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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Pluto continued looking for the spell. "Hmm if I can't find it then I would have to take you to see my family." He looked in the closet. "Maybe they might know what to do."

He stopped, 'no! That would not be good...my mom would turn him into stone and then SMASH him into tiny pieces!' He sighed and looked through his suitcase. "What if I smash you?"

@GingerBread @Spazzycat101
"Oh i would Love to meet your parents, i'm sure they're absolutely lovely" Nyx said, his voice filled with fake enthusiasm "Anyway smashing me wouldn't work, i'm still a vampire, only a wooden stake through the heart can kill me and good luck getting that through stone" Nyx said smirking.

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy @LokiofSP @Spazzycat101
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"Yeah they would love to meet you too." Pluto dropped everything and turned to Nyx. He had found the paper. He had an idea. "I could just smash you, use the spell on your body parts then stab you through the heart. I'm sure it would work...."


(Let's break shit!)
"Well Jay would be sad..."

'But I can just turn him into stone.' He thought to himself about how this plan would work. 'No, I should save it for another time.'

Pluto sighed heavily, "ok, I am going to let you go. But only if you promise not to kill me!" He was so going to regret this.

Pluto said the spell and out popped a sledge hammer. Pluto caught the handle and the head slammed into the ground. He held it there and looked at Nyx. "I don't trust you!" He raised the hammer over his shoulder. "You really have to promise!"

Nyx yawned as Pluto began threatening him with a hammer "If your going to smash me you should do it already, i don't like empty threats" Nyx said, sounding bored

(No he wouldn't be able to heal himself, but he also wouldn't be dead forever. Dying is a weird issue for Nyx, i have most of the ideas in my head for how he could come back to life but i don't say them in fear that people will think that it's fine to cut bits of Nyx off because he can get them back.
So in short No )

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy @LokiofSP @Spazzycat101
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Pluto rolled his eyes. He said another spell over the sledge hammer, it started to glow a dark purple. He slammed the sledge hammer right onto the middle of Nyx's chest. He didn't crumble or break, but where Pluto had hit him had started to slowly unstone. Pluto sat on his bed and waited for Nyx to come back.

"No, I just need to focus on what I want to stone. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't." He looked at Nyx on the floor. "But I never need eye contact. Some of my family members can turn you to stone just by touching you! But...I can't do that."

Pluto whimpered as his hair was pulled on. Nyx just ended up grabbing a handful of angry snakes. Some of the snakes bit into Nyx's hand while the others hissed at him. "Ow! Stop your hurting them! And my head!" Pluto looked up at Nyx with worried white eyes. "I won't do it again!"

'Unless of course you try to stab me again and in that case the handle of the sledge hammer might end up in your butt.'


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