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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Pandora looked up to see Corvus making his way into the class room. She quickly got rid of the smile that formed on her face, as he sat next to her.

"..hey Corvus"

She said to Corvus. Suddenly, the bell rang, alerting the school to the start of class. The teacher stood up, and all attention was directed towards him.

"Good morning, class. Now, as you already may have known, today, as part of our beginning of school orientation, your fellow classmates are going to demonstrate their magical and enhanced powers and abilities"

He picked up a sheet on his desk, and read the first line of the class role.

"..ah, now the first student is absent today, so.. Who would like to go first?"

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She got in class, drowsy after waking up. "Ugh..." She groaned after entering. She went ahead and made the Hallucination to the teacher that she was awake, everyone else saw her as asleep.
The teacher noticed the girl entering the room.

"You're late. Would you like to present first?"

He said sternly, not quite giving her an option.
Tyrrell Kept his head down as one of the orbs that follows him said "Updating" Which means it could be heard through the entire classroom.

"Oh shut up or just send it to my head next time so no one can hear you" He said in a mutter
"Or maybe you?"

He called angrily to Tyrell, In the direction of the 'updating' call, ignoring the half awake girl.

"You must want to present, I assume?"

He motioned Tyrell to the front of the room, a stern look on his face.
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He Stood up and took his coat off revealing his right arm. He looked back at the vice principal who nodded. He sighed and went up front of class, staying quiet
He Held his right hand out as every piece of technology flys over to his hand and start to reform into something else.
The teacher begins to sit on the edge of his seat, as did the rest of the class, except for the two half-asleep girls, Pandora and Alliah.
Lila smiled at Rea. "Morning!" She exclaimed happily.

Jack clambered out of bed and hopped onto the ground without a sound. "Who's your friend, Lila?"

Lila nodded at Rea. "This is Rea. She saved you."

"Greetings, Rea." He smiled. "Say, why don't we sing you a song?"
Willow awoke to warm sunlight on her face. Yawning she stretched enjoying the warmth before realizing that the sun being so high meant she was late for school. She flew out of her flower bed and rushed to get ready remembering that she still hadn't gone to registration. Pushing the leaves aside she left her little house shifting to human size and landing on the ground near where Hak had gone to sleep the night before. She leaned over him watching him sleep. She didnt want to disturb him but still didnt know where registration was.

Kyzaba grinned as he sat down to see the teacher scribbling sloppily on the board. Power demonstration? He thought before giving a yawn. With a sigh, he crossed his arms and closed his eyes, relaxed and prepared for another obnoxious day of whatever might happen. Soon, the class began to fill up with students, some familiar to his eyes, others not quite. However, he did notice that a girl was absent from the class and he found it quite strange.

Soon, the teacher began to search for students to display and show their powers and Kyzaba decided to just sit back and watch. The teacher was experienced enough to know every student's power and he was probably trained not to expose Kyzaba to his power... given that he is a son of Satan.
The teacher watched as the small mechanical dragon flew around the room swiftly, much to the amazement of the students watching.


He directed Tyrell back to his seat before looking back at the class role once again.
He walked back over to his seat and the little mecha dragon flew back to him and landing on his desk
Reanne She was about to say yes, when she looked at the clock that was hung conveniently up the wall. Her eyes widened. "Shoot. I am late. I am so late. This is bad. Im never gonna forgive myself. I am so megally ubberly screwed." She rambled, hyperventilating before rushing out of the room. She called to Lila and her brother. "I'll see you guys at lunch! Maybe then you can show me your talent! Bye!" She rambled, smiling before taking off at the speed of light. She slammed the door open and looked at her classmates, she felt heat rush to her cheeks as she went to a random seat, her tails following her.
Hak looks up, noticing a cute girl peering over him he mumbles "Is this a dream....." , he then proceeds to realize what he had just said... , He puts half his hand over his face to hide the blushing as he looks away.

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Nyx, While perched on a rooftop, stares at the building hoping it won't end up like last time not wanting to go back to his family.

He climbs down and proceeds to enter the school.
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"Pandora K. Shinosaiko..you're up next"

The teacher calls out, mumbling slightly attempting to pronounce the Japanese name.

Pandora looks up.

"No. Piss off"

She says sternly, not wanting to show any of her powers. The classroom falls to a hush as people turn around to stare at Pandora. The teachers expression turns angry.

"I'm sorry?! Or, Do you not have any abilities...?"

The teacher scolds. Pandora sighs, attempting to keep her anger from bursting out. She stays silent as the teacher begins to walk up to her desk.

"Pandora, I assure you it is mandatory you present what you can do"

He scolds her, gritting his teeth. Pandora stands up quickly, eye level with the teacher, doing the same.

"Fine. You know what I can do?!"

She said, raising her voice.

"And what may that be?!"

The teacher in front of her yelled. Pandora simply looked into his eyes, her own glowing pure red.

"I can do this"

She said quietly.


"Piss. Off."

And at Pandora's stern, cold order, the teacher turned around and mindlessly made his way to the door, not making a sound. He left the room, and closed the door behind him.
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Jenie walked into her new school Lakoria. "Um..." she said lost. "I don't have a watch nor a clue on where I am going." she said with a frown. ''Yeah." she than said sarcasticly.
Alliah stayed asleep, listening to her music. She could care less for a grade, everything in last semester was all that really counted to her. She dreamed off, her head resting in her arms. She dreamed of memories in new Babylon. "So ... shiny ..."

Corvus stiffened up in fear as he saw Pandora's power being demonstrated. He looked over to her and saw her blood red eyes. Those same eyes belonged to the monster that wanted to kill him. Terrifying..., Corvus thought as a blizzard seemed to make its way up his spine. He felt his own body grow cold at the terrible sight of the... creature next to him. He looked away from her and looked down at his desk, still shivering in fear. Recent memories of that demon descending upon him began to plague him as he stared at the blank surface in front of him.

Not a sound was heard in the room. Only deafening silence.

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