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Fantasy Lakoria High School

(I don't think you want to know where he learned what he knows....)

"Sure thing Doc, " Dhaylian replies, inhaling the beaker's contents. Instead of smelling like a carcass or rot, it smelled..... sweet. Confused, he takes another deep breath, filling his lungs once again with the sickly sweet and sugary concoction.

"Strange..." He comments, setting the beaker on the examination table, "I'll be right back Willow, give me a sec." Dal walks toward the doctor, a faint look of curiosity in his eyes.

"Where would you like to talk?" He asks, studying the older man.


Nyx saw Jay narrow his eyes at Miko and then say something about his sandwich "Never thought you'd be so protective..... Remind me to never try to take your food" Nyx Said Jokingly whilst Smiling at Jay

@Leone @Lotusy
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"Oh, both of you can come. I need you to look at another cadaver... This one is very strange indeed. Disproves most of my theories"

He leads them into a sterile white room, with a surgical bed holding a body covered with a blanket

"The mutations in this one are... Extreme."

As they moved forward, he locked the door.

"I just need your analysis on this one."
Mira laughed lightly, popping a piece of fish in her mouth. Chewing thoughtfully, she swallowed.

"I wasn't accepted as normally as other kids here. I... transported myself here. I don't know how to get back to my family."

Dhaylian noted the locking of the door, but didn't mention it. Perhaps this one was still alive? He shakes his head and closes his eyes. He takes a breath, and almost gags. The smell of this one was utterly repulsive, it smelled like a body that had been left i the heat for a few days.

"What mutations are particularly severe on this one? Do you think this host was the first?" Dal approaches the examination table, intrigued by the aspect.



"Oh, it's a bit stronger, killed a few people. A marvel of engineering really. I was able to manipulate part of the brain so that it reacts to certain inputs. I usually use it when I don't want to get my hands dirty"

He reached in his pocket and rung a completely silent bell. At that, the figure rose instantly, tossing the blanket. It seemed to be a half-rotten corpse, although it still was alive.

The monstrosity towered above them, its skin was torn and peeled, most likely because of its inhuman growth. As it saw the Surgeon, it cowered in fear.

"Silence them" The Surgeon coldly commanded.

He rang the bell again, causing the creature to reel in pain. It looked at the two and snarled, swinging a heavy fist at Dhaylian and Willow
(Oh Dal, not again... )

Dhaylian never had time to dodge, he was to slow. The creature came around with its grisly hand, tearing through Dal's thin shirt, and leaving cracking a couple ribs, sending Dhaylian against a wall, crumpling Dal's body in pain.

It's time to play again, Dal, says the voice in his head.

Did you ever ask yourself why your parasite doesn't affect me Doc?" he forces out, "It's because we live together, harmoniously."

And with that, he began to change. His fingernails grow out into crude talons and his body starts to grey out once more. His veins run black and his eyes start to glow that ember color again. That parasite within him allowed his blood to diffuse eight times as fast, allowing his body to transform into an even more gnarly creature. His bones in his wings start to grow and change as well, their butterfly appearance turning menacing quickly as they fade into their lavender color. His veins turn black as his skin returns once again to the off-white color.

This is going to be fun..., says the voice in his head, with a feminine giggle.

Dhaylian grins as his teeth grow sharp, looking into the opposing creature's eyes.


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@SolisNighsun (Can you stop making actions for my characters? Its getting annoying. And you're making this harder than it has to be, you said you wanted to be a hostage) @OceanBunny

As Dhaylian was transforming, the creature took advantage of the opening and reached backwards behind the surgical table. It pulled forth a big burlap sack with bloodstains on the bottom. It had a heavy weight inside... Most likely unfortunate victims

It swung the heavy sack at him in an overhead smash. The Surgeon shouted

"I want him alive you fool!"
(Sorry.... *cringe* I didn't realize I did that so much... I changed it)

This time, Dhaylian was ready. He quickly sidesteps and rakes his curved talon across the creatures ragged face. Dal hisses in triumph, a wild grin stretching his face.

The comment of being taking alive escaped him as he takes a defensive position in front of Willow. Poor girl was probably never be the same after this.



(Be back soon, going out for lunch)
@SolisNighsun @OceanBunny (Thanks, and sorry for acting like that. Have had a rough morning -_- Everythings fine now)

The creature grunts and slowly spreads its arms, as if wanting a hug. A quick moment later, it tries to snap its arms around Dhaylian, still holding the heavy bag

The Surgeon backed up out of the combat, picking up a long syringe as he seemingly disappeared into the shadows of the dark room.
(Heh, no probs, I have those days too. I hope your doing better^^)

The Doc dart away at the corner of Da's vision as he attempts to avoid the creature's varied attacks. He ducks under the rotting beast's legs and strikes a hamstring, hoping to sever it's hamstring. However, he misses and his breath catches, the pain in his ribs starting affect him. He comes up behind the monstrous thing and rips into it's back, trying to keeps it's attention.


Nyx started to think about his Morality again, Remembering what jay had said takes his mind down a different train of thought Am i dangerous to be around? Is Jay safe around me? Nyx thought, his mind bringing up evidence to support Jay could be in danger around him When i was fighting Enki, it turned into more of a battle with my sanity, I could've ended up killing anyone who got in my way, Even Jay Nyx thought sadly There's no guarantee that it will get that bad again. If it does, i want Jay to have a way to defend himself from me Nyx thought trying to come up with a way to ensure that Jay would be safe if he ever lost his mind again.

Nyx thought back to the Silver Syringe he had that's meant to be used if a vampire attacks me Nyx thought, not wanting to give up his weapon against other vampires, especially as pure silver Syringes aren't easy to come across I have more of chance against a vampire than Jay does against me Nyx made up his mind, he looked at Jay with a Somber expression "Hey Jay, Can i talk to you in private?"

@Lotusy @Leone
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@SolisNighsun @OceanBunny (Im gonna wait for Willow for now, dont wanna get too ahead)

As the creature feels something at its back, it suddenly drops its weight backwards trying to crush Dhaylian. Its lack of eyesight stops it from pinpointing exactly where he is.

Suddenly, the lights cut out, leaving the room pitch black. You both hear a door open then quickly close, followed by a voice resonating around you

"Don't worry, you'll both be useful. Even if that idiot kills you..."
Jay turned around, confused. Did I do something wrong? "Sure thing, Nyx. We'll just be a second, Miko." He wlked over to the corner of the cafeteria and sat at a table. "There's no one around, and I'm sure the clamor will drown us out, if anyone is in range. So what did you want to talk to me about?"

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Nyx took a deep breath and looked Jay dead in the eyes "I think i'm dangerous for you to be around" Nyx said "I'm sure, I wouldn't hurt you" Nyx quickly added "But when I was in that fight with Enki, i ended up battling my own sanity, and i'm not sure i'll win that battle next time" Nyx looked at the ground sadly "I Fear I might hurt you if that happens again" He added before looking up at Jay, his eyes glimmering with the start of tears "I have a idea though. i have a silver Syringe, Earlier i filled it with Dhaylian's blood. So i'm thinking if you have that, you could use it if i ever..... You know... go insane"

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Miko smiled as he watched the two go talk. "They're so cute together." He thought. "Why can't i be cute with someone?" Miko was saddened, but then he saw it... the sandwich. He noticed Jay had gone to the corner of the cafeteria, and decided why not. He grabbed the chicken sandwich and ate it with a smile. "At least I have you sandwich."


Jay stared at the needle with a blank face. He wants me to... what? He looked up at Nyx and saw the serious look in his watery eyes. He shook his head, and pushed the needle back to Nyx. "I can't Nyx. Listen. I have faith in you, faith that you wouldn't ever hurt me. I'm not willing to kill you." He folded his hands together in a thinker's pose. "Besides, let's look at the more practical side here. I'm sure you'd be more likely to stay sane if you knew it could help me. If I was safe, it may be easier for you to... slip away." He shook his head. "If push comes to shove, I wouldn't be able to do it."

"It's Fairy blood, it wouldn't kill me, Just turn me into a kitten" Nyx replied "Anyway I'm pretty sure you had faith that i wouldn't hurt you before, and look how that turned out" Nyx Winced at the memory of him beating up jay for nothing more than a misunderstanding. He looked at jay offering him the needle again "Just take it, if you can't bring yourself to use it, Then give it to someone you trust, It probably won't ever have to be used" Nyx said, almost begging "But the main thing is, I trust you, because if i do go insane, i'd probably Be killed or end up wearing myself out and dying anyway, This way you might have a chance to talk some sense into me without any chance of me killing you"

Enki giggled slightly "Well sorry to say but it will probably be." Enki sighed and he found away across the roof tops to the building with the library, it didn't look very stable. He looked back at Shina "I'm not sure if I will take his offer though. I want to get stronger so I can protect people but this is the first time I met him. I don't know if I can trust him actually." And I still need to find what this feeling is Enki thought as well. He took another look at the path and decided he didn't feel like dying today. "Well, this looks deadly, lets ju...I'll walk." Enki Started to walk towards the stair well.


(No problem, just means I cant be addicted to this as I would like to be.)
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(@metalcity Lol you could interact with other RPers too you know. I originally planned to have Shina be a Guardian only to pop up once in a while to check up on the RP so that I won't slow down anyone in an interaction)

Shina's eyes narrowed when Enki mentioned the training being dangerous. She stopped in her path and hovered in the air. She began to say something to him but changed her mind and continued to follow him.

I can't tell him not to do the training ... she thought to herself, If he wants to be stronger, that's what he'll have to do. I can only hope that he doesn't push himself too far...

Fine, but at least tell me what the methods are.
(@PhoenixFire13 I would if Enki would let me, but the poop only really considers Shina a friend so we stuck, sorry xD I can take my time any ways, but soon Enki will probably be "talking" to a few people)

"I will when I know myself." Enki smiled, he pushed open the door and left the roof. He navigated though the building, pushing past a few students leaving them with unhappy faces. Once he reached the exit he walked out into the large court yard and started to make his way to the building with the library, occasional glancing at Shina to see if she was ok.

(if Shina wants to say anything here is your point, or you can continue the journey to the library.)
Oh, you didn't know ... I assumed that you already know... But why would you accept if you don't know what you are doing to do?

Shina dipped slightly as she flew through the door, getting a few strange glances from students in the court yard.

"I'm not sure if I will go with his Offer yet. I have a plan to see how strong he is, but first we need to go to the library." Enki confidently said, he was happy with his plan but he was still unsure about this feeling. They entered the building and made there way to the top of the building and entered the library.

Enki walked up to the desk and asked one of the staff "Where do you keep your magic books?" The lady pointed Enki and Shina to the section, Enki thanked her and started to walk over there "I am looking for magic that can change feelings." Enki said blushing slightly and trying to not make eye contact with Shina.

Shina frowned and sped up. She stopped in front of Enki, forcing him to stop.

I've been meaning to ask you this but, why have you been avoiding eye contact with me since that boy showed up? Was it something I said?

Unknowingly, she had put on an expression full of guilt as she replayed their conversation through her mind, trying to figure out what she did wrong.

@metalcity (The thick-headed Shina)
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