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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Reanne Rea woke up at the sound of the bell. She stood up and went to the cafeteria quickly, hoping to find the two pokemons. She reached the cafeteria and scanned the area.

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[[ Frick it. Might as well start now. : p

And Reality, you never answered me. QuQ

A thorny figure of vines and roots stood at the corner of the cafeteria, watching everyone as they got their food and sat down somewhere. He observed how everyone had their friends or groups that they would stay with and talk to. He personally had nowhere to sit, so he stood in his corner, watching and getting a few eyes to gaze upon him as well.
Reanne Rea looked around and and saw a figure in a corner. She started to walk in its direction, before stopping in front of it and peering curiously.
The figure stood in a near statue like state till it saw the individual before him. He tilted his head in curiosity, wondering what the person needed.
The root twisted being's eyes grew a bit brighter and waved back at the person, seeming interested in her.
As nyx was heading into the darkest part of the library he saw a Girl, his face forming into a scowl at the sight of her.

"Are you leaving... or do i have to make you"he said.

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Pandora watched as the boy threatened her, to which her expression turned cold, and she stood up to face him.

"Oh, fuck off. I don't want to deal with you right now"

Her eyes began to glow red as she attempted to use her hypnosis on him.

"Go away."

She commanded sternly.

(It's up to you if your character is affected by Pandora's male hypnosis powers
@GingerBread )
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Nyx Felt an urge to leave but quickly shook that thought from his head, "Make me" he said to the girl whilst glaring at her.
Pandora grew disappointed as she saw that her power had failed. It was not entirely surprising, as it had happened before, for her powers grew limited to the fact that she was only half succubus. She sighed, and withdrew her large hunting knife from her hoodies pocket.


She answered coldly, flashing the razor sharp blade. Her eyes grew a deeper, blood red as she began to await an oncoming fight.

Hopefully I can actually fucking kill somebody this time...

Pandora thought. She quickly dismissed the feeling of worthlessness and watched how the boy would react.
Nyx's eyes widened in surprise, unsheathing his daggers he got ready to fight, "If you want to live leave now, if not then carry on" he said, flashing his fangs.
Pandora smiled at Nyx's remark. Perhaps it was his underestimation of Pandoras powers, or another thing, she didn't care at that moment. She stood still, waiting for him to make his first attack, as she grinned.
"I guess you want to die then" Said Nyx. He started to rush towards the girl, then flipped over the top of her and swung at her back.

(up to you if the hit connects)
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"-And maybe I do!!"

She yelled at him angrily. Pandora saw what the boy was doing, and quickly turned herself around, but in the process her clothing was ripped by his daggers, which let her wings climb out of their hold. She then sent a kick towards his knees, attempting to trip him over of simply break his knee caps. She grinned wildly as she fought.

(Gtg I must sleep)
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Nyx grunted as he got kicked in the knee causing him to stumble backwards. He caught himself before he fell. He decided to create an illusion that he was on the ground while trying to hide in the shadows to get a surprise attack on the girl.

(Ok:) )
Ceres said:
She telleported again and arrived in the halls of the school. ''I really got to get the groove of this." she said. Jenie saw a girl wandering the halls. She moved as quick as she could so that she could place her lamp in front of her. She placed her lamp down and quickly went back into it.
Samantha paused slightly, almost tripping over as lamp that was suddenly in front of her. "What in the world?!?" She picked it up and sighed, thinking to herself 'If this is a genie and I get bad wishes.. today is not the day.' She looked at the lamp and tucked it under her arm as she continued to wander before finding a good spot to put it and rubs it as anyone else would do.
Kyzaba sighed in delight as the bell finally rang. This means he'd no longer have to deal with the chaos in the classroom at the moment. He went ahead and grabbed his lunch box before walking off toward the direction of the school in which he soon passed the library. Not long after he passed the library, he was able to witness a fight going on before him between the two students. One familiar, because she'd been the one to hypnotize the teacher... the other, not quite. Kyzaba sighed before deciding that as the honor student he is, he should attempt to stop the fight.

Kyzaba sighed before walking up to the two fighters before putting a hand up to attempt to separate the two. "What have we here?" He asked with a smile. "Don't want to be caught in trouble do we?"
Alliah stopped the Hallucinations, she was gone from the room at the time. Corvus was free from them. @LegenDarius

Alliah was in the Canteen (Cafeteria), eating her food gingerly. The orbs had stopped shocking her. She stood out, however, as she had Orbweaver Spiders in her area, crawling on her body and hair.
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"Yeah, where do you want to eat?" Hak says whilst smiling at her. Hak felt relieved that he was in the same class as Willow, and wanted to spend more time with her.

(If we are in same class xD )

Corvus sighed in relief as the hallucination was over. His sanity slowly began to return, and Corvus was back to normal as soon as the bell rang. Finally..., he sighed to himself. Lunchtime... He was glad that he could finally rest after that nightmare. He unsummoned his gun and made his way to the cafeteria. Standing on the line, he kept a lookout. Hope she's not here... Corvus thought. Lord help me if she ever does that to me again, he prayed as the line moved along.
Alliah giggled at the fear he had for her. She ignored him however, otherwise she'd get shocked again by the two pesky orbs. She ate casually, turkey breast with mashed potatoes. She pet some of the spiders in her area. @LegenDarius
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