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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Nyx ripped his fangs from the boy's neck, his eyes widening in surprise at the boy's changed appearance, not willing to back down he swings his dagger towards the boys face whilst shouting "I'm going to feast upon your corpse".
Enki starts to wake, looks around, he sighs. "I was sleeping." He frowns, "well im bored of this book, stupid magic, i should get a new book." He starts to go to the library to find a new book.
Corvus was walking towards the entrance of the library when he heard startling noises from the place. He hugged the wall and inched toward the entrance at a moderate pace. Peering through the glass pane on the door, he saw the honor student pointing guns at Pandora and another person, who both seemed to be in demon forms. Pandora... What's she doing here?

Corvus quickly backed out of sight, and using his powers, summoned three flash grenades and a Smith & Wesson revolver. He felt the weight of the heavy pistol in his hand, noting how that weight bore testament to the gun's superior firepower despite its antique design.He placed two of the grenades inside of his cloak and readied the third in his other hand.

He inched back into the door and watched; the vampire was already attacking the honor student! Corvus felt the urge to burst in through the door, however the honor student, who was now in his alternate form, seemed to be unfazed by the vampire's dreadful attack. In tense waiting, Corvus gripped the revolver with his right hand, and placed his thumb under the ring on the end of one of the grenades' pins. He merely observed, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Hak STILL looking blankly into her eyes, he decides to get closer and move his face closer, he wanted her permission to kiss her...

but at the same time he just wanted to do it either way, his heart was beating incredibly fast now due to how close they were.

Corvus, with his back turned to the passerby, replied, "Back it up! There's a fight going on in there!" Screams were heard from the inside of the library, however none of them sounded like they came from the honor student.

Corvus, with his right thumb, pulled the hammer back on the revolver, readying the gun. He slowed down his breathing, attempting to focus.
"Ok then... I'll be in the canteen, when this has finished could you maybe come tell me?" He starts to walk away looking at Corvus.
Hak became drawn in by the motion and closed in even further, their lips were making contact more now, Haks mind still being blank, he simply kept this motion going. He had never done this kind of thing before and didn't fully understand how to do it...

Haks mind still being blank, he parted for a second and then went back for more...

He couldn't think straight. if anything he couldn't think at all at that moment...

He couldn't tell whether she liked/wanted it or not..

Nyx seeing an opportunity swings his other dagger towards the girl's neck, he was determined to come out as the one on top.

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Hak moved closer to Willow, he had no control really at that point, Hak felt her legs rub against his, there legs began to entwine due to no room....

yet their lips were still just gently touching.

When Corvus saw the vampire beginning to attack Pandora, he used his left thumb to pull the pin on the tactical grenade. He quickly opened the door and tossed the flashbang inside, generating a bright flash of light that disoriented all those in the room.

The elf rushed in, muttering, "Slow." Time slowed down, as the vampire's rushing blade was reduced to a snail's pace. The clock glyph reappeared on Corvus's forehead as he saw everything unfold in slow motion. Unaffected by the time field, he aimed his revolver and shot the vampire's hand, knocking the knife away from his grip as it fluttered like a feather towards the ground. Corvus pulled back the hammer again and shot the vampire in the knee, and then shot him again in the shoulder. At that instant, the time field wore off and the clock glyph on his forehead disappeared.
Hak still kissing her gently, his right hand just on the edge of the bench which slips, he falls onto the floor into a heap... his eyes closed for a couple of seconds, everything seemed quite dark. Hak didn't know where Willow was at the second.


Pandora gasped as she was thrown backwards. The vampire fell back, bulletholes suddenly appearing all over his body. She then saw Corvus standing beside the fight scene, a gun in his hand. Her eyes returned to their normal, light blue as she looks up at him from the floor.

As Hak falls off the bench Willow gets pulled down with him due to their legs being entwined. She squeaks in surprise and reflexively shifts to her smaller form. Hovering above him Willows laughs lightly. "Are you okay?" She asks.

Hak looks up, a tiny glimpse of light begun to reappear in his eyes as he looked up, "Yeah, I'm fine.... I'm sorry if I did anything mean or rude to you,

I was in a state where I couldn't really hold back..." He says in an apologetic tone, Hak doesn't bother to jump up, he looks into the sky thinking how peaceful and nice it was...

getting to spend time with Willow and finally kissing her made his day.

Nyx hissed in pain as the shots connected causing him to stumble backwards, only just managing to keep himself upright he decided to retreat into the shadows not bothering to pick up his fallen weapon, I'll get that boy back but a little blood and I should be fine after a little blood nyx thought.
"Pandora! Get out of there!" Corvus yelled, maintaining his eyes on the target. He cocked the gun again, ready to fire at the vampire. But then he disappeared into the shadows. "You okay?" He asked the wounded honor student to his left.

@GingerBread @Kyzaba
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