my promise to Jay Nyx thought determined as he carefully watched the Mutt's movements, ready to just dodge the mutt's attack and then get the blood and leave

@Lotusy @GreenEyedStranger
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Kaines mind was muddled, but he could clearly see Nyx was crippled. With a sadistic grin he slowly raised his claw to strike.

With whip like speed he swung it at Nyx's legs and crutches. As soon as he moved his hand, Kaine dashed forward and swung his left claw the same way. Then the right again. Then the left again. With a roar, he then tried to grapple Nyx, spreading his arms wide to hold him
Nyx's crutches were knocked from under him but he saw the Mutt charging towards him and reacted by jumping backwards, sending him to the floor but stopping the mutt from grappling him "I AM NOT BREAKING MY PROMISE TO JAY" Nyx shouted as he started to get angry that he might end up breaking his promise if this continued

@GreenEyedStranger (Can i use blood/mind control on Kaine?)

(@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai i'm assuming you can hear the shouting)
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@GingerBread (Not now. He isn't using much of his conscious right now, just relying on mostly instinct)

Seeing Nyx prone on the ground and vulnerable Kaine pounced up into the air towards him with his claws and fangs out. He roared as he tried to smash Nyx under his weight while attempting to tear him to shreds. Outside, you could hear a woman screaming.

"Kaine!!!" You could hear her call

Kaine jumped up on the counter, his fangs facing Nyx's eyes. He tried to grab him with his claws again. Suddenly though, a man and woman burst in. The man seems to be carrying some sort of device with a screen.

The woman takes out a small box and opens it, letting out a small sweet tune. Just before Kaine attacks you, he roars and covers his head, falling from the counter and squealing. The woman pushes past you and starts caressing Kaine as he curls up on a fetal position. The man walks past Nyx and shoots him a glare as he injects Kaine with something.

He slowly stops flailing and his breath slows down to a calm pace, falling asleep. The woman screams at you

"What did you do to him?!"
metalcity said:
She really likes this book. He thought while she hugged him, he continued reading. While doing so he saw what he thought to be a shadow, he turned around to see himself looking at himself on top of another building. Enki looked down at Maria, he quickly pulled himself and her behind a book case looking back at the Enki on the roof.
As the man jumped roof to roof, he looked into the library. He looked at his ammo and decided that it was best to save the 3 shots he had left instead of shooting at the boy and girl. Instead he placed a decoy of what the boy looked like on the roof and went invisible to watch the reaction of the two. He recorded it on paper, interested in what people were to see them selves motionless.

@Ami the breadling
Maria had not seen the reason of his actions. She didn't like how he pulled her around and so she freed herself. " Hey, don't pull me around like that. I'm no rag doll or something!", she said with an hidden anger in her tone.
Jay rummaged around in his backpack, pulling out a half-full waterbottle. "Huh," he said to himself. "I guess this still has something left in it." He handed Pluto the bottle before picking up a scream. "What? I heard my name... Nyx?" He waved to Pluto. "C'mon Pluto! I think Nyx got into a fight!"

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai

(Jay's literally given the water bottle to three different people. It's putting in the work, lol.)
Nyx glared at the woman "Let's see what did the guy with a missing leg do?" He asked, venomous sarcasm dripping from his voice "So, i'm assuming you're the Mutt's owner, so you can apologize for his actions" Nyx demanded

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The woman starts crying as she hugs Kaine close, humming a slow lullaby. The father has a scowl on his face as he addresses you

"I would expect as much from an unholy abomination as you..."

From the charms and insignias on his clothing, you can tell he's extremely holy. You can't discern what religion, as it seems foreign to you
"You can't really call me an abomination, when that Mutt is right there. The Mutt, who i might add, tried to kill me even when i did nothing to fight back" Nyx responded, a scowl forming on his face "But I take it you're in a Cult. Now which one i wonder" Nyx said, glaring at the man "I suggest you apologise, because i'll let you in on a little secret. Even though i'm missing a leg, i'm still capable of killing all three of you" Nyx said, his tone becoming harsher and more sinister.

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'Oooh! A fight!'

Hurry so we can go watch!'

Dinner and a show!'

Pluto followed behind Jay after taking the water bottle. He wasn't really surprised that Nyx would get in a fight with someone. "How do you know he's in trouble?"


The woman doesn't listen to you as she helps Kaine up and out of the room. The man remains steadfast

"I worship the one and only God. We saved our child from sin and the spawn of Satan, like you."

He takes out a cross. Some of the light spilling from outside seems to bend inwards toward the cross, which shines a golden holy light on you. Despite his claims of God and Satan, you've never seen his attire in a Christian setting

"Now leave this place spawn of Satan! We shall not be offended by your presence!"
"Oh no, it burns" Nyx replied, in a monotone voice, not seeming to care about the light "I have nothing to do with Satan, like i'd associate myself with a weakling like him or god" Nyx glared at the man "Also if hear one more person talk about god, i'm going up there to kill him"

Enki watched the figure not move, slightly confused why. He looked around then turned to Maria "Sorry, take a quick look." He pointed towards the figure of himself on the roof top. "It's not moving, doesn't even look alive." He continued to look and point at the thing.

@Ami the breadling
"Don't worry, I'm sorry for my rough actions. I wasn't sure how what to do and I didn't want to take the chance." He said, he had a apologetic tone towards her, but a slightly annoyed tone at the same time due to the situation of the thing on the roof pretending to be him.

@Ami the breadling

The man continued scowling as he held up the cross still. You notice the light it casts resembles a cross aswell

"I will not harm a child, even if he is the spawn of Satan."

He says, disregarding your words

"But if you touch our child again, we shall cleanse you"

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