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Fantasy Lakoria High School

The snake thought for a moment. 'Hmm, we can stop all of this fighting and become friends! All you have to do is attach us to your head and we can all enjoy killing together!'

We can't even do that! What are you high or something?'

Plus could you imagine what Pluto's mom would do to us?'

They all shivered at the thought.

'No! We let your boyfriend go, but only if we get to kill you!'

The snakes hissed at that idea.

'All of you shut up! How about we stop fighting and just try to be friends!'

@GingerBread @Lotusy
You guys are so good at knowing what you want Nyx thought sarcastically Maybe that's why you stuck with someone incompetent like him Nyx glared at the Snakes Now how about you make me a realistic offer, i'd recommend discussing it with your master as he seems to have the most brains out of you lot

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai
'Hmm, he is pretty pathetic.'

'Hey Ploot! What do you think we should do? Should we become friends or kill him?'

Coatl flicked his tounge out at Plutos ear. Pluto shook his head. "....I don't really want to kill a kitten." He frowned at Nyx in his hands. He let out a frustrated sigh. "I guess we can...become friends? Let's just try not to kill each other."


Come on! Can't we kill one thing?!'

'If he refuses then we get to kill him!'

'I wanna eat him!'

@GingerBread @Lotusy
Let me point two things out. One, i would never become friends with a weakling like you. Two, if you wanna kill me i suggest a wooden stake Nyx once again went back to glaring, only this time he was glaring at Pluto And i am not a kitten, i am a vampire. Calling me a kitten is like calling me a pet. And i dislike that

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy
Then maybe you shouldn't be weak and what are you going to do to stop me? You wouldn't hurt an adorable kitten would you? Nyx Started giving Pluto puppy dog eyes, mockingly of course And unstone Jay's arm already. Call me 'kitten' one more time and I swear to god

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy
(Ah forget it, I'm back)

In a dark alleyway of the city, not far from Lakoria highschool...

A woman in a red dress is late home from hanging out, a "formal" party. She is nearly human, save for a few speckles of scales along her neck and the fringes of her dress. Of course, she couldn't afford the dress at all. It was borrowed from one of the neighbors in the next apartment room. Through managing three children and a tedious desk job, she never had time nor money to buy pretty clothing.

One of her children was sick, she forgot to pick up medication. Her infection on her side from an accident at work was getting worse. She was late again this morning.

All these worries that disappeared during the short party quickly came back. A shroud of guilt surrounded her, formed of all of these. She almost didn't hear the sound of scraping metal behind her...

The woman turned around to glance, but she was too late. Her bleeding body fell to the concrete floor with a sharp thud as three dark figures loomed over her. Her body was dragged away into the night, leaving nothing but spatters of blood mixed with loose red sequins of the dress.
Dhaylian Motryn

Dhaylian couldn't tell how long he'd been out, but by the way the nurses kept swishing by to check on him, he'd assumed that it hadn't been to long. They took a few scans and then told him to go easy on himself. He noted it, but it quickly slip to the the back of his mind.

He slipped out of his cot and was surprised to see that his clothes were new and rather savvy compared to that of what he had been wearing. He silently exits the infirmary, a locates a clock. He was late to third... what was it anyway?

He sighs and manages to get to his form room unhindered. Pausing only a brief moment, he grabs his backpack and slings it over his shoulder. His schedule only said a number... how unhelpful.

He saddles on the wall and takes his sweet time getting to the room, enjoying the silence of the empty halls. He nearly passes the doors and with a double check of schedule, he cautiously opens the handle, unused to the movement, and pushes it gently open...

'ugh! those eyes make me want to barf up my chocolate lunch!'

‘I cannot believe this kid tries to pull that off!’

‘If Jason were still here he would say you are ruining the look!’

why can’t weeeee be friends? Why can’t we be friends?!’

‘I think we shoul-Icaris! Shut the fuck up! No one wants to hear that.’

‘come on cat boy, why don’t we try to be friends? We will apologize for all the terrible things we have said to you and your boyfriend and we will unstone him.’

Pluto glared at Nyx but it quickly went away because of all the voices. “ugh, you guys are giving me a headache!” he looked at Nyx still in his hands, “why are you a cat anyway?”

@GingerBread @Lotusy
There is no way i would become friend with you willingly Nyx's face turned back to a scowl And i'm a cat because of reasons, i'm not going to tell you so you can use it against me am i? Nyx attempted to claw at pluto's face, knowing he wouldn't be able to actually hit him didn't deter Nyx at all

@SolisNighsun I'm assuming you're in the same class as us, so do you want to notice Nyxen and stuff, Btw Nyxen is missing a leg)
Maria though a bit. " Actually I'm pretty tired after all this. I'll just go to my room. Let's go to the classrooms another time, ok Enki? Bye.", she said, not waiting for a response but hugging him and leaving to her room.


(My last post then for now, to not make Enki stay there or being in need to leave her impolitely)
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'What, were you slammed in the ass so much you turned into what you really are?'

'A pussycat!'

Some of the snakes started laughing.

'Haha! Get it? Pussycat?!'

Coatl threw his head back and laughed, it kind of sounded like hissing while choking.

'Yes we get it, you idiot!'

Pluto did not like the joke. "I'm seriously starting to think about getting a hair cut."

He held Nyx away from his face.

"Ok, you don't have to tell me."

@GingerBread @Lotusy

(My friend despretly wanted me to make that joke.)
(@GingerBread Yep, you guessed as much. Oh, the pains and qualms of high school)

Dhaylian instantly recoiled from the the doorway, only to peer back in a second later, though much more timidly. He sucks it up and steps inside the door. Only now did the full situation greet his eyes.

First, he noticed a very prissy kitty-cat known as Nyx, the Nyxenator... when... when did he lose a limb. Then as he looked over his opponent... a medusa? No.. wait that's not right.. Gorgon.. Weren't they slew before the dawn of the Iron Ages though?

But the thought of the head full of snakes turning toward him and announcing his pressssssenceeeee with a loud hiss of warm air was admittedly a bit terrifying, easily hacking down his jumbled thoughts immensely. Alas the brave soul took a breath... and stepped forward.

"Guys... is there a problem?"


@Magical Squid Senpai

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As Maria did what she did, Enki watched as she ran off "Did I do something wrong? I know they are boring but she didn't have to run away." Making him feel a bit down, he sighed and looked around. He noticed a figure on top of a building, Enki looked close but it disappeared "Wonder what that was? probably just my imagination." Enki scratched the back of his head and looked around, wondering what to do.
Hey jay, would you like a snake skin bag? because i'm sure there will be enough of these snakes to do that Nyx thought, though it was more directed at the snakes. Nyx then heard someone, looking at the where the voice came from he saw Dhaylian "Meow" Nyx greeted before turning his attention back towards the snakes So are you going to start listening to your master, or will jay be getting a new bag?

@SolisNighsun @Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy
'Snake skin is so out this season! I suggest a nice alligator skin bag.'

'When you show us where our master is, then we will listen to him!'

The snakes all turned their attention to the new kid.

'Whose this fool?'

'Oh no, he looks like a Pluto type!'


He looks like he would taste good though..'

If you did make us into a bag then it would just turn to dust after midnight! And we would be back on Pluto's head!'

Pluto looked at Nyx, "I kind of don't care about what you do to them. But it does hurt when I loose them!"

Well how about i just tie you all together, i do think Pluto could do with a new hair style Nyx glared at them further Now, are you going to unstone jay and stop being assholes? and what if i kill pluto then what would happen to you? Nyx got a cheshire grin on his face What if i bury pluto alive? what then?

The snakes went silent.

Pluto glared at Nyx, "what? What did he say!?"

'I wonder what would happen to us?'

'I don't! If you kill Pluto than we attach ourselves to the person who killed us!'

The others gave him a confused stare.

'How the fuck do you know that?'

Yeah where did you get that info?'

'I read it somewhere once and I know a guy!'

They just rolled their eyes at Icarus.

'Do you even know how to kill a gorgon!?'

'We know how to kill you!'

Do you really know how to kill me for good? cause i'm pretty sure decapitation kills just about everything, wasn't that how medusa was killed Nyx thought the cheshire grin on his face not fading But if i kill Pluto, i would have to deal with you guys? at least i would be able to discipline you, unlike him

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'Don't we have to drown them? Burn them?'

No, that's for witches.'

Silver bulits?'

We have to use a wooden stake.'

I remember staking vampires back in the day! It was summer, 1883-'

Shut up!'

Pluto has no idea what is going on.

And how exactly would you go about killing me anyway? it's not like any of you could beat me in a fight and turning me to stone would stop you from being able to kill me Nyx had a smug look on his face Anyway tell your master that he needs to unstone Jay now or i can summon Richard

'Look, Richard seems like a cool guy! There is no need to drag him into this.'

'Don't remember Plutos sledgehammer? It unstoned your chest first. He could do that again and stab you before any other part of you can move!'

"Richard? Killing? Just stop talking to him!"

Icarus leaned close to Plutos ear,

'Nyx wants you to let his boo bear go.'

Pluto sighed, "I will let his hand go as long as you don't call Richard!"

Again, i have Richard who i can summon with my mind, anywhere, at any time and i can make him explode so good luck killing me Nyx then turned his attention away from the snakes and towards pluto And if you unstone Jay then i don't have to get Richard, so in the end it's your choice.

"Uhh... guys? I'm pretty sure whatever you're bickering about... is probably Nyx's fault..." Dal starts, a little put off by the silence and the occasional sentence uttered by the snake-man. Nyx was obviously up to no good though... that much was clear. With incredible caution and false bravado on his part, he steps up beside the angry pussycat.

@GingerBread @Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai

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