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Fantasy Lakoria High School


Yuuki grinned, as if her face had never known what a frown was, "Aw, come on, what did I do wrong? Or do you have the traditional 'vampires and werewolves are enemies' way of thinking? Thought that only happened with the old bags." She matched his pace, walking beside him. "Where're you heading to?" Her red eyes glinted, highly amused.
Enki started to be able to control his thoughts "She was running away because of these feelings. I don't think she would want to see me again. I want to continue being friends, but maybe it could do som....but I am happy with being friends." Enki then realised something "And why am I tell you this? What have I become?" he said as he started to dig his head into his bag, wanting to escape the situation.

@Ami the breadling
metalcity said:
Enki started to be able to control his thoughts "She was running away because of these feelings. I don't think she would want to see me again. I want to continue being friends, but maybe it could do som....but I am happy with being friends." Enki then realised something "And why am I tell you this? What have I become?" he said as he started to dig his head into his bag, wanting to escape the situation.
@Ami the breadling
She teleported behind him and laid an hand on his shoulder. Her face was emotionless. " I am sorry. I really apologize for making a mess of your feelings. I usually suppress my feelings and I did not here. I promised to myself before to never let my emotions take over. I failed and I got my punishment. I will not make this mistake again. I will also not bother you anymore.", she said as she took out her pocket watch, took his hand and put it inside. She then closed his hands. " Take that. It belonged to my mother and she gave it to me the day before she died. I will go to my room now." Maria turned to Willow. " Let's continue talking another time. My room number should be written at the blackboard. " Maria then turned around and slowly went to the dorms. During that whole speech she remained emotionless, her expression just as her tone.
"Is it not normal to talk to friends about this kind of stuff?" Willow asked curiously. "I'm sure she still wants to see you.. she said something about ruining the friendship.. Maybe she was worried.." Willow stopped talking as Maria appeared behind Enki. Frowning she watched as Maria walked away towards the dorms.

@Ami the breadling
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Enki started to panic again "No, no this is not what should happen. I can't let her leave again, this isn't like her." With out thinking Enki took his head out of the bag. He turned around watching her leave "I'm sorry." he said as he ran over to her, spun her around and brought her in for a hug. "I'm sorry." Not thinking properly about his actions.

@Ami the breadling @OceanBunny
" Huh?", was the only thing Maria could say, when Enki suddenly hugged her. She was quite surprised about that sudden action. But after a few seconds, she catched herself enjoying the hug. That did make her happy and angry at the same time. She hided both as she looked at Enki.

@metalcity @OceanBunny
realising what he just did Enki stopped hugging Maria and moved back "Sorry, errrrrrr. This isn't mine" He said with a slight smile, his cheeks where more red than a tomato. He offered Maria the watch back.

@Ami the breadling @OceanBunny
"But its yours." he said with a smile, removing his hands and placing it in hers. Then quickly sliding his hands in his pocket and sticking his tongue out slightly at her, jokingly.

@Ami the breadling @OceanBunny
metalcity said:
"But its yours." he said with a smile, removing his hands and placing it in hers. Then quickly sliding his hands in his pocket and sticking his tongue out slightly at her, jokingly.
@Ami the breadling @OceanBunny
She couldn't help and smiled. " You know, some people consider it rude to not accept a present. Lucky you. I'm none of those. ", she said, smiling at him, even laughing a bit.
She blushed. " But I'm only like that since I know you...I always was that dark arrogant girl, not caring for anyone and killing the ones pissing her of.", she said, smiling unsteadily.

Tyrrell stood up, trying to get his breath back. Of course, it didn't take long for him to recover but what he saw while never leave his mind and it will most likely come back to haunt him. His body was shaking and he looked frozen, but to him, all he was seeing were images of the car crash and of his parents corpses too. Students most like just walked right past him, like they were trying to ignore him or something like that. He looked at his left hand and then at his knuckles, they were healing up, but still he didn't understand why he dreamed of the car crash in the first place, it was all a mystery to him. He sits down at the base of the tree and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. Tyrrell then grabbed his book and put it back into his backpack, after closing it back up of course. There was something wrong, but he couldn't figure out what it was that was causing him to act this way. He then got back up onto his feet and then looking in his backpack, He grabbed his coat/shirt/whatever.

Tyrrell took his shirt off, which revealed the stuff on his body. His right arm looked like it was fused on or like it just attacked and then kinda spread over his shoulder and up his neck a bit. His back had one scar that was both long and big, like his skin was kinda ripped off, and adding to that it was at a diagonal angle, like it was a blade of some sort. Adding on to everything else, his chest had many scars and in different places on his chest too. His left arm had only three scars, but they were right next to each other, like claw marks. Once Tyrrell got his previous shirt off and into his backpack, he put his Coat/shirt/whatever-you-call-it on and then zipped up his back and putting it onto his left shoulder. His right arm was still in the sling of course.

(@ Anyone who would like to join me in my weirdness)
"But your not now, and I guess that's why I like you as a friend." He said rubbing his hand behind his head, blushing more. He thought about it for a second. "Do you want to come with me to the library, I need to research something." he decided to see what other romantic books he can find that.

@Ami the breadling @OceanBunny
metalcity said:
"But your not now, and I guess that's why I like you as a friend." He said rubbing his hand behind his head, blushing more. He thought about it for a second. "Do you want to come with me to the library, I need to research something." he decided to see what other romantic books he can find that.
@Ami the breadling @OceanBunny
Maria nodded. She followed him to the library, acting like the whole incident with her kissing him never happened, joking around and all that.
As they walked to the library Enki enjoyed each moment with Maria. Upon arriving at the library Enki entered, he blushed a lot when opening the doors "Urmmm, errrrrr so...." He said as he walked past every area and headed to the romantic section, sighing as he did. Hoping that he would not offend her, but he needed to see what other books say, as he had no clue.

@Ami the breadling
metalcity said:
As they walked to the library Enki enjoyed each moment with Maria. Upon arriving at the library Enki entered, he blushed a lot when opening the doors "Urmmm, errrrrr so...." He said as he walked past every area and headed to the romantic section, sighing as he did. Hoping that he would not offend her, but he needed to see what other books say, as he had no clue.
@Ami the breadling
Maria saw he went to the romantic section. She did not mention it, not wanting to destroy the mood. She continued joking around with him.
Enki looked at her with a apologetic look, also not wanting to say anything to upset her. He then looked at the tower of books, he chose a few and started to study the contents.

@Ami the breadling
metalcity said:
Enki looked at her with a apologetic look, also not wanting to say anything to upset her. He then looked at the tower of books, he chose a few and started to study the contents.
@Ami the breadling
Maria waited for Enki to return, reading a bit in an encyclopedia.
Emma walked out of the infirmary, stretching her aching arms. All she could remeber was a fight, and a giant explosion not caused by her. "Ugh," she groaned, rubbing her temples to try and release a nagging pain in her head. She stumbled out of the infirmary, letting the outside air clear her mind. "I hate huge battles," she muttered to herself. After walking for some time, Emma witnessed a student under a tree take his shirt off, revealing many scars and injuries. This sparked some curiosity, prompting her to walk over to him. "Excuse me, but are you ok?" She asked. "I couldn't help but notice you seem a bit hurt."

(Yo, sorry @GingerBread , I forgot to check your post. Forgive me pls. )

"No. Sorry, but there was something even I couldn't fix." Jay shook his head sadly. "but on the other hand, this school should be able to help. The nurses here are freaking magical. They'll probably know how to fix us." He took a step forward, but remembered that he still had to guide Nyx. "Um, sorry. I mean, only if you want to go."

It's my fault he's essentially lost an arm Nyx thought guiltily, once again forgetting Jay could hear his thoughts I'll do everything i can to make it up to him Nyx turned to Jay "Sure, wherever you want to go" He sounded distant as he spoke, not really paying attention to anything that happened after jay said he couldn't fix his arm.

(So, when we get to the nurses' office, do you want to get rid of our crippling injuries?)

"Alrighty then." Jay gritted his teeth, bracing himself for the long journey ahead of him. Ten minutes later, the new cripple couple managed to hobble their way to the infirmary. "Ohmygod. We finally made it." Jay panted, out of breath, and leaned against a wall. "C'mon, let's go in." He took a few steps inward and helped Nyx get settled in a seat, before taking his own.

(I don't mind, i was planning for Nyx to get his leg back soon anyway :) )

Nyx wasn't paying any attention to what was happening around him, to caught up in his own thoughts I... It's my fault Jay got hurt in the first place Nyx looked at Jay, a small sad smile appeared on his face He wouldn't have gotten hurt if i hadn't been so eager to kill something The more Nyx thought, the guiltier he felt "So, what do you want to do after this?"


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