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Fantasy Lakoria High School

(Me? No... I did indeed get involved with a fight. Yes... I know... I should be disappointed in my honors status.)

(No need to edit ur post ^^ I'll post right now.)
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(Oh, well, uh... Already edited. JUST IMAGINE SHE SAID IT OR SOMETHING. OR MERGE IT IF YOU WANT > 3 <)
Kyzaba blushed in delight as he was complimented on his demon fighting skills. "Yeah... my demon is quite dangerous... hence I don't like to let it out too often." He sighed, knowing to the fact that this demon girl is taking interest in him... and he might as well try it out. "So... uh... Wanna go get a drink with me after school? Or perhaps right now?" Indeed, they'd just met but he didn't want to stick around the current situation either with all the chaos in the background.
"Sure, I wouldn't mind that^^" She said happily. The orbs slightly shocked her for decieving someone for the seek of pleasure, but she barely minded it. "Let's go get it now then, eh?"(Btw, is he seeing that she's weaker because of the orbs, or is it just that he can sense her raw power anyway?)
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Ryo woke from the the depths of sleep, his tail uncurling from around his bag as he opened his eyes and stretched his arms skyward. He had no idea how much time had passed, or even what time it was. The teen simply didn't care in such a tired state, and, instead of rushing to find out, merely stood up and grabbed his bag. It took him a moment to recover from his drowsiness, but he walked back into the school and sluggishly looked around for a clock, or a small sign as to what time it was. Had he slept most of the day away? It seemed so from the looks of it. Crap..Koi slightly rolled his eyes at himself before rubbing his face while he walked through the hall, mumbling, "Shouldn't have stayed up so late....yeah.."
Enki wakes in a panic, confused for time "crap, how long did I sleep, I don't remember sleeping here..." He looks around, he's in the male toilets. "Shit, I did it again." After realizing he sleep walked he assumes the library should hopefully be free. He starts to walk up there whilst scratching his head.
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(He can just sense that you are a powerful demon.)

Kyzaba sighed as he went through his pockets and grabbed three dollar bills. "This should be enough." He said. "Let's go." And thus, he led the way towards the cafeteria where there'd be a few class skippers and not much people more than that. Keep in mind.... Don't let your guard down... It's never good to let your guard down.

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Reanne Rea walked out of the cafeteria, feeling somewhat embarrassed of her question to the Root Child. She made her way to the hallway, where she saw chaos. Ok, now what the heck happened here now? She thought, rolling her eyes. She saw a huge hole in the wall and stared at it. This school is weird.
Enki walked to a steady pace, once he reached the library he opened the door. Horror struck his face as he saw a bloody figure laying on the floor, he realizes that this is the after math of the fight. He walks over "h...hello, do you need help?" He says this while preparing some some fire magic...

(Your choice whether you attack, I'm preparing to use fire magic will hurt me but damage you more)

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Reanne Rea sighed as she ignored the gaping hole. She proceeded to walk out into the front garden, near the gate of the school. She heard rustling from a bush, and her sensitive hearing perked up. "Who's there?" She asked cautiously, her guard rising up. She narrowed her eyes at the bush, feeling a presence behind it.
Tenya stared up the towering structure in front of her. The words Lakoria Highschool engraved in gold at front of the building.

Ojosama shall we proceed? A familiar voice rang through her subconscience, Tenya's familiar. She nodded as a reply as she brush a strand of her snow colored hair.

"Rea I have to find Rea." Tenya repeated over and over in her head like a little mantra. A moment later she felt it, the oh so familiar presence. Rea. She was coming closer. Tenya quickly moved back behind a clump of bushes and waited. The presence grew stronger, and stopped just in front of her.

"Who's there?" Rea's voice sounded like a broken tape recorder.

Tenya held onto the smile forming on her lips as realization struck that she finally found her. A moment after that smile turn into a dark grin as she stepped out of the cover of the bushes to face her old friend.

"Hello Rea, or should I say
Shadow Striker?"
Rea glowered at the name Shadow Striker. Rea, are you alright? Shadow asked. Although she was happy that Tenya was here, she didnt like that name. Not one bit.She hid her surprised attitude and focused. She was shocked as she saw her best friend appearing in front of her, in an attacking stance. She felt hurt, knowing that her own best friend would actually fight her, much less kill her, on their reunion. She focused, but cant have the heart to fight full on her best friend. She clenched her fist as she let out an inhumane growl, her eyes glowing purple. "Tenya, how nice of you to visit Rea. But you must know the consequences of asking for a fight." Her nine tails were now floating, as she let Shadow take over her body.
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Tenya stared at her best friend. She glowed purple, She's using Shadow isn't she? Well I haven't been going around the place without taking in a few tricks.

"Tenya, how nice of you to visit Rea. But you must know the consequences of asking for a fight." Shadow's voice sounded.

Ojosama, permission to reveal. Nemna's voice rang like a gong. Granted.

Tenya felt a surge of energy course through her body as she felt her familiar being released from her soul. Her eyes sparked gold and she watched Nemna solidify in front of her. Nemna's snowy white tiger form appeared, with the aura of power and intelligence.

"Of course I know Shadow, but I wasn't hoping for a fight with you. But if needs be I'll let you draw the first blow."
Rea hesitated, her purple eyes, flickering back and forth. She knew she couldnt hurt her best friend. But she sighed. She had no choice anyway. There was no such thing as an Ex-Assassin. You cant lose the attitude. And a part of their code is when you are asked for a fight, thou shall not refuse, as for the consequence is death. She summoned her bladed tonfas, and proceeded to move forward, with the speed of light, and attempted to slash at her.

Hak begins to open his eyes after a few hours sleep, He looked at Willow laying on his chest and decided to stay resting for a while,

she was sleeping so quietly, Hak thought to himself 'Soooo.....Cute.....' and then realized what he was thinking and blushed a little, but began to smile whilst

looking into the sky once more.

Pushing himself upwards slowly Nyx growled at the boy "Leave now unless, you want to die" Nyx flashed his fangs at the boy not caring if he set him on fire at this point, he was to exhausted too care.

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Enki lowers his spell, "im not here for a fight, if you want to be an ass I'll leave." he summons maka "make sure he doesn't follow" he mutters to Maka, "come after me and I wont be so forgiving" he walks off. He goes to the historian part of the library keeps glancing back.

"If he comes after you, I'll just attack. Don't worry." Maka smiles at Enki.

Enki walks off and finds the historian section he finds a book called "ancient sword play" he picks it up and flicks through he thinks Yes broad swords. He signs out and walks out.
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Nyx touched the cut on his face hissing as he did it, he wasn't going to let a human threaten him he made himself invisible to the demon thing and the boy, this took a lot out of nyx.He was on the verge of passing out again but pushed onwards thinking just a little blood and i'll be fine, i won't take enough to kill him.

He snuck up on the boy and leaped for his throat the invisibility breaking due to the fast movement

Enki hears the end of this attack, he tries to turn but it connects. Blood spats out "You bastard! Maka fire!"

"Dammit!" Maka shouts, she quickly pulls out a fire spell, she throws out a fire ball aiming for the chest of this beast. She charges forwards and unleashes her claws they head for his neck.

(you can be hit if you want)

Nyx turns towards the demon, getting hit by the fireball his fangs ripping out the boy's neck, as he was sent flying backwards, the demon rushed towards him. the blood he gained from the boy, though not much was enough for him to heal and regain enough strength to punch the demon in the face before it could attack him.

Nyx started retreating as he knew he would not survive another fight when he was as weak as he is now.

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Willow yawns and stretches. She looks up at Hak sleepily with a smile. She doesn't know how much time has passed, but she sees that her flowers are still blooming around them. She wonders absently if she'll get in trouble for the random plants growing around campus because of her.

Enki lays on the floor, he looks back to see the beast retreating, he sighs and touches his neck, he sighs.

"looks like that boys a vampire, knowing that if I fight him again we could possibly have an upper hand on him..."

He looks up to notice Maka knocked back "You good?"

"Sorry, he was to quick, however it looks like he wont be back for awhile." Maka says this while touching her face. Enki sends her back to the under world and walks back into the library he tries to finds a table that has not been destroyed by the violence, once he does he sits down and starts to read the book he picks up, flicks to Broad swords and starts to daze off.
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Nyx went to the infirmary to see if they had any blood, when he got there he saw the girl he was fighting before asleep in the chair next to the boy he had bitten, he felt a pang of guilt for the boy. He noticed that he could end the girl's life right here but decided against it.

Nyx went into the back of the infirmary finding two small packets of blood, he sighed not liking packaged blood but decided it would have to do, he ripped open the packets of blood and poured it into his mouth some of the blood running down his chin, he proceeded to do the same to the other packet.

As he was leaving he looked at the boy once more, he hadn't meant to hurt him so badly, sighing he walked over to him careful not wake the girl, he then placed a hand on the boy's neck where he had bit him, Nyx Chanted a few words underneath his breath;there was a red glow

There, that should heal him faster Nyx thought, he then left the infirmary to find someplace dark to rest, away from everyone

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