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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Enki cringed as the beast let out a human cry, he looked down on it. It showed no sighs of fighting, Enki looked over the creature. He wasn't sure what to do, he felt bad about what he did. Luckily he stopped himself before the wound got to deep, he unsummoned his sword and took his cloak off and wrapped it around the creatures leg. Enki's guilty face tried to give a small smile to the creature to try make it feel nurtured.

'All of you, stop!' Leah cried. Quickly, she nodded to Miyuki, 'Get out, please,' She then shifted her glare to the masked person bearing the meat cleaver,

'Untie me! Now!' She hoped her voice sounded commanding enough. And sure, it was peculiar to demand an enemy to free her, but it was the best she could muster at the moment with Miyuki's ice intruding again.
@metalcity (I don't think you read all of my post)

The creature roared as Enli tried to grab it. It swiped its 'claws' at him, trying to impale him with the bones.


The man didn't seem to care what she said, and brought down the cleaver on Miyuki, trying to split her in half.
Miyuki jumped out of the way of the oncoming threat. Landing she dug her claws into the ice so she wouldn't lose her balance, then roared angrily and and charged. With her anger the effects of the frost started to increase, the chains freezing. Miyuki aimed for the mans wrist, fangs bared, in an attempt to both make him drop the cleaver and get her frost into his body.

@Spazzycat101 (Dont die i just made your chains brittle for you xD ) @GreenEyedStranger

Unable to lift the heavy cleaver fast enough, Miyuki managed to bite him. However, as she did, she tasted a repulsive flavor on her tongue, the mans blood. She immediately began to feel slightly nauseous... Meanwhile, the man let go of the cleaver, panting and roaring like a beast as his hand began to seize up from the frost
Leah had he thought to heat herself as much as she could before the cold became too much. She began to glow again, but she wasn't heating as quickly as usual. The chains she was trapped in, under such extensive temperature fluctuation, slipped apart and gave way, Dropping Leah on her head. Unfortunately, she had suffered two head injuries already, from Nyx and that peculiar creature, and when she stood again, she was dizzy and stumbling. Her vision was unclear, and the ice stung her still-bandaged hands.

@OceanBunny @GreenEyedStranger
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Releasing the man as the foul taste permeated her mouth, Miyuki backed away from him. Seeing then cleaver, she swatted it away from them, the shifted to kemonomimi form to spit out the blood. Grabbing the girls hand she moved towards the door. Keeping her eyes on the man and trying not to get within arms range of him.

@Spazzycat101 @GreenEyedStranger
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When Miyuki jerked her toward the exit to the room, Leah yelped and stumbled forward. He vision was blurred and the ground was spinning. Her head ached with a fury, and her hands and feet began to feel numb. She was gasping for breath, but she couldn't collect her self.

(Wow, concussion on the first day at school. Tsk tsk tsk Leah....)

@OceanBunny @GreenEyedStranger
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Enki watched as the beast tried to claw at him, he looked at the weak creature. Enki wasn't sure what to do to it, he stood up and and put his cloak back on. He looked around the room for a new hallway to explore down. He spotted it and made his way to the door, looking out for the beast in case of a attack.

When Nyx got no response he called out again "Jay!" Nyx shouted, not wanting to believe that jay had kicked the bucket. Nyx started to repeatedly shout out Jay's name as he ran through the corridors, looking in every room he came across. By the time Nyx had looked in 3 rooms he was only just able to hold back tears. When Nyx had checked two more rooms and not found jay he started uncontrollably crying "Jay...please... Let me know.....You're alive" Nyx managed to Get out between sobs He can't be dead, i won't let him be dead Nyx thought as he got a sudden boost of determination, and started checking the rooms once more tears freely falling from his face.

When He entered the last room nyx saw another creature wanting to avoid another fight, he started to slowly back out of the room until he saw that the creature was holding something, Looking closer Nyx saw that the creature was holding jay. Upon seeing this Nyx's sadness was quickly replaced by anger as he charged towards the creature and before it could react, he stabbed it in the arm causing it to release jay. After seeing it retreat into the shadows, Nyx summoned richard to keep guard while he checked on jay, Nyx walked over to him
"Hey... Jay, you're alright... right?" Nyx asked timidly, his voice filled with worry once more

@Lotusy @GreenEyedStranger
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Jay was roused from his stupor by Nyx's voice. He frowned and squinted as he looked up to the vampire mext to him. "Wha-what?" He shook his head, coming to his senses. "Don't worry about me, Nyx. I'm fine, it didn't hurt me badly." With his good arm, he pulled himself upwards, looking into Nyx's eyes for the first time since this morning. His expression softened. "But... thanks for coming to my aid. I thought I was a goner." He shook the look from his face, thinking of something else to say. "Well, have you guys rescued Willow yet?"

"I don't think so" Nyx replied, His attention focused on jay's limp arm, a wave of guilt coming over him as he remembered what he did "I was too focused on making sure you were safe" nyx said as a small smile rested on his face, before the pain in his back returned feeling worse than ever now that the adrenaline was starting to wear off It's probably getting infected Nyx thought, doing his best to not show any signs that he was in pain "Anyway we should get mov-" Nyx Collapsed before he could finish his sentence, the adrenaline in his system completely wearing off. As Nyx collapsed richard Ran over and got in a protective stance over him.

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(@OceanBunny Are you gonna reply or no?)

Leah staggered away from Miyuki and the man, making for the exit. Just before that point, she fell to her knees, clutching her head, her hands becoming bloodied. She was incredibly dizzy, and her head hurt boyond belief. She tried to continue forward, but collapsed in the hallway. At the end of it, she just made out a few moving shapes before she fell unconscious. Hehe, she thought, that must be the little lights at the end of the tunnel....

(She is messed up. ._. Head trauma 3x.)

@OceanBunny @GreenEyedStranger @LokiofSP
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"Nyx! No!" Jay stumbled to his feet as he watched his friend fall. He was about to rush to Nyx's aid, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Richard the panther dart to his master's body, assuming a defensive postition. Hoo boy. This will be tricky. He walked over to Nyx's prone body, crouching down a bit and holing his hand out to seem less intimidating. "Hooold it, Richard. I'm just here to help Nyx." Carefully, he circled around to the panther's front, squarting to his knees. "I just need to get close to him." He stepped a bit closer, his eyes scanning the body and finding a gaping hole in Nyx's back. In a slow release, the orange light swelled from his hands, but it didn't seal the hole. Hm. Strange. He held out his good hand, beginning the ritual for the full heal.


(So I remember you saying something about the wound being unhealable... so I tried to reflect that. Would you like his all-cure to work, or not?)
Miyuki followed the girl into the hall. Seeing her collapse she sighed and knelt down to check on her. 'Well I can't leave her here to die.' Untying one of the cloth wraps from her wrist she wound it around the girls damaged head. When she was done she lifted the girl into her arms and moved down another corridor, listening for any sign of trouble, Willow, or the rest of the team.

@Spazzycat101 don't worry, you wont freeze, its her hands, feet, breath and fangs that emitt frost not her whole body) @Rescue Team
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Richard let out a low growl and bared his fangs as he saw this unknown man approach, waiting for him to try to attack his master before attacking him.

As the man's light illuminated the room, richard recognized him as the one his master called "Jay", whom his master liked, assuming This 'Jay' wouldn't harm his master Richard turned his attention back towards the shadows, intent on guarding the both of them.

@Lotusy (I'm fine with it working if you are :) )
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@metalcity (Sorry, I didnt clarify. When the beast spawned from the tumor, it already was about as tall or taller than you. And I thought I already pointed out its inhuman strength)

The horrific abomination swiped at Enkis legs to trip him with one hand and grabbed his legs with the other, dangling him upside down. With a fierce throw, it slung him to the other wall before letting out another screech.

@OceanBunny @Spazzycat101 @LokiofSP

The large man with the cleaver suddenly appeared behind Miyuki, having come from the shadows. He roared like a beast while he threw a left hook. In the light, you could see more of his features. He was unnaturally large for a man, and there was blood leaking from his mask.

At the same time, a tentacle wrapped around Lokis neck. Behind him, there was another human but... His face was split wide. And in its place, there was a mass of swarming tentacles, some serrated with human teeth.

(This is getting trippy... Dont worry, I plan to explain it all later. For now, just go with the flow :P )
Columbus was cut off as a tentacle wrapped around his neck, he struggled to breath but couldn't, in a moment of panic he turned to see the man and attempted to scream, but all that came out was a gurgled sound, he reached for something, anything he could use, and picked up an odd object. He squeezed his eyes shut and held onto the object tight, 'Oh god please work, oh god please!' He focused as best he could and formed what amounted too a slightly sharper pipe in his other hand. He then stabbed the tentacles in a panic.

(Hope I'm not god modding or anything, I'll explain this in a bit.)

@GreenEyedStranger @OceanBunny
(I guess he could close the wound for now, just to get Nyx moving, but it could still hurt Nyx later...)

Jay breathed out, and let the orange glow fly from his hands again. This time, it seemed to work. He was delighted to see the flesh on Nyx's back closing, and sat back with a heavy sigh when he finished. As he sat back, his eyes roamed to check for any other wounds. Wehn he was certain that Nyx, was ok, he shook him awake, careful not to anger Richard. "Hey, Nyx. Wake up, buddy."


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