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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Jay watched the pair of Nyx and Dhal fly off, fighting. He raised a hand to his brow and squinted, trying to see the pair as they spiraled out of sight. "Crap. I think we lost them." His ears caught the obnoxious ringing of the school's-end bell. "Well then, I guess school 's out. Want to go catch dinner?" He turned to talk to Columbus, but discovered that the zombie had slipped away. "Huh. That was strange." He picked up his bag and walked over to the cafeteria.
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Lotusy said:
Jay watched the pair of Nyx and Dhal fly off, fighting. He raised a hand to his brow and squinted, trying to see the pair as they spiraled out of sight. "Crap. I think we lost them, Columbus." His ears caught the obnoxious ringing of the school's-end bell. "Well then, I guess school 's out. Want to go catch dinner?"
(He's not there anymore, sorry)
Lars shook his head.

"Nah, werewolf." He said casually, grinning lopsidedly at Mira. "What about you? You smell mostly human, but I don't like to assume." He added, before tipping his head back and dropping some of the bacon into his mouth.

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"Mmmm...that's nice." Raven said to Enki with the biggest form of fake interest. What really interested Raven was Enki's embarrassment. He saw how he was so full of butterflies, and his face was complete crimson. Raven found a lot of entertainment in Enki's struggle between his mind and his heart. He chuckled when Enki had nothing but jargon coming out of his mouth. The poor soul was so vexed by this presumed girl. She must be beautiful... Raven thought to himself.

@metalcity @PhoenixFire13

(Sorry about the blandness, using my phone for this)
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"You guess correctly," Mira replied as calmly as possible, trying to recall all the information in those mythical creature books she read in childhood. Did werewolves bite?

"Cool." Lars said, smiling lopsidedly at her and choosing not to inquire further. He opened the can of energy drink, took a sip and proffered it in Mira's direction, then stopped.

"You want som- uh, you okay?" He asked, sensing Mira's nervousness.

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"Your forgetting something, your aren't all vampire Nyx," Dhaylian replies, meeting his gaze.

"Who was it... ahh yes, Maimonides said "One should see the world, and see himself as a scale with an equal balance of good and evil. When he does one good deed the scale is tipped to the good - he and the world is saved. When he does one evil deed the scale is tipped to the bad - he and the world is destroyed," He speaks wistfully.

"And James Faust said "In this life, we have to make many choices. Some are very important choices. Some are not. Many of our choices are between good and evil. The choices we make, however, determine to a large extent our happiness or our unhappiness, because we have to live with the consequences of our choices."

"Inside each of us, there is the seed of both good and evil. It's a constant struggle as to which one will win. And one cannot exist without the other," he adds, "Eric Burdon said that. Well I should probably stop quoting dead people. Might start walking around with a skull and speaking like Shakespeare. He gives a raw and crude grin with a small chuckle.

"You see, when I was exiled from my family, I was thrown into the streets of New York. I lived as an orphan on the streets, alway begging. That was until a nice man decided to 'take me under his wing.' At the time it seemed like a good idea, until the man sold me, like cattle, and I ended up as a fighter in an underground gamble station. I had to fight other children to live, Nyx I had to kill them because I wanted to live. Does that make me a evil being? After I had won, I was thrown into a cell, as an award I would be given a large meal, my dead opponent... So tell me, what am I Nyx? Am I a bad man, or a good one for what I do now? Even now I ponder this question," Da finishes softly, a look of pain in his eyes.

"If you ever wish to talk... come find me." And with that, Dhaylian Motryn, walked down his living, breathing steps back to his dorm room.


"No, it is only truly evil if the act was done by choice, not out of necessity" Nyx Said as he saw Dhaylian disappear down his steps. Nyx relaxed enjoying the peacefulness of the rooftop. His thoughts went back to when he had first killed someone, the feeling of power that it had gave him, and the pain in the boy's voice.... Shaking the memory from his head Nyx got up and climbed back down the building.

Unsure of what to do Nyx decided to go into the cafeteria, hoping the ambient noises would distract him from the question that was still burning in his mind, hungering for an answer. When he got to the cafeteria, he saw Jay, Nyx started to walk over to him
I wonder what Jay thinks i am, good or evil?

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"I can come now." Willow said, getting up to follow him. "It was nice talking to you." She told Corvus with a smile. 'Are you sure about this?' Miyuki's voice entered Willow's head as she followed her owner after the surgeon. 'Why wouldn't I be? You're suspicious of everybody aren't you Miyu?' Willow giggled in response to her leopards caution around new people. 'He's a doctor, not a hunter. It'll be fine.' She reassured Miyu, petting her head as they walked.

@LegenDarius @GreenEyedStranger

@Lotusy (since you're in the canteen too now xD )
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"Yes... Nix, perhaps your right, though if you remain neutral in the battle against good and evil, then you side with evil because you don't fight for what's good, you let the corrupted ones take it," Dhaylian whispers as he leaves. He looks up to the gathering storm and smiles, for once his heart felt free. On a whim, he slips into the school and wanders till he finds the doctor's office. However, the man he was looking for was on break. So, he waits patiently in a seat. Waiting for the mysterious Surgeon.


Jay was checking out the dinner menu, his face contorted in a thinking look. Chicken... or burger. Oh, one of life's most heart-rending choices. Truly an intellect's debate. He instantly relaxed when he saw a familiar vampire walking over. "Yo, Nyx! Help me out here! I can decide between the chicken sandwich or the hambu..." He frowned. "Nyx? What's wrong? You're looking down."

"Just contemplating one of man's biggest questions, Am i good or evil?" Nyx said, his voice sounding like he was Joking, but his face telling a different story "And to answer your first question, Chicken is always better"

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"Hmm... truly a great question, wasn't it?" Jay walked up to the counter. "One chicken sandwich please." He paid and walked back to Nyx. "Alright, serious talk time. Nyx, you're a great guy. If you're having a concience battle, just quit it. Don't get caught up in all this good or evil drama. You aren't good, or evil, you're just Nyx. You're Lakoria's arrogant and strong vampire. That's what I like about you. Don't you ever forget that." He grinned and playfully shoved Nyx. "Now c'mon. This chicken sandwich isn't going to eat itself."

"Well you're much better at answering these questions than me" Nyx said, smiling But i'm still going to have to answer it one day, But that day isn't today Nyx thought. "Can you tell me the meaning of life as well?" Nyx joked, the smile still present on his face

"The meaning of life? Everyone knows that the meaning of life is spaghetti! Noodles galore!" He plopped down at a table and took a bite out of the chicken sandwich. "Mmm mmph fffph mff mph! *gulp*. So how did the fight with Dhaylian go?"

"Good, Yeah... I don't think he saw it as a fight, but more as a game, like it was just pretend" Nyx said sounding unsure "Either that or he was mocking me. But i doubt that" Nyx added as he sat down next to Jay

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As the Surgeon reached the office with Willow, he saw a fairy boy sitting inside

'Damn...' He thought

"What are you doing here? Is it an emergency?"

He asked as he motioned for WIllow to sit aswell.
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"Ah... Well, no, actually, I've come to apologize, I acted rashly earlier due to stress and mental trauma, please forgive me sir!" Dhaylian begs, kneeling to the ground submissively.

"I wish to make it up to you, do whatever I can to assist you in your work," he adds, just for good measure. He morphs into his fairy form, showing that he, a faye, was willing to bow to him.

@SolisNighsun @OceanBunny

The Surgeon narrowed his eyes at Dhaylian.

'Two in such a short time... This must be some sort of trick... I have to be careful'

"Ah... Yes of course. There is much to do to clean up from the outbreak earlier, I need all the help I can get. Now..."

He sits down

"What experience do you two have in medicine?"
"I know a good variety, Doctor, I've worked with a variety of medicines in my... endeavors, " Dhaylian answers slowly, recalling the angry time he did use his medicinal abilities. He glances at the Faye girl across from him and looks the Surgeon in the eye.

"What specifically would you like to know?"

Willow's eyes light up in excitement when she sees the fairy boy in the doctors office. "I don't have much experience with anything but animals. But like i said earlier, if there is any type of plant you need just tell me the name." She says to the doctor, her eyes on the boy across the room the entire time.

Miko walked into the cafeteria with a sigh and sat down at Jay's table with a huff. "Sorry I've been gone for like... ever." He said. "It's just... My alchemy teacher has been giving me so much homework, so I spend my life in the dark recesses of the library." Miko shivered at the thought of the library. "Anyways... I'm back now. How have you been?" Miko asked Jay.

"Wait, before we get started, we should at least know each other's names, mine's Dhaylian, or Dal for short if you want," he adds, holding out his hand to the fairy girl across from him, "What's yours?"

(Did you know that Dhaylian is a REAL name?)


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