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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Cool, Hope you're good at fighting, If you're not then this will be over quickly" Nyx said not even bovvered that they were fighting in his dorm room

"Wait... what?" Dhaylian blanked, not truly expecting to fight. However, he was taught how to fight before his clan rejected him... He sets his jaw, positions his legs and shoulders up, a sudden spark of life invigorating him. But he pauses, realxing for a second as a thought crosses him.

"Are you sure you wanna do this," he gestures to Nyx's room, " Here?"



"You're right we should take this outside" Nyx says as he Charges towards Dhaylian assaulting him with a flurry of punches "Rule #1 never let your guard down"


The Surgeon crossed his arms, and look off to the side

"One student or... Some intruder maybe, entered the school and attacked another student. After that, it's body released a virus into the air. We're still trying to contain it and treat the infected students"
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"RULE 2, never make the first move!" Dhaylian call back, countering and bashing Nyx's hip with the butt of his dandy staff in a simple swing.

His normal mahogany eyes were no longer the dull color they once were, now they were the color of hot coals. He morphs into his fairy appearance, though his warm pink skin flushes out grey and his wings slowly turn lavender.

Why do I..... feel so sick...?

He looses his grip and falls to the floor, his whole body turning cold to the touch, his staff clattering down beside him.

(Mwuahahahahahha plot twist)


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"Hey! no dying on my floor" Nyx said sounding annoyed Stupid fairy couldn't even last a couple of seconds Nyx thought. After looking at the body for a while "If you aren't dead then leave, if you are dead then i'm gonna have to get rid of your body, so inconsiderate"

@SolisNighsun (You picked the most uncaring person to die in front of :/ ) @Lotusy @LokiofSP (You guys are still near here right?)
Columbus got on the floor net to the fairy boy, "Hey Dhaylian! Are you okay? Nyx what did you do!? Is he dead?! Did you kill him!? Oh god Jay what's going on!"

@SolisNighsun @GingerBread @Lotusy
"No.. BACK AWAY! I think it's from earlier, that sickness," a series of coughs rack his body as he attempts to sit up, his blood spraying the floor. His viens, normally a barely noticeable blue, turn black, appearing that he was cracking apart.




(This is what I meant *commence evil laughter*)
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"God damn it! Blood isn't easy to get out of carpet you know" Nyx complained before walking over to the boy "I Told you no dying in my room" Nyx said as he started dragging Dhaylian out of the room

Lars led Mira outside and round the side of the school to a quiet, semi secluded area between two of the schools buildings, near the back entrance of one of them. He sat down on one of the steps that led to the double doors and gestured for Mira to do the same.

"Welcome to the lonely corner," he laughed, "make yourself at home."

((@Artemistel yo I'm really sorry I've been really busy at college ^^"))
Columbus pushed Jay off the fairy boy, "Dammit Nyx! Not now, we need to be careful!" He gently picked Dhaylian up and with a grunt carried him in his arms, it was way more than he could handle but he had to try, "Don't worry, I'll get you to the surgeon, he'll know what to do!"

@SolisNighsun @GingerBread
Stop... stop it... sTOP STOP, his inner voice screamed.

Dhaylian didn't even hesitate, with a ghostly demonic look to boot, he lunges forward ripping into Nyx's hand with his sharp elven teeth..

As he's released, he manages to restand himself, by whose power? Who knows?

"How does it feel? To have your own blood drank?" he growls predatorily, raking his claws down the wall.



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Nyx brought his now bloody hand up to his mouth, tasting the blood as if he was checking that it actually happened. When what Dhaylian had done had sunk in, Nyx's eyes filled with rage as he charged at him Grabbing his arm and twisting it behind his back "You must not value your life" Nyx said in an eerily calm voice.

Columbus put himself between the two, "Now guys...There's no need to get so violent...Lets just calm down..."

" I only value things I can grasp," Dhaylian hisses back, " and you must not value yours too much either."

With his unrestrained hand, he rakes his claws down Nyx's face, though being careful not to hit Columbus. As he recoils, Dhaylian quickly eludes the pair by bursting down the door and taking flight, while in the process of taking out some windows that just had to be in the way.




(I believe I just hit a hornet's nest with a sledgehammer)
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Nyx wiped the blood from his eyes "You are NOT! getting away that easily" Nyx said using his blood to create a red aura around him as he ran

Nyx saw Dhaylian start to take flight, Nyx started Sprinting after him before using his red aura to increase the strength in his legs as he leaped, propelling him up into the air and onto the back of Dhaylian as he drew one of his daggers and slicing at his Wings

{{It's fine! I understand that school can be busy. ^^ @BunnySkull }}

Mira laughed nervously, but strangely didn't feel as judgemental or creeped out as she would have with another person. Maybe it was because Lars reminded her of herself. She cleared her throat, breaking a few seconds of silence.

"What do you have for lunch?" she asked, making herself comfortable and opening her bento.
Yesss... Like a bee to honey....

Dhaylian smiled as the blade dug into the tough material of his wing. In fact, he couldn't even feel the pain. Dal grabbed the pest as he leapt once more, flying straight up at high speeds. At a good height above the ground, Dal stops.

Why are you stopping? Finish him....

Instinctually, Dhaylian lets go and clutches his skull as another wave of pain hits him. He forces himself back onto himself and realized what happened to Nyx.

Quickly, Dal fold his wings and dives, the wind whistling in his oddly shaped ears.

About yard above the ground, Dal grabs his friend(?) by the foot.

"My head, " Dal groans, " I need to see a doctor..." He nearly collapses again as he tries to apologize to the very much so pissed Nyx.

"Nyx.... I'm sorry.... we can... finish this later.'




(JAYYYYY Come get your boyfriend before he kills me D:)
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Lars opened his backpack and rummaged around until he pulled out a plastic container. He opened it. It contained 3 uncooked rashers of bacon and half a cheese sandwich. After a few more moments of rummaging he also pulled out a can of 'monster'. He cleared his throat a little, looking somewhat embarrassed at his mildly concerning food choices.

"I uh, I normally try to eat more healthily.." He mumbled.

(I have no idea what's going on but apparently the whole crisis with the zombie thing ended so uh, imma just go back to the interaction Shina had with Enki ...)

(Much tempted to have Shina stop Nyx but that's Jay's job so imma let him do it xD )

Satisfied with how well the situation was taken care of, Shina flew back onto the rooftop, seeing that Enki had been waiting patiently.

Sorry, that took longer than expected. Um, what were we talking about again?

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Columbus bit his lip and slammed a fist into the wall. It hurt him a bit and didn't affect the wall at all, "God...To weak, people are just gonna get hurt more if I don't try and fix this...Next time Dhaylian....I'll be the one fighting for you, cross my heart and hope to die." He felt a buzzing in his pocket, it was the old hag, she was ready for him once more, ready for his first real lesson. He put the phone in his pocket, he looked down the hall Dhaylian and Nyx had gone down for a moment, he considered giving chase...But he realized even if he did there would be nothing he could do.

He picked up his bag and turned to Jay, "I gotta go, please make sure they didn't kill each other." He took off down the hall, running to the bus...

@SolisNighsun (I needs sleep, just need to finish up this post so I can go.)

He arrived at the small apartment and was just behind the hag's door; it smelled like a pig sty that hadn't been cleaned, and that was just from the outside. If Columbus was a regular human with his senses working as they should, he probably would have lost his sense of smell already. He held his nose and gave the door three quick knocks, it swung open and he was pulled inside, he never got a good chance to look at the woman ever as they were always in a dark room, and she always had her hood on. She sat Columbus down, practically shaking with excitement at the lesson as she picked up a jar.

"Before we continue, I have one FINAL test. I need to see how far you're willing to go for your strength..." She put down the jar and pushed it to the zombie boy, "Last time you told me of your abilities....One in particular caught my eye, you say you can talk to the dead, allow them to join your spirit, add their power to yours?" Columbus nodded and the woman smiled a sick grin, "Good...Because for this final test I want you to randomly pick one of these five souls in this jar...Afterwards I want you to fuse with it like you typically do..."

"But this time? Don't let go! You see the power and ability you want and you tear the spirit to shreds, take it by FORCE! Keep it for your own...And NEVER let go of it..."

Columbus's eyes widened as he crawled back to the door, this would be murder! He would be literally stripping a soul of something that kept it together! He would be STEALING the spirits chance at accession and damning them to what was basically an eternity as some kind of...Vegetable, unable to see, hear or move until the end of time. It was a fate WORSE than a fate worse than death.

...But...He needed to get strong, today was just another reminder of that. Knowing Nyx one of his new friends may have died today,all because he wasn't strong enough to stop it. He couldn't just sit back and watch things happen...Not anymore. He grasped the jar as the woman watched with eager eyes, he twisted it while he said,
"Even if I lose myself along the way, nobody deserves to die to soon, and if I can gain the power to stop that...It would be selfish of me not to take it." With that he popped off the top...

(For those who actually read that whole thing and care, Ima finish this post time-skip)
Gears was sitting under a tree. He had left English and was just lounging about right now. He put his hand to the wood and shifted a three foot by three foot square out of it. He just sat there and shifted it into different shapes. Dog. Cat. Mouse. Even famous statues from Greece. He just sat there fiddling with his skills. Fine tuning them as it where.

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Enki was glad to see that Shina was back, he didn't want to say about what happened or the awkwardness around her.

"Oh we where..." Enki made a quite gasp, he thought of her reaction to what he said and changed what he was about to say quickly. He hoped that she wouldn't pick him up on this "I don't remember sorry. What do you wanna talk about?"

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