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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"I think we should get out of this crater first." She says smiling at him, "Find a tree or cave, somewhere with shelter." She scanned the surrounding area trying to figure out which way to go.

Alliah walked around campus, with her music playing Aloud. She sang along with it.

Disturbed - Sickness
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Exhausted from the events that happened today, Shina proceeded to make her way home as fast as possible. She quickly ate dinner and took a shower before starting on her homework. You would think that all the crazy things that happened today would have given the students a good excuse to not do the homework but the teachers made it clear that they still had to do it. Not to mention, she had to finish writing that 5 page essay from detention. It was past midnight when she finally finished and collapsed on the bed.


The next day, Shina walked to school, stifling her yawns. She had black circles under her eyes and a horrible mood. The school had been professionally fixed overnight, restored to such perfection that it seemed like the fight yesterday never even happened. She dragged herself to class and resigned to sleeping the day away, not wanting to talk or interact with anyone.
Lila and Jack woke up, both of their injuries had healed.

Lila smiled. "Morning!" She beamed a smile at him.

Jack smiled back, nodding. "Morning, sis."
Corvus felt the glow of the sunlight on his face as he woke up from his slumber. It was 7:30 AM. Most students would jump frantically out of bed by this time, but Corvus climbed out of bed and made his breakfast at a leisurely pace. After a quick shower, Corvus got dressed in his usual attire—jeans, and a shirt with a Nike check mark on it. He went back into his room to fix up his things for school, and he noticed that the time was now 7:48 AM.

((@TheCreator645 Wake up boi. Btw I'll be gone for a few hours))
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Pandora woke up to the sound of Corvus getting ready for school. She sat up, stretching herself, yawning, and rubbed her eyes, slowly waking herself up. She looked over to Corvus, dressed in casual wear. He seemed to not notice her sitting up.

"...ugh... Fucking school..."

She said sluggishly, not wanting to get up. At that, she quickly rolled over and laid back down in her makeshift bed.
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Kyzaba smirked as he silently but made great process. Soon, they were at the library. He smiled before allowing the blind girl to walk into the library before looking at his phone to see that it was time to be home. "Well... look at the time." He said before walking away.


(We should move on to the next day soon.)

(This post was so bad sry. Wanted to get the first day done.)
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Kyzaba walked out of the school yard and looked up to see that the sky was beginning to turn a brownish yellow tint. With a smile, he looked up at the sky. It's been quite a great first day of school and a long one. With a sigh, he walked off into the distance in which he was to soon arrive at home, have a quick dinner (probably ramen) and then proceed to a dreamy night in which would be filled with bizarre but positive dreams.

Soon, as if time passed in the blink of an eye, Kyzaba opened his own eyes to see that morning had arrived upon the people of the west. With a sigh, he pushed his blanket over him and got up with drowsiness before getting dressed and getting done his daily routine. Kyzaba knew that soon, there was to be a class president election but he wasn't positive of when it shall happen. However, when it does happen, he will be prepared for it greatly.

Kyzaba walked out of the door and walked slowly, whistling along the way while admiring the sunlight that shone above. The sunlight that gave life to this world. Trees danced around him as he finally arrived at the school gate to see that he was indeed the first one here and if there were people here, they weren't chilling in the school yard. Like an average student, Kyzaba decided that he would wait in the regular classroom for people to start popping up. He walked over to the school building slowly and soon arrived at the classroom that had hosted quite a bizarre first day for the students.
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Corvus turned to the sleepy succubus behind him. "Hey, school starts in 10 minutes," he warned her. "Hard to believe that there's a second day of school at all after what happened yesterday. But hey, it is what it is."
Pandora groaned, sitting up. She picked up her satchel and put it on the bed, before slipping her hoodie back on. After that, she grabbed a dark red beanie from her bag and put it lazily over her head, covering her small horns. She didn't bother to brush he hair, but rather began to put her boots on.

"...okay- I'm ready..."

Pandora groaned again, sitting her leather satchel at her shoulder, carrying it at her side.
Anastasia thanked Kyzaba for helping her and went to find what she was looking for. It might have seemed completely silly, listening to audio books instead of using her powers to simply "know" the information but she prefers to lock all of that away. If she did something like that every time, she would have no need for socializing and, to be more extreme, living. She found every thing she was looking for, except one and eventually returned to her dorms.

- - -

Ana awoke to a bright light shining into the small window of her dorm. She awoke with a stretch and lightly patted her dresser, looking for her walking stick. After slowly dressing herself, she unfolded the stick and headed for the door. One would assume she would mismatch her clothes often but Ana had bought only grey, white, and black clothing to avoid such instances. Today she decided on a flared skirt and button up top.

It took some time to head out of the dorm and walk to class, but she enjoyed the time spent outside. The warm sun on her skin was refreshing as well as the cool breeze. Even the sound of other students bustling about was a small joy she cherished. Finally, arriving at the classroom, she opened the door slowly and found the first seat she felt to be empty, about one row back from being in the front. She would have pulled out school supplies but.... they wouldn't have done much good, now would they?
"Take my hand," Corvus ordered. "I'm gonna teleport us to school." He stretched out his arm towards Pandora, who looked like she absolutely abhorred the idea of school. It is what it is, Corvus thought to himself.
"Yeah. How do you think you got here so fast? I'm not about to carry an unconscious girl through the streets, especially at 5 PM." Corvus replied. He had hoped his logic and truthfulness would dispel her doubts about him.
Pandora paused before taking Corvus's hand and holding it in her own, which was covered in her black fingerless gloves. Her face turned pink at the thought of him carrying her. She quickly got rid of the mental image.

"...huh...I guess that makes sense... What powers do you have?"

She asked him curiously.
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"Now that's a secret," Corvus replied with a wink. "Hold on tight... Glitch." In a sudden incandescent light, which outshone the sunlight entering the bedroom, Corvus and Pandora were nowhere to be found.

The school was already bustling with students, with the time being 7:55 AM, 5 minutes before the first bell. It was hard to believe that things seemed so normal after what happened yesterday. Corvus was struck with awe at how quickly the school building was fixed. Less than 16 hours ago, the building was about to come down in the wake of a giant mechanical dragon. But now, it's as if such a thing never occurred. This normalcy filled Corvus with awe and also with a slight fear. How powerful must the teachers and the administration be to be able to accomplish such a task? he wondered. Hm. I guess I'll save those questions for another time.

And with that, the bell rang and it was time for class. Corvus waved goodbye to Pandora as he made his way to AP Computer Science class, which he had grown fond of during the course of yesterday's schedule. He found his passion there. After seeing the constant destruction in his previous world, Corvus discovered within himself a passion for building things. A passion for creative innovation.
Reanne Rea woke up at the sound of voices, alarmed, she got out of bed and scanned her surroundings. She sighed, clearly exhausted from yesterdays events. She walked into the bathroom, closing the door, and with a quick flash she had changed into a uniform, which she really liked. She is a mage after all.
Pandora stood in astonishment for a moment as students began rushing past her.

"...uh- wait..!"

She said weakly after Corvus, who now was out of sight, rushing to his class. She sighed in disappointment. As the crowd dissipated, she looked to the side of the concrete path, where the tree stump from yesterday was. Embedded in it was her hunting knife, still stuck into the wood. She smiled, picking it up and slipping it into her pocket. Pandora then made her way to class, remembering how much she hated everyone else.
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Tyrrell Sighed, He was so tired from working all night on trying to fix the school. He Walked through the classroom doors and sat down and laid his Head down, and kinda dosing to sleep, which really he didnt. He then felt a tap on his shoulder, He turned his head to look and it was the vice principal.

"No Sleeping in class" She said glaring at him

"Ugh, I didnt want any of this to happen and I had to get help from my orbs" He mumbled the last part

"I perfectly understand that part" The Vice Principal said before sitting down at the side of the classroom
The bell rang loudly, alerting the schools students to period two.

Pandora lazily stood up, as students began to empty out into the busy halls. Pandora searched for her next class. After a moment of walking through the current of people making their way to where they were meant to be, she found her way to her class. She sat down at the back row, right in the corner of the room. She looked to the front of the class, where the teacher sat at his desk, shuffling through his papers. On the black board behind him were the words 'POWER DEMONSTRATION TODAY' in white chalk.

"Oh, fuck..."

Pandora groaned, hitting her head against the desk.
Tyrrell got up and went to the second period class, while the vice principal followed. He went to the back of the class and took a seat.
Corvus had enjoyed his APCS class, and made his way to his second period class while shuffling the words variable, boolean, integer, and double in his mind. He walked into another room and was surprised to see Pandora there. His smile grew bigger when he saw the words "Power demonstration today" written on the chalkboard.

Marvelous, Corvus thought unsarcastically. Maybe I can practice my marksmanship. I did get a bit rusty, especially when I was trying to suppress Pandora yesterday. Hm. She did ask me about my powers. Maybe I can show her a little bit today.

And with that, Corvus sat down next to Pandora, who didn't look too excited.
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