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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Alright. I hope you're fine with more chicken!" Jay ran up to the lunch line. "Ooh, chicken sandwiches again! I'll take two, please!" He eagerly grabbed the sandwiches from the lunch lady, paid for tham, than ran back to Nyx's table, throwing a sandwich to the vampire. "Dig in, man!" He unwrapped the sandwich and took a bite out of it. After he finished chewing, he sat back, putting the sandwich back on the table. "So, Nyx. You never told me anything about yourself. Why don't you do that now?"

Nyx smiled gratefully as Jay 'handed' him a sandwhich. Nyx took a bite of the sandwich and found it tasted pretty good "What do you want to know about me? There's nothing I would consider interesting about me anyway" Nyx shrugged as he took another bite out of his sandwich "But anything specific you want to know, just ask and i can tell you"

"Nothing is interesting to me? I find that very hard to believe, Nyx." Jay gestured with his hand. "I mean, you're a freaking vampire, for god's sake! Anything that you vampires might consider uniteresting is pretty cool to me. Your past, you likes, your dislikes. I'm just a human." He leaned forward, grinning. "Please, enlighten me."

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"Okay" Nyx replied as he tried to think of something "I killed and devoured my mother when i was born" Nyx deadpanned before trying to think of something else about himself "Because I'm a half vampire and not a full one, i'm sort of a outcast from both humans and vampires" Nyx said, not really sure what else Jay would like to hear about "I'm not too sure what else you'd like to hear about, maybe the blood type i prefer, i really don't know Jay, i consider most of this pointless information so i don't really remember it"

@Kanade Yuuki (I'll skip ahead a bit, if you don't mind. When you're back I'll go back with you)

@Magical Squid Senpai (I didn't miss a post did I?)@Ami the breadling

Kaine decided it might be best if he avoided that lady that he saw in a rage for a while. He didn't want any trouble, and just decided to ignore what just happened.

"I'm actually a little hungry..."

He walked into the cafeteria, looking at all the food available. Kaine nearly salivated as he started to freely take the food with his bare claws

(If anyone wants to take control of one of the chefs there :P )
(Oh, yo. Must've lost notifs for awhile.)

Lucnh lady Glenda wasn't really a mean-spirited person. She had a husband, two kids, a regular home, and was all-around a ncie person. However, when she caught sight of a student taking all of the food with his claws, she really started getting mad. Truthfully, she'd worked had with the chefs for that food. "Oy! You! Don't take all the food, you rascal!"


Jay simply raised an eyebrow as Nyx told his story. Sure, he felt bad for the vampire, but he wasn't really going to react much. He was almost certain that Nyx wasn't the type of person to want Jay to feel sorry for him, so he just took a bite out of his sandwich in silence. "Well, are you ready to go?"

[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Maria woke up. Her head ached again. "Déjà vue", she whispered. She got up, looking around.
@Ami the breadling

Tyrrell Looked towards the girl, He nodded before speaking up "yes I'm fine, Thanks for asking. But mind I ask why?" He said hoping not to be rude or offensive. He wasn't the one to question someone but he only did it when it was with him involved.

She saw Enki. He looked really pained. " Oh my god your shoulder. Who did that to you? I will kill that idiot who hurt you...", she said, getting angry. No one shall hurt her friends. She did not remember what happened while she was drugged.
"Yeah, sure where do you want to go?" Nyx asked, happy that Jay didn't keep asking questions about him. A smirk appeared on Nyx's face as he got an idea "Maybe we can go and see if the school has a spare cheerleading outfit for you" Nyx suggested, laughing.

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Enki looked away, trying to hid his worried thoughts for her. "It was you. Did you hear the message over the intercom?" He asked, his voice was filled with worried thoughts, he tried to change the subject quickly.

@Ami the breadling
metalcity said:
Enki looked away, trying to hid his worried thoughts for her. "It was you. Did you hear the message over the intercom?" He asked, his voice was filled with worried thoughts, he tried to change the subject quickly.
@Ami the breadling
"M...me? Yeah...yeah it was me...I remember... I was...so angry all of a sudden... I wanted to kill you... I am so sorry...you must wish you never met me...", she said, crying as she spoke. She did not look at him. She cried because she was ashamed and she wanted to undo what she did. She felt so sorry. She felt like she should just go away, not bothering her friends again.
Enki stood up and walked a little closer to Maria "I'm glad I met you, don't speak like that. It wasn't you, it was the drug from that ass hole. We will make him pay." As the tears fell from her eyes, Enki gritted his teeth. Seeing her cry made him hate the man more, he continued walking until he was in front of her. "Don't cry, it's alright. It wasn't your fault." He smiled as he rubbed away her tears.

@Ami the breadling
Willow flew into the cafeteria and landed beside the lunch line. "You want anything specific?" She asked Miyu, knowing that the leopard had a much different diet than her. 'Chicken, anything with chicken.' Willow laughed lightly at her companions excited reply. Choosing a chicken alfredo dish and some chocolate turn overs she walked over to a table and sat down. Miyuki shifted to her kemonomimi form to sit beside Willow and eat properly.

Feeling him touch her cheeks made her blush a little. She cried a little lighter. " But.. I tried to kill you...you are the only person in my life that still lives that is important for me. How can you forgive me? How can I forgive myself?"
Enki continued to smile "Well, I was going to let you kill me. I couldn't allow my self to hurt you." He calmly said as he continued to rub away the last of her tears "It wasn't you that tried to kill me, it was the drug. It was my fault you got drugged, because I couldn't protect you. I'm sorry." His voice turned slightly into sadness and his smile left and fell into disappointment. Sad because he couldn't protect her.

@Ami the breadling
Emma tapped her chin thoughtfully. Why did I ask him? She asked herself. On the surface, she just shrugged. "Why did I ask? I don't really know. I guess you kinda looked hurt. Sorry if I was intruding," she said, grinning at him.


Kaine was famished. He wasnt used to eating... processed food... but nothing would stop him from feasting. He tore chunks of steak and chicken from the table and started tearing it apart with his fangs. It was nuch drier than he was used to as it was missing all of the delicious juices of a fresh hunk of meat.

As he heard the lady scream at Kaine, he snarled at her, showing her his fangs. He then turned back to eating while carrying all of his food to a table in his hands.
"Young man! Show some respect for the other students!" Glenda walked over to the werewolf's table, hands on her hips. "Young man. Please put the food back. You are not more important than any of the other students here." As he turned and growled at her, her voice only adopted a stern tone. "Listen. Don't just be rude to others. I might not be able to get you, but do I need to get the campus police involved in this?"


"Oh, come on! I tell you one thing, and- and... Grr!" Jay turned away from Nyx, flustered. He ate the last of his sandwich in silence, then turned back to Nyx. "Well, Mr. Pervs-a-lot, I'll be heading off to fifth period." He got up from the table, and walked off. "And I am not going to wear a cheerleader outfit again!"

metalcity said:
Enki continued to smile "Well, I was going to let you kill me. I couldn't allow my self to hurt you." He calmly said as he continued to rub away the last of her tears "It wasn't you that tried to kill me, it was the drug. It was my fault you got drugged, because I couldn't protect you. I'm sorry." His voice turned slightly into sadness and his smile left and fell into disappointment. Sad because he couldn't protect her.
@Ami the breadling
" No, it wasn't your fault. I don't need protection... Usually. I really don't know how he got me. Still, it means much to me that you said you couldn't hurt me. I wouldn't hurt you out of purpose as well, except for not having my own will...", she said, smiling at him a little.
Nyx laughed at Jay's reaction "I'll make sure to find one for you, so you can model it for me later" Nyx called out after Jay as he saw him walk off I'll catch up with you later and I'll make sure i have a cheerleading outfit for you Nyx thought, knowing Jay could still hear his thoughts.

[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]" No, it wasn't your fault. I don't need protection... Usually. I really don't know how he got me. Still, it means much to me that you said you couldn't hurt me. I wouldn't hurt you out of purpose as well, except for not having my own will...", she said, smiling at him a little.

Enki continue to grow annoyed at him self "No! It was my fault! I was to worried crying to myself instead of protecting the people I treasure! I'm to weak, emotionally and physically! Every one takes the blame apart from me! Why can it never be my fault?!" he snapped out looking at the ground. Realising that his thought came out as words, he looked up into Maria's eyes. Confused, not sure what to say.
metalcity said:
Enki continue to grow annoyed at him self "No! It was my fault! I was to worried crying to myself instead of protecting the people I treasure! I'm to weak, emotionally and physically! Every one takes the blame apart from me! Why can it never be my fault?!" he snapped out looking at the ground. Realising that his thought came out as words, he looked up into Maria's eyes. Confused, not sure what to say.
" I won't let you take responsibility for something not your fault. I would be a bad friend if I did. You are way to hard on yourself." She hugged him." I don't know what happened to you before. I won't ask. But no matter what happened, don't weight yourself down. Whatever you did or did not. Right now and right here, there is no shame on you. So stop blaming yourself for mistakes that are not yours."

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