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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Dhaylian sputters," Fairy? My friend I am a pixie!..... whose blood is far more potent than that of a fairy....." He watches the newcomer with a blank expression as he calls into the room. He'd thought that everyone knew, but perhaps not.

"What can we do to," he gestures to Nyx, "to reverse this? Cause I really don't want him to be a cat forever....", his voice drops to a whisper, " even if he is adorable that way..."



There seemed to be a very big commotion going on outside Mira's classroom in the corridor, and she frowned, looking out through the door, wondering what it was.
"Yea.. " Willow says, biting her lip and looking down as her eyes fill with tears at the memory. "He was shooting at us.. and Chloe just wanted a bunny.." She sighs and plays with the hem of her skirt. "I didn't mean to kill him.. I just didn't want him to hurt us."


Unable to draw himself away from the commotion, the Surgeon walked over to the small crowd in the center

"Whats the meaning of this?! All students are to report to their dormitories immediately! Those who are sick must visit the infirmary, I will deal with their infections."

As he saw the cat, he gave a confused glare under his black veil

"Whats a cat doing here?! No pets are allowed!"
Bzzzt - Hey Nyx? Can you hear my thoughts? Jay rubbed his temples. I think the blood is wearing off, but I can still act as translator. He picked up the cat. Nyx? Hello? Do I need to bust out the cat puns?

(Jay's head is now a radio :P So basically, Nyx can hoie some thoughts now. Is that cool?)

"Well Mister, for your sake, he is a student, he has simply been.... zapped with magic, so skedaddle while we attempt to fix him..." Dhaylian says flaring his wings angrily and protectively shifting in front of Nyx. He felt as if Nyx was a friend, even though he met him less than fifteen minutes ago if that.

He suspiciously looks this man up and down, " How did you get here so quickly? And how do you know you can fix their sickness?"he gestures towards the students whose condition was worst. Deal with them first."

Perhaps he hadn't been so aggressive, buttttt there was something he didn't like in that man.

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Nyx ignored jay and instead focused on the man who had walked over and had called him a Pet Nyx his best to show that he didn't trust the man, his back arching and his hairs standing on end as he hissed at the man I vote we get away from him Jay, i don't trust him

"You will always be in my heart..."

Raven walked until he reached a bench resting under a big oak tree. He sat down and watched the scene unfold. "Let's recap here shall we..." There was some man cat laying on the ground, a bleeding fairy boy who looked like he had no grip on reality, some girl all dressed in black with fire powers, an indian kid with a terrible sense of humor, a cute fairy lady, and an assassin choking on his beverage, all during this apocalyptic crisis where seemingly some students were zombified or black puddles. "Just another day here at Lakoria High..." Raven said with slight sarcasm and a hint of depression.
Columbus ran over and saw that Nyx was indeed a cat, he turned to the surgeon, "Sorry sir, but we need to PAWS on the whole going inside thing, this cat is actually a vampire in disguise! We just need a moment to fix him!"

"Oh yes, sir. This whole situation has been an utter cat-astrophy! We're absolutely clawless on how to fix our friend!" He picked up Nyx. I'm feeling it too buddy. He grabbed Columbus's hand. "Hey. Columbus. We need to go. Nyx is picking up something fishy, thought that may be his next meal." He chuckled, then stopped. "But I'm serious. Black Veil over there is giving off serious bad vibes."

@GingerBread @LokiofSP
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Dhaylian had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. Even to him it sounded ridiculous.

"Just go fix up the ones in critical condition Doc, that's your field of expertise, let us do ours," he says, all of his energy seemingly to wane now. He folds his wings partially and ushers the healthyier kids to their dormitories with relative ease as Nyx, Columbus, and Jay prepare to depart.




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Columbus looked at Jay and nodded, "Alright, you've never steered me wrong Jay...Well...There was that time you literally tied me up to a pole and had lighting shock me...There was also that time you almost killed one of the people trying to save the school...Wow now that I think about it most of our meet ups don't end well But I'll trust you anyways...Lead the way!"

@GingerBread @Lotusy

Jay swooped by the pile of clothes, picking them up. "Oh yea, I'm totally the most reliable one here," he said, smiling. "I'm totally not going to walk us straight int a wa-" *thud* "Oh my. Well, let's just meet up in my dorm. I've cleaned it up since last time." As he pulled open the door to the dorm building, he turned back to the pixie boy. "Hey! Fairy-man! Wanna come along with us?"

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Nearly going insane at the cat puns, the Surgeon raised his hand as if to hit the students but restrained himself.

'Careful. Dont want to go blowing my cover that easily'

"I hope that I can treat the infection. I've dealt with things like these before in Madagascar. A plague to be exact"

He had read up on his medical history.
"Sure, I'm coming!" Dhaylian calls back but her grumbles, "I'm not a fairy..... "

"Oh and Doc, that last major plague in Madagascar was the bubonic, THE Black Death, not an infection, and I'm pretty sure that this is a mutation of several diseases ... perhaps with leprosy because of the boils?" he calls back to him angrily because of his disrespect and know-it-all aura. Surprisingly, he was paying attention to the world news when he first heard about the Lakoria school, he just so happened to be incredibly interested in it's flora and fauna... (he loves Lemurssss) .

Then, without a word more, he disappears after his newfound friends.




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He shook his head, believing to impart the wrong message on the misguided youth

'No matter' He thought to himself

'My plan continues'

He helped up one of the diseased students and led them into his office.
"Welcome to my humble abode. Not really humble anymore." Since last time, Jay had really priced up the place. The papers were all gone, the counters uncluttered. The only thing left that was out of the ordinary was the giant witch's pot. "Please, sit. I'm about to go loony over what just happened." He placed Nyx down on the bed.

Columbus examined the pot while rubbing his chin, "Jay...Please tell me we're not going to cure Nyx with more science...Your scary when you do science..." He say down on the floor with his legs crossed.

"You're already bonkers," Dhaylain replies, throughly exhausted, to be honest he was surprised how long his facade held up. That whole bold hero thing was all pretend, if he had to do that again he'd hurl.... perhaps that was cause of the blood loss? He really was going to have to apologize to that Doctor though... I was soooooo unlike myself.. like what the *ell. Probably the stress.....

"To some places I've seen this place is quite humble, though I think this has a home-y feel to it more than most places." He adds, getting tired and yawning. "But science can be good..." He yawns again.




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Right before this wears off, i think the boy i was sharing a dorm with might have something to do with this, He seemed nice though so maybe he's being forced to help whomever is doing this and that guy was giving me a bad vibe, Also no science Jay but if you want to know more about this i think i have a book on the effects of blood on vampires or something like that in my dorm Nyx thought hoping Jay heard all of his thoughts and it didn't cut out half way through or something as he made himself comfortable on Jays bed curling up, everything that just happened catching up to him and making him Exhausted, but not wanting to sleep just yet Nyx just relaxed.

"Science? Pshaw. I wouldn't do that. In fact, I don't even know science!" His face stretched out into a bizarre grin. "But that aside, may I dunk you in the pot, Nyx?"

He was suddenly roused by a flurry of thoughts from Nyx. "Oh, your dorm? Sure. Guys, we need to head to Nyx 's dorm."

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"His dorm? Why would we go to his dorm? I bet you it's gonna be filled with vampire stuff, and trust me, vampire stuff is not even remotely as cool as zombie stuff, we should go to MY dorm instead"

"Shhhhh, or I'll stuff you in a coffin when we get there," Dhaylain says with a grin as he stands up, reassuming is human form. Of course, he stops and re-adjusts his glasses though, they never seem to fit quite right.

"To Nyx's Dorm! Away!" he cries with forced enthusiasm and a pose fit for legends, though the other's couldn't tell.

@Lotusy @GingerBread @LokiofSP
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Wanna know something cool? I'm technically not a vampire anymore and anything that happens apart from death or loss of limbs will be reversed when i turn back Nyx lyingly thought as he stretched his legs before charging at columbus, leaping at his face and digging his claws in

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