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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Some time passed in the library. After careful consideration, thoughts and books Enki came to a conclusion. He sighed, nervous to what Maria would say and how she would react. He stood up, and walked over to Maria. He had a smile, but it was awkward. He blushed slightly "W-What do you see in me?" He asked, wondering why she would be so interested in him, and to the extent to kiss him.

@Ami the breadling
Maria got caught off guard by his question. A person that makes me laugh, makes me feel comfortable no matter where I am. A person who is kind to me, even if I don't deserve it. A person that I would die to save. A person I could never be really mad at.", she replied honestly.
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Enki's expression became more serious, his eyes be came deadly "You know nothing about me, or my back story. You don't know what horrible acts I have committed, or can commit." He stated, showing no feelings "What if I was to slaughter you right now and this was all an act to lour out my next victim?" He asked coldly and emotionless, continuing to not showing any sighs of feelings.

@Ami the breadling
Enki became slightly confused by her reaction "But you have only known me for a day. How can you be so sure about these feelings." He continued with. His eyes went back to normal but he kept his serious tone and expression to the situation.

@Ami the breadling
" I don't know why. Or how. But I know it is this way. Maybe because you were the first to care for me. Maybe because you do not expect me to be something I am not. Maybe because of a concussion. I really don't know the reason. But I need no reason after all."
Enki's decision became a lot harder. He could tell how passionate she was about her feelings, which he could not really feel. He sighed slightly, then giving her a smile "I need to think. I'll catch up with you later." He said as he turned slightly, Maria could see his caring smile turn into slight sadness. He put his hands in his pocket and started to walk away.

@Ami the breadling
As Enki walked away, he gripped his fists. Angry at how he left the situation, but he heard enough and didn't want her to get her hopes up. Once he left the library, he lent up against the wall. He sighed as he looked up at the celling, gathering his thoughts again. Then he continued to make his way outside the building, feeling completely guilty. As if he made a bad chose, or he should have said yes from the start. These thoughts clustered in his mind again, making him keep thinking between Shina and Maria.
"Ah, geez. I'm not sure. Lunch should be after this period, though, and I'de love it if you'd join-" Jay was interrupted as a nurse came by, asking why he was waiting. "Oh, hello ma'am. We're here to get some magical repair of out limbs. My friend here has lost his leg, and I've lost total control of my arm." He used his working arm to hold out the other, watching it dangle. "Oh, yes ma'am. I'll follow you." He quickly waved to Nyx. "See ya in a bit!"

About 5 minutes later, Jay came back, flexing his arm like new. "Haha! It works now!" As he continued to flex, he took a seat by Nyx.

Nyx smiled as he saw Jay's arm was fixed but his smile quickly turned into scowl when he heard a nurse tell him to get over to her and 'hop to it' Nyx shot the nurse a glare before... hopping over to her.

8 Minutes later Nyx came back, not with a new leg but with crutches "Stupid god damn useless nurses" Nyx mumbled "Just because i'm dead inside they couldn't give me a new leg" Nyx complained to Jay.

@Lotusy (I thought about it and Nyx is going to get his leg back soon tm but i didn't really know how they would grow a whole new leg for someone who was basically dead)
"Aw crap. Sorry about that, man." Jay flexed his new hand. "Benefits of being a normal human here: At least they know what to do with me, right?" He chuckled awkwardly. "Sorry. So, want to head to lunch now?"

"Sure, it's not like i can do much else today" Nyx replied, smiling warmly at Jay Especially as i'm not able to fight anyone Nyx thought before he began to walk towards the cafeteria.

"Fragile company, eh?" Yuuki giggled, deciding to keep her bloodline a secret. "Can't deal with damsels in distress?"

She hummed as she walked beside him, grinning in amusement.

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@Kanade Yuuki

Jain let out a long groan and sighed again.

"Just... Stop talking."

He clenched his eyes and rubbed his ears as he said that. He finally reached the library, going to the registrar to check out some books
Jay nodded, then began to walk towards the cafeteria. He made sure to walk slowly, trying to match Nyx's new pace. Oh gosh, he thought to himself, this is awkward. While walking he turned to Nyx, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. "So, uh, has anything interesting happened in your life? Like, anything I don't know already?"

"No, not that i can think of" Nyx shrugged, causing him to stumble a bit before recovering "I'm not sure what you would consider interesting anyway" He gave Jay small smile "Why don't you tell me something about you for a change" Nyx asked, eager to know more about Jay.

Yuuki completely ignored what he had said. She smiled at the librarian, who she was close to since she spent her free time when not entertaining herself at the library.

"Do you have any siblings?" She asked.

"Maybe that's why you're so grumpy, you have no siblings to play with!" Yuuki laughed, "I'm the second oldest in my family. Though she's stiff and all cause she has to inherit the family name. I have three younger sisters and two younger brothers. Big and cozy."

Jumping in front of Kaine she smiled. "Gee I don't know your name yet. I'm Yuuki!" She intentionally left out her last name.

@GreenEyedStranger (I got a little confused there xD )
@Kanade Yuuki

Kaine looked down at her in surprise and disgust as she suddenly jumped in front of him.

"Kaine. Yuuki, I'm tired. I want to go back to my dorm." He said in an irritated voice, trying to shake her off
Enki walked to his dorm room, still emotionally broken on how to go about his and Maria's relationship. Upon arriving he got his keys and unlocked the door, Enki saw thee glass scattered across the floor and memory's of last night started to reappear. He opened his door more to see a letter laid on his bed, surrounded by glass and blood. He walked over to it expecting some useless information on what happened by the culprit, and he expected correctly. What he read is as followed.

Event: Rage of the students

Morning child, did you sleep well? Oh right this is a letter, well you where probably to stupid and was going to answer any ways. So, back to matter of business, I enjoy 'winding people up'. I accomplish this with some handy drugs that put the victim in a state of rage, the first dose always makes the student sleepy. Then the rest enhances the rage, it is fun to watch. Just like that fight you will have with Nyx in the coming time, knowing that you will read this after wards, yes. That was all planned out by me, well you bringing out your demon was any ways. I'm great at knowing these things and do you want to know why? I'm not stupid and can figure these things out you dumb shi...I'm getting side tracked. It is quite east to get you students enraged with you being teenagers with hormones and stuff. But my goal is to make you students fight to the death, but I will do so with students that have potential. Just like you. Why am I telling you this? you may ask your self. Well, I like games and this is a big old game, and the villein always gives his plans away. To make it more interesting, let me give you my bio. I learnt my magic from the ancient books on the god Loki, so I can go invisible, create decoys and very realistic illusions. So, as a player of this game. You must find me before I force you all to fight to the death. Enjoy.

PS...to start this rage look up

Finishing this letter, due to how the person behind it was trying to be comedic. Enki didn't really believe what was written, however he decided to play the little game and look up. Expecting a picture or something. But as he started to look up a drop of blood fell onto his cheek, Enki's eyes widened with anger as he saw the man's play toy. The sound of help came out through little barks before fading with life, Enki witnessed Hyip bleed out. Cuts and holes ripped through the dog, it gave one more cry for help before it fell motionless. Only attached to the celling with staples as it stopped any signs of life the arms and legs ripped of the torso and the body fell to the ground. A tear fell from his eye. He let out a scream of anger, confusion, helplessness, sadness and guilt. He turned to see the Hyip he had in his hood was a illusion that vanish with a evil smile.

The head teacher heard the cry and went to see what it was, when she arrived at the dorms she saw Enki on the floor surrounded by blood. Seeing the letter she walked over to it. Allowing Enki to continue his agonising cry, she then read the letter then took it to her room.

She read the letter out loud to each student over intercoms. letting each student pre pare for what was to come.

@SolisNighsun @Ami the breadling @GingerBread

(sorry if i missed anyone) (Also, pm me or mention me in out of character chat if you want your student to be drugged. I'll probably use NPC's)
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