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Fantasy Lakoria High School

'P-please... T-tell them... Th-th-then when you... know what you... want...'

Leah couldn't finish her sentence. She was shivering too badly. Though to those around her the frost might have felt just a bit annoying, it felt knife-like to Leah. Where her skin touched the ice, it felt as if needles were thrown deep into her skin.

@GingerBread @OceanBunny @LegenDarius
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"Willow can talk to animals can't she? Because i'm in need of some Unicorn blood, so here's my deal if i tell you where willow is and help you save her i want some unicorn blood" Nyx demanded "Also can someone help the freezing girl, her stuttering is getting on my nerves"

@Lotusy @Spazzycat101 @OceanBunny @LegenDarius (This my last post night guys :) )
Jay sighed, and put his hands on his hips. "You're the most stubborn vampire I've ever know, Nyx. Turning my down for a unicorn? C'mon." He whirled around to face the others in the hallways, especially Miyuki. "So, is that a deal? Can Willow really get us some unicorn blood?"

@OceanBunny @GingerBread

(@Spazzycat I'll help you out in a minute)
(@Lotusy, hehe, yup. Do de do de doo, my character's just freezing to death over here... xD )

Leah finally resorted to magic, but she was unsure what she could do in this condition. She brought one hand reluctantly down to the ice and attempted to conjour a flame, but only succeeded in creating a small spark that fizzled out with a pop.
"I never said no to your offer" Nyx said, smiling "The unicorn blood is just a bonus" Nyx looked at Miyuki "Anyway we can sort this out afterwards, I don't really have anything against Willow, I just don't like you, and well this is the best way i have to get back at you, But we should probably go and save her" Nyx then turned to look at Jay "But first, are you going to go through with your offer?"

@Lotusy @Spazzycat101 @OceanBunny @LegenDarius
Leah wanted so badly to yell to Nyx that there was this concept called debt, but she could only move enough to slam her fist in the direction of Miyuki, trying to do something to give her the idea to maybe stop freezing Leah to death.

@Lotusy @GingerBread @OceanBunny @LegenDarius
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Jay fidgeted slightly. Shit, he thought. I didn't mean it seriously. He sighed, but his face turned a bright red. "Yea, whatever. Let's just... get it over with." He walked over to Nyx, his face rising about ten degrees every step. He stood up on his toes, planting a small peck on Nyx's cheek. At that point, if it was possible for a human to melt themselves down, Jay would have, right there. "W-w-well, um, gotta go!" In a flash, he rushed over to the girl who was freezing. "C-c-c'mon, let's get you outside." He picked her up and ran away from Nyx, his face still as hit and red as it was before.

@GingerBread @Spazzycat101
After the ice dissipated, it took several seconds for Leah to return to her normal color. When Jay began to drag her outside, she gladly did her best to follow. As soon as the sun began to warm her, the pain rushed from her limbs and the warmer air felt as if it melted the lingering chill away. Her fingers, however, were still a bit rigid and damaged from the frostbite that had set so quickly.

'Th-thank you! So much!'

While that was not the first time she had been caught in the cold like that, she hated every time it happened with a fury. She turned to thank Jay again, and at that point noticed how furiously red he was. She giggled. How adorable.

'Y'know, you only blush if you like them. Someone indifferent would have no reaction whatsoever. Except, perhaps, disgust...'


(Stickeynote. A stickeynote should help....)
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"No! I mean, I already know I like him, we kinda had that talk a while ago." Jay shook the blush from his cheeks. "Really, the only thing I'm having trouble with is what comes next. The dating and crap is stuff I'm not used to. But I'm rambling. It doesn't really need to concern you." He picked up her wrist. "Are you feeling better? Your hand is still feeling a bit chilly."


'Yeah, I'm fine. The frostbite always lingers a bit. I need to go find some water...'

Leah glanced around, seeing no water anywhere near. It would also need to be preheated, she'd have some difficulty warming it herself like this. Perfect, She thought sarcastically.

'Would you have any remote idea whatsoever as to where bandaging is kept? Or water. That too. That would be helpful.'

As her head moved, her hair drifted around and floated in Jay's face for a moment until her head jerked again.
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Nyx smiled until he saw Jay run off, Nyx was about to go after him but knew he had to fulfill his side of his deal first. He turned towards everyone "Right, so Willow is in an underground Bunker just outside of the school, the entrance to it is hidden, so i'll show you guys where it is and then we'll rescue Willow. Sound like a plan? Good" Nyx said as he walked in the direction Jay went wanting to know why he ran off He's not embarrassed by me is he? Nyx thought

Nyx saw Jay and walked over to him
"Hey, Jay you alright? you ran out of there pretty quick" Nyx asked, a hint of worry in his voice

@Lotusy @Spazzycat101 @OceanBunny @LegenDarius
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Leah spoke before Jay could.

'No, he's just adorably in love with you.

You wouldn't know where I could just so happen to find a first-aid kit or something and some water, would you?'

She held her hands out in front of her, still stiff and aching. She stood, and her hair flourished like some kind of jellyfish and tickled her face. She attempted to blow it away, but only ended up getting some in her mouth and gagging.

'Eh-- ew-!' She make a sound that resembled that of a hissing cat, trying to spit it out. Ah, the disadvantages to hair that didn't feel gravity.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
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Jay unslung his backpack from his shoulder and set it down. "Well, I always carry around a first aid kit, just because I know some sports medicine." As he said it, he unzipped the backpack and took out a small roll, and empty bottle, and a pair of scissors. "Can you wrap yourself? I'll go and get some water." As he stood up, he saw Nyx walking over. He quickly turned around and ran for the water fountain.

@GingerBread @Spazzycat101
Nyx frowned when he saw jay run away as he walked over Is he trying to avoid me? No, i'm sure he just wants to help this girl as fast as possible Nyx thought unsure, In an attempt to take his mind off of the doubts in his head, Nyx turned towards the girl "So, what's special about you?"

After she coughed up her hair out of her mouth, Leah shrugged.

'I'm part fae. Like, a really really really tiny part. So,' She preformed unenthusiastic jazz hands, 'I get to hate cold! And my hair.'

'What about you?'

Being careful of her hands, she brushed her floating hair floating hair from her face once more.

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"Cool, So if i wanted to kill you the best way to go about that would be with ice?" Nyx asked, his voice emotionless, as a sinister smirk grew on his face

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Hm. How gruesome. She mentally shrugged.

'Technically, yes, but you would want to infuriate me first. Or at least give me something to want to not die for.'

"And why would i want to do that? Hope is one of the main things that keeps people fighting" Nyx stated "So what would you prefer? An icicle or Liquid nitrogen?" Nyx asked his voice getting more sinister

'You'd want to give me hope so you can be just that much more satisfied when it fails. Know what I mean?

And I think liquid nitrogen would be more painful, but I'm not entirely sure. I've not felt either.'

She casually inspected the bandages while still waiting for water.

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"Nope i'd be perfectly content to Know you had no hope whatsoever, and just see you emotionally broken, just waiting for me to end your pathetic existence" Nyx said grinning like a madmen


@Lotusy (is jay gonna come back with the water anytime soon?)
(Yea, wasn't sure if I should interrupt.)

Jay returned to Leah and Nyx, holding a bottle of water. "Here you go. The fountain wasn't properly cool, so the water's a bit lukewarm. Hope that's ok," he said. All the while, Jay kept his eyes averted from Nyx. "Well, have a good day. I'm off to rescue one of my friends!" He stood up, awkwardly walking back to the building.

@GingerBread @Spazzycat101

(I gtg in half an hour).
Nyx noticed that jay completely ignored him Okay so he's definitely avoiding me Nyx thought, as he ran up to jay, putting his hand on Jay's shoulder, in an attempt to stop him walking away "Jay, why are you avoiding me?" Nyx asked, worried that he had done something wrong


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