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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Im so late lol xD

Reanne Rea smiled at the plants actions, gushing on how cute it looks.Then, her curiosity sparked. "Can you talk?"She asked excitedly, wanting to know the answer.

@Death Peacher
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Enki started to enter the school for the first time "oh god, I hope this goes well, what strange people will I meet here, well first I need food." his belly started to rumble so he travailed through the school to the canteen. "darn I only have 5p to spend, and it doesn't look like this will work here." he looks for a free table to sit at, luckily he finds one and sits, he quickly summons Chloe "pst Chloe, can you grab me something to eat?" Chloe reply's "isn't that stealing?" Enki sighs and says "yes but I'm hungry" Chloe evilly looks back and says "well tough, I'm not stealing." then she goes back to the underworld. Enki sighs once more before shoving his head into a book.
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Enki started to get bored of his book, after reading 3 chapters he closed it, he looked up and had a realisation that he had maths now, he packed up and quickly went to lesson. However he needed some money to buy food. He checks his phone to see if he has got any money from his part time job, luckily they did give him money so he buys a sandwich and runs to class.
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As the teacher starts to ramble about how algebra is important Enki starts to fall asleep.
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Willow smiles noticing that Hak is blushing and thinking it's cute. When she realizes he's been staring at her for a few minutes her she blushes a light pink. She bites her lip, looking down at her lap slightly nervous.

"S-s-s-sorrry!!!!!" He says whilst looking away and his face went bright red... He didn't even notice and thought he was creeping her out...

He moves along the bench a little thinking he was creeping her out.

Haks face goes from a bright red to a light blushing, a smile appeared on his face, he went to put his hand down on the bench and accidentally put it on top of hers, he realized immediately and backed his hand away "Sorry..." He says whilst wanting to be closer to her...

The bell rings, Enki lifts his head in a instant, no ones there. He rubs his eyes and yawns. He checks his planner and see's he has a free lesson. As he has nothing else to do so he sighs. he gets up and leaves then the teacher tells him he has homework that he needs to do. He smirks and runs. The teacher frowns and looks back at his planner. He runs out side and finds a bench to sit on, he sleeps again.
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His hand was about to pull away again, but then moved it towards hers fully, He looked at her with a blank expression for a few seconds staring into her eyes,

Hak didn't realize how close their faces were...

(Sorry for the delay D:)

Pandora jumped back as the dagger was swung towards her, barely leaving a bloody scratch, to which she didn't seem to notice. She grinned wildly as she threw her knife directly towards her opponent.

Willow looks into Hak's eyes blushing lightly. When she realizes how close their faces are her heart starts to speed up. Pink carnations bloom on the bench in reaction to her emotions.

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[[ Sorry I'm late with my response. >3>

The plant like humanoid looked at his surroundings before returning his attention to the lady in front of him, then nodded.
Nyx rolled out of the way of the knife,He was starting to get annoyed at this girl she seemed too persistent.

Nyx decided to use some blood magic and muttered incantations underneath his breath, giving him a red aura and making him faster and stronger.

Nyx knew he would be weakened later because of this but didn't care, he was too focused on taking this girl down.

@TheCreator645 (No worries :) )
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Kyzaba sighed, knowing that the fight was indeed going way too far. He knew that he would have to stop this conflict before a teacher comes over and suspends the two fighting students. He grunts before placing his suitcase down on the ground and opening it. With a click, the suitcase opened and Kyzaba reached in to take out two small pistols without touching the master weapon he had in there. After that, he pointed the two pistols at both parties before explaining the weapon. "These are Ark-09s... One shot and you'd be put to sleep... for quite a while." He smirked with his head locked on both parties. "So I suggest you all go to lunch."

@GingerBread @TheCreator645
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Nyx turned his attention to the boy who caused him to get hurt in the first place

"I think lunch is a good idea" He said grinning, suddenly rushing towards The boy with inhuman speed, wanting nothing more than to sink his teeth in to his neck.

@Kyzaba (Up to you if i bite you, you can't get infected though cuz i'm only half vamp)
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Pandora didn't care about the pistol targeted towards her. She quickly dove to get her fallen knife. gripping it in her hand, she stood, seeing her opponent lost interest in their fight.
(Alright guys. Time to show my powers.)

Kyzaba grimaced as he had been bit by the person. "Quite violent you are." He whispered as his eyes turned blood red. Indeed, he was about to reveal his demon form from anger... he was the son of satan. With a yell, Kyzaba's transformation has begun. His skin turning into dark blue and his tail as began to form. His body turned to 200 degree body heat and his glasses managed to burn and melt. With a grin, he threw his hands down and thus a hole has been burst into the hallway of the school. "Now..." He said in a rasp voice. "You gonna come off or not?"
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Pandora stood in awe as the honor student turned into a dark, burning demon. She grinned.

"Whatcha going to do now?! Shoot me, then! Haha!"

She began to charge at Kyzaba inhumanely, her own demonic wings helping her.

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