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Fantasy Lakoria High School

[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]She caught herself blushing and reproved herself. "Don't act like a stupid teenie, Maria.", she whispered, not realizing she said that loud. She then smiled back at him. " I always enjoy joyful stuff. "

Enki giggled then tried to silence himself. "So do you want to go to the music rooms? they are fun." He said with a smile.
Nyx slowly tilted backwards before crashing to the ground."Shame, you could've lived. Unfortunately Richard doesn't like people attacking me" Nyx said, sounding like he didn't even care that he was just thrown to the ground. As Nyx said this Richard leaped at the girl, Fangs bared intending to kill

@LokiofSP @Spazzycat101
Columbus picked up the sword he'd made earlier and held it out, allowing Richard to fall on it. He winced at the physical exertion but he weakly smiled at Nyx anyways, "Gotta try harder than that."

@GingerBread @Spazzycat101 (I saw that Richard got revived earlier, so I hope impaling him is cool :P )
Nyx couldn't see anything that was going on as he was stuck staring at the ceiling, but assumed Richard was hurt as he let out a pained Growl, Nyx made Richard Explode again though the explosion was weaker this time as Richard was already dying.

@Spazzycat101 @LokiofSP (It's cool, right now Nyx sort of uses Richard as a distraction anyway so he's kind of weak but i'm going to upgrade him later)
metalcity said:
Enki giggled then tried to silence himself. "So do you want to go to the music rooms? they are fun." He said with a smile.
" Music? That sounds like some good idea. I love music and I love playing piano. ", she said, asking herself why he giggled.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]" Music? That sounds like some good idea. I love music and I love playing piano. ", she said, asking herself why he giggled.

"Well, how do you feel about singing and playing the piano when we get there. I love that type of music." He said enthusiastic. He walked over to the door that was left open and exited her room, he waited for her out side.
metalcity said:
"Well, how do you feel about singing and playing the piano when we get there. I love that type of music." He said enthusiastic. He walked over to the door that was left open and exited her room, he waited for her out side.
She thought for a moment. Singing was not something she was too bad at, but it always embarrassed her to do so when someone listened. But thinking further, she again liked the thought. "Yeah, why not. But don't get to high expectations. I'm right behind you. ", she said, following him out the door and closing it.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]She thought for a moment. Singing was not something she was too bad at, but it always embarrassed her to do so when someone listened. But thinking further, she again liked the thought. "Yeah, why not. But don't get to high expectations. I'm right behind you. ", she said, following him out the door and closing it.

Enki looked at the door strangely, then shook his head and started to walk down the hallway, then walked slowly as he walked past his own door, giving it another strange look before walking his normal post. "I guess you like singing rap?" He questioned jokingly, trying to shake off the bad feeling he had.
metalcity said:
Enki looked at the door strangely, then shook his head and started to walk down the hallway, then walked slowly as he walked past his own door, giving it another strange look before walking his normal post. "I guess you like singing rap?" He questioned jokingly, trying to shake off the bad feeling he had.
"Totally my punchlines punch harder than a minotaur. ", she said laughingly. She looked a bit worried, from the moment he gave the door that strange look.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]"Totally my punchlines punch harder than a minotaur. ", she said laughingly. She looked a bit worried, from the moment he gave the door that strange look.

Enki laughed, Hyip gave a joyful bark as she gently reached out of Enki's hoodie trying to get the girls attention. "But it sounds fun listening to alive performance, I only have heard piano through my phone, which isn't that good." Enki pulled out his phone and checked the date. He then placed the phone back in his pocket. Enki reached the end of the hall and opened the door for Maria.

(The phone is about 2004 for us)
metalcity said:
Enki laughed, Hyip gave a joyful bark as she gently reached out of Enki's hoodie trying to get the girls attention. "But it sounds fun listening to alive performance, I only have heard piano through my phone, which isn't that good." Enki pulled out his phone and checked the date. He then placed the phone back in his pocket. Enki reached the end of the hall and opened the door for Maria.
(The phone is about 2004 for us)
Maria gave Hip a pet as she reached out the Hoodie. She passed the door and waited for Enki. " I don't even have a phone. I never had the money to get one, since I never had work to get paid for. But you didn't ask for my life story, so I'll just stop it here and tell you: I wish I will be able to play something decent for you. ", she said, while waiting and smiling at him.

As the cat exploded again, Leah's expression morphed into anger.

'Will you stop that? I don't think Jay would approve your adoration of killing very much.' Her expression switched to one of very convincing mock sorrow. She gave a deep sigh,

'Oh, Poor Jay. His crush overtaken by the motives of a serial killer.'

She dramatically rolled her eyes, sitting down on one of the beds. The second explosion had bruised her a bit, but that was already disappearing. Suddenly, she considered the Columbus, who was closer to the explosion and already injured. She glanced up to make sure he wasn't too badly injured.

@LokiofSP @GingerBread

[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Maria gave Hip a pet as she reached out the Hoodie. She passed the door and waited for Enki. " I don't even have a phone. I never had the money to get one, since I never had work to get paid for. But you didn't ask for my life story, so I'll just stop it here and tell you: I wish I will be able to play something decent for you. ", she said, while waiting and smiling at him.

"I'm sure anything you play will be more than decent." Enki smiled. He walked in front of her and made his way to the music block.
metalcity said:
"I'm sure anything you play will be more than decent." Enki smiled. He walked in front of her and made his way to the music block.
She followed him, blushing on his compliment. " why do I keep blushing every time he says something kind? I must have a serious concussion... ", she thought out loud to herself again.
Pluto lit up, he had finally found Jay! "Yes you! You need to come to my room, they need help!' Pluto grabbed Jays hand and tugged on his hand, trying tho get him to follow him. " we got in a fight with this mean guy. And he bit my arm and now he is half stone. And he had an exploding panther and a girl is knocked out and so is a boy, but the boy bit the other guy and now and and its bad!!"

[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]She followed him, blushing on his compliment. " why do I keep blushing every time he says something kind? I must have a serious concussion... ", she thought out loud to herself again.

Enki over heard what she said and thought he would try a joke "I agree. The only thing that has been this red towards me has been a toma-" Enki was going to say tomato but images of the priest he killed flashed through out his head, the face covered in blood as Enki violently attacked the man's face. He flinched and was about to fall to the floor in a panic attack. Just as I tried to forget these. Why now, Why now? He thought to himself in a panicked state. As he was about to fall to the floor he tripped over a stone and fell to the floor. Confused Enki stayed there "What just happened?" He questioned as his face landed in the dirt.
metalcity said:
Enki over heard what she said and thought he would try a joke "I agree. The only thing that has been this red towards me has been a toma-" Enki was going to say tomato but images of the priest he killed flashed through out his head, the face covered in blood as Enki violently attacked the man's face. He flinched and was about to fall to the floor in a panic attack. Just as I tried to forget these. Why now, Why now? He thought to himself in a panicked state. As he was about to fall to the floor he tripped over a stone and fell to the floor. Confused Enki stayed there "What just happened?" He questioned as his face landed in the dirt.
As he fell, she immediately went to him, trying to help him up again. " You alright?", she worriedly asked.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]As he fell, she immediately went to him, trying to help him up again. " You alright?", she worriedly asked.

What's happening, why is this coming back now? This makes no sense. There is no reason for this to be happening, I said one thing that doesn't reflect what happened. He thought but was snapped out of his thoughts when Maria spoke to him. He wiped the mud off his face "Y-yea, I'm ok." He said as he started to stand up "Guess that didn't help my reputation." He said as he looked to see a group of first years laugh at him. Enki sighed "Sorry about that, guess it didn't help you either to be seen with me." Enki awkwardly chuckled "Well I guess now we can take a detour for me to show you where the public toilets are." He awkwardly said as he tried to rub the dirt of best he could.
metalcity said:
What's happening, why is this coming back now? This makes no sense. There is no reason for this to be happening, I said one thing that doesn't reflect what happened. He thought but was snapped out of his thoughts when Maria spoke to him. He wiped the mud off his face "Y-yea, I'm ok." He said as he started to stand up "Guess that didn't help my reputation." He said as he looked to see a group of first years laugh at him. Enki sighed "Sorry about that, guess it didn't help you either to be seen with me." Enki awkwardly chuckled "Well I guess now we can take a detour for me to show you where the public toilets are." He awkwardly said as he tried to rub the dirt of best he could.
Sehe smiled at him, trying tough calm hin down. "I don't care about my reputation. But I do care to spent time with you. So don't worry about me getting seen with you. Also, I might be happy to kick someone's ass, getting rid of some frustration, so people thinking I'm a dork may be just what I need. "
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[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Sehe smiled at him, trying tough calm hin down. "I don't care about my reputation. But I do care to spent time with you. So don't worry about me getting seen with you. Also, I might be happy to kick someone's ass, getting rid of some frustration, so people thinking I'm a dork may be just what I need. "

Enki gently sighed with a smile "Only if it is some one that annoyed you." He said hoping she wouldn't hurt a innocent student "A-and thanks, I needed that." He smiled, he blushed slightly as she said she enjoyed the time with him, this time sounding more sincere as he made a fool of himself and she still said it. But quickly shook it off "Any ways I need to rub this off. So I'll show you where the toilets are while I do that." He finished off with.
metalcity said:
Enki gently sighed with a smile "Only if it is some one that annoyed you." He said hoping she wouldn't hurt a innocent student "A-and thanks, I needed that." He smiled, he blushed slightly as she said she enjoyed the time with him, this time sounding more sincere as he made a fool of himself and she still said it. But quickly shook it off "Any ways I need to rub this off. So I'll show you where the toilets are while I do that." He finished off with.
" Ok, go ahead ", she said. Seeing him blush made her happy, even though she did not know why. She said to herself, that it was better not to think of that to much.

Leah's face turned sympathetic for a moment, then he turned back to Nyx.

'But what if he were to find out? I think he'd be absolutely heartbroken.' She wrinkled her nose at the vampire, very glad that he was frozen in stone and not loose.

@GingerBread @LokiofSP
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Nyx raised an eyebrow "Is that a threat? because i'll warn you now, He is the only thing that is stopping me going on a murder spree" He explained "So, if i were you, i wouldn't try to break us up"

@Spazzycat101 @LokiofSP

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