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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Enki was glad that Corvus didn't argue with him "I know, that prick pisses me off just as much. But this is not the time or place to fight him, I know he fought her but she didn't care." Enki then walked away from the Corvus and went the opposite direction of Nyx. "I'm going this way, follow if you want. I highly recommend it." Enki entered the darkness, he summoned a red flame for a illumines glow.

Nyx Tried to keep his daggers implanted in the creature's back, but as the creature started flailing Nyx was slammed into a wall causing him to fall to the ground, as he got back up his vision blurred momentarily before returning to normal as he took a defensive stance

Leah could hardly catch her breath upside-down. The ice spreading through the room worried her. The chains suspending her from the ceiling were strong and painful, she couldn't melt them, even if there was no frost. She couldn't bring herself to two thousand degrees. She would begin to suffocate herself, even if she could. She began struggling, she could feel the frost getting to her for the second time that day.
Columbus backed away from the door, only to find *Insert exact description of bunker entrance here because I don't want to mess it up.* he looked around and swallowed a lump in his throat, "It might just be the sleep I'm missing, but something feels wrong." He could hear very faint sounds coming from downstairs, and he could have sworn it sounded human. He bit his lip, "I really should get to class...." He sighed and decided to go down, "Curse my curiosity!"

@GreenEyedStranger (Alright! Hit me with only a fifth of what you got!)
(Whew, a lot to reply to)


As you both check back, you notice the doctor is missing. There is a note next to the samples, "Will be back, don't leave. Too dangerous"
"Weeeelllllll dandy, the Doc left us. Maybe I wasn't wrong when I thought he was same doctor all along..." Dhaylian frowns and sighs, rubbing a hand over his furrowed brow.

"I guess we have to wait. No telling what's out there, " he comments, backing up against a solid brick wall, "Hey Willow.... will you sit beside me? You know... just in case?"


Nyx saw the creature charging towards him and barely managed to move out of the way, already getting tired, the wound on his back causing him pain every time he made a sudden movement I will not give up, not until i know Jay is safe Nyx thought to himself determined as he charged towards the creature once again before leaping into the air, slicing towards the creature's neck.

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"Maybe you were." Willow said, looking at the note. Turning to Dal she smiled. "Of course." She sat on the floor beside him, leaning back against the wall.


Seeing that Willow wasn't among the bodies, Miyuki tried to calm herself.
'He's not a hunter.. Just a creepy guy cutting up corpses.' She thought to herself, eyeing the man with the cleaver. 'I have to help the girl.' She looked over at the girl she'd nearly froze earlier, noticing that the frost was getting to her again. 'Can anybody hear me?' She opened her thoughts, hoping somebody who could speak to animals was around.

@Spazzycat101 @GreenEyedStranger @Rescue team
When the... Thing touched her face, Leah flinched, which was all but ineffective while she was tied up. Her eyes darted worriedly around the room, hardly able to make out anything. The stench of the corpses, however, was very, very prominent.

@OceanBunny @GreenEyedStranger
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With the glow from the flame Enki gave up with being stealthy and walked around casually, he whistled slightly as he walked around. Wondering if he would run into anything he kept his perception up. He smelt a faint smell of iron, he wasn't as it was a bunker. Enki heard a grown as he was about to walk around a corner, he stopped and checked. Not sure what he would find...

@GreenEyedStranger (i want to fight something, bring it)
SolisNighsun said:
"Weeeelllllll dandy, the Doc left us. Maybe I wasn't wrong when I thought he was same doctor all along..." Dhaylian frowns and sighs, rubbing a hand over his furrowed brow.
"I guess we have to wait. No telling what's out there, " he comments, backing up against a solid brick wall, "Hey Willow.... will you sit beside me? You know... just in case?"



She started to struggle, obviously to no avail. She was panicking. She was trapped in a refrigerator and hanging upside-down while wearing a skirt. Worst day ever.

She tried twisting her feet to loosen the grip of the chain, forgetting that that trick would only work with materials that had give, like cloth or rope. The pattern of the chains had begun to cut painfully into her ankles, and her feet were going numb anyway from hanging with her head towards the ground. Leah moaned loudly, beginning to shiver slightly.

@GreenEyedStranger @OceanBunny
"Heh, thanks. I don't want you to vanish on me to. I'd probably go crazy..." Dhaylian says, a hue of worry tainting his words as he shoulders up against Willow's smaller form.

"But I'm not leaving your side till we get out of here, and that's a promise I aim to keep," he adds, giving her a warm smile. In a span of one night, a girl he'd have never known, was probably one of the best friends he'd ever had. She was kind and caring, and.... what's the word.... ah, yes, selfless. Unlike some of his... newer acquaintances.

@OceanBunny (Ack, I didn't get a notif xD and yes... maybe it Could be a SHIP.... hmmmmmmmm)
Corvus followed Enki's lead, the flame in his hand the only thing to guide the elf now that he was alone and all of his teammates had split up. He stopped when Enki stopped, his ears perking up at the sound of growling around the corner. Instinctively he bent low and clutched the ARX in his hands, ready to fire should they be attacked.


SolisNighsun said:
"Heh, thanks. I don't want you to vanish on me to. I'd probably go crazy..." Dhaylian says, a hue of worry tainting his words as he shoulders up against Willow's smaller form.
"But I'm not leaving your side till we get out of here, and that's a promise I aim to keep," he adds, giving her a warm smile. In a span of one night, a girl he'd have never known, was probably one of the best friends he'd ever had. She was kind and caring, and.... what's the word.... ah, yes, selfless. Unlike some of his... newer acquaintances.

@OceanBunny (Ack, I didn't get a notif xD and yes... maybe it Could be a SHIP.... hmmmmmmmm)
(@CelestiaVanGuard Mmmm... Someone's tryin' to steal Hak's girl! D:)

Jay gasped in surprise as he was suddenly pulled up to the ceiling by a foul-smelling creature. As quickly as it had snatched him, it scampered away, Jay in tow. As it scurried along the hall, He tried to thrash around, but to no avail. He groaned inwardly. The creature had a terrible grip, and it left his right arm loose, but he couldn't do anything since his arm was limp. Of all the rotten luck, he cursed, in his mind. He stopped struggling, resigning himself to whatever fate awaited him. I just wish I wasn't so cold to Nyx earlier...


(Just getting this post out to let everyone know that I'm still active. Dunno what to do from here, though.)
"Don't worry i'm not going anywhere." Willow said with a smile. "Safer together than alone, right?" She placed her and on his, wishing there was someway she could get them out of this situation. As a precaution she grew vines in a grate pattern across the hole back to the cell. 'Wouldn't want one of those creatures getting in here.' She thought, watching the tunnel.


'Well here goes..' Miyuki thought to herself when she didn't get a response from anyone. Slowly she crept into the room, her ice spreading as she moved. Keeping her eyes on the man with the cleaver she walked towards where the girl hung upside down.

@Spazzycat101 @GreenEyedStranger
As Miyuki approached her, Leah was trying to lean away, but because of gravity, that didn't quite work. She was trying to retreat from the frost, but failed and lapsed into another seizure of shivers.

@OceanBunny @GreenEyedStranger
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Columbus got deeper and deeper into the bunker, the stench finally begging to affect even him. He coughed and waved a hand in front of him as he stumbled in the dark, fumbling around. He went deeper until he eventually tripped and began to fall downwards, he landed on his chest and coughed. He looked around and began to stand as he called out, "Hello? Anybody down here?"

(Cue the 90's slasher music)

@GreenEyedStranger @RescueTeamIfGreenEyedSenpaiSoAllowsIt
(Argh so much to reply to, so little time)


As Nyx jumped into the air, the creature whipped its hands to his legs, trying to slam him back down.

Just as Nyx fell down, his blade punched itself into the creatures neck. It let out a horrible screech as it let go of Nyx and fell back. It tried to keep itself up, gagging and gasping all the while. It then started to retreat into the darkness, limping while leaving a trail of blood. (Commas everywhere)


Enki suddenly caught sight of a group of men lying down. Something was horrifically wrong though... Their bodies were extremely blistered, and one of them had a tumor larger than himself... Pulsing. He heard his cries of agony as the tumor seemed to react to the light


As soon as Columbus spoke, he could have sworn he saw something stare back at him in the thick darkness. It disappeared as quickly as it came though... Which was then replaced by a horrible slithering noise... Creeping up behind him.


The man put the cleaver down for a moment and looked closer at the hunk of flesh. He started to wire something inside the meat before he resumed cutting. He was oblivious to their presence
Enki looked closer, he was shocked at how the group was he was about to run over, after a few steps he stopped himself and threw a flame into the middle of the room, lighting it up. He looked around to see what he could spot anything odd. He didn't trust them. He waited for a reaction...

@GreenEyedStranger @LegenDarius

Suddenly, they heard something moving to through the hole. The doctor tumbled through, his boots covered in blood.

"Oh my... Sorry. I had to 'borrow' some equipment from our friend back there... On the good news, I think the cure is nearly synthesized."

He gets up and walks over to the makeshift lab in the cell

"Ah yes... Once this enters the bloodstream, this should neutralize most of the disease. Well done indeed. I'll take care of the rest"


As the fire grew near, the tumor suddenly burst in a shower of blood, killing the man. After the blood settled, there stood a strange creature. It's limbs looked insect-like, but it's skin was all flesh. It's head was wide and elongated, but the most unsettling thing was that it's face looked like a humans. It let out a weak cry before spreading its arms, showing off extremely long fingers that ended in spikes made of bone.
"What, shit no he's dead, fuck" Enki said in anger as he watched the man explode into a shower of blood, he then watched as it transformed into a horrifying insect like monster. As he witnessed this Enki's face became a lot more serious, he realised that it was a trap the whole time. Enki summoned his sword and held it strong "Time to take you down monster, even if you have a human face" Enki Charged at the beast and swung for one of the legs.

The man had begun to... stab the slab of meat... A bloody and disgusting display that she'd rather not see or hear. She began to gag, her face turning red from blood rushing to her head. It was difficult to breathe like this, especially when she felt like vomiting. Leah tried to yell, a wordless shout to whatever could hear her. Miyuki had to quit with the ice, and that mutilated creature was beginning to assail her sense of smell.
Nyx gritted his teeth as he was thrown to the ground, but a small smirk started to creep onto his face as he felt his blade dig into the creatures neck and he heard it let out a ear piercing screech. When Nyx got up he saw that the creature had once again disappeared, looking around he saw a blood trail leading into the darkness, It's retreating it must be close to death, I could finish it off, but the longer I take, the higher the chance that jay could be killed Nyx thought unsure of what to do. Nyx started to walk in the direction the blood trail went before a sharp pain in his back persuaded him to leave the fight before his condition got too bad for him to be able to save Jay.

As Nyx ran through the corridors, his mind was shouting at him to turn back and finish the fight, that he was a coward for leaving it before finishing the Creature off. He tried to push these thoughts out of his mind so he could focus on saving Jay
"Jay! If you die I'm going to kill everyone" Nyx Shouted, his voice filled with worried, hoping that Jay would shout at him for his comment so he would know he was okay.

@Lotusy (I'm coming to save you, don't die)

@GreenEyedStranger (Sorry for abandoning the fight, you can have the thing follow me if you want :) )
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Hak walked into the school, hoping he wasn't too late. Unsure of where to go he decided that the best thing to do would be to find Willow and see if she knew what classes they had today, as he walked around the school he started to hear students talking about a group who formed a team to rescue someone. As Hak walked around the school more, he heard people talking that a Fairy girl had got kidnapped could willow be the one who got kidnapped? It would explain why I haven't managed to find her yet Hak thought, hoping willow wasn't the one who got kidnapped. Hak sat down and wondered how he could find out where this 'rescue team' had gone.
@GingerBread (It's fine, I wanted to imply that it ran away to die anyways)


His blade struck the creatures flesh, but it quickly struck a hard surface. It turned its head slowly, it's neck cracking as it did. The malformed creature screamed a loud human-like scream as it raised its hand slowly, then slammed it down with unnatural force. This thing was different than any of the creatures. It was pure.


Hearing the scream, the man turned around. Seeing the intruder, he roared loudly and picked up the cleaver, raising it over his head

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