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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Pandora gasped as her pain ceased, and she lifted her hands from their hold on her head. The vampire had passed out, much to her relief. She grabbed her knife, and in one swift motion, she sliced the vampires face before stabbing at his chest. She shoved her bloody knife into her pocket, and lifted herself up from the floor, standing over the boy. She wanted to finish him off, but decided not to, as her mind seemed to be fixated on Corvus and his whereabouts. Pandora turned around, and made her way to the door, tucking her wings against her back once more.
Pandora wandered the halls of the school frantically, searching for the wounded Corvus. As soon as she reached the infirmary, she saw the elven boy laying on the ground, unconcious. She ran up to him, and leaned down on her knees.

"-Ah! Corvus, get up! C'mon!"

Pandora yelled at Corvus, attempting to wake him up, shaking him frantically.
Corvus lay still as his panicked friend attempted to wake him up. But he's lost quite a bit of blood, so waking up wasn't an option. In vain she shook him, only for him to remain like a corpse on the ground, barely breathing.
Indeed, Kyzaba had been shot but the bullet dealt absolutely no damage except for a little bit of bleeding and a hole on his shoulder. This doesn't bother him at all. He felt his nerves begin to calm and thus, he went on to the nearest bathroom before entering and puking. "Every single time." He cursed when he was back to his normal form. "Every freaking time I transform this happens." Finally, he realized that he had some glasses in his suitcase that he'd carried with him to the bathroom. He sighed before opening up his suitcase and putting on a new pair of glasses.
Pandora watched as her friend lay on the ground, not waking up. She panicked as she realized he could be dying-Corvus was barely breathing.

Nonononono- My first fucking friend and hes dying-what do i do?!

Pandora couldn't do anything-she had no idea what to do. Corvus would die trying to save her. Tears came to her eyes.
Surprise Alliah. Alliah was in the corner of the infarmary, grinning as she watched her begin to cry over the elf. She giggled in her head.
(Screw this, imma just randomly jump in -randomly jumps in-)

Shina was taking a stroll down the hallway when she saw a certain familiar boy coming out of the bathroom. She froze at the spot, pondering whether she should walk over and talk or not. For the entire day, she had been trying to avoid the students from yesterday. True, she wanted to thank each and every one of them but a feeling similar to guilt poked at her heart painfully.

I shouldn't get to close to anyone ... I don't want to get another another person hurt again.

She tried to turn around and walk the other way but a large group of students was blocking her path. She sighed and walked toward Kyzaba, keeping her head down to avoid being noticed.

Please don't notice me, please don't notice me.

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"-O-okay, okay-"

Pandora stammered, lifting Corvus by his arms and pulling him into the infirmary. Ignoring the giggling girl in the corner, she pushed Corvus unto the bed, grunting as she finished. Her breathing heaved heavily, at the brisk of hyperventilating. She leaned over him, her mind and heart racing in panic.
@PhoenixFire13 (Why u pick me?)

Kyzaba sighed as he whipped some sweat off his hair. He'd indeed made some enemies but that was no matter. They wouldn't be able to harm him too bad without him turning all devilish again. With another sigh, he looked down and continued to walk, not wanting to attract as much attention as he did when he literally broke a hole through the freaking wall. He could hear and see ambulance from the school's private supply coming in urgently to try and help the wounded. However, as he walked on, he managed to bump into someone without seeing the path. "Wait.... You are..." He managed to say as he saw a familiar face.

(I have no idea. Alliah was already at the infirmary so I just randomly jumped into the next best place O.o I could still switch to the infirmary if you have something else in mind)

Shina thought she was actually gonna successfully evade Kyzaba... until he bumped into her. Really painfully. She was forced take multiple steps back as the impact really jostled her.

"Ow... why do you hurt so mu-" she caught sight of the wall behind him and the big hole left behind. Her body tensed up and she looked back at him warily. "I thought you said you were a normal human. So much for normal."
Alliah left, returning to the canteen while listening to some usual metal. She sat back down, with another helping of food she paid extra foor.
(@PhoenixFire13 be like "Screw studying" I wanna RP)

Kyzaba scratched his head in guilt. He honestly hadn't wanted to let people know that he was a demon and a demon that has the blood of satan himself. He'd wanted to be normal yet he was unable to do so. However, Kyzaba wasn't to let that bring him down. "Yeah... so much for that." He said with a smile. "Hey... I haven't seen you in class today. What have you been up to?" He asked... trying to change the subject and the damage that was being fixed at the moment behind him.
(@Kyzaba Preeeeeetty much)

Shina looked away when he asked the question she was hoping he wouldn't ask. It's not like she can exactly tell him that she was avoiding him and every other student in the entire school for a selfish reason. They probably all hate her by now since she didn't even thank them when they risked their lives to save her.

"I was ... I wasn't feeling that well so I went to the infirmary to rest for a while," she lied.
Kyzaba sighed before giving his hair a swish. "Hm... Things have been quite chaotic." He said with a calm tone. "I wonder whether the principle will make an announcement about all this later today. Indeed, the fight had gotten quite far. "Oh. I hope you feel better." He said, pushing his worries aside and trying to be polite.

Alliah finished her food quickly. She got up back into the halls, not paying attention she bumped into Kyzaba, instantly feeling embarrassment and pleasure. "Hey, Kyzaba~." She said to him, getting in the middle of the too forming a triangle. "What's your name, miss? ^ 3 ^" She said in a fake-ass polite tone. She was just trying to get Kyzaba's attention. She also made her chest appear bigger to Kyzaba, giggling in her mind.

@Kyzaba @PhoenixFire13
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(Sorry if it looks like I'm cutting the conversation short. I need to sleep soon so I just don't wanna leave you guys waiting on my reply)

"Yeah... I guess I missed out on a lot of things. That's a good thing though, on probation and all..."
Shina shifted around uncomfortably, looking out the window and everywhere but the person before her. A girl called out for Kyzaba and came over asking for her name. Shina recognized her as one of the students that had helped her yesterday. She didn't reply and looked away, hiding her pained expression. "I'm Shina... Um, you don't mind if I kind of just ... leave, do you? You guys can talk, I need to go somewhere. Sorry."

Without waiting for their reply, she quickly walked past them. The pang of pain hit her in the chest again as she passed by them and she stopped after a few steps. She stood there for a while before opening her mouth to speak, "Thank you ... for yesterday. Both of you." She ran off, hoping she didn't meet another familiar person again.

(I ship I ship I ship I ship Ok, nvm, sorry, not gonna force it, ignore me, it's just my shoujo side showing)
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"Ehe... So, Kyazbo~..." She said in a flirty tone. She waved back and forth with her hands folded tightly in between her things, defining her breasts a bit more.
Corvus gave a slight smile to Pandora as she laid him on the bed. Thanks Pandora..., he thought before unconsciousness claimed him. He lay there on the bed with his face beaming with peacefulness, despite the recent altercation.

(@TheCreator645 Sleepy time for me :3)
Kyzaba scratched his head in confusion. "Have we met before?" He asked, extremely confused and trying his hardest to ignore the temptation of demon breasts. Indeed, he was able to sense that this girl was a demon just like him... and a powerful one at the very least. Perhaps not as powerful as him but still very, very powerful. And one needs to be cautious around demons... even if you are a demon yourself.

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Pandora's eyes widened, seeing Corvus's reaction. She sighed, and finally hugged him tightly. After a moment of this, she realized what she was doing, and released her hold on him, her face blushing a deep red. Pandora decided to stay with Corvus until he woke up, so she pulled up a chair and sat, waiting for him to wake from his unconscious state. After a while, she soon fell asleep, resting on the side of Corvus's infirmary bed.

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"Well, we haven't met EXACTLY head to head. I saw you fighting that Vampire guy. He was kinda strong, but you looked so freaking cool! Ehe.." She said, explaining rather openly. She really liked him. A lot. It was just because of the demon inside he had, so attractive! She had stopped defining her chest, deciding to be more fair. "Well, I'm Alliah. ^^"
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(He wasn't ... he was in the music room...)

Shina slowed to a walk as she put some distance between her and the two students. She frowned at the ground, frustrated at her inability to act normal. Lost in thought, she let her feet carry her wherever they wanted to go.

The past is the past! Get over it, stupid!

Despite giving herself a scolding, she still couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt in her chest. She walked past a group of students who suddenly noticed who she was and backed up away from her, whispering in frightened voices. She turned to look at them but they ran off in a hurry. Another pang of guilt.

Maybe I should just ... transfer out of school. I'm not a normal human. But I don't want to be a monster either.

She sat down on the grass and leaned on a tree. Without meaning to, she had walked into the hidden place she had found in her Freshman year. It was quiet there; the noise from the school was minimized to a soft buzz in the background. She closed her eyes and let herself feel the cold breeze on her skin as she drifted off to a dark dream.

Why does it hurt to be so lonely...
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