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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Nyx's eyes shot open as he remembered where he was and what was happening, slightly confused as to why it didn't feel like there was a gaping hole in his back anymore, standing up Nyx looked at jay "I hate silver" Nyx groaned "Also did you heal me?"

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Jay nodded. "Yea. The wound looked pretty nasty. Who did that to you?" He stood up, shaking his head. "Actually, nevermind. I don't need to know. Are you feeling ok now?" He offered his good hand to Nyx. "Hopefully you are. We still have a rescue to finish."

Nyx looked disapprovingly at Jay annoyed that he had healed him instead of healing his own arm, but quickly replaced his expression with a arrogant one as he took Jay's hand "You should know by now, Nothing can kill me" Nyx replied Cockily. Richard started to walk over "If you get kidnapped again Jay, I will kill everyone here" Nyx said seriously "Now where do we go from here?"

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Outside the room in which Nyx found Jay, the sooty streaks Leah had left on the wall to hopefully find her way back were visible with a little light. If followed, they ended abruptly at the point where she had been kidnapped. A small trail of her blood could be traced to the room in which she had been held, and the hallway where she, Miyuki and Columbus currently were.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
Hak looked around the school some more, yet he couldn't find her. The lack of students in general gave him a feeling something was happening,

"Maybe they all went on a school trip or something!..." He says whilst thinking to himself about how many students weren't there. "Well, I guess I'll go to the principals office and see whats happening..." Hak says out loud.
While waiting for an answer Nyx decided to look around and see if he could get any clues about where willow was being held The sooner we get out of here the better Nyx thought as he walked outside of the room, leaving Richard to guard Jay. Nyx noticed some sort of mark on the walls, upon taking a closer look Nyx noticed that these marks lead somewhere, Deciding to follow these marks on the wall Nyx found that that it lead to a trail of blood, Nyx decided to go back and get jay before following the trail. Nyx made his way back to the room where jay was "Hey, i found a trail of blood, do you think we should see where it goes?"

Jay nodded his head, rolling his good shoulder. "Sure! I'm pretty sure the others would have gotten kidnapped too." He made a movement to crack his knuckles, but quickly remembered why he couldn't. "Heh. Oops. But yea. The faster we find the others, the faster we get out of here." But if we find something else, like the thing from before... He shooks his head. No good in thinking negatively. Clearing his mind, he walked over to Nyx. "Lead the way, bud."

Nyx started leading the way out of the room towards the blood trail, Jay following behind him and Richard behind the both of them. When they got to the small trail of blood Nyx paused for a second to pick up the smell of the blood so he wouldn't have to keep his eyes on the ground, decreasing his change of getting attacked unaware. As Nyx continued following the blood trail he came across a room that had sheets of ice on the floor Guess Miyuki has been here Nyx thought, walking straight through the room assuming there was no reason to stay in it.

Walking down the hallway leading away from the room, Nyx spotted another Creature attacking someone whom he could not see as the Creature was obscuring his view. Nyx extended his arm to the side of him to stop jay from walking any further, not wanting him to be injured again

@Lotusy @Rescue Team
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Though adrenaline was surging through his body, urging him to act, Corvus remained still as the mysterious boy inspected the blighted bodies. He remained calm even when the tumor broke and revealed an inhuman creature that seemed to embody disease and infection. However, his willpower waned when the creature picked up the boy and held him upside down like a piñada before throwing his seemingly ragdoll body into a wall.

Almost instanteneously, Corvus dashed forward and punched the creature with devastating force provided by his suit, sending it flying towards the wall opposite the mysterious boy. While it was still dazed, Corvus took aim with his rifle and emptied the magazine into its head, painting a Van Gogh style masterpiece into the wall behind the creature with its own blood.



(( I apologize for the infrequent posts, life is getting hectic with all of these college apps and deadlines (>A>) ))
As Enki hit the wall, he gasped for air. His mind became focused again with the task at hand. "Don't know what happened." Enki started to get up, he placed his hand over his face, confused by what happened. The last minute felt like a blur all he remembered was a man exploding. He wasn't sure what happened in that small time, the sense of danger sent his mind on a trip through past thoughts. The human face making it feel guilty doing anything but still, the last thought was about Shina, allowing him to open his eyes at what could have been death. Enki removed his hand and stood tall, he turned to face to monster and readied his sword. "Lets beat this thing." Enki muttered to Corvus as he looked at the human face, then charged forwards swinging powerfully at the creature.

@GreenEyedStranger @LegenDarius (sorry for the wait, wasn't sure how to explain my mistake)
Leah, who was lying on the ground, unconscious, began to cough herself awake, the damp air was hardly pleasant to breathe. She shuddered and stood shakily, forgetting where she was and why. Her head still ached and the ground was still spinning, but she was able to make out several dark figures, one of which was trying to hammer another to pulp. She took a few steps forward, nearly falling, until she stood behind the target of the taller figure, and clapped her hands loudly. From that, a small explosion was thrown at the man, knocking him back with harsh force. It also sent her to the ground as well.
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(Tell me if I missed anybody, I've been a little sick for a bit)

@LokiofSP @OceanBunny

As Columbus stabbed the tentacle, the creature backed away. In the darkness though, he could see it clumping up the spikes and charge forward like a spear. In front of him, the large man ran forward, trying to crush her.

@metalcity @LegenDarius

The creature quickly got up from the blast, hissing. Unfortunately, the bullets were completely ineffective. As soon as the metal touched its body, the bullets were crushed and brushed aside. The monster roared loudly and spread its wings again. From in between the gaps of its fingers, a thin membrane was quickly developing
After watching the people fight for a while, Nyx decided it would be best for him to not get involved The sooner we find Willow the sooner we can leave Nyx though as he decided the best plan of action would be to try to find willow while the creatures were distracted. Turning around he silently motioned to Jay to go back as he also made his way out of the area. Once Nyx was sure he was out of earshot of the creatures, he turned to Jay "Do you have any idea where Willow could be?"


( @OceanBunny You grew vines over the hole in the cell right?)
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As soon as they were away from the struggle, Jay shook his head in response. "Not really. That's the whole reason why we're looking." He took a glance around at his gloomy and dark surroundings. "Hey, you remember what Miyuki said, right? Dark... and cold... and iron bars..." He brushed his finger against the wall, picking up the chilly dust that lay there. "Did you happen to see any holding cells on the way here? I'm pretty sure we're already close enough."

Columbus fell to his knees during the pause, putting a hand to his neck as he began to breath heavily, trying to recover from the sudden attack. He looked up and saw the creature begin to charge, he held out the sharp metal piece and jammed it into the monster's arm, clutching on for dear life.

As the man was knocked back by the explosion, Miyuki lunged, dragging her icy claws across his chest. Backing away she crouched protectively in front of the girl, eyes trained on the man as she growled.

@SolisNighsun [/color]
"I think so, i'm not sure, being slammed into the floor will do that to you" Nyx replied, absentmindedly looking around the hallway "We might as well check" Nyx said as he began walking in the direction of the room where he fought the creature. On the way there they walked past some empty cells, On the way past one of them Nyx caught the sweet smell of blood. Upon getting close to the smell nyx noticed that the scent of blood coming from somewhere inside the cell didn't smell human, while trying to work out what type of blood it could be, Nyx got an idea, turning to jay "Have you still got that Syringe i gave you?" Nyx asked, wanting something to compare the smell too, so he could make sure that his assumption was correct

Corvus nodded at the boy, but was dismayed at the fact that his bullets did nothing. Unsummoning his rifle, the elf replaced it with something a little more hands on. Standing up, he looked at the demonic creature fearlessly, a hi-tech battle axe in his hand. However, his partner beat him to the punch, as the moment Corvus held the axe in his right hand the creature was already set ablaze, lighting up the dark bunker and revealing the musty bricked walls and the decaying, disease-wasted bodies that lay on the ground.


A sudden flash lit up the room, far outshining the flames that fed on the monster's infected flesh. Behind it, Corvus reappeared swinging the axe down and cutting off one of the creature's wings. He then kicked the creature away, sending it flying before it could execute a counter attack.


"Yea. Hold on, I'm sure it's in here somewhere... " Jay took off his backpack and rummaged through it, coming out a few seconds later with the syringe. He carefully unwrapped it and handed the syringe point-down to Nyx. After handing the syringe off, he walked over to the cell, running his hand down the bars. "I guess we're pretty close. It's fairy blood, right? Do you think the blood will smell similar enough?"

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As Nyx's skin came into contact with the syringe, it started to burn due to the syringe being sliver. Not wanting to hold the syringe for too long Nyx let a couple of drops of blood fall out of the syringe and onto his free hand "Hopefully it should" Nyx replied as he placed the syringe back into Jay's bag before smelling the blood on his hand, Nyx wrinkled his nose at the sickeningly, strong, sweet smell of the blood. Wiping the blood of on his jacket, Nyx walked over to the cell again comparing the smell "Yeah, they're similar, not exactly the same but it might just be the smell of the bunker interfering with the smell of the blood" Nyx said as he stared into the darkness of the cell "So, should we go in and rescue them or wait for the others?"


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The doctor nodded

"It should, indeed. But first, I will have to find a way to mass-produce and multiply it easily. It should be only a few days... If we survive"
"I say we can go now. I think the others were tied up with the monster back there, and the sooner we can rescue Willow, the better." He pulled on the cell door, which swung open with little resistance. As he walked into the cell, he scanned the small space for anything out of the ordinary. "Hey, Nyx, are you sure this is the right -" He stopped talking as he picked up a hint of green in the corner of the cell. Closer inspections showed them to be... vines? "Nyx! Get over here! I found something weird!"

As soon as Nyx heard Jay shout his name he started running over, fearing Jay could be in danger "Whats wrong? What did you - " Nyx stopped as he saw jay was referring to a plant "It's a plant Jay, look i'll even get rid of them if they freak you out that much" Nyx said as he began to slice at the vines rapidly. Once he had finished cutting up the plants Nyx turned around to face Jay not noticing the hole he had uncovered "Plants aren't that weird, I thought it was another one of those creatures"

"Nyx. Sometimes, you're kinda blunt, but other times, you just really pull through." Jay brushed aside the stray vines, revealing the hole Nyx had uncovered. "It looks like a secret tunnel or something. We should... wait." He unzipped his backpack, handing the syringe to Nyx. "Just trying to verify my guess, but could you compare the smells? This might lead to Willow."

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