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Fantasy Lakoria High School

In the dusk hours of the day, a huge limping figure looked over the school. It approached quickly, running on all fours but stopped as soon as it reached the gate.

It's face was heavily distorted and rotten, and it's skin was torn in many places. Across its body it wore clothes much too small, with rope and stitches barely keeping it together.

Most disturbingly, over its shoulder, it carried a bloodied bag.

It made a mighty leap and landed in the back-alley of the school buildings and waited. As soon as it saw a solitary demon-like student walk across the grounds, the creature jumped at it.

With a single heavy punch, the student was knocked out cold and stuffed into the bag with other unfortunate victims. Having completed its duty, the hulking creature ran away.
As Corvus, Raven teleported to what seemed to be an apartment complex. He was standing outside of it, and he waited for further instructions. Find room 222...

Without hesitation, Raven ran through the building and up the flight of stairs to the second floor. He scanned the hallway before jogging to along the walls, reading the numbered doors as he passed them. 204....216...222. He stopped. He stared at the door for a brief moment, then placed his hand on the doorknob. Raven was beginning to slowly turn the doorknob before he would snap it off and break down the door, when he froze. He heard a voice, and he instinctively knocked instead. "Who is it?" said the voice from within the room. Raven said nothing but noticed the peephole was being used to stare him down. He heard a shriek which was either of surprise or delight, and seconds later was followed by a: "Oh my God...Vinny!"

....I haven't been called Vinny since....

As if it was all scripted, the door swung open and Raven entered the room almost subconsciously to which he was greeted with an unexpected hug. "Vinny....oh my gosh....How long has it been? I've....I've missed you."
Ariel.... "I wish I could say I haven't, but that would be a lie...." Raven said as he looked away from the girl he once loved. "...and you know how much I hate lies." He finished with a hint of hatred towards her. "Vinny...that...was some time ago. Things have changed, I've changed. And....I couldn't stop thinking about you..." Ariel said softly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in to place a gentle kiss on the side of his cheek. "Get off me vixen!" Raven said with anger as he shoved her off of him. Raven stood there for a moment to collect himself, then put his arms behind his back and stepped towards her window. The blinds were closed, and the lights were off in her room. He looked at her bed; she hadn't made it, and she had a pile of clothes on it. A shirt, bra, shorts, and panties were laid across the end of the bed. Amongst this was what appeared to also be some male clothing Thinking about me huh? Raven shook his head. Without looking back at her, he waited for her to speak. "...So Vinny...what brings you here?" Raven raised his arm and looked at his hand. He clenched it and turned it into a fist. "I've come to kill you." "Oh my God Vinny....." Ariel choked. "B-...but...why?" Ariel started to back away. "Vinny...my God Vinny... it was such a long time ago." Ariel said anxiously. "Are you...are you going to kill me now?" She asked with great fear. "No...I'm not going to kill you." Raven stated. Sighing with relief, Ariel walked back up to Raven. "So...why waste the time in coming here?" Without a word, Raven walked around Ariel and stopped right behind her. He turned and faced her back, and he wrapped his arms around her neck. "To make up for lost time..." Raven said plainly. Ariel, who was slightly shocked at first, then purred at her former lover's remark. "Oh Vinny...I knew-" *SNAP!* Raven broke her neck.

"I came to free your soul."

Minutes later, Raven found himself back at the school. He finished his work as Corvus, although he did not quite know why Ariel was supposably a threat to the immortals. Raven changed back to his regular form. As he started to walk towards the school building, he thought back on his last moments with Ariel. The whole time he was being aware of his surroundings, as well as his way to handle her. He had to come up with something quick and effective, since he left his sword back near that one kid. Speaking of....where is that kid anyways? Raven stopped walking and scanned the area. He needed his sword back. He kept walking slowly and looked all around the school grounds. Finally, he saw two figures on the rooftop in the distance. One, resembled the kid he had talked to a while back, while the other was...a bird??? He's....talking to...a bird? Not too far to where they were was his sword still planted in the ground.

Raven began to walk toward it.

@metalcity @PhoenixFire13

(The generic-ness with the edits are amazing lol)
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Enki noticed a figure walking towards him and Shina, he realised that it was the boy from before. Enki became annoyed That bastard put this magic on me "Hey you" He looked over at the boy "What was that ma..." Enki stopped, he didn't want to talk about what they discussed before in front of Shina or the magic that was cast on him as it might make her fear him. He took a deep breath and calmed down "What is your name?" Enki asked in his normal tone, he glanced over at Shina to see what she was going to do and blushed and quickly looked back over at the boy.

@Sicarius @PhoenixFire13

(If you cant tell, Enki is questioning his relationship but is it for the better ;) but he thinks it is magic by Raven as it only appeared when he spoke to him)
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(Well I mean it was not like it took magic to figure out was going on with him and his feelings in the first place hahaha)

Raven looked up at the rooftop while he gripped the handle of his sword that was still planted in the ground. "I do not know of any magic you may speak of." Raven said finishing off Enki's sentence. Any magic you may be experiencing is called being under the spell of a woman... He lifted the sword gently from the earth and then removed any dirt and grass on it. "As for my name...you may call me Raven." Raven said staring at his sword.

@metalcity @PhoenixFire13
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"Forget a doctor, You're going to need to see an undertaker" Nyx said as he pushed himself up, and walked over to Dhaylian picking up his dagger that lay on the floor and raising it above Dhaylian "That's If i leave a body"

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Enki giggled awkwardly, hoping no one would have picked up on what he was saying at first "haha...What do you mean magic? I said nothing about magic. haha" Enki said as he started to sweat a bit, hoping Raven would not extend on to this, but to be honest Enki wasn't sure what this was about, he was confused to hear that this was not magic. I should go to the library to see what this is, I hate feeling like this. Enki thought. He started to sweat a little as his nerves built up inside him.

@Sicarius @PhoenixFire13
Recognizing Enki's discomfort and why he was made Raven change the subject. He remembered when he first felt paralyzed by a girl's presence, and he in some odd way felt sympathetic for Enki. He has no idea what could be in store for him... Raven thought. He held the blade in both hands and as smoke enwrapped the sword, the weapon then vanished. Raven's hands returned to his sides, and he then faced Enki. "Have you considered my advice about your training?" Raven asked with a hidden peak of interest. I wonder.... could I...? No... I by no means have any time to teach. Besides, this one is obviously blinded by his naivety.

@metalcity @PhoenixFire13
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Enki looked at Raven, slightly pissed that he is bringing up many points that he didn't want to discuss around Shina. He then gave a look of yes but denied the question with words "What do you mean training? This is the first time we have spoken." Enki said, he was desperate to keep his activities hidden from Shina until he was sure that she was trust worthy. He had no reason to disbelieve her but at the same time he was confused why he was feeling weak now. Did she really put a spell on me, or was it Raven. I don't want her to know that I am questioning her. Enki turned his head towards Shina a bit, be blushed and looked away quickly. @Sicarius @PhoenixFire13
"True, the chances of leaving a boy are significantly low, but this is all your fault, not mine. Just because you had to start something; always getting your way.," Dhaylian replies, furrowing his brow. He pauses and then a worried look crosses his face.

"Nyx, what are you?" He asks seriously, his eyes wanting to know.


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Nyx lowered his dagger, but didn't lower his guard "I'm a Vampire" Nyx replied, confused at the question, Doesn't he already know i'm a vampire? why is he asking what i am Nyx thought to himself

"...Yes...I suppose it is..." Raven said slightly raising a brow. "Perhaps I mistaken you for someone else." Raven cracked his knuckles. He knew all too well how Enki was feeling this very moment, and he could not help but laugh to himself. He examined his fingers, and without looking at Enki he asked: "Might I have your name as well?" How could this kid possibly be so naive. He looks as if though he has never experienced feelings for someone in his life.

@metalcity @PhoenixFire13
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"What? No... no that's not what I meant," Dhaylain says realizing his mistake, "I meant: Are you the good guy, or the bad guy?"

He shifts on the ground to look up at Nyx, who looks most impressive from this view......
"I'm... " Nyx started to answer but found that he couldn't I'm Evil right? i've killed people without mercy, i'm a vampire, i should be evil Nyx thought thinking he had a definite answer Until doubt started creeping into his mind Am i evil anymore though? ever since i arrived here i've become softer, How many lives have i ended since i got here? two, but they were in a simulation, so they don't really count and i've helped people. Nyx was unsure how to answer Dhaylian's question

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"Its alright, I don't care what you are, I'll even let you be the hero this time," Dhaylian says with a thumbs up.

"Wait, let me assume position first," he adds with a happy smile. Dal shifts back into his previous position and his face twists into one of anger.

"I won't let you kill me, you foolish child. The darkness has festered long enough." he hisses flaring his strangely colored wings aggressively, though he gives the confused Nyx a wink.


To say Nyx looked confused would be a understatement he was completely bewildered Is this just a game to him? Nyx thought trying to work out what was going on, Nyx brought a hand up to his face, feeling the cuts This was just him playing a game? He almost took my eye out! Nyx thought I could kill him right now... But Jay might not be too happy if i did Nyx thought before offering his hand out to help Dhaylian up

Enki looked at him surprised but glad he is playing along. "My name is Enki." He told the Raven, then he placed his hand under Shina "This is Shina." He said as he quickly moved his hand, hoping not to embarrassed her. Enki wasn't sure where to go from here so he waited for him to reply. He also hoped that he didn't take words out of Shina's mouth and annoy her. Or thoughts out of her brain.

@Sicarius @PhoenixFire13
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(*Internal Screamin*(@V@))

Dhaylian looks at the outstretched hand curiously and then accepts, and Nyx hauls him up, " Thanks, Oh yeah, give me a second."

He focuses his green magics around his hands, and gently traces his fingertips down the cuts on Nyx's face, watching the tissue knit back together. As he does, his whole body gives off the green aura, healing and mending the pair's bodies. Dal sighs softly as the cool light wraps around him; it was comforting in a way.

The light dims and Dhaylian stands before Nyx, complete and utterly normal. He had shifted back into a human, so he could give himself a break.

"Sorry for being a bit wild earlier... that was... my fault," Dal starts shyly, "Is there anyway I co----"

Before he could say anymore, the final bell rings obnoxiously, signaling the end of school.




(school is over, thank god)
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"Don't apologize" Nyx said before turning around and walking away, wanting to be alone. Dhaylian's question was stuck in his head Am i good or Evil? Nyx thought to himself still unsure of the answer, He was lost in his thoughts causing him to not pay attention to where he was walking causing him to walk into a wall, Nyx decided that there wouldn't be people on the rooftops and started climbing his way up to them

Nyx got up to the rooftop and sat down
Am i good or Evil? Nyx thought to himself again What do i want to be, Good or Evil? Nyx thought hoping it would make the question easier to Answer but found that he had just produced a harder question than the one before

@SolisNighsun (You can follow Nyx if you want, I don't mind )
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"It's nice to meet you Enki." Said Raven with a generic friendliness in his tone. He turned to face Shina. "Hello Shina, nice to meet you. I'm Raven." Raven then faced Enki and gave a smirk in silent reference to Shina's presence. Raven studied them both. It was very hard for him to consider them being together considering all he saw was Enki and....a bird....

@metalcity @PhoenixFire13
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(Yeas why did you ask :D )

"Nyx?" Dhaylian asks, though mostly to himself. He watches Nyx scale the wall to the roof with ease, and almost follows him. Then with an idea, he uses his magic, creating a living staircase from the ash tree sapling a couple feet from him. The tree spiraled upward, stopping level with the roof. He quickly climbs the shifting stairs, but stops at the top, hesitant to approach Nyx.

"I'm evil, I must be, i have never felt guilt for Ending someone's life" Nyx thought out loud, Assuming he was alone, Too lost in his own thoughts to notice anything happening around him "But that was the past, I don't think i've killed anyone Since i got here, Even when i've had the opportunity to" Nyx continued, lowering his head "Would i kill someone when i have the opportunity to? In the past the answer would be yes, wouldn't even have to think about it" Nyx added, a sad smile forming on his face "I'm not sure what the answer is anymore"

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Seeing Ravens smirk towards Shina made Enki feel a bit guilty. It pains me to know that people see her like this. Enki thought, he wasn't sure on how to explain this without saying something wrong, but he wasn't sure if her thoughts could reach his mind. Enki panicked and spurted out random words as he confused himself on what to say. "Death...friends...demons...weak...loneliness..." He finished his jumbled up thoughts and words and took a deep breath "Its a long story, but she is human. Despite her strange appearance." Enki gave a glad sigh. He hoped that Raven would stop asking questions with expressions, they put him off a bit, more insulting. Enki looked down a bit, hoping he wan't annoying Shina by talking for her.

@Sicarius @PhoenixFire13
"He't too harsh on himself," Dhaylian thinks, "He doesn't see what good things he's down around him, probably doesn't even see the greys within the black and white."

"Why do you have to be victim or villain? Why can't you be neither or both" Dhaylin nearly whispers, understanding Nyx's pain, "I'm not the cleanest myself, and you know what I am like most of the time."

Dal cautiously sides up along Nyx wearing a troubled expression, he himself had his own past to run away from.


(UPDATE: I won't be on for a couple hours, I have an important meeting, and I also will be updating Dhaylian's past, it isn't all cookies an ice-cream)
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Nyx's head shot up as heard Dhaylian's voice "I can't be both or neither, i have to be one or the other, there is no middle ground" Nyx replied, turning to look at Dhaylian "If i were to try to be neutral, it wouldn't work. It's in my nature as a vampire to be evil, therefore by choosing to be Neutral, i would instead be choosing to be evil" Nyx said, letting out a sigh "If i were to choose to be good, i would be going against my nature as a vampire, which would be a difficult thing to do" He added Something I don't think i'm strong enough to do Nyx thought "Being evil is easier, as long as you can become devoid of all emotion, Like i used to be, I'm not sure if i was better off like that" Nyx Finished turning away from Dhaylian, And looking over at the school grounds, the question of whether he was good or evil burning in his head as if it was demanding an Answer

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