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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Jay whirled around as soon as he heard Nyx threaten someone named, "Hyip". He grabbed onto Nyx's arm and puled him back. "What the hell are you thinking? Don't just kill someone, Nyx! I thought we talked about this!" He turned to Enki. "You too, Enki. I'll ignore what you said about me earlier, but I'm still ashamed of you. If Nyx is bothering you, don't stoop to his level!"

@GingerBread @metalcity

(Jay always breaking up... fights.)
Nyx Looked at the ground, Jay's words stinging. Nyx called back Richard, before unsummoning him causing him to disappear into a red mist before fading completely, Nyx was annoyed that he probably made himself look weak in front of Enki. He turned to Jay "Can we leave now? If i'm around Enki any longer, I'll end up insane"

@Lotusy @metalcity
Mira looked up at the startlingly blue sky, her eyes glazed with the scene of her home, the sprawling metropolis, the stained glass, the rain. All of that was far away, in a different time. A lump in her formed. She had never realised how alone she really was, back home. She formed a small smile before turning back to Lars.

"It's alright. The universe has its reasons anyway," she said, eyes wandering to the bright sky.

Enki looked at Jay, disgusted that he would say that he is the same as Nyx "You wouldn't understand." Enki the turned way away from the two, he made his way to the exit of the dorms and looked down at his sword and noticed that blood was still on it. This works He thought as he continued to leave the dorms.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
Willow sat quietly as the boys talked medicine. Happy to be learning something new. Seeing Dal's guilty look about the girl, Willow slid off the counter and moved over to him. She reached out to touch his hand, hoping to comfort him. "Would using blood samples to test treatments be helpful?" She asked looking over at the doctor. "Try anything and everything, right?"

Dhaylian's eyes widen slightly as Willow's small tender hand brushed his larger one. His surprise dims and he gives it a gentle squeeze, as if to say 'we are in this together,' however, he doesn't let go. Not just yet.

"We could do blood tests... right Doc? But I don't think you have the right antibody reagents though.... You'd need.... oh what was it? Oh.. yeah, A, B, or Rh I believe it was. You just get like a tiny vial of blood and just mix the blood with the three, of course never mixing the solutions together. That'd mess everything up," he inquires, looking sidelong at Willow. A vague memory crossed his mind... for a brief moment, a woman over-layed Willow's faye features with human ones. She became a brunette with long wavy hair and bright sea blue eyes..... He shakes his head to clear his mind and the vision fades away. This was going to be thought upon later, but now they had stuff to do.

@OceanBunny @GreenEyedStranger
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"Well, it's a small hope, but anything would be helpful."

He quickly began to sterilize some needles and prepare some blood packs.

"Now, who wants to go first?"
Nyx watched Enki leave, still slightly annoyed by what he had done to him I'll get you back for this cut Enki Nyx thought bitterly, he then turned to Jay "Now that he's gone, I think i might have found where Willow is" Nyx said keeping his voice low in case Enki was still lurking around

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Jay focused his attention back on Nyx, slightly bothered after Enki had left. He let his brain slowly process what just went down. "Willow? Oh, yeah. Where did she go? Did you find her?"

"Well... no but i think i found out where she is, i didn't really check, But it fit her Vermin's description of where willow was, iron bars, cold, and dark" Nyx said "So are we going to tell Willow's vermin before we try to save Willow?"

Jay crossed his arms. "She's not 'vermin', Nyx, she's Willow's leopard. And of course we're getting her. Look. If the place is a scary as it seems, we probably should assemble a rescue squad." He pulled out his phone. "I'll just call anyone who nay be interested..."


(@Leone, @OceanBunny are being called to action)
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"She is a unwanted pest, so she is a vermin" Nyx said adamantly "And I'm sure i could save willow by myself" Nyx stated before mumbling "Though it might be a good way to get her killed"

@Lotusy (Woo! let's recuse some people :D )
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"Holyshitwhathow? *ahem* I mean, of course I saw you back there." Jay laughed awkwardly. "Heh, yeah." He turned to the boy behind him. "I've been meaning to ask you this since we've first met, but I don't think I got the chance. I mean, what's your special power?"

When Enki left the dorms he looked over the back of his shoulder, Dammit jay, I'm nothing like that bastard Enki thought as he walked over to the Hyip. She barked, slightly confused by what just happened but then became cheerful again as she was given a treat by Enki. Enki looked at his sword and noticed still a slight bit of blood on it, He used a clean bit to cut off a little of his cloak and wiped down his sword with it, as the bit of cloth became stained with red Enki put it in his pocket. He then sat down by the tree and Hyip laid on his lap. He thought about where he might find Raven.
The day had been long, and Corvus went made peace before going to bed, happy that the day was peaceful.

The very next day, Corvus was going through his everyday routine when he overheard a familiar name being spoken. Turning to a familiar looking boy beside Nyx, Corvus butted in saying, "Willow? What happened to her?"

@Lotusy @GingerBread
Jay whirled around yet again as he heard another boy's voice. Where are all these students appearing from? The magic dimension? He shook himself back to reality. "Uh, well... Willow's gone missing. Are you another friend of hers? Anyways, we think it's somehow linked to the targeting of Lakoria's students by an outside force..." His eyes widened as he noticed who the boy was. "Hey! Weren't you the one who shot me in the battle sim?"

@GingerBread @LegenDarius
"I'll go first." Willow said, sitting down and holding her arm out to the doctor.


Miyuki was headed to find Jay when she heard some familiar voices. Seeing Jay with the Elf boy Willow had been with the other day she walked over to them. Sitting by Corvus, she licked his hand in greeting.

@LegenDarius @Lotusy @GingerBread @Leone
"Hold on. He did what?" Nyx asked anger evident in his tone turning to face the boy "You shot Jay? I've already almost killed you once, Unless you want me to finish the job, i suggest you apologize to Jay" Nyx threatened, flashing his sharp fangs at the boy

@LegenDarius @Lotusy @OceanBunny
Ambling along, her head swaying to a slow beat, Leah was singing gibberish to pass the time.

'Sing of a place where water-birds land / On rows of snow and holes in the sand / And while they fly the sky tastes bland / Blueberry-yellow and cantaloupe!'

She made an accented popping noise at the last syllable. Leah giggled at her own odd selection of words to end the song, breaking the ringing rhymes. She lazily swung her head forward, hearing voices ahead of her. She felt the ends of her long hair drift past her shoulder and fan in an arc beside her head. After a moment, she waved casually but enthusiastically.

'Hi!' Ah, the first people she had met since she arrived. She had been admitted earlier that day, a transfer from another school. She jogged a few steps forward, then sprung a round-off and a few mid-air twists, her hair spinning like ribbons the whole time. She stuck her landing and straightened, closing the last of the distance with ordinary walking steps.

'So who're you all?'


@GingerBread @Lotusy @LegenDarius @metalcity

I think I got the majority of people there....)

(AAH!! One person who's not even there. ._." I suck at this concept called 'tags'.)
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Quick to follow orders, Corvus said to Jay, "Ah yeah, sorry about that. Anyways, she was kidnapped? I did see her go off with some creepy looking doctor guy... But after that I haven't seen her. Maybe he's our target."

@Lotusy @GingerBread
"Oh... heh... don't worry about it." Jay chuckled awkwardly. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Miyuki pad up behind Corvus. Alright, last member, check. Rescue is a go. "I mean, he's just really protective and stuff. But anyways, I digress. If you're one of her friends, then would you be willing to help us form a rescue team?" He frowned as Nyx shot the boy a snarky comment. "Oh, lay off him, Nyx. He was right about the doctor. You actually picked up her trail from the infirmary. Apparently it's cold and dark, and it's a bit like a prison, wherever she's being held. Whatever could be holding her against her will could be powerful -" He was interrupted as yet another student came bouncing down the hall, shouting a greeting. "Oh. Uh, hi there."

@GingerBread @LegenDarius @Spazzycat101
Willow? Why would they be wondering of someone's location? If this were a peer they were referring to, would they not be somewhere in this school?

'Is there some sort of issue here?' Her finger traced circles in the air to encompass the general vicinity. 'You all seem quite... bothered. Who's Willow, by the way? Whomever they are, they seem to be a topic of interest for all of you.'

While she hesitated to find a word, her finger rested on her lip. Her hand then bounced away animatedly until she stopped speaking.

(Ugh. I forgot to tag again.

@GingerBread @Lotusy @LegenDarius)
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