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Fantasy Lakoria High School

As Chloe flew up higher she throw Nyxen in the air, preparing the dress quickly then as Nyxen fell back down she slid the dress onto her, dying from the adorable meowing. She snuggled up to her as they flew higher. She put a little sparkly bow on her head. She kept switching it out for a tiara not sure what one to put on. She loved every second. Enki turned to Jay "If I sent her to the underworld now, I think Nyxen would fall. And I don't think we can trust that much. And don't get me wrong, I am sick of seeing Nyx like this. No matter how funny it is." He said with a small giggle seeing the dress.

@Lotusy @GingerBread
Yuuki grins as she skips into the school empty handed. Her suspension had just ended. She usually stayed at the campus even though she wasn't supposed to, lurking about to watch if anything interesting happened, but this time she was summoned back to the Valliere household for a social event where she had to replace her older sister's presense.

Yuuki skipped through the halls, looking for people to interact with and observe.
Nyx was mortified as Chole put him into a dress As soon as i turn back i'm coming down into hell to kill you Nyx thought, promising to himself that he would find a way into hell to kill her. Nyx was annoyed that he was put into a dress Nyx glared at Chloe "Meow meow meow meow" Nyx mewed, hoping that with the glare he was giving her, she would understand that he was hating every second of this.

@metalcity @Lotusy
As the adorable glare looked her in the eyes she started dying, spinning around in the air "OH MY GOD YOUR SO CUTE!!!! YOUR MINE FOR EVER AND EVER!!!!" She exclaimed in joy, clearly seeing that Nyxen was loving the current situation.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
If Nyx wasn't dead inside, metaphorically and literally, then he would've throw up due to Chloe spinning him in circles Screw my promise to Jay, this is literally hell Nyx thought as he went to claw at Chloe's face.

@metalcity @Lotusy
@Magical Squid Senpai

Pluto felt something churn inside his chest. He felt something receding from his skin deeper near his heart. Whatever was inside him was resting until it could be fed.

Right now, it seemed a burden more than anything, but it's untold potential was curious.
Chloe squealed in excitement as the kitty cat wanted a high-five. She let go of the kitty for a second to allow her to fall momentarily then grabbed the wittle arm and placed her and on the end. He girlish squeal grow higher as she then brought Nyxen in for a hug.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
Nyx hissed as Chloe hugged him I am going to kill you and Enki, you good for nothing whore. How dare you put me in a dress Nyx thought as he continued hissing before stopping "Meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow, meow meow meow" Nyx mewed once again, hoping she'd get the message this time.

@metalcity @Lotusy


With how time went by, Tyrrell didn't even realize that he had fallen asleep. His book was laying face down in his lap, opened to a specific page that said 'the messenger came to me with bad news about my parents...' Tyrrell even marked that page, like it was something interesting to him in a way. His body was still, but his breathing was slow and each breath had a short pause in between. Right then, Tyrrell's orbs appeared out of thin air. The orb's then formed a square, right above Tyrrell and a blue barrier formed. One of the orb's started to flash and then a low commanding voice spoke "we stay here till he wakes up," and then is goes silent.


In the Dream

Tyrrell opened his eyes and looked around in what seemed like a dark room, that was when his eyes went wide as he saw the room come to life in color. What he saw was not the school, nor the students or faculty, but instead it was the day his parents died in the car accident. Tyrrell was standing right next to the car accident, his entire body felt like it was frozen and yet he was shaking from the head down. Tears rolled down his face, this was the only day he didn't want to remember at all. Tyrrell fell to his knee's and started to actually cry. His right arm looked like flesh and bones, instead of metal and wires. For the very first time, most likely since a long time ago, did he feel scared and frightened of what he saw. He then started to punch the ground with both fist "dang it! It was all my fault! They died because of my selfish needs to go on a vacation!" Tyrrell didn't stop punching the ground. His knuckles started to bleed more and more as he just continued to punch at the ground.



While he was dreaming of punching the ground, his knuckles on his left hand started to bleed. Tyrrell had no idea that what ever happened in the dream, would effect him in real life.


In the dream

After awhile, he stopped punching the ground and looked back up at the wreckage in front of him. Tyrrell got back up and walked over to the wreckage only to see the corpses of his parents "damn it! Why did you guy's agree with me on a vacation!? Only for this to happen," He then punches the wrecked car. Right then the car explodes and sends him flying backwards, only to hit the ground hard enough to knock the air right out of his body. That was when everything went black.



Tyrrell woke up, gasping for air. While the orb's disappear from sight and the barrier vanishing as well. He stood up and felt pain in his knuckles on his left hand, although he tried to ignore the pain, it was still their.

(@ Anyone who would like to interact with him)
Pluto gasped and stopped moving. That thing inside of him felt awful! "Ugh, why did I do this?"

'Cause your stupid.'

You should have said no! Now we are being used for God only knows what! And you can feed it blood?! That should have been a huge red flag!'

Pluto ignored them and got up. "I guess we should feed it. I dont really want something to die in my body." He started to make his way to the cafeteria, even though he had no clue where it was.

GingerBread said:
Nyx hissed as Chloe hugged him I am going to kill you and Enki, you good for nothing whore. How dare you put me in a dress Nyx thought as he continued hissing before stopping "Meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow, meow meow meow" Nyx mewed once again, hoping she'd get the message this time.
@metalcity @Lotusy
Chloe looked at the cat, this time in disgust "How dare you miss snuggle bottoms make such a disgusting noise. YOU WILL PAY WITH YOUR LIFE!!!!" She shouted as she slid her hand to the cats neck, giving it a tight squeeze. Her finger nails turned into daggers and Chloe was about to cut the Nyxen's head off but she disappeared, only leaving a small tear that reflected the sun. Enki clicked his figures sending Chloe back to the underworld where Maka would give a stern word to her. Enki ran over trying to catch the cat.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
"Oh god. Nyx, No!" Jay clutched his hand towards his heart as the female demon intended to kill Nyx. When Enki made her vanish, though, he breathed a sigh of relief. This situation was funny, but it had stopped being a laughing matter once Nyx was forcefully taken from him. He'd watched as Chloe stole Nyx from his arm, but there was nothing he could do about it. Goddammit. I feel so weak. He shook his head, running alongside Enki in order to catch Nyx.

@GingerBread @metalcity
As Nyx fell he intended to bite Enki and drain him dry for making him go through that hell but as he was falling, the dress lifted up over his face blocking his view, As he got caught he sunk his teeth in the arms of the person that had caught him. As the dress lowered enough for Nyx to be able to see. He saw that he was not biting Enki but that he was biting Jay Crap, Jay i'm sorry Nyx apologised, not wanting to admit he was intending to bite Enki as that would've meant he broke his promise We should probably go, just so i can go get some clothes Nyx pointed out as he realized that he would be turning back soon as he had drank Jay's blood.

@Lotusy @metalcity
Jay winced as he felt something pierce his arm. "Yeowch!" He stared down at a frilly, bundled dressed-up kitten biting his arm. He heard Nyx apologize, but he just shook his head, going into a panic mode. "No, no, it's ok Nyx. I'll just get you somewhere...!" He ran to the dorms as fast as his legs could carry him, with an ever-growing Nyx in his good arm. As soon as he reached Nyx's room, Jay threw the morphing kitten into the dorm and shut the door. After he took a few minutes to catch his breath, he knocked on the door. "Nyx? You ok now?"

@GingerBread @metalcity
Nyx landed on the floor as he finished changing back into his normal self, dragging himself up he went over to his wardrobe and got out some more clothes and grabbed a spare set of daggers. Nyx attempted to walk over to the door but remembered he was missing a leg as he fell face first into the floor "Jay, come....help....me" Nyx said hesitantly, not wanting to ask for help. He cut off the useless trouser leg as he assumed it would just get in the way.

After most of hell went down, Leah had wandered about and eventually, based on the schedule she had received the day before, found her room. Upon doing so, she huddled in the corner for the longest time, flinching at the alien thoughts that echoed about her mind. Eventually, she had fallen asleep, but even in blank, purposeless dreams she heard words that were not her own. It was approaching yet another hour since the madness with statues and such went down, and it was then that she ventured curiously and cautiously from her room. She intended to... Do something... Perhaps to distract herself from the mental invasion of at all possible.
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"Hold up Nyx, I'm coming in!" Jay pushed open the door cautiously, hoping Nyx had gotten his clothes on all right. He sighed in relief when he saw that the vampire was fully clothed, but quickly became horrified as he realized Nyx was face-down on the floor. Smooth. He ran to Nyx's side, kneeling down and turning him over. "Are you ok?"

"I'm..fine, just need a little help walking" Nyx looked up at Jay "Thanks for not helping me earlier by the way" Nyx said, a sight tone a resentment in his voice I'm going to kill Enki, that little whore and snake boy Nyx thought, before looking at jay with a slightly guilty look as he remembered Jay could hear his thoughts still.


@Spazzycat101 (I'm guessing you can still hear Nyx's thoughts)

Leah flinched yet again, stopping, as another thought pierced the quiet of her mind. She growled a bit, becoming annoyed at the predicament. How much longer would she have to listen to such a horrible show?
"Nyx...." Jay's tone took on a more stern, motherly quality. "We had a promise, didn't we? Seriously! I trusted you to keep up your side of the deal!" He threw his hands up in exasperation. "Ah, screw it. I give up on trying. Let's just... get you walking." He stood up, pulling Nyx up with his good arm. He slung Nyx's arm around his shoulder and took a few steps. "Is this ok?"

"Sorry" Nyx said, sounding like a child who had just been told off "But i'm still going to have thoughts about killing people, it's hard to change when it's in your nature and you've been doing it for 16 years" Nyx explained, giving Jay a small guilty looking smile "And this is fine, i get to be closer to you" Nyx purred as he took on a flirty tone.

"Aw, stop it, you." Jay gave Nyx a playful hit, but since he used his only arm, he quickly scrambled to hold onto the vampire. "Heh, sorry about that." He shouldered the door open, staggering out with Nyx in tow. "Urgh... you're pretty heavy. Do you have any idea on how you can get your leg back?"

@GingerBread (Nyx and Jay are now the cripple duo D: )
"No idea, just wait and hope i guess" Nyx noticed that Jay hadn't used his other arm come to think of it Jay hasn't used his other arm at all Nyx thought before remembering what he had done down in the Bunker, a wave of guilt washed over him "Hey Jay, is your arm still.....you know....damaged?" Nyx asked, hoping it was okay and Jay just wasn't using it for a different reason.

@Lotusy(Why not the the cripple couple?)
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@Kanade Yuuki

Kaine had begun walking through the halls of the school. He had been attending for not too long, and he wasnt expecting to go to class too often. But, on the first day his parents urged him to attend. As he walked down, he saw a strange person skipping through the halls.

He couldn't quite tell why, but the way that person was skipping walking or whatever started slowly driving him mad. He tried his best to ignore it, snarling and continuing down to the library to pick up some books.
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"Nyx is cute when he's a kitten.. he'd probably try to kill me if he heard me say that though." Willow said with a small smile. 'That blood sucking fur ball would be lunch before he got close.' Miyuki's voice filled Willow's head. 'Be nice Miyu, Nyx is a friend.' Willow silently reprimanded the frost leopard at her feet.

@Ami the breadling

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