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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Jay" Nyx answered plainly "And yes, i hate everyone apart from Jay" Nyx tried to move his head out of Pluto's lap but failed as he was stone from the neck down "And Jay is the only thing stopping me from killing you all" Nyx glared over at the girl "Call it adorable again and i promise you a slow painful death"

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy @Spazzycat101 @LokiofSP
"Because they are inferior compared to me but a lot of them like to think they are my equal" Nyx said, disgust present in his voice "And why shouldn't I hate them?" Nyx asked Why does this boy care so much, not like it matters. He's going to die as soon as he turns me back Nyx thought.

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy @LokiofSP

@Spazzycat101 (Do you wanna hear Nyx's thoughts?)

(Sure! ^-^)

...Why does this boy care so much, not like it matters. He's going to die as soon as he turns me back...

At the sound of that voice echoing in her mind again, Leah flung herself into a sitting position to land her glare on Nyx. Those words were exactly like something he'd say....

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy @LokiofSP
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"You shouldn't hate them because...then nobody will like you!" Pluto said sadly. "People will start to hate you like you hate them. If you keep being such an arrogant jackass then people will start looking for ways to kill you. Your life will be filled with misery."

@GingerBread @Spazzycat101

...I can't wait to kill this boy, I'll enjoy his screams of pain...

'Damn, what is your issue?!' Leah sprung onto her feet, the fire of fury illuminating her eyes again. 'This kid is hardly anything but nice to you and all you can do it plot his death?' Her expression was both disgusted and furious, and she slowly shook her head before beginning to walk away, only to realize she had no place to walk to. She had little idea where she was, or where she could leave to, she simply stormed into a corner, sitting on the floor in a flood of exasperation.

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy @LokiofSP
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When Jay stepped into the room, it instantly erupted into chaos. Before he could even help anyone, tension already started. Nyx was in aggressive mode, and other two students only fueled whatever conflict between them. When things got especially out of hand, namely when Pluto started touching Nyx, he felt something shoot through him. Anger? No. It's jealousy. Protectiveness. He shook it off, trying to think of a way to defuse the situation

He found his chance, when Leah accused Nyx of plotting to kill Pluto. He had no idea why she thought that, but knowing Nyx, that was probably what he was thinking anyways. He quickly ran in between Pluto and Nyx, arms out. "Nyx. Chill it. This guy here brought me to help you. I don't want you to fight them, for god's sake, you're frozen in stone! Don't do it!"

(Sorry for being out, had a meet.)

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @Spazzycat101 @LokiofSP
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Jay sighed. Too much to think about at once. "One second, Nyx." He turned to the other boy "Hey, snake kid. Would you mind letting go of Nyx? I know he can be a jerk sometimes, but he's a good guy. He doesn't need to die." While saying this, he rushed over to Columbus's side. He raised his hand to heal him, but quickly remembered the pain he caused Columbus last time he tried to heal him. Crap. I guess it's time for some old-fashioned sports medicine. He got his hands under Columbus, flipping the other boy onto his back. He winced, seeing the boy's serious wounds. "Hold up, Columbus. I'll try to help." In a flash, he whipped out his "First-aid kit", if it could even be called that. He grabbed an old tube of ointment, then started to apply it to Columbus's face, before wrapping him up. " Does that feel better?" he asked."I'm not sure how effective ointment is on zombies..."

@LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai @GingerBread @Spazzycat101
Columbus got up and stretched his arm, he winced again however, "Helped the explosion, but it didn't help the other thing. Hey Nyx, is this zombie/vampire thing supposed to last for to long? Because right now it kinda really sucks."

@GingerBread @Lotusy

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