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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"What's it say Jay, cause I can't read...." Dhaylian admits, embarrassed, "he was looking at this page." He points to the page on the right and stares at it intently, as if it would reveal its secrets. The pages themselves were yellowing and the ink.... was unsettling. It was a deep red, as if the very letters had been cut into the book's hide with a quill.

(Notifications are being dumb.... *sigh*)

@LokiofSP @Lotusy
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"But... He was just doing his job. What were you guys doing at the zoo anyway? If this Chloe wanted a pet bunny, she should've just gone to the pet store," Corvus interrogated, shocked that Willow took part in such burglary. "What happened back there?"

Elsewhere he felt a warm spot on his pocket. Reaching inside he felt gemstone, feeling its cracks with his thumb. It appeared to be radiating some sort of warmth, as if it was a sign that Az would one day return. Corvus smiled to himself, but nevertheless it did not dispel the shock of what Willow did this weekend.

@OceanBunny @DragonStorm
"Jay brought us.. He needed Unicorn tears and peacock feathers.." Willow said, playing with her hair nervously. "Nyx and Shina were really hurt.. He said he needed it to help heal them. There was a group of us that went.. We were supposed to clear the patrons out so they wouldn't get hurt or anything." She tried explaining. "All the guards were supposed to be taken care of before we got there.. A couple people went ahead for that.. I guess they missed one though cause he attacked us." She sighed, looking up at him with sad eyes. "I know I shouldn't have hurt him, and I didn't mean to, but he was shooting at us."

Corvus sighed as he paused to register what he just heard. Willow undertook a not-so-covert operation to fix the vampire boy and the fire girl, because apparently they were sick. But unfortunately the first team that was sent didn't do a good job of cleaning up the guards so it resulted in a death. It was a botched operation, Corvus thought. But at least it wasn't as bad as Operation Olympus...

"I guess it was justified then huh..." Corvus finally replied. "To an extent at least. I guess you did what you had to do. You don't seem like the type to pick fights." His voice trailed off again, thoughts running through his mind like electricity. "Guess you're just like me."

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The Surgeon made his way to the cafeteria. He had his orders, and he searched for a suitable candidate

How he would go about asking was a different matter.

'Ridiculous...' He thought as the Surgeon stood in the middle of the cafeteria in his menacing black robes.
"I guess.." Willow said sadly. "I wanted to help them.. I don't like when people are hurt and I'll try to help anyway I can. But I ended up losing control of my emotions and a man ended up dead.." She trailed of with sad smile and looked down at the frost leopard beside her. "I saved Miyuki that day though. And we healed Nyx and Shina before that giant devil showed up.. I guess it turned out okay in the end." She smiled as Miyuki licked her face, causing frost to coat her hair.

@LegenDarius @GreenEyedStranger (welcome to our bubble of obliviousness)
(Alright, trying not to sound creepy. Here goes)

Overhearing some talk of adventures, the Surgeon walked closer to the table where Willow sat.

"I'm sorry, but I couldnt help but hear that you healed someone, fought a devil and killed someone?"

He coughed and shake my head

"Sorry, let me introduce myself, I'm Darvis, the resident surgeon here. I may have use for your skills"
Willow's cheeks turned a light pink as the surgeon mentioned their conversation. "My skills?" She asked nervously. "I do know some healing plants.. but I've never really healed anything but animals before.." She said looking up at the surgeon. "What do you need help with? I could grow you some plants with healing properties if you know what you need." She offered, hoping to be of use to the surgeon.

@LegenDarius @GreenEyedStranger
"What this book?" Jay looked at the book on the bed, while keeping Nyx away with one hand. "Hm... It says that the blood takes 24 hours to wear off. Why did you need me to- wait what? You can't read?" He turned to Dhaylian in surprise. "See! I told you English was useful, Nyx!" He put Nyx down on the bed. "So apparently... human blood is able to speed up the break down proccess... Nyx. Do you need my blood?"

@SolisNighsun @LokiofSP
"I can read! Just not.... English..." Dhaylian pipes, only to quiet down as the the strange feeling from earlier returned. Blood... just the thought made him think of his wrist. It had healed perfectly with whatever magic Nyx had used, though there was still a thin silver scar on both of his forms.

@LokiofSP @Lotusy
Of course i do, why wouldn't i? Nyx thought before remembering jay could no longer hear his thoughts mentally sighing Nyx launched himself at Jay digging his teeth into Jay's arm taking enough blood to speed up the change, Nyx felt himself changing back as he was surrounded by a red glow.

When Nyx Changed back he remembered he was nude, Clearing his throat awkwardly
"You wanna get me my clothes Jay?" Nyx asked Pulling his bed covers over him to hide his nude form.

"Aaah! What the hell?"

Jay was blinded by the flash of red light. He blinked, trying to clear his sight, only to be greeted by... a nude Nyx. "W-w-wh... never mind. I-I'll get the clothes." He grabbed the clothes, his face turning a bright shade of red. "Put them on quickly! On the double!"

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Columbus looked at Nyx as he turned back and did a little jump, "Yeah we did it!" He patted Nyx on the back and brought him into a one armed hug, "You know what? If you'd been a cat for much longer, it would have been a real CAT-astrophy....No wait! I can do better, gimme a minute...."

A warm feeling in Dhaylian's chest sprouted forth so quickly he had to turn his face so the other boys wouldn't see his blush. What are you thinking???

He shakily re-adjusts his glasses, in attempt to control his breathing and the rapid thumping of his heart. Shhhh, he'd never accept you anyway. Guess you always fall for the ones you can't have, huh?

(Dyingg........ xD )

@LokiofSP @Lotusy
"Thanks" Nyx said as he put on his clothes, after doing that Nyx started stretching his arms before turning his attention to the fairy boy "Oi fairy boy, I don't think i caught your name" Nyx said as he walked over to his Drawers, Taking out a leather glove and a small wooden box, Putting on the glove as he waited for the boy to reply

"It's Dhaylian....," he answers sheepishly, a faint hue of pink spreading across his face. OH GOD HE'S TALKING TO WHAT TO DO, WHAT TO DO, what to do....

Attempting to get his head where it belongs, he forces himself to look at Nyx's gloves, watching every thread and tanned piece of hide catch and reflect the artificial light.

(For anyone who doesn't know, it is pronounced Dal - ee - in) (I just spelled it weird cause why not?)

@LokiofSP @Lotusy
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Columbus backed off of Nyx, realizing he had no more cat-puns, 'What a sad day for humanity...'He did however take notice of Dhaylian's shade of red cheeks, he approached the boy, "Hey um...Daylian...So...Why the blush? He's only naked, not that big a deal."

Nyx walked over to Dhaylian "You sort of owe me, it was your fault I was a Kitten" Nyx said as he opened his box and pulled out a pure Sliver Syringe causing his hand to feel like it was burning even through the glove, not wanting to hold the syringe any longer he stabbed it into Dhaylian's arm filling it with blood before putting it back into the wooden box "Thanks for that" Nyx said as he put the box and the glove back into his drawer.

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"Ehh?! I-It's nothing!" Dhaylian denied, a little to quickly, turning his face into an even brighter shade of fuchsia. He doesn't even feel the pain of the needle entering his arm, he was just glad it wasn't made of iron, that would've ended badly.... He plays with his hands subconsciously, not meeting anyone's gaze and having strange mixed feelings for everyone. Though he is curious as to why he took his blood, but maybe he liked being a cat, just secretly?

(Your gonna break him XDDD)

@Lotusy @LokiofSP @GingerBread
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"Well you see, the recent outbreak of disease has been very serious. A natural epidemic of this speed can be very disastrous. Thats why Im looking for all the help I can!" He smiled behind his mask
Columbus sighed, "Why Nyx! I thought your time as a kitten had changed you! You were so close, you were almost normal!" He fell to his knees and punded the floor with his fist.

Nyx glared at Columbus "And what would you know about being normal?" Nyx replied his voice full of malice. Nyx then turned towards Dhaylian "Good, you got a weapon?" Nyx asked The tone of his voice doing a complete 180

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A weapon? Hurry make something up!

"Yeah, I do," Dhaylian says, quickly using his magic to create something off the top of his head. He closes his eyes and focuses on his thoughts. He holds out his hand and a long wooden staff snakes through his hands, the base swirling. He opens his eyes as it grows taller than him, and suddenly bulging out, forming a large thorn, similar to a war scythe used by th Polis in the 1800's (True Story).

"Wow, I can't believe that actually worked," he mutter to himself, proud of his handiwork.

@Lotusy @LokiofSP @GingerBread
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