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Fantasy Lakoria High School

@Kanade Yuuki

Kaine completely ignored the intercom announcement. He had enough to deal with already. Why was this thing following him?! Why is it so hard to get the simple things in life?

"I only admire people who share my strength. Hunters."

He looked at Yuuki, examining her

"You are too frail... Why do you want to be my friend anyways?"
"Well I can't help it that I've got this small body." Yuuki grinned and winked at him. "What if we had a contest of some sort? See who will find out who the mad man is. You heard the message," she nodded towards the intercom, having fun.

"And if you're too annoyed by my weakness I would just fall prey to this mad man and you will get rid of me forever," Yuuki said. "As to why I want to be your friend... it's a secret!"

@GreenEyedStranger (I have to pepare to leave for malaysia in 1hr and it's 1am, haven't got a wink of sleep)
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As Enki was continuing his mental break down he stayed in his blood covered room. but on the roof of a building in the school, a figure stood. "That's my time to shine." He stated with a evil grin, he looked around at candidates through his sniper rifle, he peered into the library and noticed a unsuspecting victim, his grin grow bigger and he held his breath. One...two...three...night He thought as he shot a needle out of the rifle, heading towards the girl.

@Ami the breadling (if it hits she will be filled with rage and blood lust, I would say have this last 2-4 posts before passing out, but it is your choise)
Yeri stood in the gateway to the school. She looked around, thinking this would be a normal school, as normal as it gets for a demon. She took a deep breath and entered the school, hoping she would be accepted as a person.
"Me? But you just toally deflected my questi- ah, fine. Hm... let's see..." Jay tapped his chin while he walked. "Oh, yeah. Did you know that I was on the cheerleading team in middle school? I wasn't the guy on the bottom, in fact, some of the girls there were heavier than me."

Maria felt something hit her neck. It hurted. Her eyes turned red, as they always did when she let her demon take over. Usually she still controlled his thirst of murder. But that pain kind of made her angry. She felt like she needed to make someone pay for that pain. She went to the next best one around, a pupil not worthy of hers. Before he could even ask what she wanted, she had sliced him apart. She then thought who else could pay. She thought about Nyx, Jay and Enki. Each of them kind of hurted or pissed her of. She decided to go for Enki at first. He was the one that did the worst thing of these three. She started to search for him outside the school, her face just a mask.of rage.

@everyone at the outside
"You were a cheerleader?" Nyx asked, slightly surprised "Did you have your own cheerleading outfit like all the other girls?" Nyx took on a mocking tone, a smirk appeared on his face as he imagined Jay in a girls cheerleading outfit.

@Lotusy (Would Jay be able to see what Nyx is imagining?)
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"Pfft. No way, silly." Jay moved to give Nyx a playful shove, but instantly thought better of it. "They just, well, ok. They modified the outfit. Still midriff and crap." He blushed a bit at the memory. "It's not funny, man!"


(I'll say no. That'd probably freak him out.)
The man watched as the dart connected with the girls neck and watched as she started to become enraged. He laughed evilly and pulled out his clip board and started to record her actions...

Meanwhile, Enki sat in his blood soaked room. He started to regain his normal mentality. "I-I have to g-go fin-find my fr-iends. I-I can-'t let him get a-away with this. I-'ll end him, how dare he hurt my fr-iends." he stated in a panic, he then punched the floor and stood up and started to leave his room. He looked back at the ripped body of Hyip "I'm sorry, another one of my friends is dead. Because I couldn't protect them, there is two person I wont allow to die." He continued as a tear fell from his eye and he walked out into the world. As he entered the outside he saw Maria, he blushed slightly. He walked over to her "hey, I think we should stay together in case one of us falls victim." He stated getting close scratching the back of his head, avoiding eye contact. He only cared about protecting her.

@Ami the breadling (this can only go well)
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"I don't think it's funny at all, I'm sure you looked adorable" Nyx was grinning ear from ear "Maybe you can find it and see if it still fits" Nyx purred, becoming flirty once again, enjoying making Jay blush.

@Lotusy(Nyx is purring more than when he was a cat xD )
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"G-goddammit Nyx! I swear, you're so.. so..." Really flustered this time, Jay pushed Nyx, intent on unblancing the vampire. Afterwards, he pouted, looking away from Nyx. "I run off without you if you keep saying that to me."

metalcity said:
The man watched as the dart connected with the girls neck and watched as she started to become enraged. He laughed evilly and pulled out his clip board and started to record her actions...
Meanwhile, Enki sat in his blood soaked room. He started to regain his normal mentality. "I-I have to g-go fin-find my fr-iends. I-I can-'t let him get a-away with this. I-'ll end him, how dare he hurt my fr-iends." he stated in a panic, he then punched the floor and stood up and started to leave his room. He looked back at the ripped body of Hyip "I'm sorry, another one of my friends is dead. Because I couldn't protect them, there is two person I wont allow to die." He continued as a tear fell from his eye and he walked out into the world. As he entered the outside he saw Maria, he blushed slightly. He walked over to her "hey, I think we should stay together in case one of us falls victim." He stated getting close scratching the back of his head, avoiding eye contact. He only cared about protecting her.

@Ami the breadling (this can only go well)
Maria saw Enki approach her. She did not listen to what he said. She took out 4 daggers and threw them at his head and torso with no warning. " Your legacy shall drift away, blown into eternity, like the sands of the desert!", she angrily shouted at him

(God I can be so pathetic)
Enki continued to look away, but was surprised to have no answer. He took a quick glance at her as a dagger stabbed into him, he just moved his head out of the way of the other two daggers but the other one heading for his torso made contact, he gasped for air as he fell to one leg. Shocked by her actions, he spat out a little bit of blood "W-What?" he asked rhetorically as blood flowed out of what gaps it could find in his wounds. His blushing left and he grabbed one of the daggers pulling it out and throwing it at the floor, fire filled the gap and started to burn it shut "i-I'm sorry, I couldn't protect you." He said, emotion starting to leave his voice as he looked her in the eyes, waiting for her next attack. He started to rock on the spot he was on as the pain grow stronger.

@Ami the breadling
metalcity said:
Enki continued to look away, but was surprised to have no answer. He took a quick glance at her as a dagger stabbed into him, he just moved his head out of the way of the other two daggers but the other one heading for his torso made contact, he gasped for air as he fell to one leg. Shocked by her actions, he spat out a little bit of blood "W-What?" he asked rhetorically as blood flowed out of what gaps it could find in his wounds. His blushing left and he grabbed one of the daggers pulling it out and throwing it at the floor, fire filled the gap and started to burn it shut "i-I'm sorry, I couldn't protect you." He said, emotion starting to leave his voice as he looked her in the eyes, waiting for her next attack. He started to rock on the spot he was on as the pain grow stronger.
@Ami the breadling
Maria looked down on him, nothing but anger filling her. She took out one last dagger, rising it, ready to give him the final blow. " Some spirits are fated to burn...", she whispered with nothing but hatred in her voice
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Enki stayed where he was "Sorry, I can't hurt you." he stated emotionless as he looked into her eyes.

@Ami the breadling
"You have wasted your power. Now bleed for it.", she said as she striked with the dagger. She suddenly felt weak while doing so and couldn't quite hit her target. Instead of his throat, she hit his shoulder. Then she lost consciousness.

As the dagger struck his shoulder, the pain was agonising. He gritted his teeth and caught Maria as she started to fall "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He repeated as fire built up in his shoulder burning the wound shut. He then looked around and found the music building, he picked her up and walked into the music block. He placed her down on a bed made out of many chairs. He sat next to her waiting for her to wake up.

@Ami the breadling
@Magical Squid Senpai (If you need any of my guidance, tell me :P )

@Kanade Yuuki (Alright, take your time!)

Kaine paused for a moment, thinking before he snarled at her again

"Fine. If it is what will make you stop, then fine. I have nothing better to do anyways."

He began to walk outside until he saw Maria on her rampage

"Who is that?"
The man finished writing out the girls reactions "Very nice Maria. Good, with that murderous intent I can use you easily." He stated with a laugh, pleased with the second victim's reactions. He wondered how the drug would work with the undead. He went invisible and went building to building, looking for 2 victims. Either a vampire or a zombie. he looked around and started to laugh as he saw his next victim "Everything always works out for me." He stated with his psychopathic smile as he prepared his next shot, he took a deep breath, aimed and shot at he zombies neck.

Columbus put a hand to his neck and winced, "Youch! What?! What was...What?" He looked around him, everything seemed more calm, his eyelids grew heavy, a familiar feeling he hadn't felt in hundreds of years. He smiled, "Maybe if I just...Close my eyes for a bit I'll feel better..."

Nyx lost his balance and fell to the floor, laughing at how flustered Jay had become, not seeming to care that he had just been pushed to the ground. Nyx's smile faded slightly as he saw Jay pout "Okay, okay i'll stop" Nyx gave Jay a smile as he struggled to get back on his feet "What can i do to make it up to you?" Nyx asked, not wanting Jay to be annoyed at him.

"Geez, Nyx. I was just playing. You don't need to make it up to me, just don't embarass me anymore," Jay said, crossing his arms. "C'mon now. If we keep messing around her for forever, we'll miss lunch!" With that, Jay turned around, continuing the walk towards the cafeteria.

(@GingerBread You can go into he cafeteria with the next post. Sorry for taking so long, I'm at a meet.)
The man watched as the zombie started to fall asleep, he wrote this out on his board. He was a little surprised by how the anger didn't take affect but it was suspected. But he kept watching the boy, making sure the anger didn't take affect after the sleepiness.

"Come on Miyu, lets go get something to eat." Willow said, standing up and turning in the direction she thought the cafeteria was. "Maybe we'll run into Dal, or Hak! I haven't seen him in a while." Her wings fluttered excitedly and lifted her off the ground as she thought of her first friend. 'You're going the wrong way Willow. And why does the thought of that boy make you so happy?' Miyuki's voice interupted Willow's memories of Hak. "Whoops.." Willow said, blushing lightly as she turned to follow Miyu. "I don't know Miyu. He was the first person I met here.. I guess I just really like him."

(@SolisNighsun @CelestiaVanGuard @Anyone around xD )
"Where's the fun if i don't embarass you?" Nyx said smiling as he walked alongside Jay. Before long they had entered the Cafeteria "I'll go get us a table and you can get food" Nyx stated as he started to walk to a empty table.


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