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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Leah shrugged again and awkwardly yet gratefully took the waterbottle, glad that it was warm instead of cold. She placed it gingerly on the ground, and slammed her foot on the ground just beside it. A small flare lit up for a moment, then disappeared. The top of the bottle was blown off, but not steaming. She soaked the bandages and wrapped her hands in them to keep them warm.
Enki opened one eye, he looked over to see someone he hasn't met before Who is she? Enki thought, confused by Nyx and Jay being around her. It looked like they where helping her Good, Jay seems to care, no way he would hurt Willow. But Nyx? Helping someone? Enki closed his eye again Any time now and I'll find out what's happening. He continued to think to himself as he waited for what could be at least 2-5 people he assumed to make a more. Hyip licked Enki's face and he rested his hand on her head and stroked her lightly.
@SolisNighsun @GingerBread @metalcity (Ill be busy for the rest of the night, so this is all you're getting. College apps are more important than you >:C )

After receiving the blood samples from both Dhaylian and Willow, the doctor placed them in a small containment vessel

"It will take a few days to actually get results, if I'm lucky."

He examines it a bit through the microscope

"In the meantime get some rest, that was quite a bit of blood I took!"


Meanwhile, at the front of the underground bunker, a hideous pathetic creature stood guard.

It looked at the trespassers from the shadows and hissed as it retreated. It would have to eliminate them, quickly...
As Enki heard that the girl was helping the group he realised that there was more than 2 going with this group. Enki opened his eyes again and stood up, he placed Hyip in his hoodie and walked over to her, he summoned his sword so he could move faster and before she entered the building again tried to grab her wrist but as he heard Corvus's voice he hesitated, his hand just touched her wrist but then he moved back really fast, he desummoned his sword and hoped that the girl didn't notice him. He then realised that she probably felt it and walked past her and the door, he made a motion with his hands to signal to follow him to the girl.


(thxs @LegenDarius for posting just before me so i had to change my plan QAQ)
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As the girl seemed to not care Enki gave a glad sigh but was also annoyed that she didn't follow him, he walked round to the side of the building. He wasn't sure how to go about this with out being seen. He thought about going to plan A and slightly pulled out the cloth with Nyx's blood, he then stuffed it back into his pocket as he desired to not hurt Hyip as he was unsure what sniffing a vampires blood would do to her.

@Spazzycat101 im surprised that u didn't take that xD
Leah glanced back to see if that boy was going to join them in rescuing whoever Willow was, but he was out of sight. She looked from the group to where she had come, and decided to join the party.
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As the rescue group neared the bunker, Jay felt an almost ominous breeze blow past him. Though it was still the day, he felt uneasy. Twice, he felt as if he was being watched, but he could never see anything. He decided to think back to distract himself.

Earlier, he was a bit surprised when the girl wanted to come along. What in the world does she have to do with Willow? He was a bit afraid of what would happen. She seemed too... bouncy and bubbly. He'd have to talk to her later.

Jay shook himself out of his thoughts. He summoned an arcane bolt, but froze it in place right above his shoulder. "Just in case it gets dark," he muttered, if anyone had noticed. He pushed forwards.

@Rescue Party. Won't be specific because it doesn't involve anyone in particular.

(@Spazzycat101 No OOC comments in IC chat please, unless coupled with an IC post).
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Lars lowered his arms, frowning slightly and looking sadly at Mira.

"If... If you say so.." He said quietly, giving her a small smile. He hoped she was okay.

((@Artemistel i am so sorry ^^''''''''))
Leah stood by the rear of the group, and her brilliance and excitement had vanished. At his point, she calmly looked behind her shoulder every minute or so... At least it felt so. In reality, she must have been glancing back every thirty seconds. A quick wind gently swept past, sending a shiver down her spine. She tried to appear relaxed, but she was slowly tensing. She might have appeared casual in conversation about retrieving this Willow, but in practice it was riskier, less of an 'adventure' than she made it seem. She did things like that to herself in order to push herself to the point of completion.

(Yeah... lone OOC posts are a problem for me. One that I have to work on. Sorry about that @Lotusy )
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Corvus followed Jay along with the rest of the rescue party as they neared the supposed bunker. The morning sun was now a ways up the sky, but sudden;y an ominous breeze enveloped the elf's body and for a moment made it feel like it was the dead of night. Something feels off... Corvus thought. Well of course, someone got kidnapped. But I can't scratch the feeling that something's about to go horribly wrong. Like there's something waiting for us at the entrance.

That feeling of dreadful apprehension intensified with every step taken towards the supposed bunker, to the point where it was hard to move forward. It was as if Corvus was standing atop a mountain, the thinness of the atmosphere choking him. "Careful guys," Corvus warned. "I get the feeling that someone might be waiting for us at the entrance..."

@Rescue team
'No duh. Evil scientist kidnaps person, doesn't care to plant a guard. Not ever gonna happen. I'd not be surprised if we were surrounded already.'

The tension in her voice was audible. By this point, she was walking backwards, scanning the landscape in an almost paranoia.

@Rescue team
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Willow sighs after her blood is taken and grows more berries. Eating the berries she settles down leaning against the wall and watches Dal and the doctor. 'Miyuki? Can you hear me?' She tries again to contact her pet, but the white light and strange presence block her again, sending pain through her head.


Miyuki shifted back to leopard form to follow Nyx. As they neared a building people started to get nervous and there was a chill in the air not created by her.
'Willow I hope you're okay and near by.' She thinks, following the group into the building.

@Rescue Team
@OceanBunny @GingerBread @LegenDarius @Everyonelseimsosorry;c

The pathetic creature climbed up on the ceiling of the bunker, pushing its body towards the hard concrete to hide its body. It stalked among the shadows and remained unseen as best as it could, only breathing out a barely visible vapor in the cold air.
Enki looked through the front entrance and watched as everyone was walking away. Enki ran to his room in the dorms and placed Hyio in there, he filled up her dog bowl and grabbed a scarf. He used it to cover his mouth and he put his hoodie over his head, he left and locked his room and followed the group carefully, trying his best to not be spotted, expeshally that the girl was looking back every 30 seconds but as it was a pattern he had his own to not be seen. The group stopped at what seemed to be a bunker, not sure on the groups plans he decided to stay around and watch what they are going to do, he found a dark alley way near by which he stayed in.
Nyx frowned as Jay avoided his question, as everyone started getting impatient about saving Willow, he made a mental note to ask him again later.

Nyx was confused why everyone was so tense around the bunker, he wasn't getting a weird feeling like everyone else, Nyx was relaxed and slightly bored with the whole situation, Upon hearing and seeing everyones tention about the whole thing he decided he would be the one to enter the bunker first, just to show everyone how much they were overreacting "Right i'll go in first then, since you guys all seem to be scared" Nyx said, his voice emotionless and bored as he started to enter the bunker.

@Rescue Team
'Please, enlighten me. Sudden abandonment of caution is a good thing now?'

She hissed to Nyx, who was already disappearin into the bunker.
'Yes, let's speak so loudly we let the whole bunker know we're here.' She retorted sarcastically in her head. As she was glacing across their surroundings, she thought she saw movement. She had the feeling that she couldn't be sure she had seen leaves shudder, but she couldn't be sure they had remained static, either.

@Rescue team

The doctor sat down and pushed away the samples he took, he had studied enough for tonight.

"So... What are your names?" He asks the prisoners.
"Oh, um I'm Dhaylian Motryn...," he replies, rubbing his arm from the injection of the needle. He was glad most instruments were stainless steel these days...

"I am a sophomore here... well, at Lakoria anyway," he adds.



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