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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Willow looked around the little infirmary curiously. "So what now?" She asked the doctor, moving to sit on the counter.


"Well, I'm rather anxious as to what to do. It's been some time since the last prisoners were willing to cooperate. You see, before throwing you in, I can assume that that bastard put the disease in you. From what I've observed, after the disease takes hold and you start to lose your senses, he comes in and corrupts you... I can't say how, I'm not too sure myself.... It's only a matter of time before he gets me."

He waves his hand, coughing

"Sorry, I got carried away. Anyways, I've developed an antitoxin in this lab. From the few samples I've been able to collect, I've started to synthesize a possible cure... But I just can't seem to figure it out... I need a new perspective on this. Perhaps you could help?"

As soon as he finishes, a faint bell rings through the building.
"Hmm.. I'm not sure if I was infected." Willow says. "He gave me a mask while I was near the infected.. But I cant say if he didn't do something while I was unconscious from that gas." Willow sighs. "Tell me more of this cure, I'll help if I can." She smiles at the doctor. And looks down at Dal, hoping she can help him as well.

As Enki was about to leave the dorms he heard a familiar voice Great... He saw Nyx standing out side some one's room. He was about to open his mouth to make a rude remark but Enki heard that Nyx saying that he had found where willow was, knowing Nyx he was probably up to no good he thought. Enki's expression became Furious at the thought of letting Nyx hurt someone else, also annoyed that Jay was going along with him. Enki picked up Hyip and placed her in his hoodie and walked over to him "And what exactly do you want with Willow, plan on killing her?" Enki said, to pissed that he was possibly hunting her down to think the situation over

@GingerBread @Lotusy
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Nyx's expression became tired as heard Enki try to interrogate him "even if i do plan on killing her, what would you do? Stop me? i doubt you could do that" Nyx said glaring at Enki "Anyway run along little boy, I don't have the time or patience to deal with you"

@Lotusy @metalcity
Enki became more pissed as he responded to him "Don't play games with me! What are you planing on doing!?" Enki asked angrily, readying for anything that Nyx could throw at him. Enki glanced at the door Is he actually going to help him? And with what? Enki wondered, quite disgusted with Jay, guessing his activity is going to kill someone.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
"Aw is Enki feeling left out?" Nyx mocked "But what i'm planning is none of your business" Nyx said, a smirk appearing on his face "Now i don't like repeating myself, especially to idiots like you, but i guess i'm going to have to, since you didn't listen. I do not have the time or patience to deal with you So, Leave!" Nyx said his voice growing more irritated

@Lotusy @metalcity
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Enki sighed and walked next to the wall by Jays room, he slid down it till he was sitting and leaning against the wall out side Jay's room. "Fine, I'll wait for Jay and ask him. Hopefully he wont be a asshole like you." Enki took Hyip out of his backpack and placed her on his knees and started stroking her, she wagged her tail and gave a happy bark towards Enki and Nyx.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
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"Why are you so eager to know what i'm doing?" Nyx asked "You seem to be around me more than you're around your girlfriend" Nyx walked over to Enki and quickly lifted his dog up by her collar harshly, before holding her in his arms "You would make a great death hound" Nyx said maliciously as he stroked the dog's head, he then turned towards Enki "What do you think, i think she'd be great as an undead minion"

@Lotusy @metalcity
As Hyip was lifted Enki looked up at Nyx with a deadly stare "Let go of my friend." Hyip growled and bit Nyx's hand and jumped out his grip. Enki summoned his sword and leaped towards Nyx and sliced towards Nyx's chest. With this He also throw a treat down the hallway, letting Hyip get away from the fight about to take place. She ran out side the dorms and towards a tree.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
Seeing Enki slice towards his chest, Nyx moved out of the way "I've already told you, I don't have the Time to deal with you" Nyx said, not making any move to fight back "If you really want to fight something, I'm sure there are some squirrels or something outside, You might be able to beat them"

@Lotusy @metalcity
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(Should I interrupt the fight? We don't want an injured Nyx, right? Tell me if I should edit it @GingerBread @metalcity)

Birds. Sunlight. A messy room. And... smoke?

Jay shot up. "Holy shit." He rubbed his groggy eyes, refocusing as he quickly shook his mind awake. He turned towards the door, noticing the smoke was coming from outside. Dammit. That'll be tough to get past. He quickly grabbed his cauldron and filled it with water, and opened the door and emptied its contents on... Nyx and Enki? He noticed they were in the middle of a fight. Oh, crap.
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"You shouldn't have touched my friend! And tell me what you want do with Willow!" Enki shouted in anger, he went to slice at Nyx's neck but he felt something wet hit him, he turned his head and a large amount of water hit him. He blinked in confusion to why he is now coated in water. He rubbed his eyes and saw Jay at the door "Great, thanks a lot." Enki looked at Jay, Enki was pissed but he didn't realise how silly he looked as water dripped down his face and he looked at Jay with the same deadly stare that he gave Nyx. He was fighting himself once again, he wanted to fight Nyx, but he didn't want to in front of Jay. Especially that he was no longer sure how Jay would react to him attacking Nyx. He sighed "So as this prick wont tell me what your up to, what do you plan on doing with Willow?" Enki asked, he kept a tight grip on his sword and was ready to attack.

@GingerBread @Lotusy (well i would say you should, enki doesn't know what nyx wants with willow, he assumes he will fight her or something and enki doesn't know how powerful her magic is)
Nyx turned to Jay "Next time a warning would be nice, and don't even think about telling Enki whats happening" Nyx glared at Enki "I Will gladly kick your ass later, after i've finished what i'm doing"

@Lotusy @metalcity
"What do you mean? Willow went-." Jay paused when Nyx asked him not to tell. He raised an eyebrow at Nyx questioningly. "Well, just don't worry Enki. We aren't going on some kind of murder-palooza, if that's what you're worried about. It'll be ok to leave Nyx alone."

@GingerBread @metalcity
Enki continued to look into Jay's eyes with a deadly stear "If it isn't that why can't you tell me? don't say to me your going to turn into a shithead just because your in a relationship with this prick." Enki asked furiously then what he said rang through his mind, his face changed emotion to guilt "Sorry, that last part was uncalled for." Enki looked away in shock at what he said "I want to know what happened to her."

@Lotusy @GingerBread

"Yes of course."

The surgeon sat down and sighed.

"Well, this disease... Its not a single identifiable bacteria or virus. Its more like a frankenstein-like plague. Something forced these diseases to be in contact long enough with eachother to create a single powerful disease. Naturally, this means that the viruses inside complement eachothers weakness. For example, one strand I identified in the disease was malaria. I tried adding treatment for that, but it was quickly rejected by another virus body. But, I have found one weakness in its armor. I hate to say it, but it might be the only chance we have. All of the diseases identified have a vulnerability to a special artificially synthesized chemical. (Don't ask me to specify, I dont know anything about virology in real life) But, as it stands now, the antibody is too weak to harm any of the diseases. It needs a solving agent or enzyme to make it stronger... Perhaps another chemical to complement its effects. Time is of the essence I may add. For reasons I couldn't possibly comprehend, something is mutating these viruses at an unnatural rate..."
After hearing Enki insult Jay Nyx's expression became One of anger, Nyx ran over to Enki, and delivered a punch to the face that sent Enki backwards "watch your tongue Boy" Nyx said his voice full of anger, before walking back over to jay "Don't tell him anything"

@metalcity @Lotusy
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As Enki was knocked back by the punch he looked up at Nyx "I was talking to Jay." Enki said as he slashed at Nyx's chest, blood squirted out of the wound and coated Enki's sword, it dripped slightly and Enki kicked Nyx in his freshly made wound. "Tell me what you want with Willow and I will be gone."

@GingerBread @Lotusy
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Columbus looked around, confused, he looked back at the door and spoke, "Um...Hello? Is this a bad time? I-I just need an ice pack and then I'll be on my way."

(Sorry @GreenEyedStranger, the transit system just did not work with me today)
Nyx looked at the wound Enki had inflicted on him, Then he looked out the window and saw Enki's dog by a tree. forming a plan in his head Nyx summoned his panther "I don't think i'll kill you, Richard go to Enki's dog, wait for my signal to kill it, But if he or anyone else tries anything to save the dog kill it anyway" Nyx said, his voice emotionless as Richard ran over to the dog, his massive jaws positioned over the dog ready to kill it at a moment's notice "Now you need to make a choice, Let your dog die and know what's going on.... Or remain clueless and have your dog stay alive. Now i wonder, What will you chose?"

@metalcity @Lotusy
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(Yaaayyyyyyyy virology lesssonsssssss (of sorts))


"What was this chemical? Well, that's your studies. But of you think this thing a collection of viruses I would think that it's treamtment is similar to a reverse-transcriptase inhibitor. Mainly it's used for HIV treatment but.... Anyway when HIV infects a cell, reverse transcriptase copies the viral single stranded
RNA genome into a double-stranded viral DNA. The viral DNA is then integrated into the host chromosomal DNA, which then allows host cellular processes, such as transcription and translation to reproduce the virus. RTIs block reverse transcriptase's enzymatic function and prevent completion of synthesis of the double-stranded viral DNA, thus preventing HIV from multiplying. A similar process occurs with other types of viruses. The hepatitis B virus, for example, carries its genetic material in the form of DNA, and employs a RNA-dependent DNA polymerase to replicate. Some of the same compounds used as RTIs can also block HBV replication; when used in this way they are referred to as polymerase inhibitors...." Dhaylian comments, once more settling into a doctorly position.

"Don't ask how I know... it's a long story for another time but if you were to use the same system... it might stop this from spreading as fast... at least," Dal adds as he props himself against the wall, thankful that it was in fact steel, not iron here. He fiddles anxiously with his hands, wanting the doctor's approval of his thoughts.... even though Dal couldn't quite remember his name.


The surgeon stared blankly at him


He shook his head

"No, I really doubt any of that relates directly to this disease. I don't think that could work at all. Although HIV is a part of the disease 'mass', and I already tried whatever treatments I could... No luck. I heard about your act the other day though, that your touch somehow purged one of those abominations?"
"Purged.... pretty much.... I just harnessed my magic and attempted to heal her...." Dhaylian's voice falters, his jaw clenching, "She healed... so much. But after her skin was smooth as water on a lake... it started... blackening like fire devouring paper. Then she spoke one word.... I think it was no, as in disbelief. Then her whole body start degenerating, large globs of this... uhm... it was a greenish brown colored liquid, hit the floor the same viscosity as water... it smelled something foul. Then after her bones were exposed... they started turning black and they twisted and evolved into some primal beast-looking creature's. Then she.. became estranged and fierce, I managed to secure her against a wall but... she- no- it was desperately trying to escape, clawing at everyone even close to her. After a minute or so of this she collapsed and a great cloud of a darkness arose from here carcass, which proceeded... to turn to ash. "

Dal turns away from the pair, looking at the dirty floor with a guilty expression.



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