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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Francis stopped charging when he realized that the boy had moved out of the way of him. As quick as a flash he turned around to face the boy again, striking his hooves against the floor as he got ready to charge at the boy again.


Andri didn't notice the pipe being swung at him until it struck him in the chest, knocking the wind out of him and sending him backwards onto the floor. "That wasn't cool" Andri struggled to his feet before he summoned a shield made of brittle ice to help protect him from any further blows, however as the ice was brittle the shield could be easily broken with a strong swing. Andri charged the boy again, only slightly more cautious than last time.

The snakes went silent. 'Should we let him go?'



'Don't do it! Let them rot!' Apep shouted at them. 'Nah, I'm gonna let him go.' Icarus said the spell and Enki and Maria were slowly unstoned. ', Wait! I want answers!!'

@Ami the breadling @metalcity

(He isn't supposed to understand the snakes, but whatever!)
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As Maria was unstoned she gently took Pluto from Enki and laid him on the ground. She then kept Enki down. " You won't be allowed to stand up until I know what you wanted to say earlier.", she calmly said.
'Awww!! How cute!'

'Oh, so gross!'

'That was so obvious.'

The snakes just watched the two talk. They had tried to wake Pluto up, but it wasn't working so they would just wait.

@Ami the breadling
Enki stood up, dusting himself off he looked at her. Blushing more and looked at the floor slightly "y-yea, sorry for making you feel bad about it before." He nervously said, not sure what to do.

@Ami the breadling @Magical Squid Senpai
(Sorry this one took so long, I was eating for the first time in a day...It was worth)

Columbus backed away from the red coated man who now had a shield, taking a quick glance behind him, he saw another one prepare the cilinder of death, it shot massive black round things that could kill in seconds. Columbus took a breath, and just as the canon shot, once again rolled out of the way, allowing collision.

Francis charged at the boy once again, only to have the zombie boy move out of the way. Francis found it hard to go against the laws of physics and stop completely and went barreling into the other boy.


Andri saw a half goat person charging towards him, in defence he raised up his shield to block the attack. As the goat boy hit the shield it cracked proving useless as the boy's goat horns stabbed into Andri's stomach sending him to the ground with heavily bleeding wounds "That wasn't very Ice" He said as he began to cough up blood.


Francis felt a shiver of delight as he saw the Cryomancers body broken and bleeding on the floor I don't have time to admire this beautiful display Francis thought as he pried the ice sword out of the boy's hand before turning his attention towards the zombie boy once again charging at him, only this time he held the sword out to the left side of him in case the boy decided to try to dodge that way.

@LokiofSP (Well thats one down, you monster :P )
metalcity said:
Enki continued to be nervous, "So? we should probably move the boy." he nervously said, not sure what to do now. He walked over and picked the boy up.
@Ami the breadling @Magical Squid Senpai
Maria helped Enki to do so, planning what she would do. " After that, can we go to a little more private place? I'd have to ask you something."
(You and your damn puns @GingerBread! )

Columbus readied himself for the red coated man who charged him again, he gripped his war club tightly, and took a breath, 'Keep your mind sharp...And your eye on the target...Become one with your area, and clear your mind... That is how you fight...'

Once Francis got close enough, instead of rolling, Columbus took a hard swing at the other guy's head.
Enki nodded slightly "U-um, sure?" He answered nervously, not sure what to do after confessing his feelings.

@Ami the breadling
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metalcity said:
Enki nodded slightly "U-um, sure?" He answered nervously, not sure what to do after confessing his feelings.
Maria helped Enki to get Pluto to a save place. After that, she led him to the bench before the music block again. She looked him deeply in the eyes."Of you were honest about your feelings, then we should be a couple right?", she asked him with a hopeful gaze.
Francis didn't even see the attack coming, by the time he had registered what had happened he was on the floor with a concussion and frostbite on his left hand. The effects of the drug were now starting wear off, combined with the concussion Francis started to pass out "I was meant to come out AHead" He weakly slurred out as he completely lost consciousness.

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'Oh damn! Private places! You dog!'

As Pluto was lifted up he bagan to stir slowly. He opened his eyes and looked around and saw Maria and Enki. He sat up. "What happened?"

'Oh Pluto your back!'

We are so happy!'

You went crazy and attacked people!'

'I was actually proud of you.'

@Ami the breadling @metalcity
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Enki continued to blush, he turned around to Pluto "You where drugged by the mad man, we had a small fight. But it seems like your good now." He smiled then turned around to Maria "I guess so...what do couples do? I'm new to this." he stated nervously.

@Ami the breadling @Magical Squid Senpai
Columbus panted as he looked at what he had done as battles raged on around him, he then heard a scream, "ASHIKII DIGHIN! ASHIKII!" He looked up with wide eyes and began to run while calling out, "AT'EED! AT'EED!" He ran to where he thought he saw his sister in a burning building, she was trapped and reaching for him, he grabbed out for her hand and began to pull but she was trapped under rubble. He kept on trying to pull but she wouldn't come unstuck! He then looked up and saw the ceiling begin to come down...

"AT'EED!" Columbus screamed one last time as his breathing became heavier, he looked down and saw a terrified pixie begin to get up and run. The memory had left him dazed and confused, he was unsure of what he had seen. Everything felt so...Familiar, yet he could have sworn he'd never seen it before... And the girl...

He sat down and curled up in a ball, suddenly saddened by the thought of her face. He wept silently for a bit...

(Totally didn't have to look up those names....Nope, totally didn't...)

@metalcity (Because the perv is still looking at him I think)
Jay grumbled. "Of course I want you to. You should be doing that anyways..." His voice trailed off as something caught his attention outside of the classroom. It was, well, a kinda weird scene. Enki and another student were getting lovey-dovey with each other, Pluto was sitting up from the ground, groaning, and Columbus was curled in a ball, presumably crying. What the hell... why do things like this even happen at this school? He raised his hand. "Excuse me, sir. I have to go to the bathroom." In a suspicious manner, he picked up his backpack, walking straight out as he got an answer. As he walked, he gestured for Nyx to follow him out.

"This is a boring lesson i'm out" Nyx declared as he grabbed his crutches and followed Jay out, not even waiting for the teacher to respond. Once Nyx had left the classroom he turned to Jay "So did you want me to go to the bathroom with you?" Nyx asked, a small smile appearing on his face.

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"What? No way! You're probably just going to put me into a cheerleader outfit anyways, ya perv!" Though his tone was harsh, he was smiling. "Either way, I'm not actually going to the restroom." He pushed open the door to the outside, gesturing to... whatever chaos was ensuing. "See that? What could have done that?"


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