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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Yuuki nodded and told Enki, "Sure, you guys be safe."

(After they are gone cause I'm on a holiday right now and can only reply at night and in the morning. You guys can just pretend Yuuki is going along with you guys)

Yuuki looked in the direction of the music block. "Enki and Maria are there! Oh, when I find that stupid mad man I will murder him so brutally he would not be able to rest in peace."

Yuuki took off in the direction of the sound, looking back at Kaine, "Are you coming?"

@Ami the breadling
Enki rolled out of the way of the war hammer, he looked back at Pluto to see something reaching out to Enki, about to strangle him. Enki tried to grab and wrap his hand around the parasite, if successful Enki will pull the creature towards himself and try elbow the boy in the face. Attempting to knock him out before the drug can.

@Magical Squid Senpai @GreenEyedStranger
(aye what if Yuuki and Nyx drink that Pluto's blood to find out what the drug is? To find out what it's made of for possible ways to prevent it from taking over?)
@Kanade Yuuki

Kaines eyes twitch but he reluctantly nodded his head

"If you insist. I have nothing better to do, and I can not resist the call for blood. It's been so long since I've been gorged on it..."

He walked up to her, lumbering at full height


The parasites tentacle was much too slippery, coated in blood and slimy fluid, to properly grab a hold of. It pulled itself back, lunging Pluto forward with an unnatural force to charge at him.
Yuuki looked up at the man who was towering over her. "Damn, you are tall." She laughed nervously and took a step back.

"Maybe one day we can go on a hunt together," she grins, "Don't hate me too much."

"Are you kidding me?" Yuuki exclaimed, "Do you see these guns?!" she flexed her left arm and patted her biceps.

She smiled when he said he doesn't hate her. "Anyway, we need to go catch that damned mad man." She took off in the direction of the music room. "Let's go!"

"It might, you never know, could be a shapeshifter" Nyx replied jokingly, his lips contorting into a smile "I don't need to learn anything new, i'm already the most powerful person in this school. But if it will make you happy. I'll pay attention" Nyx took his leg off of the desk and sat forward a bit "But don't expect me to take notes"

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Enki was knocked to the floor, he coughed out a little blood and could feel a rib broken. He gritted his teeth and got up. Enki throw a purple fire ball at the ground, making a illusion of a few more Enki's. They all stood there looking at Pluto, hoping he would pass outfeom the drug so he didn't have to continue to hurt him.

@Magical Squid Senpai @GreenEyedStranger
Maria struggled around. She was not able to do anything. She couldn't get her weapons, she couldn't move, she was practically just for the looks. She struggled around more, causing her to fall to the side. She hit the ground and couldn't get up any more.
Pluto looked around at the other Enkis. He wildly swung at them, making them disappear. There was only one Enki left. Pluto glared at him, his leg turned to stone and he wouldn't be able to move. Pluto stood over the boy, raised his hammer and was about to bring it down.

'Kill him! Kill him! Kill him now!!' Apep chanted happily.

Suddenly, Pluto dropped the hammer and it disappeared into a puff of black dust. Plutos eyes turned normal again and they rolled up. He fell forward onto Enki, his head on the boys chest. He was out cold.

@Ami the breadling @metalcity

(With Pluto ontop of Enki, his snakes will be able to say the spell and unstone him and Maria.)

He chuckled, she was cute but he knew why she would ask that question "if you mean the scars, well.....I was in a car crash with my parents. Of course they died, but I survived from the help of these guys," and right away 4 orbs appeared. Along with how he is looking, his right arm was in his coat.

(Oops, I wasn't getting notices after your post @metalcity, I had an idea for what the drug would do to zombies so... I'll just type this post, if you want me to remove it because it goes against a plan you had or something, let me know)

Columbus slowly opened his eyes and yawned. It had been FOREVER since he had slept at all and he had forgotten how good it felt. He smiled as he looked about his small cot and slowly got off, brushing off his clothes he intended to meet with the chief today to discuss the next bonfire. He felt warmth in the air and deduced that today would be a great day. He made his way to the door and opened it...

When he opened the door a blast of fire hit his face. He stumbled back as he realized what was going on, his face took one of pure dread as he realized the red men had come back. He looked around and saw many of his tribe fighting against men in strange white coats as the village burned around them. Eager to help them fight for once, he grabbed the war club he kept in his room and rushed outside and began beating on the red coated men...


Columbus ran across the school campus beating the ever loving tar out of people, screaming out rambling in another language as he did so...

(Okay, so let me explain! Because most zombies are decaying and their bodies don't produce blood (Columbus can only kinda produce it because of the hexes and shiz keeping him semi-human) I thought it might be cool that instead of having a drug that puts their brains in a state of rage (Because their brains are kinda dead in allot of areas) That it might instead bring them back to the memory they had of when they were living of the moment they were most angry, and make them relive it. I hope that's okay)
Enki was about to try and block the attack but he could see the weight of the attack. He gave a last sigh expecting to die, he turned his head and gave a apologetic smile to Maria. He started to say peacefully "I Lik..." But was stopped as he was knocked to the floor, he opened his eyes to see a body on him instead of his insides. "Errr, you good now?" he said trying to move the boy off of him but couldn't as his foot would not allow him to move. He looked at Maria, about to ask for help but with her condition he knew she couldn't. He also lightly blushed looking at her, hoping that she didn't pick up on it. He tapped the boys head but was shocked to see the boy's 'hair' was snakes.

@Ami the breadling (you can choose if she picks up on what he said...)
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The man sat atop his roof, seeing that the boy went back to his normal status. He wrote down on his clip bored, he enjoyed the affect of the boy and made sure to use them later. He then turned his attention to the other zombie, surprised by his new rampage after sleeping. He laughed atop his roof and jumped to the other one to get closer to the action, as everyone was running and not planning on fighting the zombie he sighed and prepared his sniper. he shot two more students in the neck and watched as it turned into a free for all.

@LokiofSP @GingerBread (@GingerBread is going to control the two other people drugged.)
While she struggled, Maria heard what Enki said. " What did you just say?", she confusedly asked. She new he would not want to talk about it but she wouldn't let him go that easy this time. @metalcity
Enki blushed more, "Urm...can we talk later?" He asked nervously, hiding his face slightly by the embarrassment of her hearing him. Then looking at the snakes "Errr, can you do anything about this?" he asked, still blushing uncontrollably.

@Ami the breadling (she wouldn't hear anything if he mouthed it xD but it is fine.)
" I am sure that lays not within my range of possibilities. My opinion is so to say rock solid.", she chuckled a bit, " But no. We can not talk later. Dammit since the last days I never know if there even is a "later" for either of us. So just tell me what you wanted to say..."
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Francis the Faun was sitting on a bench, enjoying watching the chaos the zombie boy was causing People getting hurt just makes me so happy He thought not wishing to get involved and get himself hurt, instead choosing to lean back on the bench and relax. Francis suddenly felt a sharp pain in his neck before he felt himself get indescribably angry, Looking around for something to hurt he saw the zombie boy again. Francis started charging at the boy aiming to impale him on his horns "Heads up" He shouted as he charged towards the boy.


Andri was trying his best to stay away from the zombie boy not wanting to get himself hurt, When he was just about to get out of range of the boy's rampage he felt a sharp pain in his neck. Andri felt himself get indescribably angry, turning back around he saw the zombie boy, his thoughts no longer focused on getting out of there unhurt Instead he summoned a sword made of ice and charged at the boy "Time to chill out!"

@LokiofSP (Have fun)

@metalcity hope you like it :D )
So Pluto just laid there. 'What the fuck? WHAT THE FUCK BOY GET UP!!'

Apep nudged at Plutos face. 'Pluto! Wake up!' 'He was doing so good! And then he had to pass out!' They nudged at Pluto. They felt the boy touch them, some of them hissed and Coatl screamed. They all looked up at Enki. 'Oh, its you.' 'What did you do to Pluto?!' 'He wants us to do something.' They all hissed at him.

@Ami the breadling
Columbus saw one of the red-coated men begin to charge at him with his odd looking spear, while the other came at him with his sharp looking blade. Columbus took a breath and thought back to what he'd seen his sister do many times on the hunt...


Columbus awkwardly rolled out of the way of Francis and swung a large pipe at Andri with the small amount of strength he possessed. He spoke in a lost language, "Leave me and my tribe alone!*"

(*Translated from some language that I don't want to specify because I'm lazy, sue me...)

Enki looked at the snakes, "Do you think you can unstone me and Maria. We can then protect the boy in return." He offered, hoping that they would agree. He then thought about his conversation with her later and blushed more.

@Ami the breadling

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