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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Enki hugged her back, not really knowing what he was doing but he needed to hold on to something. "No one understands me, but thank you." He sincerely whispered into her ear. Then he realised what he was doing and stopped hugging, he blushed and moved back "umm, errr. Sorry, this is awkward. You like me and stuff and I hugged you back when I'm not sure if I like you that way. Urm errr sorry!" He said really quickly with worry in his voice, hoping that he didn't upset her or by hugging. He said all of that really quickly, so quickly that he is panting slightly as he bows for forgiveness.

@Ami the breadling

Kaine had never visited a cafeteria to eat. His parents usually brought him food from outside and fed him. This was a disastrous attempt at independence

"But this is my food! You cant take it!"

He wrapped his claws around the food, growling animalistically
metalcity said:
Enki hugged her back, not really knowing what he was doing but he needed to hold on to something. "No one understands me, but thank you." He sincerely whispered into her ear. Then he realised what he was doing and stopped hugging, he blushed and moved back "umm, errr. Sorry, this is awkward. You like me and stuff and I hugged you back when I'm not sure if I like you that way. Urm errr sorry!" He said really quickly with worry in his voice, hoping that he didn't upset her or by hugging. He said all of that really quickly, so quickly that he is panting slightly as he bows for forgiveness.
@Ami the breadling
She looked at him sadly. " I know that. I know there is someone else for you. But this hug was not one of love but one of friendship. Also, I need to feel someone close to me. I have never felt like I do now. Hurt, used, weak, ashamed, vulnerable. All of that together comes close to what I feel right now. I just needed someone to hug me. That was all. ", she sadly whispered.
Glenda too a long sigh before continuing. Lots of these kids come from weird cultures. Don't be so quick to judge them, Glenda. Her face softened. "Look, young man. I know you might be hungry, but other students have to eat, too. If you have any special dietary needs, we can accomadate you."


(@GingerBread Sorry for the wait, I'm trying to think of something for Jay to do.)
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Enki sadly sighed "I'm sorry." He muttered out, he stopped bowing. He wasn't sure what to do, the panicky thought but the word 'love' stayed in his mind as he tried to think. "Dates!..." He spouted out as the he thought about stuff, but all he could think about was the word 'love'. Enki started to blush, he quickly thought, still panicked One of the books did say that being a couple could be used to explore one another. So I we can learn more about each other and I do want to learn more about her...but is this the right time? He thought to himself in that second, he walked over and hugged Maria "Sorry, then we will continue that friendly hug until you want to stop." he whispered into her ear, softly. He continued blushing hoping she would not pick up on him saying 'dates'.

@Ami the breadling
She tilted her head a little. " Dates? That is a little out if context don't you think? But sure, I can say random words as well if you want me to. Banana.", she said, enjoying the hug and hugging back.

"I can hear that, you know!" Jay look back over his shoulder, shouting at Nyx. "And I won't wear it!" He grumbled a bit, walking off towards his fifth period. Geez. I'm not actually going to put one of those on! His face just got redder, and he decided to take a detour, heading back to his dorm room to wash off his face. After he was done, he grudgingly decided to stand out in the courtyard and wait for Nyx before proceeding to class.

Looking around the cafeteria, Nyx saw, what he assumed to be a werewolf arguing with a lunch lady, deciding that if he stayed around him any longer he might break his promise to Jay, Nyx got up and started to walk out of the Cafeteria and into the courtyard.


Jaime gave her a mostly blank stare before slowly pushing back all of the food towards her. He kept a large chunk of the steak firmly clasped in his claws though.

"This... Confuses me."
As they hugged Enki blushed as she heard what he said, he couldn't leave it there and as he couldn't think he stated "It wasn't random." He whispered softly, before his head moved close and he lost consciousness for a split second before lifting his head. "So girly, how did it feel to kiss this pathetic mess of a person. Like, you want to throw away your life for this trash. How idiotic. Can I kill you know?" Enball asked with a evil smile. Continuing the hug but brining Maria in harder, squeezing her.

This happened because:

The man watched as nothing happened to the zombie, he sighed in disappointment as he couldn't send him on a rampage. The man started to leap building from build until he found the music block, he noticed the doors where open. He went invisible and entered, he saw Maria and Enki having a hug, he grow a evil smile and shot Enki in the neck, forcing him to be enraged and release Enball. He evilly giggled and watched at how the situation would play out.

Back with Enball:

Enball laughed evilly as he squeezed Maria, "
What could be more fun is to watch you panic in my arms." Enball pulled out slightly and looked into Maria's eyes and he kindly whispered with Enki's voice "I love you Maria." Enball gave he a smile.

@Ami the breadling (the mad man is invisible)
metalcity said:
As they hugged Enki blushed as she heard what he said, he couldn't leave it there and as he couldn't think he stated "It wasn't random." He whispered softly, before his head moved close and he lost consciousness for a split second before lifting his head. "So girly, how did it feel to kiss this pathetic mess of a person. Like, you want to throw away your life for this trash. How idiotic. Can I kill you know?" Enball asked with a evil smile. Continuing the hug but brining Maria in harder, squeezing her.
This happened because:

The man watched as nothing happened to the zombie, he sighed in disappointment as he couldn't send him on a rampage. The man started to leap building from build until he found the music block, he noticed the doors where open. He went invisible and entered, he saw Maria and Enki having a hug, he grow a evil smile and shot Enki in the neck, forcing him to be enraged and release Enball. He evilly giggled and watched at how the situation would play out.

Back with Enball:

Enball laughed evilly as he squeezed Maria, "
What could be more fun is to watch you panic in my arms." Enball pulled out slightly and looked into Maria's eyes and he kindly whispered with Enki's voice "I love you Maria." Enball gave he a smile.

@Ami the breadling (the mad man is invisible)
Maria's eyed got red. " You really are cute are you not? Trying to make me rage like that. ", Maria said. Out of no where, Maria held a dagger in her hand, ramming it into Enki/Enballs already wounded shoulder as he squeezed her.
Enball laughed, "What do I need to do to you to make me feel my love?" Enball continued in Enki's voice softly. Enball grabbed Maria's wrist and with that he made a purple fire go into her body, as it generated from his palm that connected with her. The flame changed the look of the room for Maria, it showed her the tragic past where her family was brutally attacked. However all the people where changed to look like Enki. Enball giggled as he waited for her reaction.

@Ami the breadling
" Oh, that one is quite good. I see the urge to kill you. I see the need to kill you. Forgive me Enki but that is more important. ", she said calmly. Then she let out a rageful roar, taking another dagger and aiming for the neck of Enball.
Enball smiled "What was that before? 'If any one hurts my boyfriend I'm going to make them pay' wasn't it? And the person that hurt Enki's shoulder you where going to kill? Well, you see this is the same body. If you kill me, you kill Enki. What will you do with out you boyfriend?" Enball mockingly said as he moved out of the attack and went to disarm Maria.

@Ami the breadling
" Oh, don't believe you talk to the Maria you talked before. That was her human part. It is all fragile and emotionful. A weak part of her. No my dear. There will be no way, Enki could survive me. And so won't you.", she said grinningly, teleporting a few meters behind Enball. " Also, disarming me won't work.", she said as she took out 8 more daggers, throwing them at once as an carpet of daggers. Just while throwing, she took out 4 more. " Do you realize who you are dealing with?"
Enball laughed more and had a evil smirk "Guessing I'm speaking to some locked away slut who thinks they are a challenge because they get to see the light of day again. Don't make me laugh." He laughed anyway. As the carpet of daggers came towards him, Enball threw a fire ball at the ground. Exploding it sent the daggers of track, one stabbed into Enball's torso. He grabbed it and encased it in his fire arm, with the human arm he summoned the Exiled sword. Enball charged at Maria through the smoke and sliced at Maria's chest. Meanwhile heating up the daggers blade.

The mad man laughed and backed further out into the corridor trying to not get involved as he took notes.

@Ami the breadling
Maria felt his sword slice her chest and immediately teleported behind him again. Just when she came out, she threw the 4 daggers, getting 4 new out immediately. "You idiot won't be a match to me. ", she calmly spit out.
All for daggers connect with his back, Rnball turned around quickly making the daggers slide out of his back. While spinning he uses his fire arm to catch the daggers and started heating them up, he moved his arm and went to slash Maria with a dagger that was rapidly radiating heat and the 4 daggers that where just thrown at him.

@Ami the breadling
As she got hit by the heated as well as one of her other daggers into the torso, she cried out in pain. She threw 4 more, teleporting behind Enball again giving him a barrage of another 4 daggers. Even though the pain of the daggers was decent, she ignored them.

"That scream was delicious, give me more!" Enball laughed out. One of the daggers hit his arm, moving it back but then he tried to slash at Maria, expecting her to teleport behind him he was swinging in a way to hit her as she reappeared behind him.

@Ami the breadling
Maria realized what he plotted and grinned to herself. She threw 3 daggers and teleported, but not behind him. She reappeared beside him, trying to stab him into the tthroa with the spare dagger.

As he spun he lifted his foot letting her stab his foot. Enball pushed the dagger with his foot to the ground, he went to elbow Maria in the nose. Aiming to distort her and break her nose.

@Ami the breadling
Enball laughed, he was going to take the hit and decapitate her. As he went for the final blow he suddenly stopped You are not hurting anyone I care for.

Enki stated in his mind as he gained control of his body and the sword vanished but slightly cut her neck. However the dagger stabbed his stomach and he spat up blood.

The man finished his record and walked out of the music block, looking for his next victim.

@Ami the breadling (only the first dose makes people pass out)

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