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Fantasy Lakoria High School

The man sat on one of the roofs, drinking a beer deciding on his next move as the kids didn't seem to care. He watched as a kid started walking towards the music block and he gave a evil grin, he prepared his sniper for when the boy entered. Hoping someone would follow...

@Magical Squid Senpai (got to wait for ami and kana to reply first so the students can make a plan of action.)
As Jay kept walking with Nyx, he picked up the vampire's question through his thoughts. His face blanched, scared that Nyx had misunderstood him that badly. "No, Nyx. That's not what I meant! I'm not embarassed with you or anything, it's just... don't stand me up like that in public. I was willing to, well, kiss you earlier, but it was embarrassing in front of everyone else!" He shook his head. "It just too embarassing..."

"Look Jay. I care about you, if i didn't i would've killed you by now" Nyx's expression became serious "So if you're ever uncomfortable with anything, just tell me and i'll do my best to stop whatever is making you uncomfortable" Nyx said, giving Jay a reassuring smile before taking on a less serious expression "Apart from making you wear that cheerleading Outfit" Nyx said, Winking at Jay; Nyx's tone of voice making it clear he wasn't being serious.

Jay let out an exasperated sigh, but it was clear that he was happy now. He smiled, shaking his head. "I guess there's no stopping the cheerleader outfit. Maybe later, of course." He gestured for Nyx to follow him, holding open the door for the disbled vampire. "Now c'mon, ya perv, we're missing class!"

Nyx smiled, glad Jay had cheered up "Who cares, You won't learn anything useful" Nyx walked through the open door, giving Jay a small nod as a way of saying thanks "What lesson is it anyway?" Nyx asked, not really bothered what the lesson was as he was planning to sleep through it.

Jay gave Nyx a devilish smile. "Vampire hunting 101... nah, just kidding. It's Supernatural Studies. Kinda like a social studies class, but more magic-themed. We hear about the current policies in all the mgical worlds, like fairy worlds, or dark gods. I wouldn't suggest sleeping through it," he said, as he heard the thought flash accross Nyx's mind. "You really need to focus more on your studies," he said, pulling the classroom door open for Nyx.

"I would've prefered Vampire hunting 101, learn more about how people are going to try to kill me" Nyx said as he walked through into the classroom and took a seat near a window and dropped his crutches on the floor. "Time for another boring lesson" Nyx exclaimed, fake enthusiasm filling his voice before he leant back on his chair and put his Singular leg up on the desk.

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Not having a answer Enki assumed the boy would either follow or go by his idea to go look in the library. Still holding Maria's hand Enki started to lead her back to the music block "I was wondering...Wouldn't it be best if you rested more. I know the nurses here are some of the best, but you almost died." He said sadly.

@Ami the breadling
metalcity said:
Not having a answer Enki assumed the boy would either follow or go by his idea to go look in the library. Still holding Maria's hand Enki started to lead her back to the music block "I was wondering...Wouldn't it be best if you rested more. I know the nurses here are some of the best, but you almost died." He said sadly.
@Ami the breadling
" You'll need more than just dagger and a sword nearly killing me to keep me down. ", she laughed back. She saw snake boy in front of the music block. She wanted to wave at him but some instinct told her something was about to happen. Her eyes slightly turned red.

@Magical Squid Senpai
Enki saw the snake boy as well. He remembered him from the infirmary "Hey." he lifted fire hand to wave.

On a roof top:

The man readied the sniper, aiming at the boys neck. Glad to see the boy and girl back, as he has already messed with them and they where fun. He positioned his sniper to shoot at the boy as he heard a sound from another roof top. He looked over to see a boy fooled by his illusion in that area that hid the bombs there. He smirked as he exploded the bombs.

On the ground:

As the bombs went off, Enki turned around quickly to see smoke trail off a building. "
Was it the man?" He asked in anger, before turning around to the snake boy "We should go check that out!" Enki had clear anger in his voice.

On a roof top:

The man laughed to see a few students panic at the sound of a explosion, he then readied his weapon again and held his breath. He shot at the snake boys neck.

@Ami the breadling @Magical Squid Senpai
"Oh, come off it. Studying and learning for once isn't going to kill you, you know." Jay set his bag on the floor and drew a pen and paper from it. "Besides, you might learn something that's useful in a fight. For example, yesterday I learned about how to put out magical fire. I'm sure that'd be useful against someone like Enki."

Everyone started to panic when they heard an explosion. Kids were running around, Pluto has no idea what was going on.

'What the fuck was that?'

'Ah, look at all the chaos! It's beautiful!'

Pluto didn't even get to turn around before he felt something hit the back of his neck. "Ow!" He suddenly felt something he hasn't felt in a long time, Anger. He transformed into his gorgon form and glared around at the other students until he noticed two familiar faces. He slithered towards them, ready to attack.

@Ami the breadling @metalcity

(Sorry I'm bad at this...)
As the boy changed his appearance, Enki remembered what happened before in the infirmary where he turned Nyx to stone. He quickly turned and pulled Maria towards himself, getting in her line of sight by holding her head to his chest, blocking her vision as he remembered a book he read before on these affects. "Can you make a mirror?" He asked in desperation. Hearing that she wanted to harm the boy he had to change his approach "He can turn people to stone, don't look at him!" he continued with.

@Ami the breadling @Magical Squid Senpai

(hope this can work with what you had Maria do, was writing and had to change some of it.)
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metalcity said:
As the boy changed his appearance, Enki remembered what happened before in the infirmary where he turned Nyx to stone. He quickly turned and pulled Maria towards himself, getting in her line of sight by holding her head to his chest, blocking her vision as he remembered a book he read before on these affects. "Can you make a mirror?" He asked in desperation. Hearing that she wanted to harm the boy he had to change his approach "He can turn people to stone, don't look at him!" he continued with.
@Ami the breadling @Magical Squid Senpai

(hope this can work with what you had Maria do, was writing and had to change some of it.)
Maria immediately took out a small hand mirror. " Here. Take this. ", she said aiming with the mirror and throwing her daggers at Pluto's body.
Enki let go of Maria, he moved to the side as she throw the dagger. He started to run around Pluto, keeping an eye where he was with the mirror, trying to get behind him. A glow appeared in his hand as his sword entered his grip.

@Ami the breadling @Magical Squid Senpai
(Going to sleep for today. If you want to fight on, turn Maria's hands and feet to stone. She can't do anything without these. Good night everyone.)
Pluto dodged the daggers that came his way. He glared at Maria's hands and feet, they immediately turned to stone. Apep was watching Enki circle around Pluto. 'Ha! The fool actually thinks Mirrors will help him!'

This isn't the Medusa age here.'

Pluto turned to Enki and backed away, watching his every move. He held his hand up and summoned his sledgehammer. Only this time it wasn't that, it was an actual war hammer. It appeared in his hand and he slammed it down on the ground. He charged at Enki and swung the hammer at him.

Enki continued to run around Pluto, he had the advantage as his attacks were slow by his heavy weapon. As the attack came in Enki throw the hand mirror at the creature, then extending his fire arm and changing the tip to red fire, the mirror cracked in the heat and the plastic started to melt. The fire and mirror came towards the boy, at the same time Enki moved out of the attack.

@Ami the breadling
Instead of swinging at Enki, Pluto swung at the mirror, shattering it. He held the tip of his tail up to protect his face. The fire hit his tail. He hissed at him, glaring at him with red eyes.

'Yes! Let the rage consume you!! Kill him!'

Apep laughed historically. 'Dude, chill.'

Pluto snap out of it!!'

Pluto ignored them and swung the hammer at Enki twice.

@Kanade Yuuki

As Kaine heard her, he groaned and tries to turn away.

"I probably shouldn't have come here, I just smelt blood."

Suddenly, the explosion occurred. His fur suddenly fluffed up and stood on end

"What was that?!"
@Magical Squid Senpai

(If you'd rather skip this, just say the word and I'll remove this post)

As Pluto became enraged, he felt the parasite writhe fiercely inside of him. While swinging the hammer, he suddenly felt his skin burst.

On his side, he saw a large white tentacle following his arm. It reached towards his opponent, trying to strangle Enki.

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