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Fantasy Lakoria High School

'Ok, fine! You don't have to call your panthers pal!'

"What, what did he say?"

'He says blah blah blah! Let my boyfriend go, blahblabla, I won't get Richard!'

"Ok then, I will let Jay go."

Pluto held Nyx close to him with one arm and he reached out and touched Jays hand as he said the spell. The stone started to disappear.

The snakes looked at the new guy. 'You bet your ass this is all Nyx's fault!!' They all started agreeing with him, but it just sounded like they were hissing at Dal.

@SolisNighsun @GingerBread @Lotusy
Right now that you've unstoned Jay you can all leave Nyx glared at pluto and the snakes since all you done is cause problems for everyone here, because you're all idiots and don't know when to obey your master

@SolisNighsun @Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai
Jay shook his hand, clearing a bit of numbness after Pluto unfroze it. "Irresponsible..." He muttered under his breath. "Next time, I'm wearing sunglasses. I swear, my pigeons are more mature than this..."

Meanwhile, on a far-off telephone pole, ten pigeons sat perfectly still. "Caw," said Millikan. He took a crap on a pedestrian. "Caw," agreed Aufbau, who also crapped on the guy. "Caw," Democritus crowed, meaning "hotdog" in bird language, pointing his beak towards a biker holding a hotdog. They swooped down, pecking him until he fell.

"Yea, I bet they're just fine."

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
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'Oh well, I guess we had our fun.'

'We'll stop now.'

They all snickered.

'It was fun talking to you!'

Sunglasses don't do shit...'

Have fun with your boyfriend!'

And with that they all curled together and went to sleep. Except for Icarus, he never sleeps, he watches.

Pluto was surprised, he put his hat back on. He set Nyx down and gave him a strange look. "What did you do?"

I told them to leave Nyx started yawning and stretching God this whole thing was boring, but Snake boy you really need to learn to control those annoying assholes, cause other wise i'm going to put you 6 feet under

Pluto grimaced, he could still hear the loud echoing voice in his head but he couldn't understand it.

'He said we are annoying and you should control us before he kills you.'

Icarus said as he wiggled his way out of the side of the hat, near Plutos ear. "Oh, ok I'll try."


(Never mind I am back!)
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So you haven't been trying at all yet? Nyx turned towards Jay Jay how much longer till this lesson ends, I don't want to be around Snake boy any longer than i have to.

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Disciplining your parents is no different from disciplining anyone else, I could discipline yours parents or my parent. It's not hard Nyx rebutted, going back to glaring at Pluto You just need to 'grow a pair' and stop being such a wuss


Some of the snakes started snickering under the hat.

'.he said grow a pair and that he could discipline parents.'

"I have a pair. And no, sorry I would not be able to discipline, correct or control anyone's parents. It is not easy disciplining these snakes. You've already talked to them. Maybe you can do it."

@GingerBread @Lotusy
I can't make them listen to you but i can make them listen to me. Anyway you need to do this yourself Nyx thought as he continued glaring at Pluto And from what i heard, the snakes seem to think you're weak and inferior, if you want to them to listen to you, you'll have to earn their respect first and then disciplining them will become easier, or you could make them fear you, i find that always works


'Oh my lord, that was alot. Uh, we all think you suck, do something about it, and scare us!' Icarus suddenly let out a yelp. 'That not what he said, he said earn our respect!' Apep had bitten Icarus.

Pluto sighed, "ok, I will try to earn your respect! I swear I will!"

@GingerBread @Lotusy
Jay checked his watch. "Hm... About 10 more minutes? If you want, we can make a break for it. We just need to outrun Dr. William if you want to skip. I mean, I'm down for that." He started packing his bags, but before he finished, he handed his bandage scissors to Pluto, then patted the snake boy's hand. "Stay safe, man. Make sure to trim your hair if it gets... uh... rowdy."

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
Well i can't do much running Jay, on account of my missing leg Nyx thought, slightly bitterly And snake boy, i don't mind helping when i'm no longer a kitten, but if i have to help you, those snakes are going to die many times

Pluto looked at the scissors. He looked back up at Jay and smiled, although it wasn't his usual smile. "Thank you, I will use them."

'Oho you better not!'

'We don't deserve this!' And many more.

Pluto gave Nyx a sad look. "I'm glad you can help, and I'm sorry about your leg. Also Jay, can I have Jason back?" He held his hand out to him.

@Lotusy @GingerBread
"Jason? Oh, was that what his name was? Sure, let me look..." Jay searched down, looking for where he threw the snake. Once he found him, Jay passed him back to Pluto. "Take care, buddy." He turned back to Nyx. "Nyx, I'm about to make a break for it on five. Don't worry, I'll carry you." While he talked, he picked Nyx up, and leaned forward, ready to sprint."Five... four... one... go!" He took off in a sprint, leaving the classroom with an angry shout by Dr. Williams.

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai

(Did Nyx actually want to leave or was he just saying that. I wasn't sure what to post, so I can edit this accordingly.)
Nyx flattened his ears as Jay ran with him in his arm Such a rule breaker Jay, i always thought you were a goody two shoes Nyx chided jokingly So where too now?

@Lotusy (Nyx didn't really care Tbh, but your post is fine the way it is)
As Enki walked around the school he noticed Jay, he was about to go other and ask if they had a class later but then he noticed what looked like Nyxen. He rolled his eyes but he thought that he would still benefit from asking. He walked over "Hey Jay, do you know if we are in any classes later? I don't have a timetable currently." He asked.

@Lotusy @GingerBread
"A schedule? Sure, just let me check." Jay placed Nyx on a nearby bench, before taking off his backpack and pulling out a sheet of paper. "Next should be fourth period, which I think is math," he said, pointing to the 4th period box. "We still have about ten minutes before that class starts, though."

@metalcity @GingerBread
Enki sighed at them having maths "Well, that's a shame." He said "Thanks." he said sinisterly. Enki started to walk away, but he felt pain surge through his body. He looked back surprised, wondering if they where attacking. But nothing. Pain continued until there was a spark and a figure appeared behind him, Chloe crawled out of the underworld "CHLOE, that hurt god dammit. Don't force your self like that, and why are you here?" He said, mixed with anger and confusion.

Kitty cat? Is that a kitty?" Chloe asked Jay, ignoring Enki. To sucked in to the cuteness, she walked over to the Nyxen "Meow!" She said filled with joy, shaking slightly from the excitement of this cute being.

@Lotusy @GingerBread
Pluto said goodbye to Jay before he ran out with Nyx. 'Boy, what a guy!'

'I'm hungry! We should have eaten him!'

'Did that kid say he had pigeons!? I like pigeons! Jason liked pigoens too.'
Coatl sighed sadly, 'when will my husband come home from war?' He layed his head against Apep.

'Your lucky I don't have arms, I would strangle you for touching me.'

'Pluto, do we have to sit here?'

'Let's leave!'

'Ploot? Pluto? Please stop looking at the scissors...'

Pluto did not say anything, he just got up and left the room. He walked to his room and closed the door. 'Pluto, buddy, c'mon! Speak to us!'

"For now on I'm going to use these." He held up the scissors. The snakes gasped, 'no! You can't do that!'

"I want Jason and Chua back. When will they be back?"

'Tonight. What are you going to keep them and get rid of us?'

"No. I was just wondering."

The snakes looked at each other, all worried about what he was going to do.

'I don't like the tone of your voice!
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metalcity said:
Enki sighed at them having maths "Well, that's a shame." He said "Thanks." he said sinisterly. Enki started to walk away, but he felt pain surge through his body. He looked back surprised, wondering if they where attacking. But nothing. Pain continued until there was a spark and a figure appeared behind him, Chloe crawled out of the underworld "CHLOE, that hurt god dammit. Don't force your self like that, and why are you here?" He said, mixed with anger and confusion.
Kitty cat? Is that a kitty?" Chloe asked Jay, ignoring Enki. To sucked in to the cuteness, she walked over to the Nyxen "Meow!" She said filled with joy, shaking slightly from the excitement of this cute being.

@Lotusy @GingerBread
Nyx was slightly annoyed when Chloe came over to him and treated him like he was actually a cat. Nyx wanted to claw her eyes out, but remembered the promise he made to Jay, so he stopped himself before he could even attempt to claw a Chloe. "Meow, Meow Meow, Meow Meow Meow" Nyx mewed as he attempted to rant at Chloe for calling him a kitty.

@Lotusy @metalcity
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As the adorable cat started to meow at Chloe, her eyes lit up at the sight of cuteness. She squealed and picked up the Nyxen, rubbing her up and down her face. Socking up the feeling of the soft fur as it made contact with her skin, she continued squealing. "Who's a cute wittle kitty cat. You are miss fluffy princes." She slightly jumped up and down as she enjoyed every moment with the kitty. "Your going to be mine forever kitty." She continued to squeal out. Enki shrugged, not really caring what she did.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
(If no one minds, I'll make a minor character)

Inside the school, a strange kid walks around. There is a heavily worn bandage covering his eyes, and his clothes looks rather old. He searches around, wandering towards what he thought was a snake person

"Hey, you."

The kid spoke in a gravelly voice

@Magical Squid Senpai
Pluto had left his room to go to the library. Books would definitely calm him down. As he was making his way down the hall, 'Hey, do you have anymore of that chocolate?'

'Yeah, I'm hungry!'

"You guys don't even really need to eat."

'Yes we do! Feed us!'

"I won't give you any chocolate until you behave yourselves." They gasped.

'You little-!'

"Hey, you."

Everyone stopped talking and looked at the boy. Pluto waved at him. "Uh, Hello!"


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