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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Nyx seeing the cloud of gas looked over to make sure jay was out of it's reach, Only to see jay run towards the Gas cloud. He ran after him putting his hand over Jay's mouth and nose to stop him from breathing in any of the gas and dragging him to safety before walking over to the puddle of what he assumed was blood. Dipping his hand into the black puddle Nyx used his magic to suck the gas cloud of into the blood contaminating it more before commanding the blood to rise up, and into his mouth as he hoped his body would be able to handle this amount of diseases at once.

Nyx started gagging as the black disease ridden blood entered his body causing him to double over in pain as his body tried to eject the diseases from his System, Nyx laid there Hoping the pain wouldn't last and his body would get rid of the diseases Quickly.

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As the rest of the students fleed for their own health and contained the sicknesses, Dhaylian remained behind with a couple others . Not because he had given up, but because he wanted to show his respect.

"I'm sorry, I wish I got to meet you..." he whispers, barely audible. His wings droop and his face is drawn uncharacteristically back like a skull. He draws on all of his powers in reserve and unleashes it. As he does, the whole section of the building bursts, almost instantaneously overflowing with flora of all kinds, a single black rose growing from where the girl had passed on. Perhaps it would destroy what disease that hadn't been contained, regardless he forces all the flowers to bloom, filling the air with the sweetest scent.

Exhausted, he falls to his knees. His hands curl into fists and his jaw hardens.

"I swear to you, I will find who did this."

With that one vow, he turns to the person who had been called Nyx earlier, he seemed to be battling whatever he had absorbed.

"Is there anything I can do... to help?" He asks, his voice faltering.

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Shina managed to keep her smile outwardly as she struggled to control the pain inside her body. Occasionally, her body would shiver slightly but it was only a few slight tremors so she hoped Enki didn't notice. Instead, she started to hear some noises on the school grounds.

Hey, it's getting awfully noisy outside.... She flew to the edge of the rooftop and glanced down, shocked at what she saw. Her eyes widened as she sees a zombie-like student suddenly melt into a black puddle. Um ... Enki, I'll be right back. There seems to be a commotion of some sort.

She takes off and lands as near the puddle as she could get without being overwhelmed by the black aura it gave off. She looked around and saw Nyx and Jay nearby, flying over immediately when Nyx collapsed.

Nyx! Jay! What happened here?!?! She sent her thoughts to the two of them. Then she suddenly felt someone watching them behind her back. She turned and looked in the direction the feeling was coming from.


@metalcity (You can choose to stay on the rooftop or follow Shina, whichever is fine) @Lotusy @GingerBread @DragonStorm

(Ok that last part was random but yolo!)
"Well, you have your vines," Corvus replied. "Those things are dangerous. You nearly killed me with those in the simulator. I'd never been in so much pain in my life. And as for Nyx, I'm guessing the vampire boy, he just seems dysfunctional."

'That's right... Gather' Thought the sinister mind.

Some students began to vomit from the horrifying scene. Others because of the air they inhaled. In just a few minutes, a few students off to the side began screaming as their skin started to rash horribly. The putrid air was diluted, but it still had hostile effects.

'There will be more.' He continued. 'More...'
Raven was sitting in the music room alone...again. He didn't mind; he wanted it that way. The serenity in silence was total bliss. Unless of course, that silence is taken up by music. It is amazing how music is created. The vibrations and sounds waves that bend around you as instruments play were simply astounding. Raven breathed in slowly as he took in the dense air within the music room. Light poured in from the giant windows that surrounded the large place. As he looked around, Raven locked his eyes on the grand piano carefully placed in the corner. He hesitated, closed his eyes, then began to walk towards the piano.

Raven exhaled. The piano was simply beautiful. The keys were a pearly white and a charcoal black, all solid and easy to press on. They felt like feathers under his fingertips and moments later he began to play. Stimulating music filled the air as his fingers danced all over the keys. Raven closed his eyes and swayed to the silent rhythm he was keeping in his mind. It had been a while since he last vented himself through music...allowing his emotions to flow through him. He thought about Ariel, all the good times...and the bad. Everything seemed so small now, and for once in his life... Raven felt free.
Shina turned at the screams, her expression turning serious as she saw the scene before her. She summoned a few orange flames and sent them toward the students. The flames were absorbed into their skins but seemed like they had absolutely no affect on them as the students' skins continued to rot off. Gritting her teeth, she flew high above the school grounds and began to circle above them in high speed. A large flame barrier appeared around the group of students, trapping the contagious gas cloud inside.

She landed in the center and glanced at Tyrrell.

Tyrrell ... you... suddenly just ...

Shaking her head, she turned back to Jay and held up her wings. They were encased in orange flames that emitted a warm glow. She placed her hands on Nyx's chest, and concentrated, sending the flames through his body to fight off whatever had made him collapse.

(Was wondering wether I was still existed for a sec xD )

Dhaylian edges closer to this new girl, she appeared to have healing powers of some sort as well, but it was in the form of fire. Maybe is was somehow cleansing?

Hesitantly, he makes himself known as she attempts to help Nyx, the vampire boy, whatever that was.

"What can I do to help?" he asks, far more assertive this time, he spreads his wings, renewed with energy.

Nyx let out a scream of pain as Shina 'tried' to help but only made it worse as the diseases were winning against his immune system, he had too many diseases in his system at once and his body couldn't handle it not without some powerful blood "Guess... I'm going to... Become a zombie... vampire...Wonder how that.... would work" Nyx Said struggling with each breath he took, accepting his fate and not even trying to think of a way to survive

Raven was in a complete musical coma. Everything around him was drowned out by his concentration on his piano playing. However, as he continued on, he began to hear screams. Screams coming from outside of the school. Raven stopped playing and looked out the window. He saw a few flashes, and then what appeared to be some students distraught and in fear.

"Death and despair do not find favor in any of us..." Raven spoke softly.

He then played on.
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Vampire..... vampyre, vam -- pireeeeee... they drink blood to live right... Right...? what if....?

"Nyx, you drink blood right? You need it to live!" Without a second thought (or waiting for an answer) , Dhaylain draws a large cut across his wrist, the red blood immediately spilling forth. He boldly shows it to him, unafraid, considering the fact that the guy just bit a rotting corpse.


(Dhaylian.... what are you doing now.....)
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Lars glanced at the paper and gave Mira a thumbs up before returning to his notes, looking forward to not being completely alone.

((@Artemistel wanna skip to the end of the class?))
Shina closed her eyes in concentration, only opening them when she heard a voice speak up before her. She looked up and sees a male student with wings. She recognized him as the boy that had tried to help the zombie before she turned into a puddle. She sent him her thoughts, grateful for his help.

Thank you. I don't know why but my powers seem to not be working on him. I'm really sorry about this but I have to do something about the gas, could you help me take care of him? There's something fishy going on.

She looked down at Nyx. You're not going to die. I'm not letting you die before you apologize for all the insults you gave me!

She flew off to the top of the barrier, surveying the field. It was a horrible sight. One by one the students were beginning to turn into zombies and black puddles that released more of the contagious gas. She flew back down to the center of the barrier and created a stronger barrier around the students that had not been contaminated yet.

This is all I can do for now... I have to wait until the principal hears of this situation before doing anything else...

She hopped over to Nyx and Jay, watching the boy with wings work over Nyx.

(my last post for today)

@SolisNighsun @GingerBread
Although the other afflicted students (I'd say around 3 or 4 are infected right now) still had the growing rashes, one of them screamed loudly as his skin crawled.

Two large pores on his body began to form, seemingly about to burst

'Now lets see how my plague spreads'

The Surgeon emerged from the shadows, immediately taking on a formal stance. (Lets say his attire is similar to a plague doctor but instead of the beak, has thin veil)

"Students! Away from the pool now!" He waved his hands to lead them to him away from the "corpse". The other surgeons that were outside, donning surgical masks, followed his actions.

"Everyone go indoors immediately! Do not go outside for any reason, no exceptions! This is now a code red!" Of course, he had no jurisdiction over emergency protocol. Nevertheless, he expected everyone to follow his orders.

The Surgeons voice was different than anyone formerly in the school. Very groggy and rough, loud and commanding.
Raven finished his arrangement with a melodramatic ending. He stared at the piano for a moment, satisfied with his work, then he got up. As Raven exited the music room, his mind began to wander. After standing in an empty hallway for a few minutes, Raven made his way towards the entrance. He decided he needed to go out and do his usual walk around outside taking in the nature that surrounded him.

As he walked out of the entrance, unaware of the situation going on a few yards away, Raven began to sing one of the songs his mother taught him.

"Life is not always easy, but I'll somehow make it through..."
The instant the girl turned away, was when he could act. He ignored whatever the man was shouting on about, or Nyx's complaints. They were of no concern to him. He thrust his bloodied wrist above Nyx and let his blood fall in droplets onto the boy's lips. As they parted he quickly put the wound all the way to the boy's lips.

(One way to make things weird >.> and Yes to answer your question, well technically his is half elf and pixie but close enough ;) )


(Th demon in me pictures this scene as a yaoi *dies*)
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{{Sounds good!}}

The bell rang and people began filing out for lunch. Mira began to become a little nervous, her primordial instincts coming and feeling their way into her more advanced parts of her mind. It was like she was at her human high school.

Was this a joke? Should i just run away and sit alone and read? Would that be better?

Mira shook her head slightly. This school was different. She hoped. She turned to Lars after getting her lunch out of her backpack.

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Nyx cursed the boy as he shoved his wound into his mouth, his instincts took over as he took about a liter from the boy before forcing himself to stop His eyes widened he had tasted this type of blood before "Fairy blood!" Nyx said as he felt the blood start to take effect on him not wanting to be useless he grabbed the boy's wrist covering his wound "This might sting a bit" Nyx said as he started an incantation drawing some life energy from the boy and some from himself to create a red glow around them before it spread out fighting the cloud of disease as best it could, shortly after this Nyx could feel the transformation start to take place as he started to Shrink and his clothes began to completely cover him

@SolisNighsun @Lotusy (You know what comes next)
Dhaylian attempted to cover his vision with his other hand as the red glow from the magic grew outward from the pair. He felt incredibly drained, heh, puns. He watches in amazement as Nyx... changed. He was... what.."

Apparently even in situations like this, things always like to get hairy (heheheheh) and way the heck out of hand.

"Nyx are you..... a cat?" Dhaylian says, his eyes filled with disbelief.


"When the world tears me down, I'll just think of you..."

Raven continued walking away from the entrance singing. He looked at Shina, Nyx and Dhaylian... and then at all the people running and shouting. A few looked like demented creatures, while others seemed like doctors. Raven stood for a moment staring trying to understand the situation, then continued his usual route as if nothing was going on.

"No matter the pain, no matter the scar..."

@SolisNighsun, @PhoenixFire13, @GingerBread
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"I'm sorry about that." Willow says, blushing lightly. "I was trying to protect Hak.. though I haven't seen him since the beginning of the day after that devil attacked." She says, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "I wonder what happened to him.." She sighs, thinking of her first friend. "I don't usually use my powers to harm people, typically i use them to help forests thrive." She smiles up at Corvus, thinking of the beautifl forest she'd left to come to Lakoria High. "I guess I can get a little out of control when people I care for are in danger.. I did kill that guard at the zoo..." She frowns.

Jay quickly turned to the boy who had just fed Nyx blood. "Hey. You aren't... a fairy, by any chance, are you?" He reached into the bundle of clothes, with a mix of dread and excitement. As his hand hit something, he registered a... soft feeling. Is this... fur? Oh no.

Columbus walked out of fifth period, bored out of his mind. He saw some kind of black cloud outside and instinctively ran out, opening the door to see a surgeon begin to get the students to calm down. He looked around and saw a familiar looking cat with Jay and somebody else standing over it, so he shouted from the door, "Hey guys! Is Nyx a cat again? Because if he is, there'd be some CLAWS for concern! Also why does it smell like dead people?"

Corvus was sipping his drink, but almost choked on it when he heard what the fairy said. Putting down his orange juice while raising a brow, he said to Willow, "You... killed a man?" Shock flooded his expression like an expanding bloodstain as he tried to imagine the sweet fairy girl taking someone's life. For real.

Nyx felt something nudge him, feeling drain from what he just did nyx tried to let out a quiet Go away Only for a soft "Meow" To come out instead

Well this is what i get for trying to be the good guy isn't it


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