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Fantasy Lakoria High School

@Magical Squid Senpai

The boy chuckles and crosses his arms

"You're familiar with it right? It's inside you. The poison, I can sense it. You're not too different from us now then, are you?"

He giggles again, letting his arms drop

"Yes you'll do well. What is your name?"
Nyx started uncontrollably purring as he was rubbed against Chloe's skin. "You are miss fluffy princess." Hearing this sent Nyx into a rage, that Chloe had just called him a girl "Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow. MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW" Nyx mewed, completely forgetting that no one could understand him as he was concentrating on attempting to call Chloe a worthless waste of space and say that he was not of the female gender.

@metalcity @Lotusy
Chloe's smile grow bigger at the excessive meowing and purring. She couldn't control herself as she kept rubbing the kitty up against her head, so pleased that she liked it "Who's a cute wittle girly werly, yes you are." She kept her girlish giggling. "Your all mine now you cutipie." She kept jumping slightly. Enki started to giggle at the sight, not wanting to ruin the lovely moment for Chloe and Nyx.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
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metalcity said:
Chloe's smile grow bigger at the excessive meowing and purring. She couldn't control herself as she kept rubbing the kitty up against her head, so pleased that she liked it "Who's a cute wittle girly werly, yes you are." She kept her girlish giggling. "Your all mine now you cutipie." She kept jumping slightly. Enki started to giggle at the sight, not wanting to ruin the lovely moment for Chloe and Nyx.
@GingerBread @Lotusy
Nyx was getting really pissed off with Chloe calling him a girl, he wanted nothing more then to scratch her eyes out but couldn't becuase of the promise he made to Jay. Nyx continued Purring as he was rubbed against Chloe, hating himself for it. "Meow Meow meow meow, MEOW MEOW Meow meow" Nyx mewed once again, trying to insult Chloe and tell her how much he wanted to kill her.

@Lotusy @metalcity
@Magical Squid Senpai

"Ah, Pluto. Odd name. I represent the brothers and sisters of the Moon. We strive to reform willing people with the power of the blood, the plague, and the stars. I understand it doesn't mean much to you but there is much for you to gain. We can give you overwhelming power, and invaluable knowledge, to open your eyes"

*The boy takes a small cloth out of his pocket and hands it to you. On the black fabric there is a bright red mark of a single line with a triangle at the end*

"What do you say? Will you not join us?"

A wicked grin crosses his face
"Power? Knowledge?" Pluto looked down at the small cloth. Icarus looked the cloth over. 'It seems interesting. But strange.'

'I don't like it.'

'Yeah but you can get power! And I love stars!'

'Let's do it!'

Pluto turned to the boy. "Ok, I'll join you. What do I have to do?"

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'Oh my gosh we just joined a cult.'

"We didn't join a cult, calm down."

Coatl started hyperventilating. 'Oh my gosh! Why does he need blood? Why did he disappear into the shadows!? Didn't your mom tell you not to talk to strangers from shadows!?'

Apep rolled his eyes at him. 'Shut up! This sounds very interesting! Maybe you won't be so weak now!'

'No! They're going to kill you! Skin you alive and use your blood for a virgin sacrifice on the night that the stars align!!'

Pluto just sighed and looked down at the cloth. "I wonder what will happen."

'Death! Death will happen!'

Pluto started walking to the library. When he got there he hid behind a bookshelf. He took out the pair of scissors that Jay gave to him and he cut his hand.

'I can't believe you are doing this!'

He smeared his blood on the cloth. And waited. "See, we are fine!"


(So I just wait?)
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@Magical Squid Senpai

Pluto felt his head suddenly pound violently. His vision slowly became blurred and his thoughts became clouded. He wasn't losing consciousness, but it all felt like a strange dream. The walls around him began to change rapidly, decaying and recoloring. Everything passed by in a rapid blur. Before he realized what he saw, Pluto found himself in a strange black room. There were three other people in the room with him, all sitting on chairs. One of them looked oddly excited, she was most likely a vampire. The other two seemed extremely alike, both reptilian folk. There is a wooden door on the other side of the room, nothing else. The vampire sees Pluto


She jitters and twitches in her seat, her messy black hair almost twitching with electricity
@Magical Squid Senpai

The twins give you a strange look but stay silent. The vampire continues, almost jumping out of her seat


She seems too excited. The door slowly opens and a human wearing a black robe comes out.

"Would you all follow me please? It is time to show your worth."
Pluto leaned away from the super strange girl. The snake didn't like her, Pluto didn't like her! This was all too wierd for him. 'Aaahh! He's wearing a black robe!!'

'Did she say cult?'

'I knew it! I told you guys! But you never listened to me!!'

Even though he was scared, Pluto followed the man. "Uh...what do I have to do?"

'They need your virgin blood!' Pluto lifted his hand to Coatl and petted him, trying to calm him down.

@Magical Squid Senpai

Rianna smiled widely, showing off her razor sharp fangs


You almost sense a tone of desperation hidden under the maniacal voice. The twins stand up, one appears to be male and the other female.

The male talks

"Does this... snake... not have any talent whatsoever? Why would he even be considered?"

They speak in a sort of slavic accent. The female continues

"Ah, dont tease him brother. We are all chosen for different reasons."

The man sighs and closes his eyes. He's seen all of this before

"Just follow me please."

He leads them out of the room into a long hall with several trinkets and objects lining the walls

"Here, we will test what skills you have and how you may be of use to us. Please feel free to use whatever you see fit, just show us your greatest potential power. We will determine what is beneficial to us. After that, we can finish."

He sits down tiredly on a chair and begins reading a book, occasionally glancing up to check

Rianna grabs a knife and starts jamming it into a practice dummy repeatedly, a twisted grin on her face.

The twins cast orbs of magic at some metal objects, muttering comments about how easy this is.
Pluto hadn't even noticed he was in his true form until they bad started walking. He slithered into the room.

'They want us to fight to the death!'

Quick kill them before they can touch us!'

Pluto ignored them, he had to show them what he worth. He had to do things right this time! But he was too nervous for his stone powers to work.

'Hey Pluto. This would be a great time to summon the family sword!'

He forgot about the sword but every time he tried to summon it, he only got the sledge hammer! He said the spell but instead of the sword, the sledge hammer came out again. He kept try to change it but it wasn't working. He looked around at the other kids.

@Magical Squid Senpai

The twins didnt seem to notice, they were laughing as they summoned a variety of magical lights to dance around some metals. Rianna glanced at you with a wide smile as soon as you looked at her. As soon as you blink, you see her right next to you, holding a piece of the unfortunate dummy.

'Pft, oh gee, I've never seen anyone do that before.' Apep said sarcastically.

Holy shit! Did you guys see that! She was there and now she's here!!'

Pluto jumped a little and scooted away from the girl. "Uh y-yeah, its definitely my first time too..." He tried to ignore her so that he could summon a sword. Then he had a thought. "Where did you guys come from? Where you all at the school too?" He asked the girl and the twins.

@Magical Squid Senpai


She says in her obnoxious voice. Her eye twitches as she says that, trying to maintain a smile


The male interrupts

"We dont go to... /that/ school. What do you care?"
'Well I can see why.' Pluto thought.

'We just got here to this school and we are already getting in trouble with something.'

Pluto stared at the guy. "I-i just wanted to know. If it was just something at my school." He wished he had never talked to that creepy kid.

"Uh... Chloe? I don't think he likes that very much... ah, never mind." Jay was about to try and rescue Nyx, but decided otherwise when he saw how happy the girl was. He chuckled a bit at Nyx's obvious discomfort, even though he knew Nyx would give him an earful for not rescuing him. He turned to Enki, who was also having a few giggles. "Isn't Nyx kinda cute like that?"

@metalcity @GingerBread
Enki giggled more "I guess, a bit. Why don't we always keep him like a cat?" He asked, the thought of Nyx always being like this amused him. Chloe continued her giggle snorting as she played with Nyxen more.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
Nyx tried to struggle out of Chloe's grasp but failed "MEOW, meow meow meow. Meow meow meow" Nyx mew trying to demand that chloe let him go, annoyed that she kept causing him to purr and seem like he was enjoying this when in reality he was hating every second of it.

@metalcity @Lotusy
@Magical Squid Senpai

The girls smile slowly fades. Her voice rapidly changes to a somber tone

"No, you're actually right. This is just at your school."

She sits as a final dry giggle escapes her lips

"I'm not real... None of this is. The only place I'd even be accepted is in a drugged up dream of a gorgon."

Her eyes start to tear up. The twins and the instructor start laughing maniacally. Plutos vision pounds again and his vision becomes bloodied. He falls on the ground, his back on the floor. The ceiling begins to melt, searing hot metal burning into his skin. He feels the heat spread throughout his body, setting him on fire.

His eyes suddenly open. He's in a dimly lit wooden room, lying face up on a table with no restraints, Pluto also noticed a massive scar on his chest. On the other side of the room, he hears the laugher continuing.
Pluto looks around, where the heck is he now? "It was all just a dream?" He slid his hand over the scar. "How did I get this?!" Pluto sat up and got off the table, his feet wobbled and he grabbed the side of the table for support. His head still hurt a little.

'Ugh! I feel so used!'

'Woah, I saw that scar. Let's just hope we took some drugs at a party and just had a really fun night!'

Pluto heard the laughing, where was it coming from? "He-hello? Is anyone there!?"

He looked around, "I would really like to go home now!"

@Magical Squid Senpai

At the end of the room you see someone similar to the messenger who greeted you. However, he clearly is not human. It seems to be a dragon like character, though it's skin is charred and its scales are warped

"I'm sorry, I was curious to see what you'd dream. Unfortunately, you're my only member for now, but I have not lied to you. Right now you are in my medical ward, safe from the light"

The dragon no longer has bandages over its eyes, revealing dim glowing pits of emerald light

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