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Fantasy Lakoria High School

'Ha-ha! He's fucking whipped! '

Aw, your little boyfriend won't let you kill anyone? Or fight? How awful!'

That's kinda like Pluto though...'

You can only kill Pluto one way!'

Pluto flicked Jason's nose again. "Would you guys stop it!"

You kill us and we will just come back again!'

@GingerBread @Lotusy
Jay shook his head, watching the small hiss fight between Nyx and the snakes. He withdrew his hand, deciding to just ask Nyx. "Yo, Nyx. Chill. Mind telling me what they're saying? I'm only hearing half of this conversation."

Then i guess i'll make you go through extreme pain every time i kill you Nyx threatened, not wanting to be beaten by a couple of snakes

They're mocking me jay and generally being pissy and i'm pretty sure Pluto would thank me if i got rid of them, they are annoying Nyx explained before going back to glaring at the snakes

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai
"Usually, I would tell you no, but..." Jay glanced over at the snakes. "Well, they're snakes. The bastards kill birds sometimes." He turned to Pluto. "Yo, Pluto. Could you tell your snakes to turn it down a notch? I'm not one for violence, but if they don't quit, they're getting a barbershop visit." With this, he pulled his bandage scissors out of his backpack.

@Magical Squid Senpai @GingerBread
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'Ha! It never hurts when we are killed! It kinda feels like a needle.'

'Pluto fucking loves us! The little bitch could never live without us!'

Pluto pouted, "that's not nice." He mumbled to Apep.

The snakes hissed at Jay when he pulled out the scissors.

'Oh damn, pretty boy got balls!'

'The crap is a barbershop?'

'Gonna get your boyfriend to do your dirty work for you?? You little pansy!'

Pluto covered his head, trying to protect the snakes. "No! Dont do that! You can't!"

@Lotusy @GingerBread
Jay sighed in frustration, opening the scissors up. "Look, Pluto. They're your snakes, it's your responsibility to discipline. I own ten pigeons, and none of them talk shit to anyone else. Granted, they're all literal birdbrains, but they're still well taught. If your snakes are going to be little scaly pains, you'll need to show them who's boss, or we can do it for you."

@Magical Squid Senpai @GingerBread
"That's what I'm telling you!" Jay's voice rose to the shouting levels, earning him an angry glare from Dr. William. "Sorry, sir." He lowered his voice, but still kept his stern tone. "I'm telling you, they're your responsibility, so take it as that. If they have an attitude, one snip will handle it for a while." Now please, call them off. Otherwise, I can help Nyx come back to vampire form. I really hate it when people trash talk my, er, boyfriend and think they can get away with it."

@Magical Squid Senpai @GingerBread
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Nyx was just sat watching the events take place, if he could've he would be grinning like the cheshire cat You are the best Jay, i guess that's why you're my boyfriend Nyx then turned his attention towards the Snakes Oi snakes if you want to continue exsisting and being able to be arseholes i suggest you listen to what Jay is saying and obey your 'master'

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy (Jay is the best boyfriend ;) )
'Oh boy.'


'Oh boy.'

Master?!?!? I am no ones slave! No one owns me!'

We aren't Plutos responsibility! Pluto is our responsibility! Unfortunately.'

Your boyfriend sucks!'

Man I was really starting to like this kid. I thought we had a connection!'

'Fuck! I wish I wasn't reincarnated into a snake on this boys head!'

Pluto was trying to get a hold on the snakes but they wouldn't listen to him. He looked pleadingly at Jay, "no! Please don't!"

@Lotusy @GingerBread
Nyx homed in on the comment 'Your boyfriend sucks' As soon as he heard this comment Nyx turned to the snakes, Rage burning in his eyes Which one of you Pests insulted my boyfriend? tell me now! Nyx looked like he was ready to kill.

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai
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Nyx hissed at the remaining Snake If it wasn't you then why has everyone thrown you under the bus? Nyx didn't believe the snake at all Now that you've really gotten me annoyed, I suggest all of you do what you are told by your 'master' and maybe, just maybe I'll spare the rest of you

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy
Coatl glared at the others, 'what the heck guys?!'

Spare us? We could have you dead before you even reached us!'

'I suggest you just go take that dump in your litterbox and leave us alone!'

'Yeah shove it cat!'

'I could swallow you whole!'

@GingerBread @Lotusy
I'd like to see you try to kill me, even as a kitten with a missing leg i'm one hundred times more powerful than you Nyx continued glaring at the snakes But i'll go ahead and assume you don't want me to spare the rest of you, more fun for me i guess. I wonder how snake tastes Nyx started unsteadily walking towards Pluto, Rage still burning in his eyes. Unfortunately due to the lack of a leg, Nyx was unbalanced and ended up falling over

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai
"Whoa! Don't stress yourself out, man!" Jay quickly scooped Nyx up, after the kitten had fallen. He could already tell that the snakes would be making a fuss again. "That's it, Pluto. I hope you'll enjoy your haircut." He swiped the butt of his scissors, knocking off Pluto's beanie.

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai

(Permission to kill a snake? They can resurrect, so it, be ok, right?)
Jay narrowed his eyed. Obviously, the snakes weren't taking him seriously. Instead of bickering more, he singled out one of the wiggling snakes, then lunged forward, intending to cut it. Of couse, only having one functioning arm, it was really awkward, and he had to get it at just the right angle to slice the snake in two. When he did, though, he dropped his scissors, holding the half-snake like a gladiator holds his opponents severed head. He started shouting, but quickly returned to his normal voice. "Raarrghraaa... Sorry, Dr, Williams."

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
'Aaghgafgf! Why must the good die young!!' Jason screamed as he was held up in the air.'aaah! Tell...Medusa.....she was aaa..hot piece of ass!' And with that he went limp.

The other snakes just stared at the empty spot. 'Wow....it's less annoying up here!'

Holy shit he actually did it!'

Pluto stared at Jay. His eyes started to water. He looked up at the hand that held Jason. His eyes went red and Jays hand turned to stone.

@Lotusy @GingerBread
Nyx noticed Jay's hand turn to stone, Nyx's eyes started burning with rage again as he hissed at pluto before leaping from Jay's non stone hand and at Pluto digging his claws into his face You will unstone him now snake boy

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy
Pluto screamed when Nyx attacked his face. He held on to the kitten and pulled him off. 'Kill him! Kill him he's in his smallest form!' The snakes started snapping at Nyx. Pluto held Nyx away from his face and glared at him. "He killed Jason!! And you killed Chua! I should turn you both into stone!"

'Yes! Do it! Do it! Do it!' The snakes chanted.

Pluto shook his head, all these voices were driving him crazy!

@GingerBread @Lotusy
Jay growled he saw Pluto cry and turn his hand to stone. "Oi! Don't pull this crap on me! You can't just not discipline your snakes, have them insult my boyfriend, taunt me, and then get mad at me when I have to do it for you!" He slammed his hand down, the stone going straight through his desk. "Chill. Out."

@Magical Squid Senpai @GingerBread
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"You think I haven't tried disciplining them!? I've had them since I was born! They will always be older than me. I've given up trying to tell them what to do. It's like trying to discipline your parents!"

Pluto shouted at Jay, making the stone go up his arm.

'You can't teach an old dog new tricks!'

'Especially when that dog used to be a king! I'm not taking orders from some scrawny kid!'

"And that really hurt!"

@Lotusy @GingerBread
'That's what I keep asking him.' Mumbled one snake.

'Oh snap, he went there!'

Apep glared at Nyx and snapped at him. 'Get your ass up here so I can kill you!!’

'Pluto is in the zone right now!'

'He's got his mother's anger!' Sniffles one snake.

'Hey maybe we should make a trade, kitten boy. What do you think?'

@GingerBread @Lotusy

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