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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Pandora realised the eyes looking up at her in the room, all attention towards her feat of hypnosis. She quickly sat back down her seat, ashamed. Pandora looked down at her desk, attempting to hide herself from the attention, yet failing. She hated attention, and this was the most she had ever gotten. She felt like crying again, her heart beating quickly. She put her head in her hands.
Jenie sat down not knowing where to go. "Where the heck do I go?" she groaned. "I guess i will just go back into my lantern," and with a puff of smoke went into her lantern.
Alliah suddenly woke. She sniffed, smirking a bit. This feeling is just all the pleasure, isn't it? Alliah thought, looking at Corvus. She raised her finger up, the power of fear being taken out. She ignored the minor shocks being sent by the two orbs, and with that, a Giant Huntsman spider slowly crawled into the corner of the room. Aswell as two Garden Spiders crawling onto the legs of Corvus's desk. She giggled quietly, lowering her hand
Reanne Rea sighed and drummed her fingers on the table impatiently. She should have just gone with Lila and Jack, she was starting to regret her decision too. But, it gave her time to think. She began to think about Seth, and what happened to him after the fight. She was worried about her friend, she did make a promise after all.

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Corvus snapped out of his fearfulness as he saw two spiders moving towards his feet. Alarmed, Corvus summoned a suppressed M9 and gripped it with his right hand. Keeping the gun under the desk, he quickly shot the spiders that were advancing towards him.

Something's wrong..., Corvus thought. Looking around the room with an alarmed and serious expression and saw a hooded girl with a mischievous expression on her face. Better keep an eye on her...
Kyzaba sighed before lifting his glasses up with his middle finger. Seems like things have gotten out of hand once again. The teacher had been hypnotized by a student and well... perhaps the school should've found a teacher that was able to control their student's powers. Soon, Kyzaba was able to see a boy pull out a gun to fire at two spiders underneath his desk. Never seen a spider before? Kyzaba thought but didn't dare to speak out.

Finally, Kyzaba had had enough of this boredom and soon, he decided that it was time to step up and do something to control the situation. He lifted up his briefcase and decided to hop to the principle's office to tell the principle himself that the class would require a new teacher... but first, he would need something to distract the rest of the students... who knows what they could do in a short period of time. However, after a minute of thinking, he decided that it was no use. "Alright you guys." He said. "I'm going to ask for a new teacher... the rest of you stay put." and with that, he left for the principle's office.
Pandora ignored the gun Corvus had shot the spiders with. She looked up to see an honour student leave the class room to get a new teacher, and as soon as he left the room, she stood up and grabbed her satchel, making her way towards the door. She couldn't handle the attention she was getting. Pandora needed to be alone. So she began her way to the library, hoping to just be left alone for the rest of the day.
Corvus panicked as he saw Pandora leaving. Her face reeked of distress as she walked out the door. What's with her?, Corvus asked himself silently. He had an urge to go after her, but stopped himself in the end. Maybe she just needed some solace. I'll find her at lunchtime.
Pandora arrived at the library. She looked around, making sure no one was there. She made her way to the very back of the library, behind a book shelf, and sat down, putting her head in her knees, hugging herself. She groaned weakly, feeling ashamed.
Reanne Rea stood up before skipping happily to the door. She didnt want to be in this hellhole anymore. She ran out of the room and into the hallway, going to the garden. She sat under a tree and slept. She just had to wait until lunch.
Nyx Hissed as the sunlight hit his body causing him minor pain, he got into the building as fast as he could, his body burning with pain he leaned against a wall waiting for the pain to subside.

once the pain subsided he realized he had no idea where to go, he decided to go to the library where he hoped no one would be so he wouldn't get into trouble.
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Jenie came out of her lamp and tryed to tellaport and arrived in the library. "Okay then." she whispered to herself and started meditating. She always started floating when she meditating.
Samantha gasped as she woke up and looked at her alarm clock, she was late, as always.. Rushing to get ready she threw on new clothes, grabbed her bag, and ran out the door. She didn't have time to wait for a bus and her parents were already gone, so she ran her way to school in such a hurry she barely breathed as much as she should have.

Once she finally made it she slouched a little in the school yard before making her way inside and wandering the halls.
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She telleported again and arrived in the halls of the school. ''I really got to get the groove of this." she said. Jenie saw a girl wandering the halls. She moved as quick as she could so that she could place her lamp in front of her. She placed her lamp down and quickly went back into it.

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Ehe... Alliah giggled in her head, enjoying the reaction he did. Quite a scene. She made the room feel more tense, and had made the room a bit darker, enough to where sunlight had a small play in illuminating the room. The Giant Huntsman had crawled onto Corvus' back, the weight noticeable.

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